Looking at the election results my thoughts....

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
I seriously hope Republitards don't mistake these results as an endorsement of their policies and or what they claim to stand for, these election results are just the inverse of what happened in 2008, each party feeding feeding off voter anger and and voters being too damn stupid to realize that no matter who you put in office from either party the same problems are going to remain and exist and that this seesawing back and forth isn't the solution, its time for a third party. The problem with the Dems and Obama is that they said all the right things but were not aggressive enough in selling them to the people. The Republitards, regardless of how much fearmongering and misinformation they used have to be given credit for aggressively promoting it, but bottom line neither party is going to solve the problem of reducing poverty, improving schools, reducing crime rates, lowering unemployment and improving the economy. Its amazing how two billionaires, the Koch brothers, managed to drown out the best interests and voices of the masses who really need help, there's way more poor people than there are billionaires and yet the rich have won again. If the Dems want to regain some credibility they have to do more than just play the "we are the lesser of the two evils" card, they're going to have to really make more of an effort, the good thing is that the Teabaggers, with their uncompromising style and rhetoric, they will not make it past one term, they're going to learn the hard way that they're ging to have to compromise or be gone.
I don't think the GOP are stupid enough to see this as an overwhelming victory.... because it is not. It should send a message to both parties.... Neither has the full backing of the American people. We do not want to go left. We do not want to go right.

Unfortunately, re-electing some of the most corrupt bastards in Congress - such as Franks and Boxer - also sends a message that we don't require our politicians to be honest. That is disappointing to me.
I seriously hope Republitards don't mistake these results as an endorsement of their policies and or what they claim to stand for, these election results are just the inverse of what happened in 2008, each party feeding feeding off voter anger and and voters being too damn stupid to realize that no matter who you put in office from either party the same problems are going to remain and exist and that this seesawing back and forth isn't the solution, its time for a third party. The problem with the Dems and Obama is that they said all the right things but were not aggressive enough in selling them to the people. The Republitards, regardless of how much fearmongering and misinformation they used have to be given credit for aggressively promoting it, but bottom line neither party is going to solve the problem of reducing poverty, improving schools, reducing crime rates, lowering unemployment and improving the economy. Its amazing how two billionaires, the Koch brothers, managed to drown out the best interests and voices of the masses who really need help, there's way more poor people than there are billionaires and yet the rich have won again. If the Dems want to regain some credibility they have to do more than just play the "we are the lesser of the two evils" card, they're going to have to really make more of an effort, the good thing is that the Teabaggers, with their uncompromising style and rhetoric, they will not make it past one term, they're going to learn the hard way that they're ging to have to compromise or be gone.

You can bet the farm that the American people are fed up with the democrats. obamas old seat gose to a Republican. But you believe what you want, as a matter of fact you and other democrats can continue to believe your shit. If you do the DNC will be a dying breed in the very near future.
I seriously hope Republitards don't mistake these results as an endorsement of their policies and or what they claim to stand for, these election results are just the inverse of what happened in 2008, each party feeding feeding off voter anger and and voters being too damn stupid to realize that no matter who you put in office from either party the same problems are going to remain and exist and that this seesawing back and forth isn't the solution, its time for a third party. The problem with the Dems and Obama is that they said all the right things but were not aggressive enough in selling them to the people. The Republitards, regardless of how much fearmongering and misinformation they used have to be given credit for aggressively promoting it, but bottom line neither party is going to solve the problem of reducing poverty, improving schools, reducing crime rates, lowering unemployment and improving the economy. Its amazing how two billionaires, the Koch brothers, managed to drown out the best interests and voices of the masses who really need help, there's way more poor people than there are billionaires and yet the rich have won again. If the Dems want to regain some credibility they have to do more than just play the "we are the lesser of the two evils" card, they're going to have to really make more of an effort, the good thing is that the Teabaggers, with their uncompromising style and rhetoric, they will not make it past one term, they're going to learn the hard way that they're ging to have to compromise or be gone.

You can bet the farm that the American people are fed up with the democrats. obamas old seat gose to a Republican. But you believe what you want, as a matter of fact you and other democrats can continue to believe your shit. If you do the DNC will be a dying breed in the very near future.

