Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Wanna contrast that with Hillary's deposition in a ROOM FULL of lawyers and several "co-defendents" ALSO present? No y'all dont...

That was a deposition under oath was it not? Before Congress? And lasting what 15 hours? (I am not sure which one you are actually talking about here).

Is that comparable to an FBI questioning? Flynn by the way was not under oath either - a far less rigid ordeal.

Talk about false equivalencies.

No, it shows how they wanted to entrap flynn, but bent over backwards to give Hillary every possible aid. Hillary deleted 30,000 emails that were under subpoena, not a perp about that obvious criminal behavior from you.

Not one bit.

The false equivalence is from you.
the only thing different huh? A fictional Deep State behind a fictional coup....but then...you aren't exactly blinded by logic either.
There is nothing "fictional" about the charge of Russian collusion that the democrats tried to use to ride Trump out of office with but the Russian collusion itself. There was none. None that Robert Mueller would certify, anyway.
The people still obsessed with this matter think they know better than that, however. Zealots always do.

The investigation, imo, was 100% merited. There was enough evidence for sufficient concern. Investigations don't start out with a conclusion, they gather evidence and build from that. The Mueller investigation was thorough, professional, non-partisan and left no stone unturned. I'm satisfied. I do want to see the report released. There was no evidence of criminal conspiracy, but obstruction was another matter. There is nothing fictional about any of that.

But I'm sure deluded leftists believe in the myth of Russian collusion in the same way that residents of mental institutions believe that cats talk to them or fairies and elves come and visit every night when the lights go out.

And deluded rightists will believe it was all a hoax-spawned witch-hunt and ignore the larger implications of it, just as they believe everyone is out to get Trump.
And given your open disdain for Trump as a "cult" are you being unbiased or letting how you feel about Trump allow you to treat him differently? We've already established you are OK treating people differently.

Which is, why I establish points, and not chase rabbits.

The problem with your reasoning is you ignore the points you don't like, including that Mueller was a highly respected prosecutor, that even Trump praised. He was a Republican (as if that would make any difference - people can belong to a political party and do a professional job even though rightists don't seem to believe that). I respect Mueller and I respect the job he did. I respect the findings of our own intelligence and that of other nations that reported Russian attempts to influence elections in multiple countries.

How about you? Are you allowing your bias for Trump to affect the way you view this investigation.

Hell, since you did it already, I'll throw in my own gratuitous Hilary - how about, given your well known antipathy towards her...you think that might influenced your view on the investigation done on her? Comey really screwed her after all.
I'm stopping at your first sentence as this is what you have done the entire thread.

But this is funny n caught my eye...i'm Trump neutral but you keep assigning me more. Why is that? Ignoring facts you don't like?

You just proved my point while struggling to make sense of your own. That has to hurt.

That dog don't hunt. Your posting history and positions you tend to take really don't support that.

Even here. You refuse to consider that there could have been a good reason to investigate Trump.
If there was a good reason to investigate you'd not have the fbi falsifying reports to FISA and using fictional dossiers.
Since this has come up and to see a lack of proper procedures and protocol being followed in the Flynn prosecution, It confounds me how it has gotten this far....
Not Mirandizing Flynn once they decided to charge him, much less possibly charge him with a crime is in and of itself criminal. I don't give a flying flip about how "affable" the agents wanted him to be, the fact that this one simple procedure wasn't done when it should have been is at the least immoral of any investigating authority, and at worst criminal in and of itself. Coming from the overall "Top Cop" agency should concern each and every one of us.... regardless of political affiliation.
Comey's brag about not following procedures is another dirty deed in all of this as well. Policies and Procedures do not change just because a new person steps in..... It doesn't matter if it's military, business nor government. Policies and Procedures are set and adhered to until they are formally changed by those capable of making those changes... and for any changes to take place is a process, until that process is done, then te status quo is intact. To deviate from that is flat out wrong.
There was a statement made about Hillary Clinton's treatment by Comey..... Talk about your apples and oranges... Hillary Clinton was assessed by the FBI to have actually committed a crime, and it kept coming back around and around due to several different reason... yet Comey admits, yes it was wrong but he would not charge her.... since when does the FBI get to decide who and who doesn't get sent up? isn't that the job of the Attorney General??? Yet Comey "really screwed her." I ask you this, who would you have the FBI treat you like? Hillary, or Flynn?
Let's see your evidence Flynn was not read his Miranda rights when he was taken into custody....
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

Wait, you watched only 3 minutes?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

Wait, you watched only 3 minutes?

