Looks Like Ford Is Feeling The Heat

GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales

I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.

You do realize that Nissan has plants in this country? Nissan moved manufacturing into the United States, not out of it the way Ford is doing.

Uh yeah I realize that.....assembly plants. The money in auto manufacturing is in the chassis, engine, and drive-train. We don't make those for Nissan...we just bolt their crap together and the profits go back to Japan.

It employs Americans to bolt those together. I say if you have a plant in the United States and close that plant, laying off the American works and move your plant to Mexico then you should not use the cheaper labor as a factor to cut the price of your automobile below the price of an American assembled or manufactured automobile. If you are now producing the car in Mexico for $3,000 less than you did in America then you should pay a tariff of $4,000 in order to give advantage to the auto made in America by American workers.

The Fortune 500 corporate boards are no longer primarily Americans and therefore feel no patriotic duty to protect American interests. They'll chase the cheapest labor dollar they can find without batting an eye. So who's standing up for the American worker? NObody anymore. That's why Trump's message is resounding and it's our last chance to save our market. Without the same protections our competitors use, we won't be the the market the rest of the world still pursues. It's only a matter of time before we can no longer afford to buy anything but the essentials.
Well, if you are indeed beginning to THINK, then we have made some progress.

Actually people like you and your ilk would defend Pol Pot if the son of a bitch told you that he hated Obama and Clinton...
Just admit it, not to me, but to yourself....

Actually, I served in Viet Nam myself. I was actually hit just outside the Cambodian border.
Suck it up. Everyone doesn't agree with your Liberal Communist views.

Where at? what was your outfit?

Charley Company 502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne. I got hit at Dak To on June 7, 1966.

Check....1-5 Cav was there too.

the 24th NVA sure had a lot of folks there too.
Actually people like you and your ilk would defend Pol Pot if the son of a bitch told you that he hated Obama and Clinton...
Just admit it, not to me, but to yourself....

Actually, I served in Viet Nam myself. I was actually hit just outside the Cambodian border.
Suck it up. Everyone doesn't agree with your Liberal Communist views.

Where at? what was your outfit?

Charley Company 502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne. I got hit at Dak To on June 7, 1966.

Check....1-5 Cav was there too.

the 24th NVA sure had a lot of folks there too.

And in the end they got their asses smoked as I recall.....thanks for your service.
Well, if you are indeed beginning to THINK, then we have made some progress.

Actually people like you and your ilk would defend Pol Pot if the son of a bitch told you that he hated Obama and Clinton...
Just admit it, not to me, but to yourself....

Actually, I served in Viet Nam myself. I was actually hit just outside the Cambodian border.
Suck it up. Everyone doesn't agree with your Liberal Communist views.

Come on, tell the truth. You got your Bachelors in Economics through the mail from Devry University, right?

No. I got my degree in electrical engineering from VPI via the GI Bill.

Well, when it comes to Economics, I am sure you are a fine engineer!
GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales

I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.

You do realize that Nissan has plants in this country? Nissan moved manufacturing into the United States, not out of it the way Ford is doing.

Uh yeah I realize that.....assembly plants. The money in auto manufacturing is in the chassis, engine, and drive-train. We don't make those for Nissan...we just bolt their crap together and the profits go back to Japan.

It employs Americans to bolt those together. I say if you have a plant in the United States and close that plant, laying off the American works and move your plant to Mexico then you should not use the cheaper labor as a factor to cut the price of your automobile below the price of an American assembled or manufactured automobile. If you are now producing the car in Mexico for $3,000 less than you did in America then you should pay a tariff of $4,000 in order to give advantage to the auto made in America by American workers.

The Fortune 500 corporate boards are no longer primarily Americans and therefore feel no patriotic duty to protect American interests. They'll chase the cheapest labor dollar they can find without batting an eye. So who's standing up for the American worker? NObody anymore. That's why Trump's message is resounding and it's our last chance to save our market. Without the same protections our competitors use, we won't be the the market the rest of the world still pursues. It's only a matter of time before we can no longer afford to buy anything but the essentials.

Indeed. Trump makes a lot of sense.

