Looks like the Dream Act is on

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
President Obama will announce later today unless Marco Rubio beats him to it.

800K eligible - under age 16 when they came here, under age 30 now and no criminal record.

Thing is, as it stands right now, the US has a lot invested in these young people's education. Why shouldn't we benefit from that?

Traditionally, we deport the best educated illegals. Asians, Mexicans, Europeans - many of them doctors or scientists will finish their education in their own country while we educate burger flippers.

Right now, China graduates more scientists that we graduate students. We need to put politics aside and do what is right for the US.
According to what I just heard, a criminal record is okay. Just not a serious criminal record.

This is something else that will have to be undone.
President Obama will announce later today unless Marco Rubio beats him to it.

800K eligible - under age 16 when they came here, under age 30 now and no criminal record.

Thing is, as it stands right now, the US has a lot invested in these young people's education. Why shouldn't we benefit from that?

Traditionally, we deport the best educated illegals. Asians, Mexicans, Europeans - many of them doctors or scientists will finish their education in their own country while we educate burger flippers.

Right now, China graduates more scientists that we graduate students. We need to put politics aside and do what is right for the US.

Yea...all those illegals between 18 and 30 are our "best educated". :cuckoo:

Does "putting politics aside" involve ignoring the Constitution and authority of Congress? Or is this just a desperate attempt to avoid Obama having to talk about debt, the economy and unemployment? Never mind, we all know that answer to that question.
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This is impeachable. The constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed" and yet here is obozo once again saying he will simply ignore laws passed by congress.

Amnesty has to be done thru congress.
These illegals should have never been allowed in our schools to begin with. No law was ever passed giving them the right to attend our schools. It was done thru judicial fiat - plyler v doe 1982.
Yea...all those illegals between 18 and 30 are our "best educated".

I wrote nothing that even resembles this. Try reading it again. We DO deport the best educated BECAUSE they did not come into the country illegally.

Sorry but no, its not "impeachable".

More have been deported than at any time since the 50s. Why not do what is best for the country? In order to think that way, some will first have to understand that the US has FOUR open borders. Not all illegals are Latino.

I'm afraid many still believe that just because Mitt greeted his illegal yard workers with "Buenos dias" every day, that ALL illegals came from the south. Yes, Mitt's came from Guatemala but there are three other borders.
When the hispanics who came here illegally become our best educated, we are in trouble because that means that everyone else is even more poorly educated than they are.

There is no other law that someone could violate and the children get to keep the proceeds of the parental illegal act.
Temporary and NOT citizenship.

R's have had more than 3 years to get off their butts and, just as before Obama was elected, they ignore the problem and they ignore the source of the problem.

If the R's can only filibuster and obstruct, I'm glad to have a president who doesn't react by going off to his "ranch" to "clear brush". And, already, a LYING tweet from a R.

Not to mention what Texas is now doing.
Watch the rush to the border by those under thirty! LOL, LOL! I'm sure that the news being carried in all countries and especially latin american countries is 'yes we can and we did'. This has got to be the stupist thing ever done by a dictator - oops! I mean a president.
This is a move to suck up votes.
Just like the gay marriage deal was done so Obama could get major contributions from
gay donors.
No reason to deport educated potential citizens or those who have joined our military

Common sense
They aren't educated. They join the military because it advances their status in the street gangs AND, they can set up lucrative drug smuggling enterprises.
This is impeachable. The constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed" and yet here is obozo once again saying he will simply ignore laws passed by congress.

Amnesty has to be done thru congress.

Not with His Highness. Laws were made to be broken, if He considers them to be in the best interest of the country he wants to go socialist.

Rubio will be out with his new book next week, outlining the same goal, only with legal due process. Obama just had to jump into first place and FAST with the idea! Man, the guy is ruthless.....

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