If it starts out with the host lying, how many more minutes should one watch?

And the host claimed the IG said the FBI lied to the FISC. Can you quote Horowitz saying the FBI lied to the FISC?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

Wait, you watched only 3 minutes?

Yes... when a 50 minute video can’t make it through the first few minutes without lying then it’s pretty clear that it’s not worth wasting my time watching crap like that
the only thing different huh? A fictional Deep State behind a fictional coup....but then...you aren't exactly blinded by logic either.
There is nothing "fictional" about the charge of Russian collusion that the democrats tried to use to ride Trump out of office with but the Russian collusion itself. There was none. None that Robert Mueller would certify, anyway.
The people still obsessed with this matter think they know better than that, however. Zealots always do.

The investigation, imo, was 100% merited. There was enough evidence for sufficient concern. Investigations don't start out with a conclusion, they gather evidence and build from that. The Mueller investigation was thorough, professional, non-partisan and left no stone unturned. I'm satisfied. I do want to see the report released. There was no evidence of criminal conspiracy, but obstruction was another matter. There is nothing fictional about any of that.

But I'm sure deluded leftists believe in the myth of Russian collusion in the same way that residents of mental institutions believe that cats talk to them or fairies and elves come and visit every night when the lights go out.

And deluded rightists will believe it was all a hoax-spawned witch-hunt and ignore the larger implications of it, just as they believe everyone is out to get Trump.
And given your open disdain for Trump as a "cult" are you being unbiased or letting how you feel about Trump allow you to treat him differently? We've already established you are OK treating people differently.

Which is, why I establish points, and not chase rabbits.

The problem with your reasoning is you ignore the points you don't like, including that Mueller was a highly respected prosecutor, that even Trump praised. He was a Republican (as if that would make any difference - people can belong to a political party and do a professional job even though rightists don't seem to believe that). I respect Mueller and I respect the job he did. I respect the findings of our own intelligence and that of other nations that reported Russian attempts to influence elections in multiple countries.

How about you? Are you allowing your bias for Trump to affect the way you view this investigation.

Hell, since you did it already, I'll throw in my own gratuitous Hilary - how about, given your well known antipathy towards her...you think that might influenced your view on the investigation done on her? Comey really screwed her after all.
I'm stopping at your first sentence as this is what you have done the entire thread.

But this is funny n caught my eye...i'm Trump neutral but you keep assigning me more. Why is that? Ignoring facts you don't like?

You just proved my point while struggling to make sense of your own. That has to hurt.

That dog don't hunt. Your posting history and positions you tend to take really don't support that.

Even here. You refuse to consider that there could have been a good reason to investigate Trump.
And keep in mind you keep assigning my position to me and arguing with that.

My thinking you are full of shit about Trump is not defending Trump. It's saying I think you are an emotional basket case, who is full of shit about Trump.

Oh cry me a river. You've determined (aka assigned my position) as a TDS'r- regardless of the arguments I make, regardless of what Trump does. It's all TDS. That is your automatic default, and not just with me. That has become the default argument of most of the right (just as "racist" was the default of the left during Obama). Your posting history is very Trump supportive, very few criticisms so excuse me but, I think you are full of shit pretending to be some sort of unbiased person.
Because you keep lobbing Trump into every conversation and saying he's a cult.

Stop doing extreme shit and I'll stop noticing you doi g extreme shit.


Stop lobbing TDS at every Trump criticism.

Sorry, but the TDS Award can only be award once a day and he's missed out for today. Maybe he can try again Tomorrow.
the only thing different huh? A fictional Deep State behind a fictional coup....but then...you aren't exactly blinded by logic either.
There is nothing "fictional" about the charge of Russian collusion that the democrats tried to use to ride Trump out of office with but the Russian collusion itself. There was none. None that Robert Mueller would certify, anyway.
The people still obsessed with this matter think they know better than that, however. Zealots always do.