If we take a Chevrolet Traverse and a Ford Escape, both pretty much cost the consumer the same thing if comparatively equipped. Now, shut down the Ford plant building the Ford Escape and move it to Mexico laying off the American employees. America has lost the support for the plant as well as the tax revenue and sales generated from the employee payrolls. Ford is now able to manufacture the Ford Escape in Mexico for a whole lot less paid out in salaries and benefits. They can now cut the price of the Ford Escape and have an advantage over the Chevrolet Traverse.

In order to level the playing field and regain some of the revenue lost to Mexico, Trump would place a tariff on the Ford Escape and in effect bring its selling price back to the level or above that of the Chevrolet Traverse. This in no way bars Ford from selling the Ford Escape in the American marketplace, it simple levels the playing field and allows the Traverse to remain competitive with the Escape.
Reagan is rolling in his grave over this. Which I must admit amuses me somewhat.

You need to change your cartoon. Bush is one of you Clinton supporters now.
I've heard that from a couple of you rubes now. You guys can't seem to grasp the point of it.

Let me guess, you're one of the stupid people that voted twice for Dubya and are voting for Dump now?
GM is dead
ISIS is alive......
ISISBOOMBAH is getting its faggoty ass kicked. Don't you ever read a REAL newspaper?
Well, if you are indeed beginning to THINK, then we have made some progress.

Actually people like you and your ilk would defend Pol Pot if the son of a bitch told you that he hated Obama and Clinton...
Just admit it, not to me, but to yourself....

Actually, I served in Viet Nam myself. I was actually hit just outside the Cambodian border.
Suck it up. Everyone doesn't agree with your Liberal Communist views.

Come on, tell the truth. You got your Bachelors in Economics through the mail from Devry University, right?

No. I got my degree in electrical engineering from VPI via the GI Bill.

Well, when it comes to Economics, I am sure you are a fine engineer!

It does appear that I am more knowledgeable and informed than you.
Actually, I served in Viet Nam myself. I was actually hit just outside the Cambodian border.
Suck it up. Everyone doesn't agree with your Liberal Communist views.

Where at? what was your outfit?

Charley Company 502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne. I got hit at Dak To on June 7, 1966.

Check....1-5 Cav was there too.

the 24th NVA sure had a lot of folks there too.

And in the end they got their asses smoked as I recall.....thanks for your service.

Yes, they paid a hellova price but then again, so did I and so did a lot of my buddies.
I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.

You do realize that Nissan has plants in this country? Nissan moved manufacturing into the United States, not out of it the way Ford is doing.

Uh yeah I realize that.....assembly plants. The money in auto manufacturing is in the chassis, engine, and drive-train. We don't make those for Nissan...we just bolt their crap together and the profits go back to Japan.

It employs Americans to bolt those together. I say if you have a plant in the United States and close that plant, laying off the American works and move your plant to Mexico then you should not use the cheaper labor as a factor to cut the price of your automobile below the price of an American assembled or manufactured automobile. If you are now producing the car in Mexico for $3,000 less than you did in America then you should pay a tariff of $4,000 in order to give advantage to the auto made in America by American workers.

The Fortune 500 corporate boards are no longer primarily Americans and therefore feel no patriotic duty to protect American interests. They'll chase the cheapest labor dollar they can find without batting an eye. So who's standing up for the American worker? NObody anymore. That's why Trump's message is resounding and it's our last chance to save our market. Without the same protections our competitors use, we won't be the the market the rest of the world still pursues. It's only a matter of time before we can no longer afford to buy anything but the essentials.

Indeed. Trump makes a lot of sense.

If we take a Chevrolet Traverse and a Ford Escape, both pretty much cost the consumer the same thing if comparatively equipped. Now, shut down the Ford plant building the Ford Escape and move it to Mexico laying off the American employees. America has lost the support for the plant as well as the tax revenue and sales generated from the employee payrolls. Ford is now able to manufacture the Ford Escape in Mexico for a whole lot less paid out in salaries and benefits. They can now cut the price of the Ford Escape and have an advantage over the Chevrolet Traverse.

In order to level the playing field and regain some of the revenue lost to Mexico, Trump would place a tariff on the Ford Escape and in effect bring its selling price back to the level or above that of the Chevrolet Traverse. This in no way bars Ford from selling the Ford Escape in the American marketplace, it simple levels the playing field and allows the Traverse to remain competitive with the Escape.

