Look up the definition of a "mercenary army"


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Once you've accessed the definition of what constitutes a mercenary force, you too could then see that such is exactly what the current scourge in the oval office is proposing.

Of special note is Trump's assertion that the Saudis are "cash payers"...therefore "entitling" them to request that our military protect their interests and especially those of the so-called royal family.....Very much like the fact that the Saudis hire Filipinos or Pakistanis to pick up their garbage or clean their homes, these same Saudis now want for Trump to start a war with Iran and engage our military since the Saudis don't want to dirty their own hands, especially in fighting against another Muslim country.

Bottom line.....there has never been such an easily manipulated and corrupt president as this orange clown.
Once you've accessed the definition of what constitutes a mercenary force, you too could then see that such is exactly what the current scourge in the oval office is proposing.

Of special note is Trump's assertion that the Saudis are "cash payers"...therefore "entitling" them to request that our military protect their interests and especially those of the so-called royal family.....Very much like the fact that the Saudis hire Filipinos or Pakistanis to pick up their garbage or clean their homes, these same Saudis now want for Trump to start a war with Iran and engage our military since the Saudis don't want to dirty their own hands, especially in fighting against another Muslim count
Bottom line.....there has never been such an easily manipulated and corrupt president as this orange clown.

You stupid, We have been using Saudi troops for over 5 years against Iran in Yemen..

Asinine posts like these are the reason everyone hates bed wetting liberal parasites.

The sunni and shia have been at war for 1200 years. That's what this is about.

The fact that we have economic relations with most sunni countries, and none with the dominant shiite country has more to do with Carter's failure to be a leader than anything to do with Trump.

Fucking retard.

Once you've accessed the definition of what constitutes a mercenary force, you too could then see that such is exactly what the current scourge in the oval office is proposing.

Of special note is Trump's assertion that the Saudis are "cash payers"...therefore "entitling" them to request that our military protect their interests and especially those of the so-called royal family.....Very much like the fact that the Saudis hire Filipinos or Pakistanis to pick up their garbage or clean their homes, these same Saudis now want for Trump to start a war with Iran and engage our military since the Saudis don't want to dirty their own hands, especially in fighting against another Muslim country.

Bottom line.....there has never been such an easily manipulated and corrupt president as this orange clown.
Much like cleaning their homes or doing manual labor, the Saudis consider fighting wars to be beneath them

Easier to hire those who are beneath them to do their dirty work. Saudi Arabia declared war on Yemen and had UAE do the actual fighting. UAE eventually said screw you
Now the Saudis will have Americans fight for them
Once you've accessed the definition of what constitutes a mercenary force, you too could then see that such is exactly what the current scourge in the oval office is proposing.

Of special note is Trump's assertion that the Saudis are "cash payers"...therefore "entitling" them to request that our military protect their interests and especially those of the so-called royal family.....Very much like the fact that the Saudis hire Filipinos or Pakistanis to pick up their garbage or clean their homes, these same Saudis now want for Trump to start a war with Iran and engage our military since the Saudis don't want to dirty their own hands, especially in fighting against another Muslim count
Bottom line.....there has never been such an easily manipulated and corrupt president as this orange clown.

You stupid, We have been using Saudi troops for over 5 years against Iran in Yemen..

No we haven’t
UAE did the actual fighting

" I make a very reluctant victim "
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Asinine posts like these are the reason everyone hates bed wetting liberal parasites.

The sunni and shia have been at war for 1200 years. That's what this is about.

The fact that we have economic relations with most sunni countries, and none with the dominant shiite country has more to do with Carter's failure to be a leader than anything to do with Trump.

Fucking retard.

MORON....its about the fucking OIL....... and NOT a Sunni-Shia conflict....Does a fuckhead like you know that 20% of Saudis are Shia???....and more that 15% of Iranians are Sunni??
Democrat icon JFK raised an illegal army to invade Cuba and abandoned it at the Bay of Pigs. Hillary's husband sent Troops to Somolia and cut and ran when they got into trouble. The Bubba doubled down later on and bombed Europe when he was caught with hi pants down. Barry Hussein ate pizza while the heroic defenders at Benghazi ran out of ammo and now we get a lecture from the left about "mercenary armies"? Give me a break
Democrat icon JFK raised an illegal army to invade Cuba and abandoned it at the Bay of Pigs. Hillary's husband sent Troops to Somolia and cut and ran when they got into trouble. The Bubba doubled down later on and bombed Europe when he was caught with hi pants down. Barry Hussein ate pizza while the heroic defenders at Benghazi ran out of ammo and now we get a lecture from the left about "mercenary armies"? Give me a break
Wasn’t JFK who raised the Army, it was Ike

JFK approved Ike’s plan
Once you've accessed the definition of what constitutes a mercenary force, you too could then see that such is exactly what the current scourge in the oval office is proposing.

Your 'messiah', the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, dragged the U.S. into 2 un-authorized wars to help terrorists.

The 1st was, as Gabbard calls it, 'Pimping out' our military to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on one day. Obama had the military help Al Qaeda murder Mommar Gaddafi, the leader of Libya who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and take over Libya for their own.

The 2nd time was when Barry committed an International War Crime by invading a sovereign country, in the midst of a civil war, without 1) Congressional authority to do so, 2) without being asked by that nation's leader to do so, and 3) without the permission of that nation's sovereign leader or government, When Barry left office, he left the men he ordered into Syria still in Syria.
-- For Putin's PERMISSION, Obama got to invade Syria, and Putin got U.S. Uranium and several years of un-challenged social media-based Counter-Intelligence Operations interference inside the U.S.

