Looks Like Ford Is Feeling The Heat

Nope. And neither are the investors. The stock price remains healthy in spite of Trump's rants.

Ford shares were selling for around $12 last time I looked.....that's healthy?

GM is at $32...I rest my case.

As a matter of fact, it is quite healthy. I bought at $4.28 per share when the other auto companies were being bailed out.

Hey, I got nothing against Ford...I drive an F-150 4x4. I wish I could afford to buy a VOLT though...now that they get 50+ miles to a charge, maybe I can figure out a way to do it.
Trump has no shame....

he chose to manufacture his goods overseas because it made him more profitable to do so and it was all LEGAL.

Yet he tries to shame ford for trying to do the precise legal thing Trump has done for his company, over and over and over and over and over again....all legally.

He's a FRAUD. A do as I say but not as I do kind of guy...
Like Bernie with his taxes? Or Hillary claiming losses with hers? Get da fuk outttta here
Unless Hillary's loss that she took was a Real Estate Investment, she did not, and could not have taken the SAME loss that Trump took... things are all special and sweet as can be, for Real Estate Tycoons back in 1995 and mostly because of Donald Trump lobbying congress to loosen the rules on what Real Estate investors can write off of their losses on their federal income tax, which made banks/investors loan more than they normally would because their financial risk was lowered...back in 1993....congress changed the law to what Trump wanted and testified before Congress that it should be...

And then Donald got HUGE LOANS and over extended himself on the Taj Mahal etc etc etc, did some other dirty tricks to get more money from investors with stocks that opened at $35 and he drove them down to 0.17 cents a share while he walked away with 83 million, donald declared bankruptcy, and due to these rule changes that he advocated and lobbied for himself, got to take the FULL loss instead of just a portion of the loss, for up to18 years... and notably with money that never was his money to begin with, but money of the banks/investors he bamboozled in to investing in his enterprises.

Donald Trump is no genius, he's a scam artist, a conman...a very good one!
Donald Trump once held a job of a lobbyist?
I never knew...
Hey cupcake, do you really believe Donald Trump is the only business owner that benefitted from changes in tax law?
And what about the thousands of people in the real estate business that saw their incomes rise because economic activity in commercial and residential real estate increased?.....
Stop letting your class envy knee jerk and hit you in the chin long enough to realize the nonsense you post.
Those tax changes made a lot of people a lot of money because they were WORKING.......
GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales

I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.

You do realize that Nissan has plants in this country? Nissan moved manufacturing into the United States, not out of it the way Ford is doing.

Uh yeah I realize that.....assembly plants. The money in auto manufacturing is in the chassis, engine, and drive-train. We don't make those for Nissan...we just bolt their crap together and the profits go back to Japan.
And you do not believe US based companies invest their profits over seas?...
Please. I have heard this music from pro union activists......:"The profits go to (fill in the blank)".....At the end of the day, who cares? As long as American workers are able to make a good living, and those companies continue to build new and expand existing plants.....
BTW, why is it we never hear from anyone about Mercedes Benz, Volvo, VW or BMW's profits going back to those companies home nations.....Only the Asian based companies are called out for this.....
Could it be anti Asian racism?

Ask another Viet Vet about "anti-asian racism", asshole....I ain't your huckleberry.
The Trumpsters sure live in a fantasy world.
Fact: Trump has his clothing line made in Mexico and China. Maybe his hats should say, "Make Mexico and China Great Again." But then thats old news and facts that the Trumpsters ignore as they suck up Trump's BS.
And then there is the fact that Trump has opted to use Chinese steel and aluminum for construction materials for two of his last three projects. There goes Trump, shitting on American workers again.
How Trump Ditched U.S. Steel Workers in Favor of China
Do I think Trumpsters will care? Of course they won't. Their convictions, like Trumps are paper thin (and the paper was made in China too).
And of course you can account for every builder in the US other than Trump and be able to confirm they all used US made steel?....You can do this yes?
And please post a list of clothing sellers that use US made products ONLY....
Have at it.....
Well, if you are indeed beginning to THINK, then we have made some progress.

Actually people like you and your ilk would defend Pol Pot if the son of a bitch told you that he hated Obama and Clinton...
Just admit it, not to me, but to yourself....