NAFTA has to go, not be "fixed". Before it was rammed through by bribes and empty promises, we had a billion dollar trade SURPLUS with Mehico. Now we have a $58B trade DEFICIT with them....some deal, eh? We were promised the maquiladoras would be cleaned up and workers paid fairly....never happened. And yet American politicians look the other way while taking the lobbyist money to keep things just like they are. Trump is going to have his hands full with these vultures....I expect a lot of executive orders because CONgress is bought and paid for.
You do realize that Nissan has plants in this country? Nissan moved manufacturing into the United States, not out of it the way Ford is doing.

Uh yeah I realize that.....assembly plants. The money in auto manufacturing is in the chassis, engine, and drive-train. We don't make those for Nissan...we just bolt their crap together and the profits go back to Japan.

It employs Americans to bolt those together. I say if you have a plant in the United States and close that plant, laying off the American works and move your plant to Mexico then you should not use the cheaper labor as a factor to cut the price of your automobile below the price of an American assembled or manufactured automobile. If you are now producing the car in Mexico for $3,000 less than you did in America then you should pay a tariff of $4,000 in order to give advantage to the auto made in America by American workers.

The Fortune 500 corporate boards are no longer primarily Americans and therefore feel no patriotic duty to protect American interests. They'll chase the cheapest labor dollar they can find without batting an eye. So who's standing up for the American worker? NObody anymore. That's why Trump's message is resounding and it's our last chance to save our market. Without the same protections our competitors use, we won't be the the market the rest of the world still pursues. It's only a matter of time before we can no longer afford to buy anything but the essentials.

Indeed. Trump makes a lot of sense.

If we take a Chevrolet Traverse and a Ford Escape, both pretty much cost the consumer the same thing if comparatively equipped. Now, shut down the Ford plant building the Ford Escape and move it to Mexico laying off the American employees. America has lost the support for the plant as well as the tax revenue and sales generated from the employee payrolls. Ford is now able to manufacture the Ford Escape in Mexico for a whole lot less paid out in salaries and benefits. They can now cut the price of the Ford Escape and have an advantage over the Chevrolet Traverse.

In order to level the playing field and regain some of the revenue lost to Mexico, Trump would place a tariff on the Ford Escape and in effect bring its selling price back to the level or above that of the Chevrolet Traverse. This in no way bars Ford from selling the Ford Escape in the American marketplace, it simple levels the playing field and allows the Traverse to remain competitive with the Escape.

NAFTA has to go, not be "fixed". Before it was rammed through by bribes and empty promises, we had a billion dollar trade SURPLUS with Mehico. Now we have a $58B trade DEFICIT with them....some deal, eh? We were promised the maquiladoras would be cleaned up and workers paid fairly....never happened. And yet American politicians look the other way while taking the lobbyist money to keep things just like they are. Trump is going to have his hands full with these vultures....I expect a lot of executive orders because CONgress is bought and paid for.

I agree. I've been to Laredo. I've seen the train cars and eighteen wheelers pouring into and out of Mexico. It's a mess. All these new cars and trucks going down into Mexico to have their radios and electronics installed down there when it could easily be done by American workers. We need to tariff every vehicle entering the United States that has been to Mexico and had radios and such installed.
I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.

You do realize that Nissan has plants in this country? Nissan moved manufacturing into the United States, not out of it the way Ford is doing.

Uh yeah I realize that.....assembly plants. The money in auto manufacturing is in the chassis, engine, and drive-train. We don't make those for Nissan...we just bolt their crap together and the profits go back to Japan.

It employs Americans to bolt those together. I say if you have a plant in the United States and close that plant, laying off the American works and move your plant to Mexico then you should not use the cheaper labor as a factor to cut the price of your automobile below the price of an American assembled or manufactured automobile. If you are now producing the car in Mexico for $3,000 less than you did in America then you should pay a tariff of $4,000 in order to give advantage to the auto made in America by American workers.

The Fortune 500 corporate boards are no longer primarily Americans and therefore feel no patriotic duty to protect American interests. They'll chase the cheapest labor dollar they can find without batting an eye. So who's standing up for the American worker? NObody anymore. That's why Trump's message is resounding and it's our last chance to save our market. Without the same protections our competitors use, we won't be the the market the rest of the world still pursues. It's only a matter of time before we can no longer afford to buy anything but the essentials.