Comparatively, President Trump had not won a Nobel Peace Prize, but he also has not dragged the US into any new wars, especially to help terrorists, as Barry did. Trump has not used our military, CIA, FBI, or Homeland Security to arm, supply, financed, defend, protect, aid and abet Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS-13, or other terrorists / enemies.

So, as far as how 'Mercenary Armies' are supposed to operate, Trump has absolutely sucked at running one, since the US Military is supposed to be one...according to you, as opposed to Obama.

According to YOU, despite Obama having DONE all of this, you want to attack the President because, according to you, he WANTS to 'rent / hire' our military out to Saudi ... but has not done so?!

'Snowflakes call Trump a 'War-Monger', predicts he will start a war with Iran' ...

'Snowflakes call Trump a coward / Iran's Bit@h for NOT militarily striking Iran'

Trump chose not to strike Iran because the strike's damage would not be proportional to what Iran did, demonstrating Trump is extremely smart, restrained, and did not rush to use / send the U.S. military to war like Barry did TWICE....

leaving snowflakes like yourself grasping at anything and everything with which to attack the President.

When I was a young boy I saw a coin-operated machine that had a 'Dancing Chicken'. It was funny and entertaining....until you found out how they made the chicken dance.

You would drop a quarter in the slot, a little door would open up, a chicken would be herded out into view, music would play, a little circular floor plate would spin, and the chicken would 'dance'. The plate on which the chicken 'danced' was a hotplate. The floor heated up causing the chicken to 'dance'.

The OP, and other snowflakes, remind me of the chicken. The Democrats / Liberal extremists drop in a quarter, apply some 'heat' (emotional manipulation / lies / fake news), and they 'dance'. You can almost hear the music in the background in this thread, yet it is not the floor that is spinning.

Dance, little chicken, dance.
Democrat icon JFK raised an illegal army to invade Cuba and abandoned it at the Bay of Pigs. Hillary's husband sent Troops to Somolia and cut and ran when they got into trouble. The Bubba doubled down later on and bombed Europe when he was caught with hi pants down. Barry Hussein ate pizza while the heroic defenders at Benghazi ran out of ammo and now we get a lecture from the left about "mercenary armies"? Give me a break

Place your head right back up Trump's ass...where it clearly belongs......Address the current topic in the O/P instead of "defending" your fucking orange clown by blaming everyone else......But, its what Trump cult members MUST do...and you're certainly a Trump ass kisser.....LOL
Once you've accessed the definition of what constitutes a mercenary force, you too could then see that such is exactly what the current scourge in the oval office is proposing.

Of special note is Trump's assertion that the Saudis are "cash payers"...therefore "entitling" them to request that our military protect their interests and especially those of the so-called royal family.....Very much like the fact that the Saudis hire Filipinos or Pakistanis to pick up their garbage or clean their homes, these same Saudis now want for Trump to start a war with Iran and engage our military since the Saudis don't want to dirty their own hands, especially in fighting against another Muslim country.

Bottom line.....there has never been such an easily manipulated and corrupt president as this orange clown.
First, your insults against Trump will distract from your points-you are too emotional therefore should be ignored-try again later when you calm down.
Once you've accessed the definition of what constitutes a mercenary force, you too could then see that such is exactly what the current scourge in the oval office is proposing.

Of special note is Trump's assertion that the Saudis are "cash payers"...therefore "entitling" them to request that our military protect their interests and especially those of the so-called royal family.....Very much like the fact that the Saudis hire Filipinos or Pakistanis to pick up their garbage or clean their homes, these same Saudis now want for Trump to start a war with Iran and engage our military since the Saudis don't want to dirty their own hands, especially in fighting against another Muslim country.

Bottom line.....there has never been such an easily manipulated and corrupt president as this orange clown.

You have your right to your opinion. But your post is a complete and utter fallacy.
Once you've accessed the definition of what constitutes a mercenary force, you too could then see that such is exactly what the current scourge in the oval office is proposing.

Your 'messiah', the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, dragged the U.S. into 2 un-authorized wars to help terrorists.

The 1st was, as Gabbard calls it, 'Pimping out' our military to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on one day. Obama had the military help Al Qaeda murder Mommar Gaddafi, the leader of Libya who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and take over Libya for their own.

The 2nd time was when Barry committed an International War Crime by invading a sovereign country, in the midst of a civil war, without 1) Congressional authority to do so, 2) without being asked by that nation's leader to do so, and 3) without the permission of that nation's sovereign leader or government, When Barry left office, he left the men he ordered into Syria still in Syria.
-- For Putin's PERMISSION, Obama got to invade Syria, and Putin got U.S. Uranium and several years of un-challenged social media-based Counter-Intelligence Operations interference inside the U.S.

Comparatively, President Trump had not won a Nobel Peace Prize, but he also has not dragged the US into any new wars, especially to help terrorists, as Barry did. Trump has not used our military, CIA, FBI, or Homeland Security to arm, supply, financed, defend, protect, aid and abet Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS-13, or other terrorists / enemies.

So, as far as how 'Mercenary Armies' are supposed to operate, Trump has absolutely sucked at running one, since the US Military is supposed to be one...according to you, as opposed to Obama.

According to YOU, despite Obama having DONE all of this, you want to attack the President because, according to you, he WANTS to 'rent / hire' our military out to Saudi ... but has not done so?!

'Snowflakes call Trump a 'War-Monger', predicts he will start a war with Iran' ...

'Snowflakes call Trump a coward / Iran's Bit@h for NOT militarily striking Iran'

Trump chose not to strike Iran because the strike's damage would not be proportional to what Iran did, demonstrating Trump is extremely smart, restrained, and did not rush to use / send the U.S. military to war like Barry did TWICE....

leaving snowflakes like yourself grasping at anything and everything with which to attack the President.

It was Bush who started two unnecessary wars and got 8,000 soldiers killed

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