Looking forward to the party debates for a change


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually going to watch the party debates this time around. I'm seeing two REALLY fascinating questions begin to emerge:

First, there's a chance Trump is gonna do a complete crash & burn at these things. He's going to have to get specific, he's going to have to know policy, and he's going to have to appear to be at least a couple of miles of presidential and dignified. He could be the most spectacular flameout in electoral history, OR he could behave in a way that endears him to 25% to 30% of the GOP even MORE intensely. Wow. Reality TV goes political!

Second, while Hillary is still the prohibitive favorite for the Democrats, she's clearly wounded here. That increases the likelihood that Bernie and the other candidates aren't going to hold back for the good of the party. This woman needs a freaking semi-truck to haul around her various personal & political baggage, Bernie isn't exactly a shrinking violet, and the other guys have to make a name for themselves. How far will her opponents go with her?

What will you be looking for?

Trump will speak for approximately 9 minutes during the initial debate. He likely won't crash and burn there since there won't be sufficient follow ups to his responses.

How much of Hillary's baggage is empty? Go ahead and list the things that it has been proven that she has done that are illegal or would disqualify her from holding the office. You know....successful lawsuits or indictments. Stuff like that.

Given that Bernie has no history of negative campaigning and is known for staying on the issues.....and knowing that you are always calling for people to act like adults....I wonder why you seem so eager to see some mudslinging on the Dem stage. Why do you want to see Bernie go negative?

Finally....it's odd that you haven't mentioned Trumps ocean liner full of personal and professional baggage. I know you don't support Trump....but you sure do fall into familiar meme pits for such a bright fella. Try harder.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually going to watch the party debates this time around. I'm seeing two REALLY fascinating questions begin to emerge:

First, there's a chance Trump is gonna do a complete crash & burn at these things. He's going to have to get specific, he's going to have to know policy, and he's going to have to appear to be at least a couple of miles of presidential and dignified. He could be the most spectacular flameout in electoral history, OR he could behave in a way that endears him to 25% to 30% of the GOP even MORE intensely. Wow. Reality TV goes political!

Second, while Hillary is still the prohibitive favorite for the Democrats, she's clearly wounded here. That increases the likelihood that Bernie and the other candidates aren't going to hold back for the good of the party. This woman needs a freaking semi-truck to haul around her various personal & political baggage, Bernie isn't exactly a shrinking violet, and the other guys have to make a name for themselves. How far will her opponents go with her?

What will you be looking for?

Hillary is in a bad spot right now.
1, She is one nasty woman and if she uses the press to pre attack before the debates it will look really really bad.
2, Bernie does not need to make an attack just if he uses certain words he can truly trip her up. Anything on her state department background by ANYBODY could throw here. She will be in deep water on national TV with NO help and she IS her own worst enemy.
First, there's a chance Trump is gonna do a complete crash & burn at these things. He's going to have to get specific, he's going to have to know policy, and he's going to have to appear to be at least a couple of miles of presidential and dignified. He could be the most spectacular flameout in electoral history, OR he could behave in a way that endears him to 25% to 30% of the GOP even MORE intensely. Wow. Reality TV goes political!

That would be an expectation if you had the kinds of debates you had 30 years ago when the candidates were supposed to know policy and facts and figures. Today, they don't. They've dumbed down debates. Unless he pulls a Rick Perry and doesn't know what departments he wants to eliminate, he'll probably be fine.

The reality is, Trump will say stuff that appeals to the rank and file of the GOP base, while the other guys play to the Billionaire Sugar Daddies.

Second, while Hillary is still the prohibitive favorite for the Democrats, she's clearly wounded here. That increases the likelihood that Bernie and the other candidates aren't going to hold back for the good of the party. This woman needs a freaking semi-truck to haul around her various personal & political baggage, Bernie isn't exactly a shrinking violet, and the other guys have to make a name for themselves. How far will her opponents go with her?

Yawn, guy, Hillary has a 40 point lead over Commie Bernie.

You guys are delusional.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually going to watch the party debates this time around. I'm seeing two REALLY fascinating questions begin to emerge:

First, there's a chance Trump is gonna do a complete crash & burn at these things. He's going to have to get specific, he's going to have to know policy, and he's going to have to appear to be at least a couple of miles of presidential and dignified. He could be the most spectacular flameout in electoral history, OR he could behave in a way that endears him to 25% to 30% of the GOP even MORE intensely. Wow. Reality TV goes political!

