Look at the 2020 Electoral Map - Can the GOP flip enough states in 2024 to win the presidency?

In 2024 which battleground states will flip, assuming its Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump?

  • AZ will flip from blue to red

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • GA will flip from blue to red

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • MI will flip from blue to red

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • NV will flip from blue to red

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • NC will flip from red to blue

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • PA will flip from blue to red

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • WI will flip from blue to red

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Other state(s) will flip, see my post

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
Agree the dems just throw money around, even if it sinks the dollar, and the US when interest rates rise. WTF happened to the tax increases?
And how do you defend Trumps $3 trillion deficits or Bush tripling the debt?
1. Trump added $8T to the Debt with his stupid tax cuts. I'm not defending it.
2. Obama added $10T
3. Dubya "only" added about $4.3T (not "tripling")

Those adds will be dwarfed by what Xiden will add in his 4-years, unless he raises taxes significantly. As interest rates begin to rise, the Debt will explode because we'll be borrowing just to pay interest.

View attachment 508406

ILMAO, just fucking hilarious.

A. Congress spends most of the money. People say POTUS' are responsible due we're pretty tarded, am I right?

B. I suppose we can count COVID debt as "tax cuts" if it helps you sleep nights. ILMAO tax cuts are the reason for debt, so stupid.

C. Every time a new "POTUS" comes in they're paying debt on culminative debt they had nothing to do with. Except Xiden and O'bummer that is, after all, they were Senators.
With the Dems fraud apparatus in place and repubs lacking the spine in 2020 to confront them, no, they will not win. Dems will do it again and win in 2024.
2020 was before we see how inept Xiden really is. If the election were held again today IMHO Trump would win, even with the MSM going out of their skull nuts.
In 2024 the voters will prefer Trump to Kamala.
2020 was before Trump threw a temper tantrum over losing and started spreading The Big Lie

2020 was before Trump sent a mob to attack our Capitol

Trump is FINISHED politically. If Republicans refuse to realize it, they will suffer the consequences

Are you 16?
The harder pick is a GOP candidate, for this thread assume its Trump, who still seems to have a huge GOP following.
So assuming its Kamala vs Trump in 2024
I doubt either one of them will be the nominee.
2020 was before we see how inept Xiden really is. If the election were held again today IMHO Trump would win, even with the MSM going out of their skull nuts.
In 2024 the voters will prefer Trump to Kamala.
2020 was before Trump threw a temper tantrum over losing and started spreading The Big Lie

2020 was before Trump sent a mob to attack our Capitol

Trump is FINISHED politically. If Republicans refuse to realize it, they will suffer the consequences

Are you 16?
Even a 16 year old could explain to you that Trumps political career is over
I think the biggest variable at this point is who the Republicans run in 2024.

If they run Trump again, I think they will lose by even more. Democrats are going to continue to hammer the Jan 6 talking point and I don't think Trump is going to be able to effectively counter that. He was already despised as it was and I think that incident is going to significantly lose independent voters for him.

We can see Trump's approval rating started to plummet at the very end of his term when Jan 6 happened.


I believe we're going to see less voter turnout than the 2020 election. We saw yuge increases in both the 2018 midterm election and the 2020 election because of Trump. That's probably, at least hopefully, the peak of the level of political polarization as Biden has been working on lowering the temperature.

Biden and Kamala are relatively boring. So Democrats are going to need to hate the Republican candidate in order to get the vote out.

Call me crazy, but at this point I think the Republican candidate will be Ted Cruz. I think he would have a decent chance at winning. He's Trumpy enough to get the Trump base and disliked by the left, but not completely despised enough to energize the party. I wouldn't like him as president but at least he's someone I would consider a responsible adult, unlike Trump.

Another variable to consider is that Trump woke up a ton of people who were previously apolitical. Most of those people went to the Democrat party. Now it's up to the (D) party to keep them there, which could go either way.

Anyway, with all things considered I think that Arizona flips back to red. I think Georgia is a tossup. I think Nevada stays blue. I think North Carolina stays red. And I think the Republican party will have a hard time breaking through Wisconsin/Pennsylvania/Michigan who all have a long tendency to go blue aside from 2016. In my opinion, Wisconsin/Pennsylvania/Michigan are still the key to either party's victory. If the Democrats hang on to them, then they win regardless of what else happens. If Republicans can crack any one of them then they have a chance.

Either way, the losing party will cry about election fraud because we're a nation of sore loser crybabies.
f they run Trump again, I think they will lose by even more. Democrats are going to continue to hammer the Jan 6 talking point and I don't think Trump is going to be able to effectively counter that. He was already despised as it was and I think that incident is going to significantly lose independent voters for him.

Republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

If they distance themselves from Trump, he will send MAGA after them.