The investigation, imo, was 100% merited. There was enough evidence for sufficient concern. Investigations don't start out with a conclusion, they gather evidence and build from that. The Mueller investigation was thorough, professional, non-partisan and left no stone unturned. I'm satisfied. I do want to see the report released. There was no evidence of criminal conspiracy, but obstruction was another matter. There is nothing fictional about any of that.

But I'm sure deluded leftists believe in the myth of Russian collusion in the same way that residents of mental institutions believe that cats talk to them or fairies and elves come and visit every night when the lights go out.

And deluded rightists will believe it was all a hoax-spawned witch-hunt and ignore the larger implications of it, just as they believe everyone is out to get Trump.
And given your open disdain for Trump as a "cult" are you being unbiased or letting how you feel about Trump allow you to treat him differently? We've already established you are OK treating people differently.

Which is, why I establish points, and not chase rabbits.

The problem with your reasoning is you ignore the points you don't like, including that Mueller was a highly respected prosecutor, that even Trump praised. He was a Republican (as if that would make any difference - people can belong to a political party and do a professional job even though rightists don't seem to believe that). I respect Mueller and I respect the job he did. I respect the findings of our own intelligence and that of other nations that reported Russian attempts to influence elections in multiple countries.

How about you? Are you allowing your bias for Trump to affect the way you view this investigation.

Hell, since you did it already, I'll throw in my own gratuitous Hilary - how about, given your well known antipathy towards her...you think that might influenced your view on the investigation done on her? Comey really screwed her after all.
I'm stopping at your first sentence as this is what you have done the entire thread.

But this is funny n caught my eye...i'm Trump neutral but you keep assigning me more. Why is that? Ignoring facts you don't like?

You just proved my point while struggling to make sense of your own. That has to hurt.

That dog don't hunt. Your posting history and positions you tend to take really don't support that.

Even here. You refuse to consider that there could have been a good reason to investigate Trump.
And keep in mind you keep assigning my position to me and arguing with that.

My thinking you are full of shit about Trump is not defending Trump. It's saying I think you are an emotional basket case, who is full of shit about Trump.

Oh cry me a river. You've determined (aka assigned my position) as a TDS'r- regardless of the arguments I make, regardless of what Trump does. It's all TDS. That is your automatic default, and not just with me. That has become the default argument of most of the right (just as "racist" was the default of the left during Obama). Your posting history is very Trump supportive, very few criticisms so excuse me but, I think you are full of shit pretending to be some sort of unbiased person.
Because you keep lobbing Trump into every conversation and saying he's a cult.

Stop doing extreme shit and I'll stop noticing you doi g extreme shit.


Stop lobbing TDS at every Trump criticism.
sorry - calling trump and his supporters a "cult" is an extreme view by TDS people.

stop being extreme and i'll stop calling you extreme. deal?
the only thing different huh? A fictional Deep State behind a fictional coup....but then...you aren't exactly blinded by logic either.
There is nothing "fictional" about the charge of Russian collusion that the democrats tried to use to ride Trump out of office with but the Russian collusion itself. There was none. None that Robert Mueller would certify, anyway.
The people still obsessed with this matter think they know better than that, however. Zealots always do.

The investigation, imo, was 100% merited. There was enough evidence for sufficient concern. Investigations don't start out with a conclusion, they gather evidence and build from that. The Mueller investigation was thorough, professional, non-partisan and left no stone unturned. I'm satisfied. I do want to see the report released. There was no evidence of criminal conspiracy, but obstruction was another matter. There is nothing fictional about any of that.

But I'm sure deluded leftists believe in the myth of Russian collusion in the same way that residents of mental institutions believe that cats talk to them or fairies and elves come and visit every night when the lights go out.

And deluded rightists will believe it was all a hoax-spawned witch-hunt and ignore the larger implications of it, just as they believe everyone is out to get Trump.
And given your open disdain for Trump as a "cult" are you being unbiased or letting how you feel about Trump allow you to treat him differently? We've already established you are OK treating people differently.

Which is, why I establish points, and not chase rabbits.

The problem with your reasoning is you ignore the points you don't like, including that Mueller was a highly respected prosecutor, that even Trump praised. He was a Republican (as if that would make any difference - people can belong to a political party and do a professional job even though rightists don't seem to believe that). I respect Mueller and I respect the job he did. I respect the findings of our own intelligence and that of other nations that reported Russian attempts to influence elections in multiple countries.

