Lookin' For That Apology...

It's a start. Spending has to be cut, too.

It's always with the Statist..."How are you gonna pay for tax cuts..?" with no forethought into budget cuts.
Of course not. Cutting the size of the Holy Government is sacrilege.

Lord forbid they should do good for the people that sent them there rather than to line thier pockets and further a Statist Agenda that those dead moldy Founders warned us about...

/sarcasm mode
Do you even have a position on this tax bill?
It's a start. Spending has to be cut, too.

Then why won't you oppose tax cuts unless they are accompanied by spending cuts?
Like I said...it's a start.

Heh. The GOP-led House isn't even seated yet, and you're complaining they haven't done anything. :lol:
You know they'll never make the cuts. No tax cut in the past 30 years has ever been followed up with proportionate spending cuts, and every tax cut in the past 30 years has been accompanied by some promise of some sort of 'future' cuts.

You are an accomplice to the tax cut death spiral. You are a fiscally irresponsible enabler.
So then, leftist claims that tax cuts don't increase revenues must be wrong, huh?

Tax cuts plus spending cuts are the only way to prosperity. What you advocate is economic suicide.
It's a start. Spending has to be cut, too.

Then why won't you oppose tax cuts unless they are accompanied by spending cuts?
Like I said...it's a start.

Heh. The GOP-led House isn't even seated yet, and you're complaining they haven't done anything. :lol:
You know they'll never make the cuts. No tax cut in the past 30 years has ever been followed up with proportionate spending cuts, and every tax cut in the past 30 years has been accompanied by some promise of some sort of 'future' cuts.

You are an accomplice to the tax cut death spiral. You are a fiscally irresponsible enabler.
So then, leftist claims that tax cuts don't increase revenues must be wrong, huh?

Tax cuts plus spending cuts are the only way to prosperity. What you advocate is economic suicide.

Patience isn't a virtue of Statism.
Unfortunately the "empty suit" is your analogy

Obama has accomplished more in his first two years than any president in recent memory. I have listed his major accomplishments......very impressive

History will rank Obama as a top 10 president after his second term is over

I can picture you and the other little kiddies lying on the floor pounding your little fists, kicking your little feet, shouting out this post..over and over and over....

History will show that this President has not the characater, the experience, the knowledge or the vision necessary for the office, and that folks like you refused to judge his as you would any othe candidate...

and chose to judge his oratory skills, an see the opportunity to cast a historical vote for the first black to attain that office.

It is understandable...

what is less understandable is that some folks, usually intelligent folks, pen posts such as yours.

Where is your "empty suit" apology PC...Facts have obviously proved you wrong

Obama delivered what he said he would

1. Entering office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, Obama passed TARP and Stimulus bills that reversed a stock market collapse, ended a financial panic, added 3 million jobs to the economy, saved the banks and saved the auto industry.

wow he was in office in October 2008? man that time machine is awesomeness!!!Talk about revisionist history....

there is no 3 million jobs the CBO says 1.4 to 3.3, they cannot even speak to it legitimately. Oh and at the 3 million number thats $228.000.00 a job..great....9.8% unemployment?

2. Obama redirected the war on terror back to where it belonged...Afghanistan. He partnered with Pakistan to increase strikes against Taliban/AlQaida strongholds in northern Pakistan. He increased drone strikes to kill key terrorist leaders and drive them underground.

so all those past protestation as to bush's war nonsense about illegal killings amnesty intl., rendition, gitmo etc. its all gone and forgetting now.

3. He passed the first comprehensive health care bill in 100 years of trying and ensured that 30 million Americans who had been ignored were able to obtain coverage

and it cost him 69 seats in congress plus his independent sppt. and passed it and unlike the other big 3 social prgms with nary a vote from the other side of the aisle....in short he win because he had numbers and unlike may Johnson, not because he legislated a win, bravo. As to the viability of obama care well, you would not admit a thing is wrong with it no matter what proof was presented so I won't even go there.