Are you hard of hearing and paying attention? Americans are fed up with both parties, its not just Democrats, they're not exactly gushing with confidence for Republitards either. Both parties need to quit their consistent chimping out over their own personal interests and work together for the good of the people, no one party is going to solve the problem and have all the answers.
I seriously hope Republitards don't mistake these results as an endorsement of their policies and or what they claim to stand for, these election results are just the inverse of what happened in 2008, each party feeding feeding off voter anger and and voters being too damn stupid to realize that no matter who you put in office from either party the same problems are going to remain and exist and that this seesawing back and forth isn't the solution, its time for a third party. The problem with the Dems and Obama is that they said all the right things but were not aggressive enough in selling them to the people. The Republitards, regardless of how much fearmongering and misinformation they used have to be given credit for aggressively promoting it, but bottom line neither party is going to solve the problem of reducing poverty, improving schools, reducing crime rates, lowering unemployment and improving the economy. Its amazing how two billionaires, the Koch brothers, managed to drown out the best interests and voices of the masses who really need help, there's way more poor people than there are billionaires and yet the rich have won again. If the Dems want to regain some credibility they have to do more than just play the "we are the lesser of the two evils" card, they're going to have to really make more of an effort, the good thing is that the Teabaggers, with their uncompromising style and rhetoric, they will not make it past one term, they're going to learn the hard way that they're ging to have to compromise or be gone.

You can bet the farm that the American people are fed up with the democrats. obamas old seat gose to a Republican. But you believe what you want, as a matter of fact you and other democrats can continue to believe your shit. If you do the DNC will be a dying breed in the very near future.

Are you hard of hearing and paying attention? Americans are fed up with both parties, its not just Democrats, they're not exactly gushing with confidence for Republitards either. Both parties need to quit their consistent chimping out over their own personal interests and work together for the good of the people, no one party is going to solve the problem and have all the answers.

Never said they weren't fed up with the republicans but from the looks of things they are more fed up with the democrats.
I don't think the GOP are stupid enough to see this as an overwhelming victory.... because it is not. It should send a message to both parties.... Neither has the full backing of the American people. We do not want to go left. We do not want to go right.

Unfortunately, re-electing some of the most corrupt bastards in Congress - such as Franks and Boxer - also sends a message that we don't require our politicians to be honest. That is disappointing to me.

There's Teabaggers that got elected who are determined not to work together to help the country, stop the partisan bickering.
I don't think the GOP are stupid enough to see this as an overwhelming victory.... because it is not. It should send a message to both parties.... Neither has the full backing of the American people. We do not want to go left. We do not want to go right.

Unfortunately, re-electing some of the most corrupt bastards in Congress - such as Franks and Boxer - also sends a message that we don't require our politicians to be honest. That is disappointing to me.

Not all of American help elect Franks or boxer
Just Californias , and Mass. Which should speak volumes to make your point.
I don't think the GOP are stupid enough to see this as an overwhelming victory.... because it is not. It should send a message to both parties.... Neither has the full backing of the American people. We do not want to go left. We do not want to go right.

Unfortunately, re-electing some of the most corrupt bastards in Congress - such as Franks and Boxer - also sends a message that we don't require our politicians to be honest. That is disappointing to me.

There's Teabaggers that got elected who are determined not to work together to help the country, stop the partisan bickering.

You just done't get it do you? there better not be any compromising with obamas agenda. PERIOD.
I seriously hope Republitards don't mistake these results as an endorsement of their policies and or what they claim to stand for, these election results are just the inverse of what happened in 2008, each party feeding feeding off voter anger and and voters being too damn stupid to realize that no matter who you put in office from either party the same problems are going to remain and exist and that this seesawing back and forth isn't the solution, its time for a third party. The problem with the Dems and Obama is that they said all the right things but were not aggressive enough in selling them to the people. The Republitards, regardless of how much fearmongering and misinformation they used have to be given credit for aggressively promoting it, but bottom line neither party is going to solve the problem of reducing poverty, improving schools, reducing crime rates, lowering unemployment and improving the economy. Its amazing how two billionaires, the Koch brothers, managed to drown out the best interests and voices of the masses who really need help, there's way more poor people than there are billionaires and yet the rich have won again. If the Dems want to regain some credibility they have to do more than just play the "we are the lesser of the two evils" card, they're going to have to really make more of an effort, the good thing is that the Teabaggers, with their uncompromising style and rhetoric, they will not make it past one term, they're going to learn the hard way that they're ging to have to compromise or be gone.

You can bet the farm that the American people are fed up with the democrats. obamas old seat gose to a Republican. But you believe what you want, as a matter of fact you and other democrats can continue to believe your shit. If you do the DNC will be a dying breed in the very near future.

Are you hard of hearing and paying attention? Americans are fed up with both parties, its not just Democrats, they're not exactly gushing with confidence for Republitards either. Both parties need to quit their consistent chimping out over their own personal interests and work together for the good of the people, no one party is going to solve the problem and have all the answers.

