Lookin' For That Apology...

Nice dodge PC

Obama has already accomplished more in two years than Bush did in eight

Care to discuss??

No, Wingy...

what I want to do is sit on the sidelines and bask in the glory of having identified this empty suit years before you guys did!

...and watch you lefties assemble the circular firing squad!!!

Don't let me stop you: carry on!

Unfortunately the "empty suit" is your analogy

Obama has accomplished more in his first two years than any president in recent memory. I have listed his major accomplishments......very impressive

History will rank Obama as a top 10 president after his second term is over

I can picture you and the other little kiddies lying on the floor pounding your little fists, kicking your little feet, shouting out this post..over and over and over....

History will show that this President has not the characater, the experience, the knowledge or the vision necessary for the office, and that folks like you refused to judge his as you would any othe candidate...

and chose to judge his oratory skills, an see the opportunity to cast a historical vote for the first black to attain that office.

It is understandable...

what is less understandable is that some folks, usually intelligent folks, pen posts such as yours.
Well, donchaknow...taxes are for the little people.

It's why Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and now The Zuckerberg have all pledged to donate massive quantities of their wealth to private charities. They think they can spend their wealth better than the government will, but that the rest of us are to incompetent to do so.

And what a silly pledge it is...

everyone knows it is perfectly legal to send extra money to the Treasury.
These people voted for Nero because he played a mean fiddle and are asking for encores.

Although Minnesota has frozen over, Hell still remains above freezing. Therefore, no apologies forthcoming for something the left believes it did correctly.

Insanity I know, but they are finally seeing their goals of this nation's destruction accomplished. They're not about to stop or apologize now.

So you're blaming the left for electing a president who is caving in to the Right on taxes, and you're labeling that as a step in the destruction of this nation?

Nice dodge PC

Obama has already accomplished more in two years than Bush did in eight

Care to discuss??

No, Wingy...

what I want to do is sit on the sidelines and bask in the glory of having identified this empty suit years before you guys did!

...and watch you lefties assemble the circular firing squad!!!

Don't let me stop you: carry on!

Unfortunately the "empty suit" is your analogy

Obama has accomplished more in his first two years than any president in recent memory. I have listed his major accomplishments......very impressive

whoa, I missed that..would you be kind enough to re-post his accomplishments and please, add what you consider an 'accomplishment' so we know what your benchmarks are. thank you. :)
I can't wait until the NewGOPers do destroy what is left of our country just so they can say they crushed Obama. With two million new desperate Americans on the streets with nothing to lose perhaps a few of them will go to the homes of those NeGOPer representatives that are responsible and make thier apologies known in the form of big fires and slit throats.

Can't you read?

Well, then, watch the TV news!

It's the left that is crushing Obama.
These people voted for Nero because he played a mean fiddle and are asking for encores.

Although Minnesota has frozen over, Hell still remains above freezing. Therefore, no apologies forthcoming for something the left believes it did correctly.

Insanity I know, but they are finally seeing their goals of this nation's destruction accomplished. They're not about to stop or apologize now.

So you're blaming the left for electing a president who is caving in to the Right on taxes, and you're labeling that as a step in the destruction of this nation?


NYC...did you watch the you-tube?
These people voted for Nero because he played a mean fiddle and are asking for encores.

Although Minnesota has frozen over, Hell still remains above freezing. Therefore, no apologies forthcoming for something the left believes it did correctly.

Insanity I know, but they are finally seeing their goals of this nation's destruction accomplished. They're not about to stop or apologize now.

Actually, Fitz, you will find a few lefties in the thread who kinda suggested their displeasure with the President...and that's pretty much the honest response.

It's really difficult to outright say 'I was wrong.'
No, Wingy...

what I want to do is sit on the sidelines and bask in the glory of having identified this empty suit years before you guys did!

...and watch you lefties assemble the circular firing squad!!!

Don't let me stop you: carry on!

Unfortunately the "empty suit" is your analogy

Obama has accomplished more in his first two years than any president in recent memory. I have listed his major accomplishments......very impressive

History will rank Obama as a top 10 president after his second term is over

I can picture you and the other little kiddies lying on the floor pounding your little fists, kicking your little feet, shouting out this post..over and over and over....

History will show that this President has not the characater, the experience, the knowledge or the vision necessary for the office, and that folks like you refused to judge his as you would any othe candidate...

and chose to judge his oratory skills, an see the opportunity to cast a historical vote for the first black to attain that office.

It is understandable...

what is less understandable is that some folks, usually intelligent folks, pen posts such as yours.

