Looking forward to government run medicine?

Speaking as a retired 20 year military man who dealt with "government run medicine" the entire time, I am good with this. :)

Good with ACA?

That's nice but ACA is NOT government run medicine.

It is government mandated health care insurance.

Mostly it mandates that people buy HC insurance from private HC insurers.

It is the worst of BOTH WORLDS.

It combines the ineffeciency of capitalistic HC insurance with the fascistic MANDATE that citizens MUST BUY their insurance from capitalistic corporations.

Americans (and the American economy) would be FAR better off if we all had access to "government run medicine" .
Government run retirement plans, i.e. social security, have worked out so well, why should i be the least bit concerned about them running healthcare?

You should love Obamacare then because private insurers are even more entrenched now in our healthcare model.

But nope.....It was passed by Obama so you have to hate it as per the instructions of your overlords. Good sheep.

Check the number of exemptions or those seeking exemptions to Obamacare: Unions, Democrat Congressmen and Senators, and corporate cronies. These groups are hating on it too.
That is another option. My suggestion is not for anyone to work an extra ten years, although many are choosing to do so these days. In reality, if you are 50 or younger, your full retirement age is now 67. I would only suggest increasing that to 70, leaving those who choose to retire at 67 with a reduced benefit, the same as they do now for those who choose to retire before their full retirement age.

The point is that there are a number of realistic solutions to fix the shortfall. We just need to make a choice and get it done. The reason I tend to lean toward increasing the retirement age is that Medicare faces an even larger problem, and it's going to take a lot more tax dollars to fix it compared to SS. Raising the retirement age for Medicare from the current 65 to 70 would cut cost substantially. The other thing it does is brings more money into the system as people are paying in longer.

As for what happens to those trying to enter the job market if people continue to work longer, I don't see it as a problem. When people are working longer, they will spend more, the economy will grow, and there will be enough jobs for everyone. The biggest reason the economy can't seem to gain any traction is that the baby boomers quit spending money, in part due to the fact so may lost their asses when the market crashed, but also just because they don't have as much reason to spend.

your full retirement age is now 67. I would only suggest increasing that to 70,

so what about the people with physical jobs that break the body down,for some of them even working till your 65 would be unrealistic....unless you want to be a cripple........not all of us sit on our asses all day long....

That would have to be covered by SSI disability insurance until they hit the retirement age. I understand there are some people who work very physical jobs and it does beat down their bodies making working longer much more difficult, so that would need to be addressed. That being said, more people than ever before now work in service type jobs that do not place physical abuse on the body. A much bigger problem is that many people can't work longer because they have abused their bodies for so long by smoking and/or overeating. Nothing we do will ever be perfect or work 100% for every single person.

That would have to be covered by SSI disability insurance until they hit the retirement age. I understand there are some people who work very physical jobs and it does beat down their bodies making working longer much more difficult, so that would need to be addressed.

thanks Auditor.....at least you gave me an intelligent reply unlike RW who sounded like many of the people he bad mouths here with their answers to things....
Not thinking of yourself as a parasite makes you not a parasite. Got it.

And paying into a program for 50 years that didn't save any of the money doesn't make you entitled to other people's money.

We're learning from each other here today, RW...

God, I love conservatives.

They manage to offend all Americans while clinging to their indifference. Social Security ensured the retirement of millions of Americans where formerly they worked till they dropped

75 years later, they still don't get it

You're a left winger who calls yourself "right winger"

I'm a libertarian and you call me a "conservative."

When you figure out which way is up, get back to me.

Libertarians are just conservatives without the personality
God, I love conservatives.

They manage to offend all Americans while clinging to their indifference. Social Security ensured the retirement of millions of Americans where formerly they worked till they dropped

75 years later, they still don't get it

You're a left winger who calls yourself "right winger"

I'm a libertarian and you call me a "conservative."

When you figure out which way is up, get back to me.

Libertarians are just conservatives without the personality

Pro-choice, anti war on drugs, against permanent overseas military presence and the US being in middle east wars, against government marriage, against laws against prostitution, gambling and euthanasia. That's just to start. You'd have to be a complete and utter moron to not be able to tell us apart from a conservative.

