LOOK! More Tweets!! Meanwhile, at the EPA...


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
this means JOBS in WV, OH & PA

so much winning; heads explode & shit getting done

look! more tweets!


It’s been quite a week for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

On Thursday, we learned — thanks to reports in Climatewire and the New York Times — that he met with coal executives and lobbyists at a meeting of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity and promised them "red team, blue team" exercises to evaluate climate science. (The broad consensus among scientists and other climate experts is that such debates are wholly unnecessary, given that we already have excellent systems in place to vet climate science, and that the fundamentals of climate science are incontrovertible at this point.) It was a clear signal that Pruitt intends to take government-sanctioned climate skepticism to the next level.

Earlier in the week, Pruitt went before the Senate Appropriations Committee to explain how he was returning the agency “back to basics.” Under his new and improved management, he claimed it was on course to better fulfill its “core” missions even while seeking 31 percent fewer funds and a 25 percent smaller staff.

Among the agency’s many familiar ways of working, Pruitt has placed its original and long-standing reliance on science most squarely on his chopping block. That his chief of staff may have pressured a member of the EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors to alter Congressional testimony, as reported Tuesday in the New York Times, is only the latest step in a campaign to decimate that board, and more generally, sever the agency’s ties to the academic scientific community.

Little wonder, then, that so many long-serving employees in Pruitt’s EPA report morale there to be lower than they've ever seen. The “consensus” among many is that “at bottom,” the new leadership is “basically trying to destroy the place.” This inhospitable a workplace is no accident; it furthers a goal Pruitt reaffirmed at his hearing, of shrinking the agency’s workforce.

Today’s leadership has brought the EPA to a critical juncture. We may be on the threshold of a harsh new era of hands-off environmental governance, that will worsen Americans’ mounting environmental vulnerabilities. More hopefully, with enough of a civic and political groundswell, we may remember the current assault on the EPA like we do Reagan’s, as trauma that proved temporary and passing.

i love the smell of napalm in the morning
Where are they building the domed city that the 1% will live in 50 years from now?

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this means JOBS in WV, OH & PA

so much winning; heads explode & shit getting done

look! more tweets!


It’s been quite a week for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

On Thursday, we learned — thanks to reports in Climatewire and the New York Times — that he met with coal executives and lobbyists at a meeting of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity and promised them "red team, blue team" exercises to evaluate climate science. (The broad consensus among scientists and other climate experts is that such debates are wholly unnecessary, given that we already have excellent systems in place to vet climate science, and that the fundamentals of climate science are incontrovertible at this point.) It was a clear signal that Pruitt intends to take government-sanctioned climate skepticism to the next level.

Earlier in the week, Pruitt went before the Senate Appropriations Committee to explain how he was returning the agency “back to basics.” Under his new and improved management, he claimed it was on course to better fulfill its “core” missions even while seeking 31 percent fewer funds and a 25 percent smaller staff.

Among the agency’s many familiar ways of working, Pruitt has placed its original and long-standing reliance on science most squarely on his chopping block. That his chief of staff may have pressured a member of the EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors to alter Congressional testimony, as reported Tuesday in the New York Times, is only the latest step in a campaign to decimate that board, and more generally, sever the agency’s ties to the academic scientific community.

Little wonder, then, that so many long-serving employees in Pruitt’s EPA report morale there to be lower than they've ever seen. The “consensus” among many is that “at bottom,” the new leadership is “basically trying to destroy the place.” This inhospitable a workplace is no accident; it furthers a goal Pruitt reaffirmed at his hearing, of shrinking the agency’s workforce.

Today’s leadership has brought the EPA to a critical juncture. We may be on the threshold of a harsh new era of hands-off environmental governance, that will worsen Americans’ mounting environmental vulnerabilities. More hopefully, with enough of a civic and political groundswell, we may remember the current assault on the EPA like we do Reagan’s, as trauma that proved temporary and passing.

i love the smell of napalm in the morning
Why would denying established scientific facts lead to more jobs in WV, OH and PA? Are you talking about coal? Well, that will give how many of these laid off workers their jobs back? How much damage will burning coal to generate electricity without the emissions regulations that were just stripped by Trump do to our environment?
I guess we'll have to wait and see on both. It could have been handled a better way. The demand for coal has been falling dramatically for decades and it has more to do with natural gas than Obama.
this means JOBS in WV, OH & PA

so much winning; heads explode & shit getting done

look! more tweets!


It’s been quite a week for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

On Thursday, we learned — thanks to reports in Climatewire and the New York Times — that he met with coal executives and lobbyists at a meeting of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity and promised them "red team, blue team" exercises to evaluate climate science. (The broad consensus among scientists and other climate experts is that such debates are wholly unnecessary, given that we already have excellent systems in place to vet climate science, and that the fundamentals of climate science are incontrovertible at this point.) It was a clear signal that Pruitt intends to take government-sanctioned climate skepticism to the next level.

Earlier in the week, Pruitt went before the Senate Appropriations Committee to explain how he was returning the agency “back to basics.” Under his new and improved management, he claimed it was on course to better fulfill its “core” missions even while seeking 31 percent fewer funds and a 25 percent smaller staff.

