Looks like the infamous Vindman will be doing the duffle bag drag



It’s just sad to me the way Republicans turn on American patriots who have put their lives on the line for this country. Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, John McCain and how long before they turn on Navy secretary Richard Spencer?
for no apparent reason
A more reasonable person might think, " maybe the reasons are not apparent to me, because I don't know what the hell I am talking about."

Not apparent to anyone. The only thing adding all those people did was increase the likelihood of a leak.

I am here skiing with my daughter, well right now we are having a hot chocolate, but it is so beautiful outside that you people just need to get outside and get some fresh air.

Your rhetoric is old and boring.

Here's the view from the lodge right now. Enjoy!


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It’s just sad to me the way Republicans turn on American patriots who have put their lives on the line for this country. Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, John McCain and how long before they turn on Navy secretary Richard Spencer?
General Flynn. Now go fuck right off.
Yes, he was long ago accused of being the WB, never once has there been a shred of proof that it was true. But it is waht your party masters told you, so you will believe it....the whole innocent till proven guilty thing no longer applies in this country.
Disgraced political operative Alexander Vindman told CIA political operative Eric Ciaramella about the phone call he spied on and butt boy Eric ran straight to political operative Adam Schiff who sent him to some friendly lawyers where they concocted this whole "whistleblower" steaming pile of bullshit cover story.

I'll believe the facts of this sorted coup. You can believe what makes you feel better about the whole Pelosi cluster fuck!
This really makes my day and reminds me justice isn't completely unknown in Washington DC.
Vindman was a Deep State stooge and maybe Adam Schiff needs a lawn jockey or a gardener now that he's not Schiff's impeachment bitch anymore.

You know how Democrats are. Once they get their use out of you, off you go into the sunset.

Now that their focus is off of guns and exclusively on Trump, what ever happened to David Hogg???
A year from today, Vindman will be an Ambassador to Ukraine.

Have you ever been in the military, dumbass? Its obvious you haven't a single solitary clue.
If you were I doubt like hell you made it out with an honorable discharge. I suppose the best you could have done is one of those "for the convenience of the government" things they used for queers and crazies.
Worked 40 years DoD

Vindman was transferred for political reasons not for personal conduct.
He will be honored next year once Dems are calling the shots

At best, he'll make Time Magazines man of the year.
It’s just sad to me the way Republicans turn on American patriots who have put their lives on the line for this country. Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, John McCain and how long before they turn on Navy secretary Richard Spencer?
Boo fucking hoo you partisan jackass!
Vindman was a political operative who was reprimanded by a superior officer for denigrating and mocking the US to the delight of a group of Russian officers.

"Patriots" don't participate in coups and try to illegally remove presidents from office. Fuck off, you utter dick!


It’s just sad to me the way Republicans turn on American patriots who have put their lives on the line for this country. Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, John McCain and how long before they turn on Navy secretary Richard Spencer?
General Flynn. Now go fuck right off.
Michael Flynn's move to withdraw guilty plea could backfire, experts say

General Flynn is a criminal. He committed felonies and then he pled guilty. He’s trying a Hail Mary, but it won’t work. He’s going to prison. Why would you protect Flynn? Is it for the same reason you protect Donald Trump for doing a shakedown of a foreign leader so he could try to subvert an American election?

Whatever happened to GOP morals and values?

well at least you can’t call the GOP the party of law and order anymore. Now that they’ve firmly come down on the side of criminals and treasonous behavior.
In reality ,it just sucked
Well, no offense, but I will not be deferring to your " expert" opinion. The judges, "in reality", released their legal opinion.

What sucks is a corrupt president enriching himself with taxpayer money.
Only folks doing that are Democrats. Trump is already rich. Was when he ran. Pelosi? Waters? The Clintons? All got rich by graft. Proven Fact.
The leaker
Which, of course, you just made up.

that thought he ran foreign policy
Which of course is whiny horseshit from a cultist, as he went to his superiors. Every time.

Look at you, ya fuckin cultist crybaby. Someone talks about Flynn the felon and foreign agent, and you get sand in your giney. We see where your loyalties lie.

No, that's pretty much confirmed through circumstanti


It’s just sad to me the way Republicans turn on American patriots who have put their lives on the line for this country. Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, John McCain and how long before they turn on Navy secretary Richard Spencer?
General Flynn. Now go fuck right off.
Michael Flynn's move to withdraw guilty plea could backfire, experts say

General Flynn is a criminal. He committed felonies and then he pled guilty. He’s trying a Hail Mary, but it won’t work. He’s going to prison. Why would you protect Flynn? Is it for the same reason you protect Donald Trump for doing a shakedown of a foreign leader so he could try to subvert an American election?

Whatever happened to GOP morals and values?

well at least you can’t call the GOP the party of law and order anymore. Now that they’ve firmly come down on the side of criminals and treasonous behavior.

He was railroaded by a corrupt prosecutor. He was innocent as the agents own notes said.

They are the ones who lied, proven, thus they are the criminals you fucking piece of shit.

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