Looking At This Board, You'd Think Dems Are Ashamed Of Their Candidate

I haven't seen a pro-Hillary post since the campaign began. It seems that the Tax Exempt democrat party propaganda arm, Media Matters, is working overtime on a gigantic smoke screen that they hope will hide Hillary until the election or indictment or a terminal coughing fit.
Because those are really Donald's own accomplishments, turning $20 million into $10 billion.

Hillary's "accomplishments" are all bull, coattalling, sleazy dishonest criminal slime.

I am beginning to think that the left considers the ability to dodge the law an admirable trait. Remember those two lib anchors gushing over the way Slick Willy could lie his ass off so convincingly? Well, they didn't use those exact words, but same thing. They must be really impressed with the way Bill helped Hillary avoid charges. I mean, what a talent it is to be able to threaten or bribe people into doing what you want. Don't even want to talk about the high number of Clinton associates who died mysterious and timely deaths. Having weights fall on your throat just a day before your testimony would embarrass Hillary. Such luck, eh?

Actually, the interesting thing about this election is the lack of party support for the candidates. We aren't seeing voters split between party lines like we normally do. I know many of my lib friends are voting for Trump because they hate Hillary. Most were Bernie supporters. Some liked Trump from the start. I also know some Repubs who are backing Hillary. Most others are voting against one or the other rather than for them and they'll hold their noses to do so.

I have yet to hear anyone sing Hillary's praises. You can cite her experience since she's been around so long but all those years of experience haven't yielded any impressive results. Scandals are not results and make up most of her political resume. Otherwise, she is considered dishonest by a vast majority of voters.

I think it usually comes down to their stands on the biggest issues.

What do people see as the biggest problems? The majority are not happy with taking in more Muslim refugees, especially after it came out the most are not running from war. Hillary wants to drastically increase the number we bring in and that won't set well with many.

Border control is another hot button issue and we know that Hillary is an open border advocate. Trump is not.

The economy remains an issue. No president can create jobs. Congress can write laws conducive to job creation or they can make more regulations and increase taxes to kill jobs. I think we know which Hillary prefers.

Our national security is an issue considering the increase in terrorist attacks. Again, Hillary will follow Obama's lead and favor the hostile countries, as she already has, over America and our allies.

Gay rights are not something that a president decides and has already been settled, so should not be an issue. Abortion has remained legal through many Republican administrations and is not an issue. The left forever tries to make them issues.

The current racial tensions are also an issue. Obama has fueled the fire and Hillary is echoing him by blaming white privilege and she is for the feds taking over all police departments. Many won't agree with that.

Hillary's rhetoric about a war on women is bullshit and I think most know it.

The media continues to focus on things that won't really matter and they just accuse Trump and the right of racism and bigotry for wanting secure borders and to stop importing potential terrorists. I think most people see through that.

Your post exemplifies the RWNJ mindset that I oppose.

For 8 long years you have attacked President Obama for everything real or imagined. You have been attacking Hilary Clinton for everything real or imagined for longer than that.

You accusing 'liberals' of admiring dishonesty is such partisan blindness- both right wing and left wing politicians tend to lie- and Donald Trump is not only no exception to that- he is among the biggest- and loudest of the liars.

I can sing Hillary's 'praises'- nor are most of her accomplishments 'scandals' as you portray them to be- frankly that is just the usual RWNJ mantra. I have acknowledged the email issue- that continues to disappointment me- because it is a stupid issue that Clinton handled poorly. But for 30 years the Right has proclaimed that Ms. Clinton is crook- and still you have yet to find the evidence. The 'scandal' is largely the making of the Right Wing.

What are the biggest issues- I agree with some of your list.

The issue of Muslim refugees is largely ginned up by the Right wing to appeal to the naturally racist and xenophobic. We have few Muslim refugees and none of them have been associated with any of the attacks on Americans. But Donald Trump sure does like to blame terrorism on Muslim refugees. And yes- Clinton does not. Point Clinton.