Oh, I get it now...

Never mind.
You're a left winger who calls yourself "right winger"

I'm a libertarian and you call me a "conservative."

When you figure out which way is up, get back to me.

Libertarians are just conservatives without the personality

Pro-choice, anti war on drugs, against permanent overseas military presence and the US being in middle east wars, against government marriage, against laws against prostitution, gambling and euthanasia. That's just to start. You'd have to be a complete and utter moron to not be able to tell us apart from a conservative.

Oh, I get it now...

Never mind.

Oh, I get it now

A Libertarian is a Conservative who likes hookers, smoking pot and gambling
Libertarians are just conservatives without the personality

Pro-choice, anti war on drugs, against permanent overseas military presence and the US being in middle east wars, against government marriage, against laws against prostitution, gambling and euthanasia. That's just to start. You'd have to be a complete and utter moron to not be able to tell us apart from a conservative.

Oh, I get it now...

Never mind.

Oh, I get it now

A Libertarian is a Conservative who likes hookers, smoking pot and gambling

As long as I've known you, you've never actually "gotten" anything. Including now. I don't do any of those things. I know a lot of libertarians and none of them to my knowledge are into any of those either. You don't get liberty, do you RW? When discussing issues, you don't even grasp the question of whether government has the right to stop something, only why government should allow it.

Let's test your logic here. Since you're saying government should only allow us to do things that we actually want to do, you want abortions, right RW?

When you write those moronic posts, do you actually sit and admire what you write or just drool, say duh and click?
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Pro-choice, anti war on drugs, against permanent overseas military presence and the US being in middle east wars, against government marriage, against laws against prostitution, gambling and euthanasia. That's just to start. You'd have to be a complete and utter moron to not be able to tell us apart from a conservative.

Oh, I get it now...

Never mind.

Oh, I get it now

A Libertarian is a Conservative who likes hookers, smoking pot and gambling

As long as I've known you, you've never actually "gotten" anything. Including now. I don't do any of those things. I know a lot of libertarians and none of them to my knowledge are into any of those either. You don't get liberty, do you RW? When discussing issues, you don't even grasp the question of whether government has the right to stop something, only why government should allow it.

Let's test your logic here. Since you're saying government should only allow us to do things that we actually want to do, you want abortions, right RW?

When you write those moronic posts, do you actually sit and admire what you write or just drool, say duh and click?

I see now...


You don't actually LIKE hookers, smoking pot and gambling......Its the PRINCIPLE
I see now...


You don't actually LIKE hookers, smoking pot and gambling......Its the PRINCIPLE

Not only do you want to tell people what to do, but that someone else doesn't is unfathomable to you. I already knew you're a socialist and a Marxist, just pointing it out.
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This can't be!! There must be some mistake. Obviously Redfish is an honest and intelligent individual who would never attempt to mislead and would thoroughly check information before he shared it with others.

I'm shocked I tell you....shocked!

Did you actually read the link? From your response I doubt it. You might want to, since it doesn't dispute the percentages in the OP.

I see now...


You don't actually LIKE hookers, smoking pot and gambling......Its the PRINCIPLE

Not only do you want to tell people what to do, but that someone else doesn't is unfathomable to you. I already knew you're a socialist and a Marxist, just pointing it out.

Found your baby picture

Who's the lucky guy you want to marry since you support gay marriage?

Conversations with you go a lot easier once I turn my brain off. Which still leaves me quite a few IQ points above you...
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Not only do you want to tell people what to do, but that someone else doesn't is unfathomable to you. I already knew you're a socialist and a Marxist, just pointing it out.

Found your baby picture

Who's the lucky guy you want to marry since you support gay marriage?

Conversations with you go a lot easier once I turn my brain off. Which still leaves me quite a few IQ points above you...

Typical homophobe response. Call someone gay because you don't have a decent argument for the topic at hand. Loser!
Found your baby picture

Who's the lucky guy you want to marry since you support gay marriage?

Conversations with you go a lot easier once I turn my brain off. Which still leaves me quite a few IQ points above you...

Typical homophobe response. Call someone gay because you don't have a decent argument for the topic at hand. Loser!