Indeed. Trump makes a lot of sense.

If we take a Chevrolet Traverse and a Ford Escape, both pretty much cost the consumer the same thing if comparatively equipped. Now, shut down the Ford plant building the Ford Escape and move it to Mexico laying off the American employees. America has lost the support for the plant as well as the tax revenue and sales generated from the employee payrolls. Ford is now able to manufacture the Ford Escape in Mexico for a whole lot less paid out in salaries and benefits. They can now cut the price of the Ford Escape and have an advantage over the Chevrolet Traverse.

In order to level the playing field and regain some of the revenue lost to Mexico, Trump would place a tariff on the Ford Escape and in effect bring its selling price back to the level or above that of the Chevrolet Traverse. This in no way bars Ford from selling the Ford Escape in the American marketplace, it simple levels the playing field and allows the Traverse to remain competitive with the Escape.

Ok, but you are going to have to give this a catchy name for it to inspire people. How about, "Five Year Plan"?
You do realize that Nissan has plants in this country? Nissan moved manufacturing into the United States, not out of it the way Ford is doing.

Uh yeah I realize that.....assembly plants. The money in auto manufacturing is in the chassis, engine, and drive-train. We don't make those for Nissan...we just bolt their crap together and the profits go back to Japan.

It employs Americans to bolt those together. I say if you have a plant in the United States and close that plant, laying off the American works and move your plant to Mexico then you should not use the cheaper labor as a factor to cut the price of your automobile below the price of an American assembled or manufactured automobile. If you are now producing the car in Mexico for $3,000 less than you did in America then you should pay a tariff of $4,000 in order to give advantage to the auto made in America by American workers.

The Fortune 500 corporate boards are no longer primarily Americans and therefore feel no patriotic duty to protect American interests. They'll chase the cheapest labor dollar they can find without batting an eye. So who's standing up for the American worker? NObody anymore. That's why Trump's message is resounding and it's our last chance to save our market. Without the same protections our competitors use, we won't be the the market the rest of the world still pursues. It's only a matter of time before we can no longer afford to buy anything but the essentials.

Indeed. Trump makes a lot of sense.

If we take a Chevrolet Traverse and a Ford Escape, both pretty much cost the consumer the same thing if comparatively equipped. Now, shut down the Ford plant building the Ford Escape and move it to Mexico laying off the American employees. America has lost the support for the plant as well as the tax revenue and sales generated from the employee payrolls. Ford is now able to manufacture the Ford Escape in Mexico for a whole lot less paid out in salaries and benefits. They can now cut the price of the Ford Escape and have an advantage over the Chevrolet Traverse.

In order to level the playing field and regain some of the revenue lost to Mexico, Trump would place a tariff on the Ford Escape and in effect bring its selling price back to the level or above that of the Chevrolet Traverse. This in no way bars Ford from selling the Ford Escape in the American marketplace, it simple levels the playing field and allows the Traverse to remain competitive with the Escape.

Ok, but you are going to have to give this a catchy name for it to inspire people. How about, "Five Year Plan"?

I don't have to give it anything dumbshit. Trump has explained this over and over.
Where at? what was your outfit?

Charley Company 502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne. I got hit at Dak To on June 7, 1966.

Check....1-5 Cav was there too.

the 24th NVA sure had a lot of folks there too.

And in the end they got their asses smoked as I recall.....thanks for your service.

Yes, they paid a hellova price but then again, so did I and so did a lot of my buddies.

We all did....leave it alone, it was a long time ago.
Uh yeah I realize that.....assembly plants. The money in auto manufacturing is in the chassis, engine, and drive-train. We don't make those for Nissan...we just bolt their crap together and the profits go back to Japan.

It employs Americans to bolt those together. I say if you have a plant in the United States and close that plant, laying off the American works and move your plant to Mexico then you should not use the cheaper labor as a factor to cut the price of your automobile below the price of an American assembled or manufactured automobile. If you are now producing the car in Mexico for $3,000 less than you did in America then you should pay a tariff of $4,000 in order to give advantage to the auto made in America by American workers.