Border control? Trump attacks Mexican Americans and Mexico with histrionic claims that he will somehow end illegal immigration. But the reality is that illegal immigration was reduced during President Obama's administration. None of you cared that there were more illegal's during Bush's administration. The border is a hot button issue- for Trump's supporters.

And what the hell is an 'open border advocate'- I don't know how anyone who has ever crossed our Southern border could imagine we have an 'open border'. Cross from Germany to Austria to see what an open border is.

The Economy is an issue. As you note- Congress writes the laws- where are the pro-business laws passed by the Republicans in the last 4 years?
Trump's solution is to start a trade war with the world- by unillaterally- and unconstitutionally abrogating trade treaties and imposing punitive duties on imports from China- that would of course hurt the poorest Americans. Clinton believes in a rational trade policy.

National Security- a huge issue. Trump has absolutely no experience- and you appear to consider that to be a 'plus'. And you believe President Obama has 'favored hostile countries over our allies"? Our closest ally is Great Britain- our oldest ally is France- and when Great Britain, France and Italy asked for our assistance in Libya- President Obama provided it. What would Trump have done? Who knows- Trump has no experience. Clinton actually knows our allies- and our enemies. And has dealt with them. I would vote for Clinton over Trump for this issue alone- point Clinton.

I enjoy how you dismiss 'gay rights' and 'abortion rights' when in fact Evangelicals demanded that Trump commit to an anti-abortion Supreme Court justice- if it is not an issue- why did Trump pander to the anti-abortion evangelicals? Note the recent case in Texas.

Abortion is very much on the minds of Clinton voters- the majority of women voters- and we know that the next President will be nominating Supreme Court justices who will be dealing with attempts to eliminate abortion in the United States.

You believe that Clinton is in favor of the Feds taking over all police departments? You are an gullible right wing idiot. Which is of course why you blame President Obama for our 'current racial tensions"

"The media continues to focus on things that won't really matter and they just accuse Trump and the right of racism and bigotry for wanting secure borders and to stop importing potential terrorists. I think most people see through that"

I don't believe that Trump is a racist or a bigot- but I think he has made a deliberate effort to appeal to racists and bigots. Most people can see that.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

So I was curious and went and looked at pages of posts in the Political section of the USMB field

Turns out there are almost no positive threads for Trumpster or Clinton.

Where are all of the posts championing Trumps accomplishments?

The most recent i could find for either candidate was this one


Hillary Clinton has helped more Americans than any GOP politician alive

Everything else about the candidates- thread after thread- are attacks on the candidates.

Why no positive threads about Donald Trump?

Why indeed.
I haven't seen a pro-Hillary post since the campaign began. It seems that the Tax Exempt democrat party propaganda arm, Media Matters, is working overtime on a gigantic smoke screen that they hope will hide Hillary until the election or indictment or a terminal coughing fit.

Partisan blinders will do that for you

Thread started 7/15/16

Hillary Clinton has helped more Americans than any GOP politician alive
I am beginning to think that the left considers the ability to dodge the law an admirable trait.

No, you need to understand that we're not like you.

We get it. Like most Republicans, you consider open corruption to be a prerequisite for office. That's why you worship Trump with such enthusiasm. The man has literally made a career of deliberately ripping off working people and his investors. Anyone who isn't a complete moral shitstain would spit on the ground as Trump walked by.

In contrast, we Democrats can proudly point having one of the most ethical and most qualified candidates ever. And it absolutely enrages the Trump fans to see that. They know how bad they look in comparison to us, but instead of uplifting themselves, they seek to drag us down to their level.
Looking At This Board, You'd Think Dems Are Ashamed Of Their Candidate

well you can't blame for being ashamed


I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.
They have nothing to be happy about......so they just resort to ridiculous hyperbolic rants about how the "fill in the blank" Republican sucks so much.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Come on now, I haven't exactly seen a love story with Trump and the GOP.


At least I've seen positive threads on Trump and the Bern, not so much on the hildabitch.

Those who consider Hillary Clinton to be a competent and qualified candidate don't need to convince themselves of anything.

All of the positive Trump threads are just that. Worried nutbags trying to convince themselves that the guy is worthy of the office and has a chance in hell of attaining it.