Where is your "empty suit" apology PC...Facts have obviously proved you wrong

Obama delivered what he said he would

1. Entering office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, Obama passed TARP and Stimulus bills that reversed a stock market collapse, ended a financial panic, added 3 million jobs to the economy, saved the banks and saved the auto industry.

2. Obama redirected the war on terror back to where it belonged...Afghanistan. He partnered with Pakistan to increase strikes against Taliban/AlQaida strongholds in northern Pakistan. He increased drone strikes to kill key terrorist leaders and drive them underground.

3. He passed the first comprehensive healthcare bill in 100 years of trying and ensured that 30 million Americans who had been ignored were able to obtain coverage

4. He negotiated a START treaty with the Russians to reduce worldwide weapons stockpiles and continue inspections

Obama's first two years were outstanding. History will judge them as such.

The right wing obstructionists such as yourself will prove to be on the wrong side of history once again
Only a lefty would think that increasing taxes wouldn't have a damaging effect on the economy in 2011, when in reality the tax increase would result in lower tax receipts than under the current rate structure.

Clinton increased the top rate in 1993 and no such thing happened, so the only comparable example of this that we have in no way supports your assertion.

In 1993, we did not have the ticking time bomb of debt to service (just watch what happens when interest rates rise); and U3 unemployment was below 7% - approximately 3 full points below the current level.

We also don't have a Y2K deadline to fuel tons of tech investment, nor the internet revolution on the horizon.

So your position is essentially that this country cannot balance its budget and prosper at the same time; we are doomed to go deeper and deeper and deeper into debt just to try to delay the inevitable...

well, okay. Party like it's 2010!
Unfortunately the "empty suit" is your analogy

Obama has accomplished more in his first two years than any president in recent memory. I have listed his major accomplishments......very impressive

History will rank Obama as a top 10 president after his second term is over

I can picture you and the other little kiddies lying on the floor pounding your little fists, kicking your little feet, shouting out this post..over and over and over....

History will show that this President has not the characater, the experience, the knowledge or the vision necessary for the office, and that folks like you refused to judge his as you would any othe candidate...

and chose to judge his oratory skills, an see the opportunity to cast a historical vote for the first black to attain that office.

It is understandable...

what is less understandable is that some folks, usually intelligent folks, pen posts such as yours.

Where is your "empty suit" apology PC...Facts have obviously proved you wrong

Obama delivered what he said he would

1. Entering office in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years, Obama passed TARP and Stimulus bills that reversed a stock market collapse, ended a financial panic, added 3 million jobs to the economy, saved the banks and saved the auto industry.

2. Obama redirected the war on terror back to where it belonged...Afghanistan. He partnered with Pakistan to increase strikes against Taliban/AlQaida strongholds in northern Pakistan. He increased drone strikes to kill key terrorist leaders and drive them underground.

3. He passed the first comprehensive healthcare bill in 100 years of trying and ensured that 30 million Americans who had been ignored were able to obtain coverage

4. He negotiated a START treaty with the Russians to reduce worldwide weapons stockpiles and continue inspections

Obama's first two years were outstanding. History will judge them as such.

The right wing obstructionists such as yourself will prove to be on the wrong side of history once again

You better tell Nancy Pelosi...quickly!
Who are the real "empty suits" ??

- Those who advocated letting the banks fail
- Those who supported a failed Iraq strategy
- Those who opposed saving the auto companies
- Those who supported US involvement in torture and human rights violations
- Those who resisted economic stimulus for the middle class
- Those who said our healthcare system was fine just the way it was
I can't wait until the NewGOPers do destroy what is left of our country just so they can say they crushed Obama. With two million new desperate Americans on the streets with nothing to lose perhaps a few of them will go to the homes of those NeGOPer representatives that are responsible and make thier apologies known in the form of big fires and slit throats.

Can't you read?

Well, then, watch the TV news!

It's the left that is crushing Obama.

Bite me you skank hack whore.

I don't follow 24 hr news cycles like you nitwits do. What I DO/DID take seriously is the promise made by the Boner AND BitchMitchell that they would do everything in thier power to see Obama and therefore America fail.

I'll tell ya what needs an apology you stinking twat...AND that is for the LIE that the lowered taxes for the super rich would provide all the good jobs we needed. You don't see your lying diseased scumbag heros making THAT putrid promise any more DO YOU????

They have had HOW MANY YEARS????? to make good on THAT promise you skank liar???

Who are the real "empty suits" ??