Actually, I served in Viet Nam myself. I was actually hit just outside the Cambodian border.
Suck it up. Everyone doesn't agree with your Liberal Communist views.

Where at? what was your outfit?
GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales

I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.

You do realize that Nissan has plants in this country? Nissan moved manufacturing into the United States, not out of it the way Ford is doing.

Uh yeah I realize that.....assembly plants. The money in auto manufacturing is in the chassis, engine, and drive-train. We don't make those for Nissan...we just bolt their crap together and the profits go back to Japan.
And you do not believe US based companies invest their profits over seas?...
Please. I have heard this music from pro union activists......:"The profits go to (fill in the blank)".....At the end of the day, who cares? As long as American workers are able to make a good living, and those companies continue to build new and expand existing plants.....
BTW, why is it we never hear from anyone about Mercedes Benz, Volvo, VW or BMW's profits going back to those companies home nations.....Only the Asian based companies are called out for this.....
Could it be anti Asian racism?

Ask another Viet Vet about "anti-asian racism", asshole....I ain't your huckleberry.
Oh.....So 'm an asshole because what? I had the gall to point out some facts and ask a provocative question? A question the SHOULD be asked....
Name calling? Really? And you claim to not be a progressive?....Could have fooled me when you took a page from their playbook. You know, the one that says "when scrambling while losing an argument, hurl insults at your opponent to deflect the conversation away from the subject matter"...
Now, in order to hang on to what little credibility you may have left, try staying on point. Get back in the discussion.
And of course you can account for every builder in the US other than Trump and be able to confirm they all used US made steel?....You can do this yes?
And please post a list of clothing sellers that use US made products ONLY....
Have at it.....

That's another industry we have to take back. We grow the finest cotton in the world and have a load of shuttered factories in the Carolinas that once made the finest clothing in the world. And shoes were made in New England. And steel was made in Pittsburgh and Gary, Ind. We can provide the best products in the world in every arena including electronics, bicycles, motorcycles, musical instruments, etc etc....the only thing we need to import are coffee and bananas. THAT'S IT.....why are we giving away our national sovereignty? It has to stop.
GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales

I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.
World Class? What is that?
IMO is it nothing but Chamber of Commerce puffery. It means nothing.
Clearly, GM's products have reliability issues and they do not hold resale value nearly as well as their so called foreign made counterparts. Although, aside from the initial taxpayer funded bailout, GM is indeed pulling itself up out of the malaise it once was known for.
PS, save for the respective truck divisions, I avoid domestic autos. Too many problems. Too much spent on repair/replacement of parts that should last much longer.
Just traded in a '04 Grand Prix....it on;y had 140k miles on it.
The list...
Wheel bearings replaced all around.
Rear struts after 70k miles.
replace motor and actuator on sun roof,.
replace AC compressor. once at 50k second time at 85k. Both were OEM AC Delco. parts.
Replace water pump. Twice.
Replace alternator at 75K....
Huge crack in dashboard. For no apparent reason, other than it was a piece of shit.
The car should have lasted another 40 or 50k miles. We got rid of it because it was a money pit. Replaced it with....A Hyundai Sonata. 10 year 100k mile bumper to bumper warranty. WITH road side assistance included.
Need I say more.

You're whining about a 12 year old car? This ^^^^ is the problem. You're paying 3 times what a vehicle should cost because without a 3 year planned obsolescence, the manufacturer has to over-charge you and you'll get screwed by the bank with a 5 year loan. But then if you enjoy employing Koreans instead of Americans, good for you and your Hyundai. Just don't pretend to be a Trump voter if you can't carry your weight supporting your own workers.
Hye genius. I just got through pointing out that our car was made HERE...In the USA. As are all Sonata's.
In fact, foreign based auto manufacturers and their parts makers provide excellent paying jobs for hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.....Almost exclusive of burdensome labor collectives to muck up the works and drive up costs to the companies and the consumer.
Don't give me any shit about what I choose to buy. I look for the best product that offers me the best value for the best most affordable price....I am NOT going to spend my money on blind loyalty. Only a fool does that. And we know the relationship between fools and their money.
Here is my parting shot. If GM and Ford want to regain the confidence of American car buyers, they have one goal. GET BETTER....Yes. Get better at what they do. Make better cars than their competitors....Pretty simple.......
Oh.....So 'm an asshole because what? I had the gall to point out some facts and ask a provocative question? A question the SHOULD be asked....
Name calling? Really? And you claim to not be a progressive?....Could have fooled me when you took a page from their playbook. You know, the one that says "when scrambling while losing an argument, hurl insults at your opponent to deflect the conversation away from the subject matter"...
Now, in order to hang on to what little credibility you may have left, try staying on point. Get back in the discussion.