The Fortune 500 corporate boards are no longer primarily Americans and therefore feel no patriotic duty to protect American interests. They'll chase the cheapest labor dollar they can find without batting an eye. So who's standing up for the American worker? NObody anymore. That's why Trump's message is resounding and it's our last chance to save our market. Without the same protections our competitors use, we won't be the the market the rest of the world still pursues. It's only a matter of time before we can no longer afford to buy anything but the essentials.

Indeed. Trump makes a lot of sense.

If we take a Chevrolet Traverse and a Ford Escape, both pretty much cost the consumer the same thing if comparatively equipped. Now, shut down the Ford plant building the Ford Escape and move it to Mexico laying off the American employees. America has lost the support for the plant as well as the tax revenue and sales generated from the employee payrolls. Ford is now able to manufacture the Ford Escape in Mexico for a whole lot less paid out in salaries and benefits. They can now cut the price of the Ford Escape and have an advantage over the Chevrolet Traverse.

In order to level the playing field and regain some of the revenue lost to Mexico, Trump would place a tariff on the Ford Escape and in effect bring its selling price back to the level or above that of the Chevrolet Traverse. This in no way bars Ford from selling the Ford Escape in the American marketplace, it simple levels the playing field and allows the Traverse to remain competitive with the Escape.

Ok, but you are going to have to give this a catchy name for it to inspire people. How about, "Five Year Plan"?

I don't have to give it anything dumbshit. Trump has explained this over and over.

I wouldn't touch that with a ten feet pole!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charley Company 502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne. I got hit at Dak To on June 7, 1966.

Check....1-5 Cav was there too.

the 24th NVA sure had a lot of folks there too.

And in the end they got their asses smoked as I recall.....thanks for your service.

Yes, they paid a hellova price but then again, so did I and so did a lot of my buddies.

We all did....leave it alone, it was a long time ago.

I have. I've had a good life. I married the girl I met when I was thirteen years old and she was twelve. We've been together for fifty years now.We sent three kids to college and now have seven grandkids. I retired January 1st and am taking life easy. My children are running the business now and they all live here in town so I can see them and the grandkids very often. Life is good.
The good news for Ford and any other businesses that want take US jobs to other countries is Hillary is leading in the polls. The bad news for Hillary supporters is they are sealing their own unemployment fate and don't realize it.
The good news for Ford and any other businesses that want take US jobs to other countries is Hillary is leading in the polls. The bad news for Hillary supporters is they are sealing their own unemployment fate and don't realize it.

That might really worry me, if I was not retired anyway, but I doubt it. It would have worried my step father who built Fords at the Atlanta Assembly plant from 1923 (on Ponce de Leon) to 1974 (In Hapeville) if he were still alive, but probably not, since the Ford assembly plant in Hapeville GA closed in 2006, under a different presidential administration....i can't remember. What was that president's name?
Reagan is rolling in his grave over this. Which I must admit amuses me somewhat.

You need to change your cartoon. Bush is one of you Clinton supporters now.

I always liked Dubya until he sold out the country over Jeb! not getting his turn in the WH. It casts doubt in my mind about his real motive for invading Iraq.
Exxon Is Treason

Saddam was producing beyond his sanctions quotas and lowering BushCo's profits on oil.
You do know the dumbass George W started the bailout program for the Government motors?

It was a bridge-loan and has been repaid in full.
There was no reason for it, except be a nanny to some fucked up union. Typical socialist government involvement where they do not belong. Progressives are nothing but a bunch of fuck ups
Preppy Progressives Are the Spawn of Your Heroes

Unions are outlawed under socialism. The Polish wildcat union, Solidarnost, overthrew Communism.
You mean gM?

The Bank of Tokyo funds the entire jap car industy's R&D and the same thing is happening in South Korea...so who's government run and who ain't?
The federal government of any free country should not be involved in any private enterprise in any way, they're shitty at it should stay the fuck out.
Like Our Forefathers' Challenge: Aristocrats, Tories, and Savages Get in Our Way

Then those born in the working class should take over the government to put the corporate dictators in their place. Guillotine-fodder HeirHeads like the Kennedys and the Bushes along with no-talent class-climbing bootlickers like Cheney and Biden separated the government from the people, leaving us at the mercy of private-sector plutocratic parasites.
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