4. He negotiated a START treaty with the Russians to reduce worldwide weapons stockpiles and continue inspections

a)it has not passed, b)there are no world wide weapons reductions its us and russia, ever hear of Iran and Nor Korea? c) inspections are one of the problems.....

as I thought; uber partisanship grants victories before they are victories and victories for attrition wins that cost their own party a majority,you cannot even rank that as Pyrrhic victory......whatever dude.
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Things will start to get better once the Republican House is seated in January. The Senate will still be a bit of a mess though. The Socialist Wingers still control it and i'm sure they'll continue to do everything they can to fuck the country up some more. Hopefully the Republicans can talk some sense into them though. But don't count on that. One thing is for sure...It's time to wave bye bye to this Dem-Led Worst Congress in History. The sooner they're gone,the better.
Things will start to get better once the Republican House is seated in January. The Senate will still be a bit of a mess though. The Socialist Wingers still control it and i'm sure they'll continue to do everything they can to fuck the country up some more. Hopefully the Republicans can talk some sense into them though. But don't count on that. One thing is for sure...It's time to wave bye bye to this Dem-Led Worst Congress in History. The sooner they're gone,the better.
They cannot go away fast enough for my tastes.
Bernie Sanders spoke for 8 HOURS yesterday against this budget busting bill. Is he lefty enough for you?
Did he oppose Bush's deficit spending then excuse Obama's?

I do. Bush borrowed to prosecute a war of choice. Obama borrowed to save jobs. The former cost us lives and treasure, and the financial cost of the war will be on-going well into this century.
Jobs created by Obama reap tangible benefits, roads, bridges and tax revenue; deaths and injuries created by Bush reaped costs - in life, limb and treasure.
Of course you do. But I don't think you're being honest about the reasons.

But let's look at the numbers. According to Recovery.gov, Obama has funded 675,841 jobs. Obama has also increased the debt by $3,219,617,798,657.

The math says that for every job credited to Obama, it's cost us $4,763,868.72.

Do you really want to keep defending that?
Things will start to get better once the Republican House is seated in January. The Senate will still be a bit of a mess though. The Socialist Wingers still control it and i'm sure they'll continue to do everything they can to fuck the country up some more. Hopefully the Republicans can talk some sense into them though. But don't count on that. One thing is for sure...It's time to wave bye bye to this Dem-Led Worst Congress in History. The sooner they're gone,the better.

yes and with the senate in virtual dead lock but the house in the reps hands, we'll see who the 'obstructionists' will be then........EXCEPT- it will be patriotic now....:lol:
It's always with the Statist..."How are you gonna pay for tax cuts..?" with no forethought into budget cuts.
Of course not. Cutting the size of the Holy Government is sacrilege.

Lord forbid they should do good for the people that sent them there rather than to line thier pockets and further a Statist Agenda that those dead moldy Founders warned us about...

/sarcasm mode
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come.
Thy mandate be done
on flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
and audit us our trespasses,
as we file suit against those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into liberty,
but deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
Then why won't you oppose tax cuts unless they are accompanied by spending cuts?
Like I said...it's a start.

Heh. The GOP-led House isn't even seated yet, and you're complaining they haven't done anything. :lol:
You know they'll never make the cuts. No tax cut in the past 30 years has ever been followed up with proportionate spending cuts, and every tax cut in the past 30 years has been accompanied by some promise of some sort of 'future' cuts.

You are an accomplice to the tax cut death spiral. You are a fiscally irresponsible enabler.
So then, leftist claims that tax cuts don't increase revenues must be wrong, huh?

Tax cuts plus spending cuts are the only way to prosperity. What you advocate is economic suicide.

Patience isn't a virtue of Statism.
Nor of small children. It's not surprising the two groups sound so much alike.
This tax cut and spend plan is nothing more than a second Keynesian stimulus bill. It is astounding that almost the entire right opposed the first stimulus bill, and then insisted it did not work,

and NOW want it repeated.

It is beyond astounding. What's the next word up in degree from 'astounding'? PC, get your thesaurus!

Only a True Statist would equate letting people keep more of the money they earned with taking money away from them to give to others.

The People do not have a right to government they won't pay for. The government spending is there NOW. That debt is owed. Only a true Free Lunch Freeloader would want the government to borrow money to pay for its operations so his taxes could be lowered.
That sounds good, except for the fact that Obamanomics has destroyed more than 3 million jobs instead of saving or creating any.

If you believed that then you would be insane to support doing it over again, because that is exactly what this tax cut and spend Keynesian stimulus package being proposed does.
This tax cut and spend plan is nothing more than a second Keynesian stimulus bill. It is astounding that almost the entire right opposed the first stimulus bill, and then insisted it did not work,

and NOW want it repeated.

It is beyond astounding. What's the next word up in degree from 'astounding'? PC, get your thesaurus!

Only a True Statist would equate letting people keep more of the money they earned with taking money away from them to give to others.