That's right... you pull a race card and say "it has to be asked"? who's the progressive, asshole? And you lost this argument about 5 pages back which makes you either delusional or a fucking liar.
Looks like Ford is worried that Trump might win the Presidency and impose his tariff on their cars made in Mexico and exported into this county. Yes, they certainly do not appear nearly so brash and bold as they were a month or so ago. Losing their American market for their Mexican made vehicles would probably be a death blow to the car maker.

Well, well, well.. look who just met with Trump
Ford goes to Mexico it can sell its fucking cars there.
Here is my parting shot. If GM and Ford want to regain the confidence of American car buyers, they have one goal. GET BETTER....Yes. Get better at what they do. Make better cars than their competitors....Pretty simple.......

GM and Ford are both building better vehicles than your korean tin-cans with bad paint that are ASSEMBLED here. You got the rice-burner guilt trip going....you claim to be a patriot but don't back it up by BUYING American. Vote for Hillary...she's your type.
And of course you can account for every builder in the US other than Trump and be able to confirm they all used US made steel?....You can do this yes?
And please post a list of clothing sellers that use US made products ONLY....
Have at it.....

That's another industry we have to take back. We grow the finest cotton in the world and have a load of shuttered factories in the Carolinas that once made the finest clothing in the world. And shoes were made in New England. And steel was made in Pittsburgh and Gary, Ind. We can provide the best products in the world in every arena including electronics, bicycles, motorcycles, musical instruments, etc etc....the only thing we need to import are coffee and bananas. THAT'S IT.....why are we giving away our national sovereignty? It has to stop.
Its called global competition...Our US companies must compete. And to do so, they must exist in the business conditions as they exist.
This is not the 1950's where the US led the planet in industrial production. Those oceans no longer protect us from having to compete with nations whose companies are subsidized with taxpayer dollars.
You're right. We can make all that stuff here. However, labor costs would make the products largely unnaffordable to typical US consumer.
Here's a bit of irony for you....Earlier ( remember when you called me an asshole) you mentioned textiles, as you did above....Well, here in the Carolinas, textile mills are opening back up. However it is the very same companies over in Asia and Oceana that are buying long shuttered plants and putting Americans to work making their products.
And at market rate wages.
Why no US based company has caught on is a mystery.
And of course you can account for every builder in the US other than Trump and be able to confirm they all used US made steel?....You can do this yes?
And please post a list of clothing sellers that use US made products ONLY....
Have at it.....

That's another industry we have to take back. We grow the finest cotton in the world and have a load of shuttered factories in the Carolinas that once made the finest clothing in the world. And shoes were made in New England. And steel was made in Pittsburgh and Gary, Ind. We can provide the best products in the world in every arena including electronics, bicycles, motorcycles, musical instruments, etc etc....the only thing we need to import are coffee and bananas. THAT'S IT.....why are we giving away our national sovereignty? It has to stop.
Its called global competition...Our US companies must compete. And to do so, they must exist in the business conditions as they exist.
This is not the 1950's where the US led the planet in industrial production. Those oceans no longer protect us from having to compete with nations whose companies are subsidized with taxpayer dollars.
You're right. We can make all that stuff here. However, labor costs would make the products largely unnaffordable to typical US consumer.
Here's a bit of irony for you....Earlier ( remember when you called me an asshole) you mentioned textiles, as you did above....Well, here in the Carolinas, textile mills are opening back up. However it is the very same companies over in Asia and Oceana that are buying long shuttered plants and putting Americans to work making their products.
And at market rate wages.
Why no US based company has caught on is a mystery.