There is nothing homophobic about what I said. Read the conversation before you miss the point and make yourself look stupid.
They just don't understand that Reagan's EMTALA is socialized medicine.

I'm only a semi-fan of ACA. We needed to have the single payer option the Rs fought against because they knew it was the right thing to do.



so you want what the UK and Canada have? Why don't you move to one of those countries and try it for a few years? I think you would change your opinion.

you fools that keep crying for single payer think it will be free for you and someone else will foot the bill for you. WRONG. YOU will be paying more and getting less. It won't be free for you or anyone else----except maybe illegal aliens.:cuckoo:

You really don't know much about anything, do you? I have friends in Canada. They laugh at us when it comes to our healthcare system. They pay half of what we do and everyone is covered. Is it perfect? No. But it's just a matter of how much they are willing to pay. I wouldn't want their system because they have zero options other than the health system available. Many countries with universal healthcare also have supplemental insurance available that gives those who choose to purchase it some advantages over those who just want to use the government run health option.

My aunt (mother's sister) married a Canadian guy and they lived in Canada. A while back, she had a horrible pain in her jaw...saw her dentist, and was told she had an abscessed tooth and needed a root canal. She was also told she could get one in a couple of WEEKS! (While she could not eat or sleep!) They went to Buffalo...it was done in two days.
God, I love conservatives.

They manage to offend all Americans while clinging to their indifference. Social Security ensured the retirement of millions of Americans where formerly they worked till they dropped

75 years later, they still don't get it

You're a left winger who calls yourself "right winger"

I'm a libertarian and you call me a "conservative."

When you figure out which way is up, get back to me.

Libertarians are just conservatives without the personality

Yer stupid. Kill yourself.
so you want what the UK and Canada have? Why don't you move to one of those countries and try it for a few years? I think you would change your opinion.

you fools that keep crying for single payer think it will be free for you and someone else will foot the bill for you. WRONG. YOU will be paying more and getting less. It won't be free for you or anyone else----except maybe illegal aliens.:cuckoo:

You really don't know much about anything, do you? I have friends in Canada. They laugh at us when it comes to our healthcare system. They pay half of what we do and everyone is covered. Is it perfect? No. But it's just a matter of how much they are willing to pay. I wouldn't want their system because they have zero options other than the health system available. Many countries with universal healthcare also have supplemental insurance available that gives those who choose to purchase it some advantages over those who just want to use the government run health option.

My aunt (mother's sister) married a Canadian guy and they lived in Canada. A while back, she had a horrible pain in her jaw...saw her dentist, and was told she had an abscessed tooth and needed a root canal. She was also told she could get one in a couple of WEEKS! (While she could not eat or sleep!) They went to Buffalo...it was done in two days.

Perfect example. But the libtards will never get it because in their utter stupidity, they think its going to be free for them.

But they are ok with letting the absess grow and penetrate the brain and kill you while you wait your turn at the FREE government dentist.
My aunt (mother's sister) married a Canadian guy and they lived in Canada. A while back, she had a horrible pain in her jaw...saw her dentist, and was told she had an abscessed tooth and needed a root canal. She was also told she could get one in a couple of WEEKS! (While she could not eat or sleep!) They went to Buffalo...it was done in two days.

Perfect example. But the libtards will never get it because in their utter stupidity, they think its going to be free for them.

But they are ok with letting the absess grow and penetrate the brain and kill you while you wait your turn at the FREE government dentist.

Dental services in Canada are generally financed the same way they are here, not via a single-payer system. They don't have "free government dentists."

While Canadians are guaranteed access to hospital and physician services, it is up to each province to decide whether to cover “supplementary” benefits, like dental care and drug coverage. About two-thirds of Canadians take out private, supplemental insurance policies (or have an employer-sponsored plan) to cover these services.

While Canada is traditionally thought of as a publicly financed system, spending on these supplemental benefits means that 30 percent of health spending comes from private sources. One 2011 study found that nearly all Canadian spending on dental care came from non-government dollars, 60 percent covered by employer-sponsored plans and 35 percent paid out of pocket. Some Canadian legislators have made pushes to increase the scope of Canada’s public health plan, to cover more services, but have so far proved unsuccessful.

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