The People do not have a right to government they won't pay for. The government spending is there NOW. That debt is owed. Only a true Free Lunch Freeloader would want the government to borrow money to pay for its operations so his taxes could be lowered.

so if I told you that people who make say, over 250K, use fewer services, receive fewer goods etc. as compared to people who say make less than 45K which I believe is still the median income for the US, what would you say?
I can picture you and the other little kiddies lying on the floor pounding your little fists, kicking your little feet, shouting out this post..over and over and over....

History will show that this President has not the characater, the experience, the knowledge or the vision necessary for the office, and that folks like you refused to judge his as you would any othe candidate...

and chose to judge his oratory skills, an see the opportunity to cast a historical vote for the first black to attain that office.

It is understandable...

what is less understandable is that some folks, usually intelligent folks, pen posts such as yours.

Where is your "empty suit" apology PC...Facts have obviously proved you wrong

Obama delivered what he said he would

1. Entering office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, Obama passed TARP and Stimulus bills that reversed a stock market collapse, ended a financial panic, added 3 million jobs to the economy, saved the banks and saved the auto industry.

2. Obama redirected the war on terror back to where it belonged...Afghanistan. He partnered with Pakistan to increase strikes against Taliban/AlQaida strongholds in northern Pakistan. He increased drone strikes to kill key terrorist leaders and drive them underground.

3. He passed the first comprehensive healthcare bill in 100 years of trying and ensured that 30 million Americans who had been ignored were able to obtain coverage

4. He negotiated a START treaty with the Russians to reduce worldwide weapons stockpiles and continue inspections

Obama's first two years were outstanding. History will judge them as such.

The right wing obstructionists such as yourself will prove to be on the wrong side of history once again

1.Right off the get go you are wrong. Tarp was not passed by Obama. Though he did sign the spendulus Bill. 3 million my ass; unemployment is still climbing. And since when does the President fire a civilian CEO?

2. Obama pretty much followed the time table that Bush had already agreed to in Iraq and the Military had to beg and embarrass Obama to get more troops into Afghanistan.

3. The Healthcare bill that they lost site of the objective and went after control instead of lowering the costs?

4. I would comment on START but I haven't read enough about it yet.

1. Bush passed the first TARP, Obama passed the second. Consevatives opposed both..as usual they were wrong

2. Obama pushed Bush into setting a timetable for withdrawal, Obama rightfully redirected the war on terror to Afghanistan and northern Pakistan.

3. Healthcare Bill provides the basic structure for a comprehensive system. The right fought tooth and nail against a critical need for Americans

4. START is a continuation of the process started by idol Ron Reagan. Because Obama is involved, the right resists it

As usual, the right wing conservtive "regressies" are on the wrong side of every political initiative. Obama will be proven to be a top 10 American President.

The right wing will be looked at as dinosaurs
He who laughs last, laughs best. :lol:
No doubt!

Who got the "W", in '08??


This tax cut and spend plan is nothing more than a second Keynesian stimulus bill. It is astounding that almost the entire right opposed the first stimulus bill, and then insisted it did not work,

and NOW want it repeated.

It is beyond astounding. What's the next word up in degree from 'astounding'? PC, get your thesaurus!

Only a True Statist would equate letting people keep more of the money they earned with taking money away from them to give to others.

The People do not have a right to government they won't pay for. The government spending is there NOW. That debt is owed. Only a true Free Lunch Freeloader would want the government to borrow money to pay for its operations so his taxes could be lowered.
Only a true Free Lunch Freeloader would want the government to take money from other citizens to pay for his life.
Only a True Statist would equate letting people keep more of the money they earned with taking money away from them to give to others.

The People do not have a right to government they won't pay for. The government spending is there NOW. That debt is owed. Only a true Free Lunch Freeloader would want the government to borrow money to pay for its operations so his taxes could be lowered.

so if I told you that people who make say, over 250K, use fewer services, receive fewer goods etc. as compared to people who say make less than 45K which I believe is still the median income for the US, what would you say?
He will say, "Nuh-UH!!"
Only a True Statist would equate letting people keep more of the money they earned with taking money away from them to give to others.

The People do not have a right to government they won't pay for. The government spending is there NOW. That debt is owed. Only a true Free Lunch Freeloader would want the government to borrow money to pay for its operations so his taxes could be lowered.

so if I told you that people who make say, over 250K, use fewer services, receive fewer goods etc. as compared to people who say make less than 45K which I believe is still the median income for the US, what would you say?

I'd say that has nothing to do with my point. You're arguing FOR running up the deficit and debt, I'm arguing against it.

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