If they embrace Trump, Democrats will label them Trump Republicans and run the 2020 playbook on them
Call me crazy, but at this point I think the Republican candidate will be Ted Cruz. I think he would have a decent chance at winning. He's Trumpy enough to get the Trump base and disliked by the left, but not completely despised enough to energize the party. I wouldn't like him as president but at least he's someone I would consider a responsible adult, unlike Trump.

I think Ted Cruz is hated by both sides
If he gets the nomination, I don’t think he will even take Texas
2020 was before we see how inept Xiden really is. If the election were held again today IMHO Trump would win, even with the MSM going out of their skull nuts.
In 2024 the voters will prefer Trump to Kamala.
2020 was before Trump threw a temper tantrum over losing and started spreading The Big Lie

2020 was before Trump sent a mob to attack our Capitol

Trump is FINISHED politically. If Republicans refuse to realize it, they will suffer the consequences
The Republicans my prove to be Trump "lemmings" as you suggest. Or voters may totally reject the democrat's Marxist initiatives, such as CRT, and their bogus 1619 Project "history", not to mention racism, racism, racism, open Borders and lax immigration policies, Defund the police and crime rates skyrocketing, Russia First Energy policies (Nord Stream 2), Lax Military posture (CRT in the US military??), The Green New Deal outrageous gas prices, support of criminals with no cash bail or prosecutions, HR-1 grab for one-party rule, turning the US into a socialist/failed state, AOC and progs wanting to pack the US Supreme Court with Leftists.

IMHO Trump should forget about the presidency and run for a House seat in FL, then be elected speaker of the House in 2022. Can you i9magine Nancy handing him the gavel??? NFW she'd do that.

That said, 2024 is a long way from 2020, so the 1/6 riot will be a distant memory to voters after 4-years of democrat rule, especially if its a choice between Trump and Kamala. The 1/6 riot just shows passionate support for Trump and his America First policies.
Call me crazy, but at this point I think the Republican candidate will be Ted Cruz. I think he would have a decent chance at winning. He's Trumpy enough to get the Trump base and disliked by the left, but not completely despised enough to energize the party. I wouldn't like him as president but at least he's someone I would consider a responsible adult, unlike Trump.

I think Ted Cruz is hated by both sides
If he gets the nomination, I don’t think he will even take Texas
You keep looking past the democrat nominee. KAMALA or an 82-YEAR OLD JOE XIDEN!!!
NFW its Biden, he is fading already.
So its KAMALA or _______________. HILLARY!!!!!
Call me crazy, but at this point I think the Republican candidate will be Ted Cruz. I think he would have a decent chance at winning. He's Trumpy enough to get the Trump base and disliked by the left, but not completely despised enough to energize the party. I wouldn't like him as president but at least he's someone I would consider a responsible adult, unlike Trump.

I think Ted Cruz is hated by both sides
If he gets the nomination, I don’t think he will even take Texas
You keep looking past the democrat nominee. KAMALA or an 82-YEAR OLD JOE XIDEN!!!
NFW its Biden, he is fading already.
So its KAMALA or _______________. HILLARY!!!!!
I will gladly run Biden against any top Republican
Call me crazy, but at this point I think the Republican candidate will be Ted Cruz. I think he would have a decent chance at winning. He's Trumpy enough to get the Trump base and disliked by the left, but not completely despised enough to energize the party. I wouldn't like him as president but at least he's someone I would consider a responsible adult, unlike Trump.

I think Ted Cruz is hated by both sides
If he gets the nomination, I don’t think he will even take Texas
You keep looking past the democrat nominee. KAMALA or an 82-YEAR OLD JOE XIDEN!!!
NFW its Biden, he is fading already.
So its KAMALA or _______________. HILLARY!!!!!
I will gladly run Biden against any top Republican
I'll take that bet, against an 82-year old Joe Biden. Hiding in his basement again.
He won't be taking any questions, ever.
Call me crazy, but at this point I think the Republican candidate will be Ted Cruz. I think he would have a decent chance at winning. He's Trumpy enough to get the Trump base and disliked by the left, but not completely despised enough to energize the party. I wouldn't like him as president but at least he's someone I would consider a responsible adult, unlike Trump.

I think Ted Cruz is hated by both sides
If he gets the nomination, I don’t think he will even take Texas
You keep looking past the democrat nominee. KAMALA or an 82-YEAR OLD JOE XIDEN!!!
NFW its Biden, he is fading already.
So its KAMALA or _______________. HILLARY!!!!!
I will gladly run Biden against any top Republican
I'll take that bet, against an 82-year old Joe Biden. Hiding in his basement again.
He won't be taking any questions, ever.
Basement of the WHITE HOUSE
Doesn’t matter. Democrats will steal every election necessary to get their way.
Elections are a thing of the past. A mere formality.
Doesn’t matter. Democrats will steal every election necessary to get their way.
Elections are a thing of the past. A mere formality.
Exactly right, unfortunately. Mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, never-ending election days, always finding more ballots, just look at the latest elections in NYC as an example, or special elections that never end until the democrat wins.
Its supposed to be Election Day, in-person.

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