How about you? Are you allowing your bias for Trump to affect the way you view this investigation.

Hell, since you did it already, I'll throw in my own gratuitous Hilary - how about, given your well known antipathy towards her...you think that might influenced your view on the investigation done on her? Comey really screwed her after all.
I'm stopping at your first sentence as this is what you have done the entire thread.

But this is funny n caught my eye...i'm Trump neutral but you keep assigning me more. Why is that? Ignoring facts you don't like?

You just proved my point while struggling to make sense of your own. That has to hurt.

That dog don't hunt. Your posting history and positions you tend to take really don't support that.

Even here. You refuse to consider that there could have been a good reason to investigate Trump.
And keep in mind you keep assigning my position to me and arguing with that.

My thinking you are full of shit about Trump is not defending Trump. It's saying I think you are an emotional basket case, who is full of shit about Trump.

And you refuse to consider that Trump was set up but you want others to consider your view.

Hypocrite, was it?

Sure. I would consider it. But there is too much evidence against it for me to take it seriously.
way to keep an open mind. your way or fuck all, is it? isn't that how we get into these problems by being so headstrong you have zero give? and given your hatred for trump, could that also not induce you to think people saying "wow, you're extreme" would be considered "supporting trump"?

i disagree with you on something about trump, suddenly i support him and am deranged. that is the mindset of an extreme person not being reasonable.

aka - TDS.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

Wait, you watched only 3 minutes?

Yes... when a 50 minute video can’t make it through the first few minutes without lying then it’s pretty clear that it’s not worth wasting my time watching crap like that

so kinda like people and your posts. when we know you're lying and pushing your agenda, there isn't much of a valid reason to take you seriously.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

even CNN says you're full of shit.

Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

even CNN says you're full of shit.

Exactly how fucking retarded are you?? Nothing in that article states the IG said the FBI lied to the FISC. :eusa_doh:

So no, CNN doesn't say slade is full of shit -- you are.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

even CNN says you're full of shit.

Exactly how fucking retarded are you?? Nothing in that article states the IG said the FBI lied to the FISC. :eusa_doh:

So no, CNN doesn't say slade is full of shit -- you are.

from article:
The court specifically noted on Tuesday new information that should have cast doubt within the FBI about the accuracy of ex-British spy Christopher Steele's dossier on Donald Trump and Russia, which was cited in the Page warrant.

The FBI withheld information "which was detrimental to their case for believing that Mr. Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power," Collyer wrote.

Four judges on the foreign surveillance court, because of the FBI's representations, had signed off on surveillance warrants of Page in October 2016 and in 2017, after he served on the Trump campaign as a foreign policy adviser.

The FBI has already pledged to the Justice Department watchdog that it is taking steps to fix its process. But a court's oversight would be an additional check on the process.
seems to me it says the dossier is simply not accurate yet it was used just the same. if they did nothing wrong, what are they pledging to "fix"?

lord you are a tool.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

even CNN says you're full of shit.

Exactly how fucking retarded are you?? Nothing in that article states the IG said the FBI lied to the FISC. :eusa_doh:

So no, CNN doesn't say slade is full of shit -- you are.

from article:
The court specifically noted on Tuesday new information that should have cast doubt within the FBI about the accuracy of ex-British spy Christopher Steele's dossier on Donald Trump and Russia, which was cited in the Page warrant.

The FBI withheld information "which was detrimental to their case for believing that Mr. Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power," Collyer wrote.

Four judges on the foreign surveillance court, because of the FBI's representations, had signed off on surveillance warrants of Page in October 2016 and in 2017, after he served on the Trump campaign as a foreign policy adviser.

The FBI has already pledged to the Justice Department watchdog that it is taking steps to fix its process. But a court's oversight would be an additional check on the process.
seems to me it says the dossier is simply not accurate yet it was used just the same. if they did nothing wrong, what are they pledging to "fix"?

lord you are a tool.

They pledged to fix mistakes, ya dumbshit. It fucking says so in the article you posted but proved to be too illiterate to comprehend...