The GOP also picked up a couple more 'token blacks' and a few Hispancis. It's gonna get pretty hard to keep callin' 'em racists if they keep that up. You're gonna need a new game.
I don't think the GOP are stupid enough to see this as an overwhelming victory.... because it is not. It should send a message to both parties.... Neither has the full backing of the American people. We do not want to go left. We do not want to go right.

Unfortunately, re-electing some of the most corrupt bastards in Congress - such as Franks and Boxer - also sends a message that we don't require our politicians to be honest. That is disappointing to me.

Not all of American help elect Franks or boxer
Just Californias , and Mass. Which should speak volumes to make your point.

Don't look at me, I voted against the Democrats in CA. Across the ballot, GOP.... first time in my life I've ever done that.
i was able to retain my dignity and sanity in this election contrary to some others on here. i looked at the candidates based on their merits, severally, and didn't vote for any which i was not specifically supportive of through nevada's 'none of the above'. i dont think there will ever be a case whereby i'd vote a party line ever. i simply dont believe that a party could garner my confidence across the board, no matter the politician and the position.
I don't think the GOP are stupid enough to see this as an overwhelming victory.... because it is not. It should send a message to both parties.... Neither has the full backing of the American people. We do not want to go left. We do not want to go right.

Unfortunately, re-electing some of the most corrupt bastards in Congress - such as Franks and Boxer - also sends a message that we don't require our politicians to be honest. That is disappointing to me.

Not all of American help elect Franks or boxer
Just Californias , and Mass. Which should speak volumes to make your point.

Don't look at me, I voted against the Democrats in CA. Across the ballot, GOP.... first time in my life I've ever done that.
i was able to retain my dignity and sanity in this election contrary to some others on here. i looked at the candidates based on their merits, severally, and didn't vote for any which i was not specifically supportive of through nevada's 'none of the above'. i dont think there will ever be a case whereby i'd vote a party line ever. i simply dont believe that a party could garner my confidence across the board, no matter the politician and the position.

Do you support obama?
I don't think the GOP are stupid enough to see this as an overwhelming victory.... because it is not. It should send a message to both parties.... Neither has the full backing of the American people. We do not want to go left. We do not want to go right.

Unfortunately, re-electing some of the most corrupt bastards in Congress - such as Franks and Boxer - also sends a message that we don't require our politicians to be honest. That is disappointing to me.

There's Teabaggers that got elected who are determined not to work together to help the country, stop the partisan bickering.

You just done't get it do you? there better not be any compromising with obamas agenda. PERIOD.

I personally don't think he himself did a bad job, nor do I think he has agenda thats socialist to deprive Americans, quite the contrary, I blame some of the other Democrats for not aggressively countering the BS of the Republitards, my interests are in helping the poor and impoverished because if we help them more people will be able to pay into the system to help more people, the current two parties are just too damn divisive.
I don't think the GOP are stupid enough to see this as an overwhelming victory.... because it is not. It should send a message to both parties.... Neither has the full backing of the American people. We do not want to go left. We do not want to go right.

Unfortunately, re-electing some of the most corrupt bastards in Congress - such as Franks and Boxer - also sends a message that we don't require our politicians to be honest. That is disappointing to me.

Not all of American help elect Franks or boxer
Just Californias , and Mass. Which should speak volumes to make your point.

Don't look at me, I voted against the Democrats in CA. Across the ballot, GOP.... first time in my life I've ever done that.

This is what the problem is, the GOP isn't going to do better at least not the ones that were up for election this midterm, you're heavily partisan. Thats the problem with Americans, we've been duped into thinking that if you want change all you have to do is vote for the party who's the polar opposite of who's in office, then when you get frustrated with that party, flip flop to the other polar opposite party. I don't blame the politicians because they are what they present themselves to be, I blame the voters who allow themselves to be duped continually by political charlatans from both parties, we#re our own worst enemies.
You can bet the farm that the American people are fed up with the democrats. obamas old seat gose to a Republican. But you believe what you want, as a matter of fact you and other democrats can continue to believe your shit. If you do the DNC will be a dying breed in the very near future.

Are you hard of hearing and paying attention? Americans are fed up with both parties, its not just Democrats, they're not exactly gushing with confidence for Republitards either. Both parties need to quit their consistent chimping out over their own personal interests and work together for the good of the people, no one party is going to solve the problem and have all the answers.

The GOP also picked up a couple more 'token blacks' and a few Hispancis. It's gonna get pretty hard to keep callin' 'em racists if they keep that up. You're gonna need a new game.
Those tokens were voted in by whites not the minorities they claim to represent, they represent the interests of white people only.
There's Teabaggers that got elected who are determined not to work together to help the country, stop the partisan bickering.

