Looking At This Board, You'd Think Dems Are Ashamed Of Their Candidate

They ARE ashamed of their candidate. How could they not be?
Embarrassed, maybe, as they realize their candidate is losing every debate.

But Democrats aren't ashamed of anything. They are incapable of shame.

Their decades-long record of lying, failing, backing candidates who do the same (and more), and pushing policies that invariably fail, demonstrates clearly that the Democrats cannot feel shame for even the worst things they do.
"losing every debate" What debates would those be, hun?
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.
Oh...is this another one of those...."why aren't there dozens of threads about Clinton" threads again? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So you can't come up with anything positive about her either? Color me shocked.
I love her stances on abortion, on gay rights, on unions, on foreign affairs, on the military....off the top of my head.

And she's not a psychotic narcissus like her opponent.

Oh boy, bumper stickers, not convincing.

She one of the biggest psychotic narcissus and pathological liars out there. She ever rivals your dear leader.
Another RWr confusing Hillary Clinton for Drumpf.
"More war in the Middle East"? You obviously confused her stance with Drumpf's

No, maam. Hillary has lined up a whole boatload of NeoCons supporting her, including

Lindsay Graham
Henry Paulsen
Dianne Feinstein
The Koch Brothers

want more??


A vote for Hillary is a vote for war in the Middle East to help Israel.
"More war in the Middle East"? You obviously confused her stance with Drumpf's

No, maam. Hillary has lined up a whole boatload of NeoCons supporting her, including

Lindsay Graham
Henry Paulsen
Dianne Feinstein
The Koch Brothers

want more??


A vote for Hillary is a vote for war in the Middle East to help Israel.
You haven't been paying attention to Drumpf's comments about wanting to "declare world war".....you on board with that?
You haven't been paying attention to Drumpf's comments about wanting to "declare world war".....you on board with that?

Then why are all the warmongers who supported W, including Hillary, supporting Hillary?

Hint - Trump HATES W because he lost a lot of friends on 911, and he is way way smarter than you (ie he understands CONTROLLED DEMOLITION)
Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Hillary sucks as a candidate. However, she is so much better than the republican candidate that I will vote for her. Just to help keep trump out.

You republicans should really try and do better. My vote was there for the taking. Till trump came along.

Feeling the love for a criminal are ya?
How's that indictment coming?

So the best you got is she wasn't indicted? Of course she wasn't cleared of wrong doing either.
No...that's not the best...That was a question put to you. Sorry that you didn't manage Reading Comprehension well...doesn't it handicap you in RL?

Except I answered your question.
All the times we posted her accomplishments. How she brokered a cease fire. Got health care for millions of children. She counseled Obama on taking down Bin Laden, the uber terrorist Republicans let go and stopped looking for.

So why aren't these people talking about Trump's many accomplishments.
He's got court dates between the election and the inauguration for Fraud and Racketeering.
He called our soldiers thieves and had to be shamed into giving them the money he promised.
He wants to punish women for getting an abortion and kill the families of terrorists.
When you have a candidate like that, it's hard to talk about anything else.

Lots of lies and distortion about Trump, looks like you can't say anything about Hillary without ripping Trump, that says a lot about your candidate.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Another example of not being able to support Hillary. Quite telling for the lefties.
We Democrats are thrilled about having the most qualified candidate to ever run for president in our lifetimes. That's why the Democrats are unified and energized.

In contrast, the Republicans are fractured and whining. Look at this thread.

Trump fans, your CheetoMessiah is a raging narcissist and proud sociopath. The only thing he's good at is turning large fortunes into small fortunes, lying more readily than normal humans breathe, and defrauding everyone he comes into contact with. Y'all make sure to send him more money to line his pockets with. Just understand that he doesn't care about you. He thinks of you as chumps, sheep in need of a fleecing.

And before you go that route, understand that getting even more butthurt at us won't change that.

And yet another example, hell OK was right.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Oh we all know that no one can convince you of anything.

Until the FBI report, I was solidly for Clinton- after the FBI report I am reluctantly for Clinton.

Why am I going to vote for Clinton? Because she is better than Trump.
  • She has more relevant experience
  • She is not thin skinned as Trump
  • She is better informed than Trump
  • She will nominate justices that I approve of
  • She has a proven track record of being able to work with Congress
  • And she is as 'honest' as Trump.
  • And unlike Trump, she doesn't believe- and espouse- crazy conspiracy theories.
Vote for whoever you will. Trump would be a horrible President.
Because those are really Donald's own accomplishments, turning $20 million into $10 billion.

Hillary's "accomplishments" are all bull, coattalling, sleazy dishonest criminal slime.

I am beginning to think that the left considers the ability to dodge the law an admirable trait. Remember those two lib anchors gushing over the way Slick Willy could lie his ass off so convincingly? Well, they didn't use those exact words, but same thing. They must be really impressed with the way Bill helped Hillary avoid charges. I mean, what a talent it is to be able to threaten or bribe people into doing what you want. Don't even want to talk about the high number of Clinton associates who died mysterious and timely deaths. Having weights fall on your throat just a day before your testimony would embarrass Hillary. Such luck, eh?