- Those who advocated letting the banks fail
- Those who supported a failed Iraq strategy
- Those who opposed saving the auto companies
- Those who supported US involvement in torture and human rights violations
- Those who resisted economic stimulus for the middle class
- Those who said our healthcare system was fine just the way it was

Wingy, he's not an 'empty suit,' he's a chalk outline.

And as an important aspect of any discussion of President Obama, you might brush up on the concept of the Peter Principle:

"The Peter Principle is the principle that "in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to their level of incompetence".

It was formulated by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull in their 1969 book The Peter Principle, a humorous treatise which also introduced the "salutary science of hierarchiology", "inadvertently founded" by Peter. It holds that in a hierarchy, members are promoted so long as they work competently. Sooner or later they are promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent (their "level of incompetence"), and there they remain, being unable to earn further promotions. "
Peter Principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know I'll regret this when a conservative is elected, an you guys have at 'em, but this is sooooooo much fun!
I can't wait until the NewGOPers do destroy what is left of our country just so they can say they crushed Obama. With two million new desperate Americans on the streets with nothing to lose perhaps a few of them will go to the homes of those NeGOPer representatives that are responsible and make thier apologies known in the form of big fires and slit throats.

Can't you read?

Well, then, watch the TV news!

It's the left that is crushing Obama.

Bite me you skank hack whore.

I don't follow 24 hr news cycles like you nitwits do. What I DO/DID take seriously is the promise made by the Boner AND BitchMitchell that they would do everything in thier power to see Obama and therefore America fail.

I'll tell ya what needs an apology you stinking twat...AND that is for the LIE that the lowered taxes for the super rich would provide all the good jobs we needed. You don't see your lying diseased scumbag heros making THAT putrid promise any more DO YOU????

They have had HOW MANY YEARS????? to make good on THAT promise you skank liar???


Your language indicates that I'm having exactly the effect that I wish.
Who are the real "empty suits" ??

- Those who advocated letting the banks fail
- Those who supported a failed Iraq strategy
- Those who opposed saving the auto companies
- Those who supported US involvement in torture and human rights violations
- Those who resisted economic stimulus for the middle class
- Those who said our healthcare system was fine just the way it was

Wingy, he's not an 'empty suit,' he's a chalk outline.

And as an important aspect of any discussion of President Obama, you might brush up on the concept of the Peter Principle:

"The Peter Principle is the principle that "in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to their level of incompetence".

It was formulated by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull in their 1969 book The Peter Principle, a humorous treatise which also introduced the "salutary science of hierarchiology", "inadvertently founded" by Peter. It holds that in a hierarchy, members are promoted so long as they work competently. Sooner or later they are promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent (their "level of incompetence"), and there they remain, being unable to earn further promotions. "
Peter Principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know I'll regret this when a conservative is elected, an you guys have at 'em, but this is sooooooo much fun!

OK ..I see you are not looking to discuss and are merely reverting to your "empty suit" trolling

I guess I am on the wrong thread, but in the spirit of your trolling here you go

The right wing conservatives have sold out their soul to the mega millionaires and fundamentalist christians to drive this country into third world poverty.

Much as they did in the 1930s, The Republicans have enacted policies that enrich the few mega millionairs while driving the rest of the country to the poor farm. As usual, they scapegoat the poor and blame them for the affect Republican policies have had on their lives
In '08 I didn't know this MB or the echo chamber existed, hence, I owe no one an apology.
That said, I too am disappointed in Obama's performance, he is the one who needs to step up and press the agenda, even if the agenda is limited to preventing the reactionary forces of the right from moving us into the 19th century.
As a progressive I have no need to apologize. The New Right is anathema to nearly everything I believe in terms of law, labor and liberty as well as economic policy and the role of government in foreign and domestic policy.

That's a fair post.

The reason I like it is that it means that the battles here on the USMB can go on ad infinitum,

and I believe that the 'market place of ideas' will ultimately provide the truth.

"truth"? As in absolute truth? Wouldn't that be grand. I suspect the 'truth' has been found over and over again, don't you? Always however to be challenged by an antithesis resulting in a synthesis of ideas (at least in the mainstream). Fringe ideas appear and disappear with much regularity, their 15 minutes of fame fade quickly.
Rather than adopt an ideology I much prefer the pragmatic approach. Sometimes it works and sometimes it 'don't'.
I still subscribe to a few immutable truths, the Golden Rule in life and in politics, looking for solutions and ignoring blame, and always questioning - asking why and why not. Of course human nature is human nature (yes, such a premise says nothing, yet so much) and there is much evidence in my own written words to suggest I don't always practice what I preach.
Can't you read?

Well, then, watch the TV news!