The FBI will also turn the findings of the watchdog report into a case study so agents can analyze each step of the Page application and its renewals to ensure that "mistakes of the past are not repeated."
FBI was at its most corrupt during the Obama administration. That was the hotbed era of the social disease called the "coroner virus" (or lack thereof). Where did they hide all the bodies of those right wingers they snuffed?
FBI was at its most corrupt during the Obama administration. That was the hotbed era of the social disease called the "coroner virus" (or lack thereof). Where did they hide all the bodies of those right wingers they snuffed?
Under your bed. :cuckoo:
Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.
Are you a simpleton? Retarded perhaps? Or just extremely dishonest?
First of all the host, Jimmy Dore, did NOT say the IG claimed the FBI lied frequently (though they did).
He just said let's see what the IG has said about this...and then the IG said the FBI failed to perform up to
bureau standards, etc. ect.
The Inspector General is not going to use words like "lie" when discussing how the FBI made their FISA applications and false claims.

For anyone who can read words and understand sentences when words are put together there is no doubt
the crooked FBI lied their asses off and committed fraud against the FISA court on their FISA applications
submitting false information and such.

I think it's clear you are epically dishonest and a liar yourself.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

even CNN says you're full of shit.

Exactly how fucking retarded are you?? Nothing in that article states the IG said the FBI lied to the FISC. :eusa_doh:

So no, CNN doesn't say slade is full of shit -- you are.

from article:
The court specifically noted on Tuesday new information that should have cast doubt within the FBI about the accuracy of ex-British spy Christopher Steele's dossier on Donald Trump and Russia, which was cited in the Page warrant.

The FBI withheld information "which was detrimental to their case for believing that Mr. Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power," Collyer wrote.

Four judges on the foreign surveillance court, because of the FBI's representations, had signed off on surveillance warrants of Page in October 2016 and in 2017, after he served on the Trump campaign as a foreign policy adviser.

The FBI has already pledged to the Justice Department watchdog that it is taking steps to fix its process. But a court's oversight would be an additional check on the process.
seems to me it says the dossier is simply not accurate yet it was used just the same. if they did nothing wrong, what are they pledging to "fix"?

lord you are a tool.

They pledged to fix mistakes, ya dumbshit. It fucking says so in the article you posted but proved to be too illiterate to comprehend...

The FBI will also turn the findings of the watchdog report into a case study so agents can analyze each step of the Page application and its renewals to ensure that "mistakes of the past are not repeated."

yes, it's a watered down version of WE FUCKED UP now isn't it? you choose to focus ONLY on the least restrictive working and ignore the rest.

have fun. now fuck off.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

even CNN says you're full of shit.

Exactly how fucking retarded are you?? Nothing in that article states the IG said the FBI lied to the FISC. :eusa_doh:

So no, CNN doesn't say slade is full of shit -- you are.

from article:
The court specifically noted on Tuesday new information that should have cast doubt within the FBI about the accuracy of ex-British spy Christopher Steele's dossier on Donald Trump and Russia, which was cited in the Page warrant.

The FBI withheld information "which was detrimental to their case for believing that Mr. Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power," Collyer wrote.

Four judges on the foreign surveillance court, because of the FBI's representations, had signed off on surveillance warrants of Page in October 2016 and in 2017, after he served on the Trump campaign as a foreign policy adviser.

The FBI has already pledged to the Justice Department watchdog that it is taking steps to fix its process. But a court's oversight would be an additional check on the process.
seems to me it says the dossier is simply not accurate yet it was used just the same. if they did nothing wrong, what are they pledging to "fix"?

lord you are a tool.

They pledged to fix mistakes, ya dumbshit. It fucking says so in the article you posted but proved to be too illiterate to comprehend...

The FBI will also turn the findings of the watchdog report into a case study so agents can analyze each step of the Page application and its renewals to ensure that "mistakes of the past are not repeated."

yes, it's a watered down version of WE FUCKED UP now isn't it? you choose to focus ONLY on the least restrictive working and ignore the rest.

have fun. now fuck off.


Triggered bitch, one yahoo posted a video based on the lie that the IG said the FBI lied to the FISC.

You tried to give your little buddy a reach-around and idiotically claimed a CNN article confirmed the video; when it actually doesn't state anywhere that the IG said thd FBI lied to the FISC.

And rather than reflect on your own ignorance which caused you to see something that isn't there, you swing your purse at me.


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