Second, while Hillary is still the prohibitive favorite for the Democrats, she's clearly wounded here. That increases the likelihood that Bernie and the other candidates aren't going to hold back for the good of the party. This woman needs a freaking semi-truck to haul around her various personal & political baggage, Bernie isn't exactly a shrinking violet, and the other guys have to make a name for themselves. How far will her opponents go with her?

What will you be looking for?

Hillary is in a bad spot right now.
1, She is one nasty woman and if she uses the press to pre attack before the debates it will look really really bad.
2, Bernie does not need to make an attack just if he uses certain words he can truly trip her up. Anything on her state department background by ANYBODY could throw here. She will be in deep water on national TV with NO help and she IS her own worst enemy.
There are a lot of voters who aren't paying close enough attention to even know about her state department background, and as of this moment, none of the myriad charges against her have stuck. I think Bernie would go after different stuff, such as her "I'll tell you what I'll do after I'm President" schtick.

And what of Trump? Do you really want to compare backgrounds here? No doubt the DNC is checking its computer hardware to confirm they have enough hard drive storage space to keep track of that.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually going to watch the party debates this time around. I'm seeing two REALLY fascinating questions begin to emerge:

First, there's a chance Trump is gonna do a complete crash & burn at these things. He's going to have to get specific, he's going to have to know policy, and he's going to have to appear to be at least a couple of miles of presidential and dignified. He could be the most spectacular flameout in electoral history, OR he could behave in a way that endears him to 25% to 30% of the GOP even MORE intensely. Wow. Reality TV goes political!

Second, while Hillary is still the prohibitive favorite for the Democrats, she's clearly wounded here. That increases the likelihood that Bernie and the other candidates aren't going to hold back for the good of the party. This woman needs a freaking semi-truck to haul around her various personal & political baggage, Bernie isn't exactly a shrinking violet, and the other guys have to make a name for themselves. How far will her opponents go with her?

What will you be looking for?

Hillary is in a bad spot right now.
1, She is one nasty woman and if she uses the press to pre attack before the debates it will look really really bad.
2, Bernie does not need to make an attack just if he uses certain words he can truly trip her up. Anything on her state department background by ANYBODY could throw here. She will be in deep water on national TV with NO help and she IS her own worst enemy.
There are a lot of voters who aren't paying close enough attention to even know about her state department background, and as of this moment, none of the myriad charges against her have stuck. I think Bernie would go after different stuff, such as her "I'll tell you what I'll do after I'm President" schtick.

And what of Trump? Do you really want to compare backgrounds here? No doubt the DNC is checking its computer hardware to confirm they have enough hard drive storage space to keep track of that.

Mark Twain had a saying I love. "It's not the lie I tell it's how well I tell it".
As far as sticking? It's not the evidence I present it's how well I present it.

Hillary has a bigger problem with Trump then the press is saying but he WILL.

Hillary was BOUGHT and PAID FOR by Trump years ago and he has the check stub to PROVE it.
Bernie will stick to the issues. Hillary's reluctance to answer questions about Keystone and her waffling on other issues will be evident without his getting nasty. He'll just point out that she is avoiding the question.

Bernie will win support by showing that he isn't going to be a dick and by showing respect for his opponents. His policy positions are popular with the majority of Americans. If he can get them heard through the din that Citizens United money creates......he's got a shot.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually going to watch the party debates this time around. I'm seeing two REALLY fascinating questions begin to emerge:

First, there's a chance Trump is gonna do a complete crash & burn at these things. He's going to have to get specific, he's going to have to know policy, and he's going to have to appear to be at least a couple of miles of presidential and dignified. He could be the most spectacular flameout in electoral history, OR he could behave in a way that endears him to 25% to 30% of the GOP even MORE intensely. Wow. Reality TV goes political!

Second, while Hillary is still the prohibitive favorite for the Democrats, she's clearly wounded here. That increases the likelihood that Bernie and the other candidates aren't going to hold back for the good of the party. This woman needs a freaking semi-truck to haul around her various personal & political baggage, Bernie isn't exactly a shrinking violet, and the other guys have to make a name for themselves. How far will her opponents go with her?

What will you be looking for?

Hillary is in a bad spot right now.
1, She is one nasty woman and if she uses the press to pre attack before the debates it will look really really bad.
2, Bernie does not need to make an attack just if he uses certain words he can truly trip her up. Anything on her state department background by ANYBODY could throw here. She will be in deep water on national TV with NO help and she IS her own worst enemy.
There are a lot of voters who aren't paying close enough attention to even know about her state department background, and as of this moment, none of the myriad charges against her have stuck. I think Bernie would go after different stuff, such as her "I'll tell you what I'll do after I'm President" schtick.

