Looks As If Obama Has Caved To Morsi


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
It looks like Obama decided to give the muslims what they demanded. :mad:

No word yet on what the violation was, but I assume it must be far more serious than using an alias or a computer. Given the insanity of the past two weeks, replete with the White House nudging Google to pull the video off of YouTube and the State Department running ads on Pakistani TV to apologize for a movie they had nothing to do with, I can’t quite believe the DOJ would risk the perception that they’re punishing this guy for a thoughtcrime unless something serious was involved. There has to be a real crime underlying this. Right?
Feds arrest Mohammed filmmaker on probation violation « Hot Air
It looks like Obama decided to give the muslims what they demanded. :mad:

No word yet on what the violation was, but I assume it must be far more serious than using an alias or a computer. Given the insanity of the past two weeks, replete with the White House nudging Google to pull the video off of YouTube and the State Department running ads on Pakistani TV to apologize for a movie they had nothing to do with, I can’t quite believe the DOJ would risk the perception that they’re punishing this guy for a thoughtcrime unless something serious was involved. There has to be a real crime underlying this. Right?
Feds arrest Mohammed filmmaker on probation violation « Hot Air

Of course. One needn't be in possession of a crystal ball to see the future on this one. Not every day we see a perp walk in every news outlet over a possible probation violation.

Obama's buddy asked, Obama delivers

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW7Uq13vimw]Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi Addresses the U.N. 9-26-2012 - YouTube[/ame]
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It looks like Obama decided to give the muslims what they demanded. :mad:

No word yet on what the violation was, but I assume it must be far more serious than using an alias or a computer. Given the insanity of the past two weeks, replete with the White House nudging Google to pull the video off of YouTube and the State Department running ads on Pakistani TV to apologize for a movie they had nothing to do with, I can’t quite believe the DOJ would risk the perception that they’re punishing this guy for a thoughtcrime unless something serious was involved. There has to be a real crime underlying this. Right?
Feds arrest Mohammed filmmaker on probation violation « Hot Air

What about the following from the same article don't you or the author understand? No internet as part of the probation agreement means NO INTERNET!

[The filmmaker] has been on probation for a 2010 federal check fraud conviction that brought a 21-month prison sentence. Under terms of his probation, he was not to use computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer…
It looks like Obama decided to give the muslims what they demanded. :mad:

No word yet on what the violation was, but I assume it must be far more serious than using an alias or a computer. Given the insanity of the past two weeks, replete with the White House nudging Google to pull the video off of YouTube and the State Department running ads on Pakistani TV to apologize for a movie they had nothing to do with, I can’t quite believe the DOJ would risk the perception that they’re punishing this guy for a thoughtcrime unless something serious was involved. There has to be a real crime underlying this. Right?
Feds arrest Mohammed filmmaker on probation violation « Hot Air

What about the following from the same article don't you or the author understand? No internet as part of the probation agreement means NO INTERNET!

[The filmmaker] has been on probation for a 2010 federal check fraud conviction that brought a 21-month prison sentence. Under terms of his probation, he was not to use computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer…

How dare you introduce facts into this thread! They KNOW he was arrested for free speech! Your silly facts and truth are meaningless.
Nakoula was sentenced to 21 months in prison, some of which he has already served. Since he was arrested on a probation violation, no extra time can be added unless someone phonies up more charges. It will be interesting to see what kind of proof they come up with that he uploaded the video to You Tube because there isn't much more than that.
How are people as stupid as you people still alive?

The guy was busted for passing bad paper -- check fraud.

Part of his probation prohibits him from using aliases -- can any of you genies figure out why?

You bigoted xenophobes should just move back to some angry-hater country and kill each other off.

America is moving FORWARD.

It looks like Obama decided to give the muslims what they demanded. :mad:

No word yet on what the violation was, but I assume it must be far more serious than using an alias or a computer. Given the insanity of the past two weeks, replete with the White House nudging Google to pull the video off of YouTube and the State Department running ads on Pakistani TV to apologize for a movie they had nothing to do with, I can’t quite believe the DOJ would risk the perception that they’re punishing this guy for a thoughtcrime unless something serious was involved. There has to be a real crime underlying this. Right?
Feds arrest Mohammed filmmaker on probation violation « Hot Air

What about the following from the same article don't you or the author understand? No internet as part of the probation agreement means NO INTERNET!

[The filmmaker] has been on probation for a 2010 federal check fraud conviction that brought a 21-month prison sentence. Under terms of his probation, he was not to use computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer…

What about holding this guy without bond for a white collar probation violation is over the top do you not understand? We have prisons in California letting people who commit violent crimes out early because the jails are overcrowded are they are holding this guy for "possibly" uploading a video. No amount of liberal deflection is going to make it look less like this arrest was made to satisfy the radical muslims. It will only convince radicals that the U.S. government CAN control the speech of citizens if they choose too. This sets a horrible precedent.
You bets its over the top.

Whats next?? Someone burns a Koran in the US and gets arrested??

What a load of bullshit and our Govt is buying into it??

One has to wonder what the hell is behind this bullshit.
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Our freedom of speech is coming under direct assault folks. We have never in the history of this nation given in to limits on our speech because that speech might "offend" someone. If the Obama administration will not step up to protect free speech, it's even more important that he be limited to one term.

M.T.A. Amends Rules After Pro-Israel Ads Draw Controversy
Published: September 27, 2012

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority approved new guidelines for advertisements on Thursday, prohibiting those that it “reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate breach of the peace.”

The 8-to-0 vote by the authority’s board came three days after pro-Israel ads characterizing Islamist opponents of the Jewish state as being “savage” began appearing in subway stations, setting off vandalism, denunciations of the authority and calls for the ads’ removal.
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You bets its over the top.

Whats next?? Someone burns a Koran in the US and gets arrested??

What a load of bullshit and our Govt is buying into it??

One has to wonder what the hell is behind this bullshit.

I think we know what's behind this. Appeasement is behind this.
obama didn't cave to Morsi quite as much as he wanted to. obama wanted to create so much violence in the middle east that it would be a gesture of good will to release Sheik Rahman. That was Morsi's promise to the Egyptian people. obama was going to help him. The plan was discovered and aborted. We're left with just the obama lies.
You bets its over the top.

Whats next?? Someone burns a Koran in the US and gets arrested??

What a load of bullshit and our Govt is buying into it??

One has to wonder what the hell is behind this bullshit.

Whatever the next protest point is, we know it will be there. It will be a cartoon, a song, some citizen statement, a beauty contest. It will be something because we never take a stand against radical islam. We lurch from crisis to crisis letting people be murdered and doing nothing about it.
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How do you rw froot loops connect the president to this?

GAWD, is there no end to the lies from the right?
How do you rw froot loops connect the president to this?

GAWD, is there no end to the lies from the right?

If Obama is not aware of every single thing that happens in regards to the video that HE claims is responsible for all this violence, then he is more of an idiot than even I thought and needs to step down and let Joe take over. The film maker was arrested by FEDS.

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