You just done't get it do you? there better not be any compromising with obamas agenda. PERIOD.

I personally don't think he himself did a bad job, nor do I think he has agenda thats socialist to deprive Americans, quite the contrary, I blame some of the other Democrats for not aggressively countering the BS of the Republitards, my interests are in helping the poor and impoverished because if we help them more people will be able to pay into the system to help more people, the current two parties are just too damn divisive.

I blame him for being a fucking idiot. What he should have done first was fix the economy. He should have said to his base "We'll do healthcare after we fix the economy so we can afford what we need to do." Then, he should have fixed the fucking economy. While that was happening, he should have commissioned a bipartisan study into what kind of healthcare system is best for Americans... ALL Americans. The commission should have included politicians, doctors, and academics. They should have gone out and studied other countries and returned with some actual ideas about a whole new way of providing healthcare.

That probably would have meant we would have ended up with a system similar to France. And that is the best healthcare system in the world.

If he had done that.... He wouldn't have lost his majorities. He would be carrying both Dems and Republicans.... and he would have gone down as one of the best Presidents in history. Shame on him.
You just done't get it do you? there better not be any compromising with obamas agenda. PERIOD.

I personally don't think he himself did a bad job, nor do I think he has agenda thats socialist to deprive Americans, quite the contrary, I blame some of the other Democrats for not aggressively countering the BS of the Republitards, my interests are in helping the poor and impoverished because if we help them more people will be able to pay into the system to help more people, the current two parties are just too damn divisive.

I blame him for being a fucking idiot. What he should have done first was fix the economy. He should have said to his base "We'll do healthcare after we fix the economy so we can afford what we need to do." Then, he should have fixed the fucking economy. While that was happening, he should have commissioned a bipartisan study into what kind of healthcare system is best for Americans... ALL Americans. The commission should have included politicians, doctors, and academics. They should have gone out and studied other countries and returned with some actual ideas about a whole new way of providing healthcare.

That probably would have meant we would have ended up with a system similar to France. And that is the best healthcare system in the world.

If he had done that.... He wouldn't have lost his majorities. He would be carrying both Dems and Republicans.... and he would have gone down as one of the best Presidents in history. Shame on him.

Pretty much. I keep saying his problem is that he keeps thinking like a legislator instead of the Executive. If he'd stood up and not allowed Reid & Pelosi to set the agenda we might have had something happen in the economy and have had something decent and actually workable come out of healthcare....in addition to other things shoved onto the back burner. Rahm and Biden aren't innocent in this either, but the buck stops where it stops for a reason.

I doubt the GOP will do any better though. Same money, same interests, same total focus on the next election instead of what's right....but it will be fun to watch the imminent 3-ring circus. :popcorn:
I personally don't think he himself did a bad job, nor do I think he has agenda thats socialist to deprive Americans, quite the contrary, I blame some of the other Democrats for not aggressively countering the BS of the Republitards, my interests are in helping the poor and impoverished because if we help them more people will be able to pay into the system to help more people, the current two parties are just too damn divisive.

I blame him for being a fucking idiot. What he should have done first was fix the economy. He should have said to his base "We'll do healthcare after we fix the economy so we can afford what we need to do." Then, he should have fixed the fucking economy. While that was happening, he should have commissioned a bipartisan study into what kind of healthcare system is best for Americans... ALL Americans. The commission should have included politicians, doctors, and academics. They should have gone out and studied other countries and returned with some actual ideas about a whole new way of providing healthcare.

That probably would have meant we would have ended up with a system similar to France. And that is the best healthcare system in the world.

If he had done that.... He wouldn't have lost his majorities. He would be carrying both Dems and Republicans.... and he would have gone down as one of the best Presidents in history. Shame on him.

Pretty much. I keep saying his problem is that he keeps thinking like a legislator instead of the Executive. If he'd stood up and not allowed Reid & Pelosi to set the agenda we might have had something happen in the economy and have had something decent and actually workable come out of healthcare....in addition to other things shoved onto the back burner. Rahm and Biden aren't innocent in this either, but the buck stops where it stops for a reason.

I doubt the GOP will do any better though. Same money, same interests, same total focus on the next election instead of what's right....but it will be fun to watch the imminent 3-ring circus. :popcorn:

He's driven by his ego, not by an interest in the country. He's an empty suit.

He could have been such a great President. Shame on him. In truth, that's why I dislike him so much. He's a spineless, egotistical dolt.

He took a great opportunity to do something amazing for the country and he pissed it away just so he could go down in history as the President who passed healthcare.... screw the content, just pass a bill. Bastard!

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