True story.
They are talking talking talking up Drumpf...trying to convince themselves.

Absolutely. Have you seen all the hand wringing threads? I have.

Reason most often given for supporting Trump: He's not Hillary.

Funny shit. He's actually more liberal than she is.

No he's not a criminal that jeopardized national security or lied to congress. You regressives may love your criminals, most don't. The fact that you can ignore the case Comey laid out for gross negligence of national security says much about you.
I haven't seen a pro-Hillary post since the campaign began. It seems that the Tax Exempt democrat party propaganda arm, Media Matters, is working overtime on a gigantic smoke screen that they hope will hide Hillary until the election or indictment or a terminal coughing fit.
The less voters see of her the better. They just show pictures of her standing up for blacks, gays, women, or fuzzy puppies and hope that the negative attacks on Trump makes everyone forget that she's a criminal.
I am beginning to think that the left considers the ability to dodge the law an admirable trait.

No, you need to understand that we're not like you.

We get it. Like most Republicans, you consider open corruption to be a prerequisite for office. That's why you worship Trump with such enthusiasm. The man has literally made a career of deliberately ripping off working people and his investors. Anyone who isn't a complete moral shitstain would spit on the ground as Trump walked by.

In contrast, we Democrats can proudly point having one of the most ethical and most qualified candidates ever. And it absolutely enrages the Trump fans to see that. They know how bad they look in comparison to us, but instead of uplifting themselves, they seek to drag us down to their level.

Don't forget the most grossly negligent with national security and prolific liars ever.
Come on now, I haven't exactly seen a love story with Trump and the GOP.


At least I've seen positive threads on Trump and the Bern, not so much on the hildabitch.

Those who consider Hillary Clinton to be a competent and qualified candidate don't need to convince themselves of anything.

All of the positive Trump threads are just that. Worried nutbags trying to convince themselves that the guy is worthy of the office and has a chance in hell of attaining it.

True story.
They are talking talking talking up Drumpf...trying to convince themselves.

Absolutely. Have you seen all the hand wringing threads? I have.

Reason most often given for supporting Trump: He's not Hillary.

Funny shit. He's actually more liberal than she is.

No he's not a criminal that jeopardized national security or lied to congress. You regressives may love your criminals, most don't. The fact that you can ignore the case Comey laid out for gross negligence of national security says much about you.

Whatever. She fucked up and tried to hide her emails. It's bad. Politically bad. Not criminal. You don't get to win by default. Which means....you don't get to win.

Have a great year of hand wringing, pal. You deserve it.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Come on now, I haven't exactly seen a love story with Trump and the GOP.


All the Demwits can do is chant: Not Trump! Not Trump! Not Trump!

Pathetic display of intellectual vacuity.

Come on now, give them a chance to post something better than DOJ decided not to prosecute her for national security violations.

give them a chance to post something better than DOJ decided not to prosecute her for her obvious national security violations

fixed it for ya

I am beginning to think that the left considers the ability to dodge the law an admirable trait.

No, you need to understand that we're not like you.

We get it. Like most Republicans, you consider open corruption to be a prerequisite for office. That's why you worship Trump with such enthusiasm. The man has literally made a career of deliberately ripping off working people and his investors. Anyone who isn't a complete moral shitstain would spit on the ground as Trump walked by.

In contrast, we Democrats can proudly point having one of the most ethical and most qualified candidates ever. And it absolutely enrages the Trump fans to see that. They know how bad they look in comparison to us, but instead of uplifting themselves, they seek to drag us down to their level.

Don't forget the most grossly negligent with national security and prolific liars ever.

At least I've seen positive threads on Trump and the Bern, not so much on the hildabitch.

Those who consider Hillary Clinton to be a competent and qualified candidate don't need to convince themselves of anything.

All of the positive Trump threads are just that. Worried nutbags trying to convince themselves that the guy is worthy of the office and has a chance in hell of attaining it.

True story.
They are talking talking talking up Drumpf...trying to convince themselves.

