Looks like the infamous Vindman will be doing the duffle bag drag

A year from today, Vindman will be an Ambassador to Ukraine.

Have you ever been in the military, dumbass? Its obvious you haven't a single solitary clue.
If you were I doubt like hell you made it out with an honorable discharge. I suppose the best you could have done is one of those "for the convenience of the government" things they used for queers and crazies.
Worked 40 years DoD

Vindman was transferred for political reasons not for personal conduct.
He will be honored next year once Dems are calling the shots

Dod IS NOT THE FUCKING MILITARY. You don't know shit.
He didn’t really fit in anyway. He’s too competent and well informed.

TRANSLATION: Loyal to the Democrats and disloyal to the President and country he swore to serve.

Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president. You tipped your hand. He was following his oath. That’s why he was fired.

Tip my dick. The president is the empersonalization of the country, the arbiter of our foreign policy, and if you cannot serve whatever role he has for you, you don't belong there.

He’s not the king. He is a public servant. Vindman is more loyal to the country than he is Trump and for that he has to go.

Hey Jackass, you're right. Vindman is not the fucking king. He doesn't get to decide foreign policy. The President does. He doesn't get to decide what "our country" wants. Vindman works for the PRESIDENT. The PRESIDENT is head of all the military. He is above every general, every admiral. The PRESIDENT decides and tells him what our country's aims and goals are NOW. He is a consultant, an adviser, an emissary. His job was to carry out the duties and to reflect the policies and wishes of the PRESIDENT to foreign countries as a representative of THE PRESIDENT, irregardless of his personal beliefs, and if he couldn't carry out that role, his ass is grass.
This really makes my day and reminds me justice isn't completely unknown in Washington DC.
Vindman was a Deep State stooge and maybe Adam Schiff needs a lawn jockey or a gardener now that he's not Schiff's impeachment bitch anymore.
A year from today, Vindman will be an Ambassador to Ukraine.

Have you ever been in the military, dumbass? Its obvious you haven't a single solitary clue.
If you were I doubt like hell you made it out with an honorable discharge. I suppose the best you could have done is one of those "for the convenience of the government" things they used for queers and crazies.
Worked 40 years DoD

Vindman was transferred for political reasons not for personal conduct.
He will be honored next year once Dems are calling the shots

What kind of a chicken shit reply is that? You either were or you were not IN the military. Working for the DOD as a fucking civilian janitor or cutting the friggin grass does not count as being in and a member of the military.
If you worked as a civilian for the DOD what was your GS rating and exactly what did you do and for which department? I knew and worked with a lot of GS personnel in my last assignment and damned few of them were liberal shit for brains types.
Worked 40 years DoD
Vindman was transferred for political reasons not for personal conduct.
He will be honored next year once Dems are calling the shots

Right...along with Xi, Maduro, Jung Un/Ill and all your other favs.

But if you think Dems will be calling the shots next year, you really are a delusional dope.
Even an E-3 PFC knows not to trash talk the Platoon Sergeant. Absolutely nothing good will come about.
A year from today, Vindman will be an Ambassador to Ukraine.

Have you ever been in the military, dumbass? Its obvious you haven't a single solitary clue.
If you were I doubt like hell you made it out with an honorable discharge. I suppose the best you could have done is one of those "for the convenience of the government" things they used for queers and crazies.
Worked 40 years DoD

Vindman was transferred for political reasons not for personal conduct.
He will be honored next year once Dems are calling the shots
The President is his boss. You stab the President in the back, you get fired.
Doesn’t matter really
A short term inconvenience

When Trump is gone next January, Vindman will be promoted to full Colonel and be given his job back.

You don't really know anything do you. That will never fucking happen. His career is essentially over. He'll be behind a desk in the Pentagon pushing papers the rest of his life.

A temporary setback
Next Year when Democrats are in charge, Vindman will be a full Colonel and be awarded a Medal of Freedom

So he'll be promoted in the military and be awarded a civilian medal?
Can you offer any proof that the WB is Ciaramella?
Can you offer proof he is not? Ciaramella is CIA and a political insider and has long been identified as the so called
whistleblower...though that implies someone reporting abuses within government and he did nothing of the kind.

His job was to facilitate the bogus impeachment of Donald Trump. Mission not accomplished!
Doesn’t matter really
A short term inconvenience

When Trump is gone next January, Vindman will be promoted to full Colonel and be given his job back.

You don't really know anything do you. That will never fucking happen. His career is essentially over. He'll be behind a desk in the Pentagon pushing papers the rest of his life.

A temporary setback
Next Year when Democrats are in charge, Vindman will be a full Colonel and be awarded a Medal of Freedom

So he'll be promoted in the military and be awarded a civilian medal?

I think you are trying to respond to right-winger. Correct?
Doesn’t matter really
A short term inconvenience

When Trump is gone next January, Vindman will be promoted to full Colonel and be given his job back.

You don't really know anything do you. That will never fucking happen. His career is essentially over. He'll be behind a desk in the Pentagon pushing papers the rest of his life.

A temporary setback
Next Year when Democrats are in charge, Vindman will be a full Colonel and be awarded a Medal of Freedom

So he'll be promoted in the military and be awarded a civilian medal?

I think you are trying to respond to right-winger. Correct?

Yes, that's who I replied to. I broke the quotes out.
YOU’RE FIRED! Lt. Col. Vindman Loses NSC Job, Escorted from White House.

“Vindman’s twin brother Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, a National Security Council attorney, was also fired, and both were escorted off the White House grounds.”​


Had no first hand information, admitted he was just following Fake News stories

Vindman was hailed as one of the Democrats' key witnesses in the House impeachment inquiry, despite his admission that he had no firsthand knowledge of the held-up Ukraine aid or any potential linkage to the investigation, and admitted he was just “following news accounts.”

User Clip: Vindman Admits No Firsthand Knowledge | C-SPAN.org

Vindman also admitted that President Trump was “well within his rights” to ask Ukraine for help in an investigation, undercutting the Democrats' narrative, and that he couldn't recall Ukrainian officials ever feeling pressured to launch any investigations.

User Clip: Vindman said he couldn’t recall Ukrainians feeling pressured to do investigations | C-SPAN.org

These elements of his testimony raise doubts about his ability to do his job in the National Security Council objectively. He was a key witness for the Democrats, despite having no firsthand knowledge of any of the allegations, s staff puke who cares more about "resisting" Trump than national security.

Trump needs to be able to trust that members of his administration aren't trying to undermine him from within.

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