Looking At This Board, You'd Think Dems Are Ashamed Of Their Candidate

I am beginning to think that the left considers the ability to dodge the law an admirable trait.

No, you need to understand that we're not like you.

We get it. Like most Republicans, you consider open corruption to be a prerequisite for office. That's why you worship Trump with such enthusiasm. The man has literally made a career of deliberately ripping off working people and his investors. Anyone who isn't a complete moral shitstain would spit on the ground as Trump walked by.

In contrast, we Democrats can proudly point having one of the most ethical and most qualified candidates ever. And it absolutely enrages the Trump fans to see that. They know how bad they look in comparison to us, but instead of uplifting themselves, they seek to drag us down to their level.

Don't forget the most grossly negligent with national security and prolific liars ever.

Trump hasn't had any opportunity to be grossly negligent with national security yet- and of course he is entirely ignorant of it. But he certainly is one of the most prolific liars ever.
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

Come on now, I haven't exactly seen a love story with Trump and the GOP.

It's new. Different. We didn't hang onto retreads or status quo people. Jeb was nothing more than a tiny blip early.

Meanwhile, on the other side, a coronation happened months ago and the Dems went all in with Goldman Sachs and whoever else owns a piece of Hillary.
So you got zero, zip, nada positive about that thing you call a candidate, got it. I'll be sure to pass that along.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I don't give a fuck what you do.

Be sure to measure .. see if what you think makes any difference. :0)

What I think matters just as much as you hero.

I don't claim that what I think matters. All that matters is that Trump will never be the president .. even his own party will ensure that never happens.

I'm just here for the entertainment. :0)

Great, then I don't need to take anything you say seriously.

It doesn't matter to me if you do or you don't. I have no illusions about meaningful conversation while talking to most republicans.

In your case, you're looking for whatever you can dream up to make you think your candidate has any chance of winning. Democrats aren't talking about Hillary .. that must have meaning. That must mean that your candidate will win. :0) No, it doesn't.

This is America .. where money is more important than God. You'd have to know almost nothing about America if you think the plutocrats who operate this country are going to risk all they own by allowing a clown to be president.

.. but I digress .. please continue with your polling. :0)

Funny, we've had a clown for the last 8 years, also ask the baby shrub how much money talked against Trump, he out spent Trump 3:1 and lasted half the time. There's a thread on the board now where the hildabitch is out spending him 40:1 and barely holding her own, if not losing a little ground. Keep thinking this is a conventional election, it's not.
At least I've seen positive threads on Trump and the Bern, not so much on the hildabitch.

Those who consider Hillary Clinton to be a competent and qualified candidate don't need to convince themselves of anything.

All of the positive Trump threads are just that. Worried nutbags trying to convince themselves that the guy is worthy of the office and has a chance in hell of attaining it.

True story.
They are talking talking talking up Drumpf...trying to convince themselves.

Absolutely. Have you seen all the hand wringing threads? I have.

Reason most often given for supporting Trump: He's not Hillary.

Funny shit. He's actually more liberal than she is.

No he's not a criminal that jeopardized national security or lied to congress. You regressives may love your criminals, most don't. The fact that you can ignore the case Comey laid out for gross negligence of national security says much about you.

Neither Clinton or Trump are criminals.
Neither have been charged with any crimes.
And Comey laid out why Clinton should not be charged for any crimes.

You Right Wing Nut Jobs love to pretend that there is some criminal franchise that the Right Wing is excluded from- but the Right Wing is every bit as corrupt as the left wing- and read that as you will.

The Right Wing has tried for 8 years to label President Obama a criminal. You have been trying to label Clinton a criminal for 30 years. Yet the best you can do is spread gossip and rumors and innuendo.

Trump is a liar and a cheat- and has absolutely no experience regarding governing, passing legislation or foreign affairs. He is thin skinned and insults anyone who dares criticize him.

Yeah- Clinton is the clear choice.

See post #95
I am beginning to think that the left considers the ability to dodge the law an admirable trait.

No, you need to understand that we're not like you.

We get it. Like most Republicans, you consider open corruption to be a prerequisite for office. That's why you worship Trump with such enthusiasm. The man has literally made a career of deliberately ripping off working people and his investors. Anyone who isn't a complete moral shitstain would spit on the ground as Trump walked by.

In contrast, we Democrats can proudly point having one of the most ethical and most qualified candidates ever. And it absolutely enrages the Trump fans to see that. They know how bad they look in comparison to us, but instead of uplifting themselves, they seek to drag us down to their level.

Don't forget the most grossly negligent with national security and prolific liars ever.

Trump hasn't had any opportunity to be grossly negligent with national security yet- and of course he is entirely ignorant of it. But he certainly is one of the most prolific liars ever.

Feel free to point out where Trump lied under oath to congress or in a sworn affidavit to a judge. She told the judge she had turned over all work related emails, Comey said she hadn't turned over thousands. Those are a couple of shoes that have yet to drop.
Looking At This Board, You'd Think The Repugs Would Be Ashamed Of Their Candidate, But They Have No Shame! :dance:
I've been thinking about this for a few days now. Why no positive threads about the hildabitch, no one championing he accomplishments, policy proposals or fantastic campaign appearances.