Among the agency’s many familiar ways of working, Pruitt has placed its original and long-standing reliance on science most squarely on his chopping block. That his chief of staff may have pressured a member of the EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors to alter Congressional testimony, as reported Tuesday in the New York Times, is only the latest step in a campaign to decimate that board, and more generally, sever the agency’s ties to the academic scientific community.

Little wonder, then, that so many long-serving employees in Pruitt’s EPA report morale there to be lower than they've ever seen. The “consensus” among many is that “at bottom,” the new leadership is “basically trying to destroy the place.” This inhospitable a workplace is no accident; it furthers a goal Pruitt reaffirmed at his hearing, of shrinking the agency’s workforce.

Today’s leadership has brought the EPA to a critical juncture. We may be on the threshold of a harsh new era of hands-off environmental governance, that will worsen Americans’ mounting environmental vulnerabilities. More hopefully, with enough of a civic and political groundswell, we may remember the current assault on the EPA like we do Reagan’s, as trauma that proved temporary and passing.

i love the smell of napalm in the morning
The fact that Pruitt is creating teams of opposing views to vet the sciences and technologies tells me is he is bringing REAL SCIENCE back into the EPA... Gut the bureaucrats from the agency and get real science done... About Damn Time!
hate to break this to ya, but any coal jobs left will be automated. cuts down on that black lung thingy... oh & most biz'nez have moved on from dirty coal....

The rest of us get to suffer so a few miners can have their shitty jobs back

The rest of us get to suffer so a few miners can have their shitty jobs back

Scrubbing technologies make coal very nearly as safe as Natural Gas.. Pull your head from your ass.. or maybe we should kill your jobs... just for shits and giggles or just to make our world happier and safer..
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The rest of us get to suffer so a few miners can have their shitty jobs back

Scrubbing technologies make coal very nearly as safe as Natural Gas.. Pull your head from your ass.. or maybe we should kill your jobs... just for shits and giggles or just to make our world happier and safer..

lol... natural gas.... you mean from fracking that leaves behind huge quantities of toxic liquid waste?

The rest of us get to suffer so a few miners can have their shitty jobs back

Scrubbing technologies make coal very nearly as safe as Natural Gas.. Pull your head from your ass.. or maybe we should kill your jobs... just for shits and giggles or just to make our world happier and safer..

lol... natural gas.... you mean from fracking that leaves behind huge quantities of toxic liquid waste?
You have proven you don't know shit about fracking.. The chemicals that are pushed down hole, at high pressures, also includes bacteria which digest the chemicals back into their base states making them harmless.. But do continue, your ignorance is amusing..

The rest of us get to suffer so a few miners can have their shitty jobs back

Scrubbing technologies make coal very nearly as safe as Natural Gas.. Pull your head from your ass.. or maybe we should kill your jobs... just for shits and giggles or just to make our world happier and safer..

lol... natural gas.... you mean from fracking that leaves behind huge quantities of toxic liquid waste?
You have proven you don't know shit about fracking.. The chemicals that are pushed down hole, at high pressures, also includes bacteria which digest the chemicals back into their base states making them harmless.. But do continue, your ignorance is amusing..
Wastewater Disposal Wells, Fracking, and Environmental Injustice in Southern Texas
March 2016

Over the past decade, the United States has experienced a dramatic increase in unconventional oil and gas (UOG) development. This technique combines horizontal drilling with the pressurized high-volume injection of fluids to fracture the underground shale and release the oil or gas trapped within, a process known as hydraulic fracturing or “fracking.” Approximately 100 000 UOG wells have been drilled throughout the United States as of 2012.10 Each hydraulically fractured well requires an estimated 11 to 19 million liters of water for drilling.11 In these wells, sand and a complex mixture of chemical additives, many associated with known adverse health risks (e.g., endocrine disruption and cancer), are injected along with the water.12 For every well, an average of 5.2 million liters of fracking fluid returns to the surface as wastewater.13,14 The management of this wastewater presents a significant public health problem.12

UOG wastewater contains chemical additives used in the drilling process, along with salts, heavy metals, radioactive material, and hydrocarbons from the subsurface.15–18 The vast majority of this wastewater is disposed of via pumping into underground disposal wells.19 Wastewater from oil and gas operations is not considered a hazardous material under federal law and is therefore allowed to be disposed of in class II injection wells. These wells are subject to fewer safety requirements than are hazardous waste (class I) wells and are structurally similar to production wells. UOG wastewater is typically pumped directly back into the subsurface, without any treatment or containers for waste. The term “disposal well” refers to all permitted underground wells for injecting oil and gas wastewater.

Wastewater injected into disposal wells may, in some circumstances, migrate to the surface or into freshwater aquifers.20–23 Toxins can migrate to groundwater through leaks, cracks, or nearby abandoned wells, and multiple cases of groundwater contamination associated with wastewater disposal wells have been identified.24 For example, in southeastern Texas, groundwater near oil and gas disposal wells was found to have higher concentrations of chloride and bromide than was groundwater farther away.25 In addition, there is growing evidence regarding the seismic hazards associated with the practice of disposing of fracking wastewater into injection wells.10,26,27 In northern Texas, the epicenters of small earthquakes were found to be related to disposal well proximity.28–30

Wastewater Disposal Wells, Fracking, and Environmental Injustice in Southern Texas

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