blah blah blah....we can't compete with slave-labor, currency manipulation, and tariff barriers erected by our competitors. Is that simple enough for you? So we start taxing the SHIT out of foreign imports regardless of the brand name and tell the foreign assembly plants here to either buy totally American or get shut down. And again, get somebody else to forgive your selfishness, I will not.
GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales

I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.
World Class? What is that?
IMO is it nothing but Chamber of Commerce puffery. It means nothing.
Clearly, GM's products have reliability issues and they do not hold resale value nearly as well as their so called foreign made counterparts. Although, aside from the initial taxpayer funded bailout, GM is indeed pulling itself up out of the malaise it once was known for.
PS, save for the respective truck divisions, I avoid domestic autos. Too many problems. Too much spent on repair/replacement of parts that should last much longer.
Just traded in a '04 Grand Prix....it on;y had 140k miles on it.
The list...
Wheel bearings replaced all around.
Rear struts after 70k miles.
replace motor and actuator on sun roof,.
replace AC compressor. once at 50k second time at 85k. Both were OEM AC Delco. parts.
Replace water pump. Twice.
Replace alternator at 75K....
Huge crack in dashboard. For no apparent reason, other than it was a piece of shit.
The car should have lasted another 40 or 50k miles. We got rid of it because it was a money pit. Replaced it with....A Hyundai Sonata. 10 year 100k mile bumper to bumper warranty. WITH road side assistance included.
Need I say more.

You're whining about a 12 year old car? This ^^^^ is the problem. You're paying 3 times what a vehicle should cost because without a 3 year planned obsolescence, the manufacturer has to over-charge you and you'll get screwed by the bank with a 5 year loan. But then if you enjoy employing Koreans instead of Americans, good for you and your Hyundai. Just don't pretend to be a Trump voter if you can't carry your weight supporting your own workers.
I Just noticed something in your post which is a total fabrication. It is American vehicles which are built with planned obsolescence in mind. Hell I learned about that aspect of American manufacturing over 40 years ago. What the hell are you talking about?
I can show you a plethora of evidence from reliable sources that confirms US based autos do not hold resale value nearly as well as the Toyotas, Hondas and Hyundais. They just don't....
And Chrysler is the absolute worst.
We got rid of that POS 2 years ago....The average age of an automobile on the road today is 11.5 years....And anyway, they age should not matter. It is the mileage that matters. Cars should not be failing with well under 100k miles. . If they so, they are doomed to be avoided by car buyers.
I did a comparison in NADA book values on that '04 Grand Prix and comparably equipped models in the same price range with the same mileage on the odometer, body style and engine displacement....
In all cases but one,. VS the Dodge Charger, every other auto in the class fared better to MUCH better in resale value.....
With the Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata at the top of the list, the Ford Taurus and the Honda Accord heads apart for a close 3rd. The Charger was well back....
So again, I must ask, what the hell are you talking about.
And I must ask, why is it significant that you had family that worked in the auto business?
GM Reports Third Consecutive Year of Record Global Sales

I'm a native Detoiter and pleased as I can be that GM is once again building world-class cars. The Detroit auto industry is very important to our defense needs as they proved in WW2. What I can't stomach are those who laud Bush and Obama for leading them through the bankruptcy but drive a fucking Hundai or Toyoda....two-faced losers.
World Class? What is that?
IMO is it nothing but Chamber of Commerce puffery. It means nothing.
Clearly, GM's products have reliability issues and they do not hold resale value nearly as well as their so called foreign made counterparts. Although, aside from the initial taxpayer funded bailout, GM is indeed pulling itself up out of the malaise it once was known for.
PS, save for the respective truck divisions, I avoid domestic autos. Too many problems. Too much spent on repair/replacement of parts that should last much longer.
Just traded in a '04 Grand Prix....it on;y had 140k miles on it.
The list...
Wheel bearings replaced all around.
Rear struts after 70k miles.
replace motor and actuator on sun roof,.
replace AC compressor. once at 50k second time at 85k. Both were OEM AC Delco. parts.
Replace water pump. Twice.
Replace alternator at 75K....
Huge crack in dashboard. For no apparent reason, other than it was a piece of shit.
The car should have lasted another 40 or 50k miles. We got rid of it because it was a money pit. Replaced it with....A Hyundai Sonata. 10 year 100k mile bumper to bumper warranty. WITH road side assistance included.
Need I say more.