All I'm seeing regressives posting are propaganda articles from left wing hate sites bashing the opposition. I guess there's nothing to crow about in your party.

Come on regressives convince me your girl is the best.

They don't have a whole lot to vote for.

Stupid, Careless and Incompetent sure don't cut it in my book.
Feel free to point out where Trump lied under oath to congress or in a sworn affidavit to a judge.

I can see why you're evading. If I was kissing up to a lifelong fraudster like Trump, I'd be ashamed too.

She told the judge she had turned over all work related emails,

No, she said she had directed that to be done, and that to the best of her knowledge, it was done. And that was a truthful statement. Words mean things, so don't assign phony statements to Clinton.

Comey said she hadn't turned over thousands.

And he specifically stated that was definitely not deliberate. Comey confirmed Clinton was honest in her statement.

Those are a couple of shoes that have yet to drop.

Indictments are just around the corner, eh? Hope springs eternal. You'll be saying that to your dying day, but you'll always end up disappointed.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I don't give a fuck what you do.

Be sure to measure .. see if what you think makes any difference. :0)

What I think matters just as much as you hero.

I don't claim that what I think matters. All that matters is that Trump will never be the president .. even his own party will ensure that never happens.

I'm just here for the entertainment. :0)

Great, then I don't need to take anything you say seriously.

It doesn't matter to me if you do or you don't. I have no illusions about meaningful conversation while talking to most republicans.

In your case, you're looking for whatever you can dream up to make you think your candidate has any chance of winning. Democrats aren't talking about Hillary .. that must have meaning. That must mean that your candidate will win. :0) No, it doesn't.

This is America .. where money is more important than God. You'd have to know almost nothing about America if you think the plutocrats who operate this country are going to risk all they own by allowing a clown to be president.

.. but I digress .. please continue with your polling. :0)

Funny, we've had a clown for the last 8 years, also ask the baby shrub how much money talked against Trump, he out spent Trump 3:1 and lasted half the time. There's a thread on the board now where the hildabitch is out spending him 40:1 and barely holding her own, if not losing a little ground. Keep thinking this is a conventional election, it's not.

:0) You hold onto that real tight homeboy. That's all you have .. and that won't change. After the election, what you just posted will be all you have. It's 100% emotion, 0% analysis.

Your problem is that you have no understanding of what America is. None. Your blindness not only prevents you from seeing the inevitable outcome of this election, but it leaves you ill-prepared to accept the changes that will come in an evolving society.

If you knew what America is, you wouldn't need polls or op/eds to know how this election will end.

Did you know that Romney got the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan did in a landslide? .. Romney lost. .. and some white votes are essentially ALL that republicans have. :0) The American electorate has changed. Whether you like it or not, it has changed .. and it continues to change.

Let me show you something scary .. for you.


In a few years, republicans will lose the south.

Check this out ..

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation
Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites.
It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

Minorities Will Be Majority of US by 2044: Census Bureau

If you have children, that's the America they will live in.

At what point do republicans grow up?
Feel free to point out where Trump lied under oath to congress or in a sworn affidavit to a judge.

I can see why you're evading. If I was kissing up to a lifelong fraudster like Trump, I'd be ashamed too.

She told the judge she had turned over all work related emails,

No, she said she had directed that to be done, and that to the best of her knowledge, it was done. And that was a truthful statement. Words mean things, so don't assign phony statements to Clinton.

Comey said she hadn't turned over thousands.

And he specifically stated that was definitely not deliberate. Comey confirmed Clinton was honest in her statement.

Those are a couple of shoes that have yet to drop.

Indictments are just around the corner, eh? Hope springs eternal. You'll be saying that to your dying day, but you'll always end up disappointed.

So directing it to be done is good enough for you, who had the ultimate responsibility to ensure it WAS DONE? If she can't handle a simple follow up like that, she has no business being POTUS. So I guess you not only love liars and criminals, you love incompetence.
What I think matters just as much as you hero.

I don't claim that what I think matters. All that matters is that Trump will never be the president .. even his own party will ensure that never happens.

I'm just here for the entertainment. :0)

Great, then I don't need to take anything you say seriously.

It doesn't matter to me if you do or you don't. I have no illusions about meaningful conversation while talking to most republicans.

In your case, you're looking for whatever you can dream up to make you think your candidate has any chance of winning. Democrats aren't talking about Hillary .. that must have meaning. That must mean that your candidate will win. :0) No, it doesn't.

This is America .. where money is more important than God. You'd have to know almost nothing about America if you think the plutocrats who operate this country are going to risk all they own by allowing a clown to be president.

.. but I digress .. please continue with your polling. :0)

Funny, we've had a clown for the last 8 years, also ask the baby shrub how much money talked against Trump, he out spent Trump 3:1 and lasted half the time. There's a thread on the board now where the hildabitch is out spending him 40:1 and barely holding her own, if not losing a little ground. Keep thinking this is a conventional election, it's not.