And what of Trump? Do you really want to compare backgrounds here? No doubt the DNC is checking its computer hardware to confirm they have enough hard drive storage space to keep track of that.

Mark Twain had a saying I love. "It's not the lie I tell it's how well I tell it".
As far as sticking? It's not the evidence I present it's how well I present it.

Hillary has a bigger problem with Trump then the press is saying but he WILL.

Hillary was BOUGHT and PAID FOR by Trump years ago and he has the check stub to PROVE it.
Let's say you're right about that.

But what about Trump's background, specifically?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually going to watch the party debates this time around. I'm seeing two REALLY fascinating questions begin to emerge:

First, there's a chance Trump is gonna do a complete crash & burn at these things. He's going to have to get specific, he's going to have to know policy, and he's going to have to appear to be at least a couple of miles of presidential and dignified. He could be the most spectacular flameout in electoral history, OR he could behave in a way that endears him to 25% to 30% of the GOP even MORE intensely. Wow. Reality TV goes political!

Second, while Hillary is still the prohibitive favorite for the Democrats, she's clearly wounded here. That increases the likelihood that Bernie and the other candidates aren't going to hold back for the good of the party. This woman needs a freaking semi-truck to haul around her various personal & political baggage, Bernie isn't exactly a shrinking violet, and the other guys have to make a name for themselves. How far will her opponents go with her?

What will you be looking for?

Hillary is in a bad spot right now.
1, She is one nasty woman and if she uses the press to pre attack before the debates it will look really really bad.
2, Bernie does not need to make an attack just if he uses certain words he can truly trip her up. Anything on her state department background by ANYBODY could throw here. She will be in deep water on national TV with NO help and she IS her own worst enemy.
There are a lot of voters who aren't paying close enough attention to even know about her state department background, and as of this moment, none of the myriad charges against her have stuck. I think Bernie would go after different stuff, such as her "I'll tell you what I'll do after I'm President" schtick.

And what of Trump? Do you really want to compare backgrounds here? No doubt the DNC is checking its computer hardware to confirm they have enough hard drive storage space to keep track of that.

Mark Twain had a saying I love. "It's not the lie I tell it's how well I tell it".
As far as sticking? It's not the evidence I present it's how well I present it.

Hillary has a bigger problem with Trump then the press is saying but he WILL.

Hillary was BOUGHT and PAID FOR by Trump years ago and he has the check stub to PROVE it.

How well did you tell the lie about your IQ?

I think it's great that so many USMB nutters are flat out saying that they don't care what Trump knows......or if he's honest....or whether he's got any good ideas. All that matters is that he's a nasty bastard who insults other politicians.
Mark Twain had a saying I love. "It's not the lie I tell it's how well I tell it".
As far as sticking? It's not the evidence I present it's how well I present it.

Hillary has a bigger problem with Trump then the press is saying but he WILL.

Hillary was BOUGHT and PAID FOR by Trump years ago and he has the check stub to PROVE it.

Meh, not realy.

You chumps don't realize Trump is a Democratic Plant out there to blow up your process.
Mark Twain had a saying I love. "It's not the lie I tell it's how well I tell it".
As far as sticking? It's not the evidence I present it's how well I present it.

Hillary has a bigger problem with Trump then the press is saying but he WILL.

Hillary was BOUGHT and PAID FOR by Trump years ago and he has the check stub to PROVE it.

Meh, not realy.

You chumps don't realize Trump is a Democratic Plant out there to blow up your process.
Trump is worth 10 BILLION dollars okay there IDIOT. And at 10 BILLION dollars one thing you are NOT is somebodies bitch.
Trump mind you IS a asshole BUT nobody owns him.

And all you have to do is read the Clinton Foundation donors list to see who Hillary whores for.
Trump is worth 10 BILLION dollars okay there IDIOT. And at 10 BILLION dollars one thing you are NOT is somebodies bitch.
Trump mind you IS a asshole BUT nobody owns him.

And all you have to do is read the Clinton Foundation donors list to see who Hillary whores for.

Actually, he's probably worth 3 billion and most of it is leveraged.

and the fact he feels the need to bribe people to get their favor isn't terribly impressive.