You're whining about a 12 year old car? This ^^^^ is the problem. You're paying 3 times what a vehicle should cost because without a 3 year planned obsolescence, the manufacturer has to over-charge you and you'll get screwed by the bank with a 5 year loan. But then if you enjoy employing Koreans instead of Americans, good for you and your Hyundai. Just don't pretend to be a Trump voter if you can't carry your weight supporting your own workers.
One last thing. When the car is ready to sell, I will be right side up.
One, due to my stellar credit scores, i got a great rate. A loan which if carried to term will cost me just under $1100....Over 5 years. Do the math. And Hyundai's have excellent resale value.
And of course you can account for every builder in the US other than Trump and be able to confirm they all used US made steel?....You can do this yes?
And please post a list of clothing sellers that use US made products ONLY....
Have at it.....

That's another industry we have to take back. We grow the finest cotton in the world and have a load of shuttered factories in the Carolinas that once made the finest clothing in the world. And shoes were made in New England. And steel was made in Pittsburgh and Gary, Ind. We can provide the best products in the world in every arena including electronics, bicycles, motorcycles, musical instruments, etc etc....the only thing we need to import are coffee and bananas. THAT'S IT.....why are we giving away our national sovereignty? It has to stop.
Cotton prices are very low because we have too many growers here.
And of course you can account for every builder in the US other than Trump and be able to confirm they all used US made steel?....You can do this yes?
And please post a list of clothing sellers that use US made products ONLY....
Have at it.....

That's another industry we have to take back. We grow the finest cotton in the world and have a load of shuttered factories in the Carolinas that once made the finest clothing in the world. And shoes were made in New England. And steel was made in Pittsburgh and Gary, Ind. We can provide the best products in the world in every arena including electronics, bicycles, motorcycles, musical instruments, etc etc....the only thing we need to import are coffee and bananas. THAT'S IT.....why are we giving away our national sovereignty? It has to stop.
The other thing is clothing is no longer made of 100% cotton. Its a pain in the ass fiber. It does not wear well in summer because it does not wick moisture away from the skin. Once it gets wet, it stays wet. That's why most fabrics are at best 35% cotton.
One last thing. When the car is ready to sell, I will be right side up.
One, due to my stellar credit scores, i got a great rate. A loan which if carried to term will cost me just under $1100....Over 5 years. Do the math. And Hyundai's have excellent resale value.

Still trying to justify buying a Hyundai? After Trump is elected you'll try to get parts to fix it. You'll walk into a Napa parts store and say to the counter clerk "I need a set of brake shoes for my Hyundai" and he'll say: "sounds like a fair trade to me."
The Trumpsters sure live in a fantasy world.
Fact: Trump has his clothing line made in Mexico and China. Maybe his hats should say, "Make Mexico and China Great Again." But then thats old news and facts that the Trumpsters ignore as they suck up Trump's BS.
And then there is the fact that Trump has opted to use Chinese steel and aluminum for construction materials for two of his last three projects. There goes Trump, shitting on American workers again.
How Trump Ditched U.S. Steel Workers in Favor of China
Do I think Trumpsters will care? Of course they won't. Their convictions, like Trumps are paper thin (and the paper was made in China too).
And of course you can account for every builder in the US other than Trump and be able to confirm they all used US made steel?....You can do this yes?
And please post a list of clothing sellers that use US made products ONLY....
Have at it.....

Trump is running for president and talks about making America great, yet he shits on the American workers,
Please name any other current presidential candidates who own companies that ship their jobs offshore or use buy Chinese products as part of their American expansion instead of Made in American products
On top of that he doesn't pay federal income taxes and think that makes him a genius (while losing almost a billion dollars because of poor judgement).
Like I have said multiple times and Trump said it himself. Trump could shoot someone and his supporters would still kiss his ass. Man, that says a lot about his worshipers and none of it is good.

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