Absolutely. Have you seen all the hand wringing threads? I have.

Reason most often given for supporting Trump: He's not Hillary.

Funny shit. He's actually more liberal than she is.

No he's not a criminal that jeopardized national security or lied to congress. You regressives may love your criminals, most don't. The fact that you can ignore the case Comey laid out for gross negligence of national security says much about you.

Whatever. She fucked up and tried to hide her emails. It's bad. Politically bad. Not criminal. You don't get to win by default. Which means....you don't get to win.

Have a great year of hand wringing, pal. You deserve it.

So you're saying she didn't violate federal records keeping laws, she didn't try to obstruct congressional investigation by hiding her email, she did commit gross negligence as laid out by Comey, she didn't have classified information on a personal insecure computer system and she didn't lie to congress saying she did it so she would only need one device? People have gone to jail for much less, but your dear leaders regime has proven laws are only for us little people. Yeah she's a criminal alright, just because she's not being held to account now doesn't mean she'll skate forever. Oh and there is still the perjury referral from congress that hasn't been resolved yet. Yep, you folks love you some criminals, own it.
Don't forget the most grossly negligent with national security and prolific liars ever.

Still amazes me that she convinced some that she's not corrupt, just incredibly stupid. Damage was done, but she wants people to forget her mistake and move on.
Looking At This Board, You'd Think Dems Are Ashamed Of Their Candidate

can you blame them

I've got nothing that can change the miserable fortunes of your party. :lol:

I'm content with knowing there is no chance in Hell that a clown like Trump is ever going to be president. :0)

This board is not designed to convince anyone of anything .. it's here purely as entertainment.

Guess you didn't know that.

So you got zero, zip, nada positive about that thing you call a candidate, got it. I'll be sure to pass that along.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I don't give a fuck what you do.

Be sure to measure .. see if what you think makes any difference. :0)

What I think matters just as much as you hero.

I don't claim that what I think matters. All that matters is that Trump will never be the president .. even his own party will ensure that never happens.

I'm just here for the entertainment. :0)

Great, then I don't need to take anything you say seriously.

It doesn't matter to me if you do or you don't. I have no illusions about meaningful conversation while talking to most republicans.

In your case, you're looking for whatever you can dream up to make you think your candidate has any chance of winning. Democrats aren't talking about Hillary .. that must have meaning. That must mean that your candidate will win. :0) No, it doesn't.

This is America .. where money is more important than God. You'd have to know almost nothing about America if you think the plutocrats who operate this country are going to risk all they own by allowing a clown to be president.

.. but I digress .. please continue with your polling. :0)
Come on now, I haven't exactly seen a love story with Trump and the GOP.


At least I've seen positive threads on Trump and the Bern, not so much on the hildabitch.

Those who consider Hillary Clinton to be a competent and qualified candidate don't need to convince themselves of anything.

All of the positive Trump threads are just that. Worried nutbags trying to convince themselves that the guy is worthy of the office and has a chance in hell of attaining it.

True story.
They are talking talking talking up Drumpf...trying to convince themselves.

Absolutely. Have you seen all the hand wringing threads? I have.

Reason most often given for supporting Trump: He's not Hillary.

Funny shit. He's actually more liberal than she is.

No he's not a criminal that jeopardized national security or lied to congress. You regressives may love your criminals, most don't. The fact that you can ignore the case Comey laid out for gross negligence of national security says much about you.

Neither Clinton or Trump are criminals.
Neither have been charged with any crimes.
And Comey laid out why Clinton should not be charged for any crimes.

You Right Wing Nut Jobs love to pretend that there is some criminal franchise that the Right Wing is excluded from- but the Right Wing is every bit as corrupt as the left wing- and read that as you will.

The Right Wing has tried for 8 years to label President Obama a criminal. You have been trying to label Clinton a criminal for 30 years. Yet the best you can do is spread gossip and rumors and innuendo.

Trump is a liar and a cheat- and has absolutely no experience regarding governing, passing legislation or foreign affairs. He is thin skinned and insults anyone who dares criticize him.

Yeah- Clinton is the clear choice.

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