Looking to join the army, came here for some advice.

LMAO how about you do that and I become a badass sniper!

I have done that. It is just another example of the difference between playing a game and actually being a sniper.

As a sniper, you will spend far more time hiding and trying to move closer, than you will shooting. Bug bites are something you will have to ignore.

If you are hellbent on being a sniper, I suggest you read all you can about Carlos Hathcock.
I’m not trying to be anyone’s Jester. I came here because I heard it was a good place for an honest assessment of my career goals. But yourself and other haters have merely made a mockery of my goals. I take that shit to heart, just know when I do come out as a sniper, I’ll have yourself and the other haters to thank.

You asked a question and you got honest answers. Just because they are not what you wanted to hear does not make them less valid.

But think about why you want to fight and kill. That is the crux of the matter.
LOL you’

LOL oh joy another hater. I’m trying to get advice from current soldiers not ones that retired a decade ago. I’ll let you know when I need your input, be waiting a while though 🤣

You don't sound like you're actually trying to get advice from anyone on here. You just sound like some petulant child who because they're good at a video game seem for some strange reason to think that they'd be a good sniper.

And...............if you were smart, you'd listen to both those who are currently active duty (and current active duty snipers would laugh straight in your face), as well as those who have been there and done that, as they have the experience of seeing these things first hand. Retirees are especially good to listen to since they had a career that spanned 20 plus years, and have seen the military go through changes and (mostly) revert back to the way they have always done things. I know that I saw some ideas that civilian leadership thought were good, saw them get implemented, and then saw them get tossed out because they were incompatible with the way the military operates. TQL in the Navy was one such program, and there are several others that I've seen go by the wayside.
LMAO, back off buddy. My mental is just right for the line of work I want to go into. Don’t talk about stuff you know nothing about.

You only THINK your mental state is just right for being a sniper. The veterans on here who are telling you that you don't sound like you'd make it are giving a pretty fair assessment.

I don't think you'd make it either. Yes, most people can train up to the physical level that is required for specialized jobs in the military, but being able to mentally hack what those jobs do is another thing ENTIRELY.

And, just because you're good at pushing buttons on a video game, how's your shooting at the range? Can you hit a target at 200 yards that is only a foot wide? More importantly, can you do it consistently?

How's your patience? Can you sit still, keeping hidden, while watching, waiting for several days before you can even take a shot?

How's your mental state? Can you stay in that hidden position for several days, hungry, thirsty, sweaty and uncomfortable, getting stiff and sore muscles from staying in the same position for several days, or will you decide that you really need to scratch, or possibly let your mind wander because you haven't eaten for the past 24 hours, and because you're thinking about getting some good chow, happen to miss an opportunity because you weren't mentally up to the task?
Hello everyone, I am new here and am looking to join the Army. My brother has served for a long time and has done 2 tours to Iraq. I recently graduated high school and am looking to improve my skills as a fighter. I like fighting in army call of duty, it is super fun and I think I would be pretty good at it in real life. I actually am one of the best snippers on the scene and I have won so many tournaments that I drown in puss everyday. So do you reccomend any other games I should play before I sign up? does it take long to get 10th prestige in the real army? and can I call snipper?

Yeah...Candy Land!!
It's intense so ya better bring your A game.
Hello everyone, I am new here and am looking to join the Army. My brother has served for a long time and has done 2 tours to Iraq. I recently graduated high school and am looking to improve my skills as a fighter. I like fighting in army call of duty, it is super fun and I think I would be pretty good at it in real life. I actually am one of the best snippers on the scene and I have won so many tournaments that I drown in puss everyday. So do you reccomend any other games I should play before I sign up? does it take long to get 10th prestige in the real army? and can I call snipper?
Thank you genuinely for your kind response. I truly do appreciate it friend.
Just as a side note...
The navy is offering $75k for enlistment bonuses.

They have snipers as well....but just know that I had a friend who did it. Every time he came out of theater they wanted to give him a whole bunch of counseling because of the people he was ordered to shoot. And that part was rather disturbing to him....he wasn't crazy but with a bunch of therapists treating him like he was beginning to be disturbed by that. (And it's mandatory as well)

Also with the navy you can do things like air traffic control, or nuclear reactor stuff that will get you an instant civilian job should you choose to quit military duty. Electronics and communications or security or MP or seals.

Just whatever you choose....do NOT get married before you go in. Military wives are notorious for cheating on their husbands.

$75k is a lot of bread. That's almost a new truck right there. Then if you are a barracks rat you can stash plenty more.

Every sailor comes home to the boat at least once with ID, boxers and a smile. (And nothing else)

You’ve been given some shit by the vets because we’ve been there and walked the walk.

You don’t know what a video game is until you flown backend crew on the E-2 Hawkeye from the flight deck of a career for airborne early warning and fighter control.

You want to be an Army sniper? Fine not a problem. Learn two things. (A) life isn’t a video game and just because you may be good with an XBox controller and putting a red dot on your monitor doesn’t mean you know jack shit about putting a round down range at 500 meters. Secondly, you want to join the army, good but learn to keep your trap shut until you get a clue.


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