:0) You hold onto that real tight homeboy. That's all you have .. and that won't change. After the election, what you just posted will be all you have. It's 100% emotion, 0% analysis.

Your problem is that you have no understanding of what America is. None. Your blindness not only prevents you from seeing the inevitable outcome of this election, but it leaves you ill-prepared to accept the changes that will come in an evolving society.

If you knew what America is, you wouldn't need polls or op/eds to know how this election will end.

Did you know that Romney got the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan did in a landslide? .. Romney lost. .. and some white votes are essentially ALL that republicans have. :0) The American electorate has changed. Whether you like it or not, it has changed .. and it continues to change.

Let me show you something scary .. for you.


In a few years, republicans will lose the south.

Check this out ..

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation
Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites.
It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

Minorities Will Be Majority of US by 2044: Census Bureau

If you have children, that's the America they will live in.

At what point do republicans grow up?

You better hope you're wrong, blacks will have it worse under the hildabitch than your dear leader.
Feel free to point out where Trump lied under oath to congress or in a sworn affidavit to a judge.

I can see why you're evading. If I was kissing up to a lifelong fraudster like Trump, I'd be ashamed too.

She told the judge she had turned over all work related emails,

No, she said she had directed that to be done, and that to the best of her knowledge, it was done. And that was a truthful statement. Words mean things, so don't assign phony statements to Clinton.

Comey said she hadn't turned over thousands.

And he specifically stated that was definitely not deliberate. Comey confirmed Clinton was honest in her statement.

Those are a couple of shoes that have yet to drop.

Indictments are just around the corner, eh? Hope springs eternal. You'll be saying that to your dying day, but you'll always end up disappointed.

So directing it to be done is good enough for you, who had the ultimate responsibility to ensure it WAS DONE? If she can't handle a simple follow up like that, she has no business being POTUS. So I guess you not only love liars and criminals, you love incompetence.

Even the FBI said she was stupid, careless and incompetent.

Mamooth could care less. She still sees Hitlery as a viable candidate for POTUS.

You can't cure stupid.
Feel free to point out where Trump lied under oath to congress or in a sworn affidavit to a judge.

I can see why you're evading. If I was kissing up to a lifelong fraudster like Trump, I'd be ashamed too.

She told the judge she had turned over all work related emails,

No, she said she had directed that to be done, and that to the best of her knowledge, it was done. And that was a truthful statement. Words mean things, so don't assign phony statements to Clinton.

Comey said she hadn't turned over thousands.

And he specifically stated that was definitely not deliberate. Comey confirmed Clinton was honest in her statement.

Those are a couple of shoes that have yet to drop.

Indictments are just around the corner, eh? Hope springs eternal. You'll be saying that to your dying day, but you'll always end up disappointed.

So directing it to be done is good enough for you, who had the ultimate responsibility to ensure it WAS DONE? If she can't handle a simple follow up like that, she has no business being POTUS. So I guess you not only love liars and criminals, you love incompetence.

Even the FBI said she was stupid, careless and incompetent.

Mamooth could care less. She still sees Hitlery as a viable candidate for POTUS.

You can't cure stupid.

Yep, would be the first not to be able to get a security clearance if they were applying for a GS-5 position.
So directing it to be done is good enough for you, who had the ultimate responsibility to ensure it WAS DONE? If she can't handle a simple follow up like that, she has no business being POTUS. So I guess you not only love liars and criminals, you love incompetence.

I can see why you're so upset. All those years of lying about Clinton, of blindly repeating every idiot conspiracy theory they fed you, just to see it blow up in your face. Such a waste.

You shouldn't scream at the messenger who points out you've been played. But you will, and then go back to sucking up to Trump, the most corrupt and incompetent candidate in American history.

When the authoritarian thugs of your party were chanting "LOCK HER UP!" at the convention, were you chanting along at home? So very openly Stalinist that was, demanding political prosecutions of EnemiesOfTheParty. Decent people would want nothing to do with such a party.
Mamooth could care less. She still sees Hitlery as a viable candidate for POTUS

You don't understand Mamooo.

Mamooo doesn't care beans about America. Mamoooo is 100% about Israel. Mamooo is very very opposed to re-opening the 911 investigation... and is quite sure Hillary won't.
So directing it to be done is good enough for you, who had the ultimate responsibility to ensure it WAS DONE? If she can't handle a simple follow up like that, she has no business being POTUS. So I guess you not only love liars and criminals, you love incompetence.

I can see why you're so upset. All those years of lying about Clinton, of blindly repeating every idiot conspiracy theory they fed you, just to see it blow up in your face. Such a waste.

You shouldn't scream at the messenger who points out you've been played. But you will, and then go back to sucking up to Trump, the most corrupt and incompetent candidate in American history.

When the authoritarian thugs of your party were chanting "LOCK HER UP!" at the convention, were you chanting along at home? So very openly Stalinist that was, demanding political prosecutions of EnemiesOfTheParty. Decent people would want nothing to do with such a party.

Deflection noted. Just can't answer the question, can ya?

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