Look at This..

It will eventually happen regardless of what You all think. Germany just enforced lockdown for the unvaccinated.
Tell your prepper buddies.
If a super killer variant evolves that has a 10 to 25% mortality rate or greater; everything will shut down and martial law will be declared in an attempt to save civilization from itself. Rioters, looters and other malcontents wouldn't be a problem, they would be shot on site. Those who still don't want to be vaccinated would probably be sent to isolated island colonies to die together.
It will eventually happen regardless of what You all think. Germany just enforced lockdown for the unvaccinated.
Tell your prepper buddies.
Almost 3 years now, and hundreds of thousands of Americans still haven't contracted the virus, and are naturally immune to it.

To listen to the authoritarians, you'd think that 90% of Americans are vaccinated, and their are only 10% (hold outs), who aren't vaxed, and those 10% are somehow a serious threat to the survival of the human race in which is supposed to be immunized against the virus that lives somehow inside of the super scary 10% only now... ROTFLMBO.

So basically the 90% even though immunized, are scared to death of 10% of the population they are supposed to now have immunity over or from ?? lol

The shot doesn't cure COVID, neither does it make COVID go away. COVID just like with any Corona virus, it mutates, and it changes, and the people of the world are going to be affected by such viruses until they're not or until they can find some help in a cure or in a temporary fix that might help them if they were to somehow contract the virus by chance, and therapeutics are more available to them in life, otherwise in concerning the specifics of these illnesses.

Temporary preventive measures such as flu shots or COVID shots can help those who have weakened or compromised immune systems in life, but it's not a cure all nor is it an end all solution for any such things as far as these corona viruses go in life. Sure cures or therapeutics are always being researched and developed, and they will become available over time, but we must go on with our lives as these things are researched and applied throughout time.

If think if one needs help, then get help, but stop trying to control other people's lives leftist, because it never ends well.
Almost 3 years now, and hundreds of thousands of Americans still haven't contracted the virus, and are naturally immune to it.

To listen to the authoritarians, you'd think that 90% of Americans are vaccinated, and their are only 10% (hold outs), who aren't vaxed, and those 10% are somehow a serious threat to the survival of the human race in which is supposed to be immunized against the virus that lives somehow inside of the super scary 10% only now... ROTFLMBO.

So basically the 90% even though immunized, are scared to death of 10% of the population they are supposed to now have immunity over or from ?? lol

The shot doesn't cure COVID, neither does it make COVID go away. COVID just like with any Corona virus, it mutates, and it changes, and the people of the world are going to be affected by such viruses until they're not or until they can find some help in a cure or in a temporary fix that might help them if they were to somehow contract the virus by chance, and therapeutics are more available to them in life, otherwise in concerning the specifics of these illnesses.

Temporary preventive measures such as flu shots or COVID shots can help those who have weakened or compromised immune systems in life, but it's not a cure all nor is it an end all solution for any such things as far as these corona viruses go in life. Sure cures or therapeutics are always being researched and developed, and they will become available over time, but we must go on with our lives as these things are researched and applied throughout time.

If think if one needs help, then get help, but stop trying to control other people's lives leftist, because it never ends well.

You can get most idiots to believe you silly stats.
Here's one. If they have never been exposed to it, they cannot possibly have immunity to it. Let think sink dictor.
Much worse than the last 20 years. Now they have the Pandemic to justify their great reset.

Trump is not Globalist, he is an American Nationalist. He tried to stop the rising New World Order, but was unsuccessful because they were just too powerful. They did everything they could to destroy his presidency and were successful at it. So now we're sliding into a new Dark Age.
trump was the main globalist. He wasn't doing anything but lining his pockets. He was the dark age.
Much worse than the last 20 years. Now they have the Pandemic to justify their great reset.

Trump is not Globalist, he is an American Nationalist. He tried to stop the rising New World Order, but was unsuccessful because they were just too powerful. They did everything they could to destroy his presidency and were successful at it. So now we're sliding into a new Dark Age.

I hate to be the one to tell you Santa Clause is not real, but Trump is a con-man that says the words people want to hear so they will cheer for him and vote for him.
I hate to be the one to tell you Santa Clause is not real, but Trump is a con-man that says the words people want to hear so they will cheer for him and vote for him.

That's wacko conspiracy theory and Blue Anon shit. Trump was just repeating the words to a song everyone already knew.
That's wacko conspiracy theory and Blue Anon shit. Trump was just repeating the words to a song everyone already knew.

Yes he was. A song he did not actually believe, but one he knew you folks would eat it up. Had he chosen to run as a Dem vice a Repub he would have repeated the words to a song everyone already knew on the left.
Yes he was. A song he did not actually believe, but one he knew you folks would eat it up. Had he chosen to run as a Dem vice a Repub he would have repeated the words to a song everyone already knew on the left.

His actions a President more than proved his earnestness. I'll gladly vote for him, should he decide to run again. Minus Mike Pence or course.
Public safety and health, Son. Not fascism.
All would-be tyrants used that excuse. Useful Idiots like you blindly went along with it.

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