Looks like Obama cares more about his propaganda than he does about kids....


Gold Member
Sep 6, 2008
All Venue Contracts Are Off When You?re Selling Propaganda ? MSNBC / Obama Force Cancellation Of Kids Ballet To Use Auditorium For State Run Media Propaganda ?. | The Last Refuge

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews is scheduled to interview President Obama on Thursday night at American University as part of the “Hardball College Tour.” MSNBC approached AU to host the chat, and officials jumped at the chance for a free, hour-long commercial for the university and its students.

But the interview, announced Tuesday morning, abruptly kicked the Ballet Petite’s rehearsals of ”The Nutcracker” out of AU’s Greenberg Theatre. That didn’t sit well with the ballet school’s staff, teachers and parents who have been preparing for the performance for months.

The bad news came in an e-mail Tuesday from AU’s facility department, which announced “an issue” with Wednesday and Thursday’s plans for the local ballet school’s technical and dress rehearsals: “We unfortunately must cancel these dates at the Greenberg Theatre. . . . We’re fully aware of the ramifications and grief this may cause at this late date.”

Given that the school has rented the space for the past eight years and had a signed contract for eight performances and rehearsal nights this year, the news — less than a day before the kids were set to be onstage to practice — came as a bit of a shock. “They did not ask,” said artistic director Melissa Carney. “They told us

Screw the kids, Matthews needs the thrill up his leg and Obama needs damage control........ :thup:
Wow. At a loss for words here. How do you do that to people? Especially to the kids who rehearsed there little butts off, all apparently for nothing?

Who will stand up for the kids? Apparently not even the president will. His arrogance and narcissism is beyond measure. First, a kid can't sell mistletoe, now these kids can't have their musical. Why am I not surprised?

A certain mantra comes to mind, "You didn't build that."
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Looks like Obama, Matthews and the school all get douchebag awards for this. Although two of the three were already douchebags going into this event.
Only one half assed liberal defending the messiah? What's this place coming to?....
That slimy scum bucket will do anything for attention. I'd wager he'd go down on Oprah for some TV time.
Children are a means through which The Obama may further his agenda.
Take school shootings - dead kids means a better chance to enact more gun control; the more dead kids the better.
If they're white, anyway.
Oh please. Republicans only care about the fetus.
Try LIFE...you know? LIFE, Liberty? Pursuit Of Happiness? (Personal property)...Deany? You're a schmuck talking out of your ass as usual. YOU project way too much around here.
It was Matthews, not the President, to blame for the venue change. ODS strikes again.

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