Looks like the "Lukewarmists" are prevailing in the real world!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
The 'lukewarmers' show how environmentalists are in denial about denial
| Mulshine
Posted on March 12, 2017 at 6:30 AM

When I called Knappenburger, a climate scientist with the free-market Cato Institute, he told me the term is a more accurate representation of the views of those scientists often derided as "climate deniers."

"We're not denying that there is man-made climate change," he said. "We're saying it will be relatively modest and something we can live with."

That argument has also been put forth by a couple of Princeton scientists who are among the smartest people on the planet, Princeton physics professor William Happer and Freeman Dyson, who's been at the Institute for Advanced Studies since Einstein roamed the grounds.

The "lukewarmist" view is that atmospheric carbon dioxide has some good effects that may outweigh any negative effects.

"I expect about 1.5 degrees Centigrade of warming across this century - an amount that should be readily adapted to and overall non-disruptive, but will include winners and losers," he said. "The U.S. contribution to that overall warming will be about a tenth of a degree."

The 'lukewarmers' show how environmentalists are in denial about denial | Mulshine

Well......sure cant be debated given whats going on in the real world: EPA budgets being slashed and climate change funding all but being eliminated. US funding to the UN on climate change ripped to shreads.

There is a new prevailing wisdom s0ns........designer science is now a thing of the past.:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Lukewarmism is what the cultists retreated to after outright denialism became too ridiculous for even the most devout cultists to defend.

Trouble is, it makes no more sense. All the facts contradict lukewarmism as well. The lukewarmers tried to hold the line at "okay, it's warming strongly, but it's all natural!", but that defence failed as well, so they're making a last stand at "Okay, humans are doing it, but warming is good!".

It won't last. All the world's economists except one dedicated crank (Lormborg) say that's crap. Naturally, that means all the deniers focus entirely on Lormborg, to the point of denying that any other economists exist. It's more of that cherrypicking thing they do so well.
Lukewarmism is what the cultists retreated to after outright denialism became too ridiculous for even the most devout cultists to defend.

Trouble is, it makes no more sense. All the facts contradict lukewarmism as well. The lukewarmers tried to hold the line at "okay, it's warming strongly, but it's all natural!", but that defence failed as well, so they're making a last stand at "Okay, humans are doing it, but warming is good!".

It won't last. All the world's economists except one dedicated crank (Lormborg) say that's crap. Naturally, that means all the deniers focus entirely on Lormborg, to the point of denying that any other economists exist. It's more of that cherrypicking thing they do so well.

Well of course it doesn't make sense to you.........you're an alarmist k00k.

Check the news........the Lukewarmist views are being embraced by governments all over the world but most particularly by the United States.

Perhaps you missed the news..............allow me to bring you up to speed Waldo.......:bye1::bye1:.......





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