It's the left that is crushing Obama.

Bite me you skank hack whore.

I don't follow 24 hr news cycles like you nitwits do. What I DO/DID take seriously is the promise made by the Boner AND BitchMitchell that they would do everything in thier power to see Obama and therefore America fail.

I'll tell ya what needs an apology you stinking twat...AND that is for the LIE that the lowered taxes for the super rich would provide all the good jobs we needed. You don't see your lying diseased scumbag heros making THAT putrid promise any more DO YOU????

They have had HOW MANY YEARS????? to make good on THAT promise you skank liar???


Your language indicates that I'm having exactly the effect that I wish.

What you wish is of no consequence to me. My desire is that somehow one or two or a dozen of the millions that are being destroyed by your kind see these words and have a heads up on a worthy target picked out to take out thier hatred and revenge on. I'm just here to help them choose wisely. You didn't really do anything but parrot the vermin that are responsible. Being stupid isn't really a crime. Neither does it get reward.
Bite me you skank hack whore.

I don't follow 24 hr news cycles like you nitwits do. What I DO/DID take seriously is the promise made by the Boner AND BitchMitchell that they would do everything in thier power to see Obama and therefore America fail.

I'll tell ya what needs an apology you stinking twat...AND that is for the LIE that the lowered taxes for the super rich would provide all the good jobs we needed. You don't see your lying diseased scumbag heros making THAT putrid promise any more DO YOU????

They have had HOW MANY YEARS????? to make good on THAT promise you skank liar???


Your language indicates that I'm having exactly the effect that I wish.

What you wish is of no consequence to me. My desire is that somehow one or two or a dozen of the millions that are being destroyed by your kind see these words and have a heads up on a worthy target picked out to take out thier hatred and revenge on. I'm just here to help them choose wisely. You didn't really do anything but parrot the vermin that are responsible. Being stupid isn't really a crime. Neither does it get reward.

So kind of you to help educate me,

I wonder if I could impose on said kindness just a bit further...It is my impression that males who use the kind of vulgar jargon to which you often feel obliged, are fearfully anxious about their viriltiy, and attempt to hide this disquiet behind what they incorrectly see as masculine vernacular.

Is this nail-on-head?
In '08 I didn't know this MB or the echo chamber existed, hence, I owe no one an apology.
That said, I too am disappointed in Obama's performance, he is the one who needs to step up and press the agenda, even if the agenda is limited to preventing the reactionary forces of the right from moving us into the 19th century.
As a progressive I have no need to apologize. The New Right is anathema to nearly everything I believe in terms of law, labor and liberty as well as economic policy and the role of government in foreign and domestic policy.

That's a fair post.

The reason I like it is that it means that the battles here on the USMB can go on ad infinitum,

and I believe that the 'market place of ideas' will ultimately provide the truth.

"truth"? As in absolute truth? Wouldn't that be grand. I suspect the 'truth' has been found over and over again, don't you? Always however to be challenged by an antithesis resulting in a synthesis of ideas (at least in the mainstream). Fringe ideas appear and disappear with much regularity, their 15 minutes of fame fade quickly.
Rather than adopt an ideology I much prefer the pragmatic approach. Sometimes it works and sometimes it 'don't'.
I still subscribe to a few immutable truths, the Golden Rule in life and in politics, looking for solutions and ignoring blame, and always questioning - asking why and why not. Of course human nature is human nature (yes, such a premise says nothing, yet so much) and there is much evidence in my own written words to suggest I don't always practice what I preach.

The truth, in this case, writ large is the competence of this President.
Your language indicates that I'm having exactly the effect that I wish.

What you wish is of no consequence to me. My desire is that somehow one or two or a dozen of the millions that are being destroyed by your kind see these words and have a heads up on a worthy target picked out to take out thier hatred and revenge on. I'm just here to help them choose wisely. You didn't really do anything but parrot the vermin that are responsible. Being stupid isn't really a crime. Neither does it get reward.

So kind of you to help educate me,

I wonder if I could impose on said kindness just a bit further...It is my impression that males who use the kind of vulgar jargon to which you often feel obliged, are fearfully anxious about their viriltiy, and attempt to hide this disquiet behind what they incorrectly see as masculine vernacular.

Is this nail-on-head?

As you know I seldom attack you or your posts. It was your primary insult of the OP which brought out my venom. I usually wait to see if a stupid arrogant asswipe of a thread takes before responding. I didn't just "pop up" with my sentiment. I feel those words as I have all along. Your idiotic insult of a thread is getting what it deserves as should those of whom you parrot for recieve my perscription..

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