Actually, the interesting thing about this election is the lack of party support for the candidates. We aren't seeing voters split between party lines like we normally do. I know many of my lib friends are voting for Trump because they hate Hillary. Most were Bernie supporters. Some liked Trump from the start. I also know some Repubs who are backing Hillary. Most others are voting against one or the other rather than for them and they'll hold their noses to do so.

I have yet to hear anyone sing Hillary's praises. You can cite her experience since she's been around so long but all those years of experience haven't yielded any impressive results. Scandals are not results and make up most of her political resume. Otherwise, she is considered dishonest by a vast majority of voters.

I think it usually comes down to their stands on the biggest issues.

What do people see as the biggest problems? The majority are not happy with taking in more Muslim refugees, especially after it came out the most are not running from war. Hillary wants to drastically increase the number we bring in and that won't set well with many.

Border control is another hot button issue and we know that Hillary is an open border advocate. Trump is not.

The economy remains an issue. No president can create jobs. Congress can write laws conducive to job creation or they can make more regulations and increase taxes to kill jobs. I think we know which Hillary prefers.

Our national security is an issue considering the increase in terrorist attacks. Again, Hillary will follow Obama's lead and favor the hostile countries, as she already has, over America and our allies.

Gay rights are not something that a president decides and has already been settled, so should not be an issue. Abortion has remained legal through many Republican administrations and is not an issue. The left forever tries to make them issues.

The current racial tensions are also an issue. Obama has fueled the fire and Hillary is echoing him by blaming white privilege and she is for the feds taking over all police departments. Many won't agree with that.

Hillary's rhetoric about a war on women is bullshit and I think most know it.

The media continues to focus on things that won't really matter and they just accuse Trump and the right of racism and bigotry for wanting secure borders and to stop importing potential terrorists. I think most people see through that.
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I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Oh we all know that no one can convince you of anything.

Until the FBI report, I was solidly for Clinton- after the FBI report I am reluctantly for Clinton.

Why am I going to vote for Clinton? Because she is better than Trump.
  • She has more relevant experience
  • She is not thin skinned as Trump
  • She is better informed than Trump
  • She will nominate justices that I approve of
  • She has a proven track record of being able to work with Congress
  • And she is as 'honest' as Trump.
  • And unlike Trump, she doesn't believe- and espouse- crazy conspiracy theories.
Vote for whoever you will. Trump would be a horrible President.

Thank you for your response. I don't necessarily agree but I appreciate you taking the time to be honest.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Come on now, I haven't exactly seen a love story with Trump and the GOP.


At least I've seen positive threads on Trump and the Bern, not so much on the hildabitch.

Those who consider Hillary Clinton to be a competent and qualified candidate don't need to convince themselves of anything.

All of the positive Trump threads are just that. Worried nutbags trying to convince themselves that the guy is worthy of the office and has a chance in hell of attaining it.

True story.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Come on now, I haven't exactly seen a love story with Trump and the GOP.


At least I've seen positive threads on Trump and the Bern, not so much on the hildabitch.

Those who consider Hillary Clinton to be a competent and qualified candidate don't need to convince themselves of anything.

All of the positive Trump threads are just that. Worried nutbags trying to convince themselves that the guy is worthy of the office and has a chance in hell of attaining it.

True story.
They are talking talking talking up Drumpf...trying to convince themselves.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Come on now, I haven't exactly seen a love story with Trump and the GOP.


At least I've seen positive threads on Trump and the Bern, not so much on the hildabitch.

Those who consider Hillary Clinton to be a competent and qualified candidate don't need to convince themselves of anything.

All of the positive Trump threads are just that. Worried nutbags trying to convince themselves that the guy is worthy of the office and has a chance in hell of attaining it.

True story.
They are talking talking talking up Drumpf...trying to convince themselves.

Absolutely. Have you seen all the hand wringing threads? I have.

Reason most often given for supporting Trump: He's not Hillary.

Funny shit. He's actually more liberal than she is.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Oh we all know that no one can convince you of anything.

Until the FBI report, I was solidly for Clinton- after the FBI report I am reluctantly for Clinton.

Why am I going to vote for Clinton? Because she is better than Trump.
  • She has more relevant experience
  • She is not thin skinned as Trump
  • She is better informed than Trump
  • She will nominate justices that I approve of
  • She has a proven track record of being able to work with Congress
  • And she is as 'honest' as Trump.
  • And unlike Trump, she doesn't believe- and espouse- crazy conspiracy theories.
Vote for whoever you will. Trump would be a horrible President.

Those are good reasons, not that I agree with them all. You have at least thought it out.

The nomination of justices is the reason I would vote for Trump. I think honesty goes to Trump but I don't think either is.

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