Looks Like Rev. Al couldn't Blackmail Hollywood this Year

Denzel won Cecile DeMille Award...I was thrilled. Denzel rocks! Guess ol Al forgot about that.
Oscar Nominations: Al Sharpton Criticizes "Fraudulent" Hollywood Over Zero Nonwhite Acting Noms
That's right Rev. Al couldn't race hustle Hollywood this year. Even the dozens of negroes on the committee couldn't bring themselves to vote for any negro actor for an oscar this year.
When is that negro asshole going to die?
Someone can sprinkle his ashes on the nearest fucking garbage dump!

Only lunatics like the Rev. Al Sharpton and Quentin Tarantino care about this sort of crap. The only actual issue is whether good actors get the nominations, the colour of those actors shouldn't mean a thing.
I am sad that the bear from The Revenant wasn't nominated for that powerful rape scene. :(
I was blessed enough to have met Yaphet Kotto and then this will make sense in a minute. Bear with me. It was way back when I met him. Over a dog. Years later just a couple of months ago he's battling this CBC bitch over whether or not James Bond should be black.

It was an unreal interview and he put a smack down on her like crazy.
Oscar Nominations: Al Sharpton Criticizes "Fraudulent" Hollywood Over Zero Nonwhite Acting Noms
That's right Rev. Al couldn't race hustle Hollywood this year. Even the dozens of negroes on the committee couldn't bring themselves to vote for any negro actor for an oscar this year.
When is that negro asshole going to die?
Someone can sprinkle his ashes on the nearest fucking garbage dump!

Only lunatics like the Rev. Al Sharpton and Quentin Tarantino care about this sort of crap. The only actual issue is whether good actors get the nominations, the colour of those actors shouldn't mean a thing.
I was blessed enough to have met Yaphet Kotto and then this will make sense in a minute. Bear with me. It was way back when I met him. Over a dog. Years later just a couple of months ago he's battling this CBC bitch over whether or not James Bond should be black.

It was an unreal interview and he put a smack down on her like crazy.

Also Sidney Poitier one of the greatest actors ever, who cares if he's black, only crazy people do. Poitier an artist, that's all that matters.
Oscar Nominations: Al Sharpton Criticizes "Fraudulent" Hollywood Over Zero Nonwhite Acting Noms
That's right Rev. Al couldn't race hustle Hollywood this year. Even the dozens of negroes on the committee couldn't bring themselves to vote for any negro actor for an oscar this year.
When is that negro asshole going to die?
Someone can sprinkle his ashes on the nearest fucking garbage dump!

Only lunatics like the Rev. Al Sharpton and Quentin Tarantino care about this sort of crap. The only actual issue is whether good actors get the nominations, the colour of those actors shouldn't mean a thing.

Hey you racist, saying Negro :whip::wink:
I am sad that the bear from The Revenant wasn't nominated for that powerful rape scene. :(

That film is a disgrace.

Is it that bad? You have to understand my closest movie theater is an hour away. Hahaha without a snow storm. I wanted to see it because I know the story. One of revenge. I've got the book on order now because I never trust Hollywood except for a few directors to translate a book into film.
I am sad that the bear from The Revenant wasn't nominated for that powerful rape scene. :(

That film is a disgrace.

Is it that bad? You have to understand my closest movie theater is an hour away. Hahaha without a snow storm. I wanted to see it because I know the story. One of revenge. I've got the book on order now because I never trust Hollywood except for a few directors to translate a book into film.

I love snow storms!

I have no intention of watching it, I've seen the clips, this was enough for me to say the film is a disgrace.

Yes many books are better than the film. Some are equally as good, example Frederick Forsyth's book "The Day of The Jackal" and the Fred Zinnemann film of the book.

The Day of the Jackal (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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