Looking At This Board, You'd Think Dems Are Ashamed Of Their Candidate

We Democrats are thrilled about having the most qualified candidate to ever run for president in our lifetimes. That's why the Democrats are unified and energized.

In contrast, the Republicans are fractured and whining. Look at this thread.

Trump fans, your CheetoMessiah is a raging narcissist and proud sociopath. The only thing he's good at is turning large fortunes into small fortunes, lying more readily than normal humans breathe, and defrauding everyone he comes into contact with. Y'all make sure to send him more money to line his pockets with. Just understand that he doesn't care about you. He thinks of you as chumps, sheep in need of a fleecing.

And before you go that route, understand that getting even more butthurt at us won't change that.
"Looking At This Board, You'd Think Dems Are Ashamed Of Their Candidate"

If they aren't...they should be.
We Democrats are thrilled about having the most qualified candidate to ever run for president in our lifetimes. That's why the Democrats are unified and energized.

In contrast, the Republicans are fractured and whining. Look at this thread.

Trump fans, your CheetoMessiah is a raging narcissist and proud sociopath. The only thing he's good at is turning large fortunes into small fortunes, lying more readily than normal humans breathe, and defrauding everyone he comes into contact with. Y'all make sure to send him more money to line his pockets with. Just understand that he doesn't care about you. He thinks of you as chumps, sheep in need of a fleecing.

And before you go that route, understand that getting even more butthurt at us won't change that.

Sounds like projection to me.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Come on now, I haven't exactly seen a love story with Trump and the GOP.


All the Demwits can do is chant: Not Trump! Not Trump! Not Trump!

Pathetic display of intellectual vacuity.

Do you know who started Not Trump? People in the GOP..I watched a documentary the other day about the GOP convention.
So now that Trump GOP is the candidate the republicans act as if he has been their candidate since the beginning and think people won't notice it.. :lol:

There are many democrats supporting Trump, but most everyone will end up voting for their life long party.

So why isn't the left touting what a great candidate in Hillary? You keep attacking Trump in this thread a thread that is giving the left a chance to show how great she really is.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

That's the point .. no one has to convince you of anything. It's republicans whining all over this board trying to convince themselves that their clown is going to win the election. :lol: .. which is never going to happen.

Go ahead .. tell yourself how great Trump is .. tell yourself what a wonderful position republicans find themselves in today ..

.. go ahead .. see if it makes any difference. :lol:

So you got nothing, got it.

I've got nothing that can change the miserable fortunes of your party. :lol:

I'm content with knowing there is no chance in Hell that a clown like Trump is ever going to be president. :0)

This board is not designed to convince anyone of anything .. it's here purely as entertainment.

Guess you didn't know that.

Nothing positive about Hillary, interesting position to take.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.
Oh...is this another one of those...."why aren't there dozens of threads about Clinton" threads again? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.
Oh...is this another one of those...."why aren't there dozens of threads about Clinton" threads again? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So you can't come up with anything positive about her either? Color me shocked.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.
Oh...is this another one of those...."why aren't there dozens of threads about Clinton" threads again? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So you can't come up with anything positive about her either? Color me shocked.
I love her stances on abortion, on gay rights, on unions, on foreign affairs, on the military....off the top of my head.

And she's not a psychotic narcissus like her opponent.
Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Hillary sucks as a candidate. However, she is so much better than the republican candidate that I will vote for her. Just to help keep trump out.

You republicans should really try and do better. My vote was there for the taking. Till trump came along.

Feeling the love for a criminal are ya?
How's that indictment coming?

So the best you got is she wasn't indicted? Of course she wasn't cleared of wrong doing either.
I love her stances on abortion, on gay rights, on unions, on foreign affairs, on the military

So you want more war in the Middle East over intentional lies and nothing in US national interest, because that is what those who are funding her campaign want. You must love Madeleine Allbright, since she tried to get a US Iraq war started in 1998 using traditionally Israeli methods...

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq

"Shelton sets the scene at a “small, weekly White House breakfast” that served as regular “informal” meetings that “encouraged brainstorming of potential options on a variety of issues.”

At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”

If you eliminate Berger, Cohen, Tenet, and Richardson and look at the Cabinet members that remain, you’re sort of left where Elliott is: with Madeleine Albright."

Madeleine Allbright, "hell to pay for women who don't support other women,": she's your type of "woman," right??

Allbright is on course for CIA Director if Hillary wins...
Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Hillary sucks as a candidate. However, she is so much better than the republican candidate that I will vote for her. Just to help keep trump out.

You republicans should really try and do better. My vote was there for the taking. Till trump came along.

Feeling the love for a criminal are ya?
How's that indictment coming?

So the best you got is she wasn't indicted? Of course she wasn't cleared of wrong doing either.
No...that's not the best...That was a question put to you. Sorry that you didn't manage Reading Comprehension well...doesn't it handicap you in RL?
They ARE ashamed of their candidate. How could they not be?
Embarrassed, maybe, as they realize their candidate is losing every debate.

But Democrats aren't ashamed of anything. They are incapable of shame.

Their decades-long record of lying, failing, backing candidates who do the same (and more), and pushing policies that invariably fail, demonstrates clearly that the Democrats cannot feel shame for even the worst things they do.
I love her stances on abortion, on gay rights, on unions, on foreign affairs, on the military

So you want more war in the Middle East over intentional lies and nothing in US national interest, because that is what those who are funding her campaign want. You must love Madeleine Allbright, since she tried to get a US Iraq war started in 1998 using traditionally Israeli methods...

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq

"Shelton sets the scene at a “small, weekly White House breakfast” that served as regular “informal” meetings that “encouraged brainstorming of potential options on a variety of issues.”

At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”

If you eliminate Berger, Cohen, Tenet, and Richardson and look at the Cabinet members that remain, you’re sort of left where Elliott is: with Madeleine Albright."

Madeleine Allbright, "hell to pay for women who don't support other women,: she's your type of "woman," right??

Allbright is on course for CIA Director if Hillary wins...

"More war in the Middle East"? You obviously confused her stance with Drumpf's. :lol:
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.
Oh...is this another one of those...."why aren't there dozens of threads about Clinton" threads again? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So you can't come up with anything positive about her either? Color me shocked.
I love her stances on abortion, on gay rights, on unions, on foreign affairs, on the military....off the top of my head.

And she's not a psychotic narcissus like her opponent.

Oh boy, bumper stickers, not convincing.

She one of the biggest psychotic narcissus and pathological liars out there. She ever rivals your dear leader.

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