But to the point, Trump is never going to be the GOP nominee. If you don't think Jeb Bush and his folks aren't compiling a shitload of stuff on this guy to spring when the primaries get here, you are delusional.

For now, they are happy to let Trump run with it, because he sucks up the attention that might go to Rubio or Walker.
Trump is worth 10 BILLION dollars okay there IDIOT. And at 10 BILLION dollars one thing you are NOT is somebodies bitch.
Trump mind you IS a asshole BUT nobody owns him.

And all you have to do is read the Clinton Foundation donors list to see who Hillary whores for.

Actually, he's probably worth 3 billion and most of it is leveraged.

and the fact he feels the need to bribe people to get their favor isn't terribly impressive.

But to the point, Trump is never going to be the GOP nominee. If you don't think Jeb Bush and his folks aren't compiling a shitload of stuff on this guy to spring when the primaries get here, you are delusional.

For now, they are happy to let Trump run with it, because he sucks up the attention that might go to Rubio or Walker.
He claimed 8 and when the government approved paperwork was done it was 10.

bribes are part of getting things done in New York and have been for a long time.

Bush can load what ever he wants. If you don't think Trumps team has been building files then you ARE as stupid as many here think.
He claimed 8 and when the government approved paperwork was done it was 10.

bribes are part of getting things done in New York and have been for a long time.

Bush can load what ever he wants. If you don't think Trumps team has been building files then you ARE as stupid as many here think.

Guy, you are going to be so embarrassed when Trump crashes and burns.

Don't get me wrong, I want this guy to drag out the agony as long as possible. I would love it if Bush doesn't put him to bed until Super Tuesday, after which Trump will have so alienated Hispanics and women from the GOP Brand you can't possibly win.

Realistically, he'll probalby implode before then.

I used to think the GOP had hit rock bottom in 2012 when they nominated a guy who thought he was wearing magic underwear and that was the least crazy guy they had.

The fact that right now, a Reality TV Rodeo Clown is leading in all your polls due to name recognition is kind of scary.
He claimed 8 and when the government approved paperwork was done it was 10.

bribes are part of getting things done in New York and have been for a long time.

Bush can load what ever he wants. If you don't think Trumps team has been building files then you ARE as stupid as many here think.

Guy, you are going to be so embarrassed when Trump crashes and burns.

Don't get me wrong, I want this guy to drag out the agony as long as possible. I would love it if Bush doesn't put him to bed until Super Tuesday, after which Trump will have so alienated Hispanics and women from the GOP Brand you can't possibly win.

Realistically, he'll probalby implode before then.

I used to think the GOP had hit rock bottom in 2012 when they nominated a guy who thought he was wearing magic underwear and that was the least crazy guy they had.

The fact that right now, a Reality TV Rodeo Clown is leading in all your polls due to name recognition is kind of scary.
I'm not going to be embarrassed you moron. I have my money. He is going after the system and that system is cross party liberals AND Rinos.

He is not hurting me he IS hurting the liars and the fakes though. And THAT will help clean the system up so EVEN IF he falters I STILL WIN.

Folks here are right. You are just not bright.
I'm not going to be embarrassed you moron. I have my money. He is going after the system and that system is cross party liberals AND Rinos.

He is not hurting me he IS hurting the liars and the fakes though. And THAT will help clean the system up so EVEN IF he falters I STILL WIN.

Folks here are right. You are just not bright.

All the people whose asses I've kicked.

A roster your name can be added to.

You are going ot look SOOOOO stupid when Trump drops out.
I'm not going to be embarrassed you moron. I have my money. He is going after the system and that system is cross party liberals AND Rinos.

He is not hurting me he IS hurting the liars and the fakes though. And THAT will help clean the system up so EVEN IF he falters I STILL WIN.

Folks here are right. You are just not bright.

All the people whose asses I've kicked.

A roster your name can be added to.

You are going ot look SOOOOO stupid when Trump drops out.
You truly are a dim wit. How do I lose stupid? Am I out money? No stupid not one dime. Would it hurt my feelings? Na, just a thing.

Asses you have kicked? Puppies on porches do NOT count idiot.
You truly are a dim wit. How do I lose stupid? Am I out money? No stupid not one dime. Would it hurt my feelings? Na, just a thing.

Asses you have kicked? Puppies on porches do NOT count idiot.

Well, frankly, a puppy on the porch would be more of a challenge. The puppy doesn't keep coming back for more.

Too stupid to realize you are being played by a con-man.

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