Looks like the Ukraine is dropping cluster bombs on Donetsk now

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Not seing anything from western sources about it, predictably but it appears that they were dropped on a university, a private residence and some other civilian targets.

Those things are banned in over a hundred countries.

Donetsk University of Economics and Trade is on fire here...

What do you suppose was the primary target?


What do you suppose was the primary target?

View attachment 811722

No idea.

I'm not fluent to read the only sources available at the moment.

And I doubt western media will touch it with a ten foot pole.

Those cluster munitions are bad news for civillians, though.
If we keep fucking around Russia is going to do something extreme.
I don't see Ukraine being able to dislodge Russia from the east and south but if they managed to succeed somehow and begin retaking Crimea, yeah, nothing Russia did would surprise me at that point. The longer this thing burns, the greater the chance it will spread.
Not seing anything from western sources about it, predictably but it appears that they were dropped on a university, a private residence and some other civilian targets.

Those things are banned in over a hundred countries.

Donetsk University of Economics and Trade is on fire here...

Leave it to Zelensky and Biden to murder innocent, noncombatants with illegal or banned weapons. Scumbags.
Leave it to Zelensky and Biden to murder innocent, noncombatants with illegal or banned weapons. Scumbags.

He'll end up a grease spot on the asphalt eventually.

That's my prediction anyway.

If it happens, maybe his D.C. dealers can reintroduce that previous resolution to install and immortalize him through that bust of him that they wanted to be placed in the U.S. Capitol again.

I'm sure there's an annoying bust of a founding father in there some place that they're just itching to remove to make room.
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I suspect it's all they can do at this point after getting Kursked no end the past few months.
Doesnt matter if youre in the radiation zone.......you'll get radded to death or misery

Thing about nuclear weapons is they aren't really the way that people traditionally or historically understand them any more. They've evolved.

A couple of times I've thought about bringing that up in a thread whenever I've seen nukes mentioned.

I don't think there would be a nuclear winter, per se.

But my knowledge about the advancements (either technological or in any modern ability to manage the intended scope of effect) is really only half-assed anyway, so I never did.

People will definitely die, though, regardless. Yep. No doubt about it.
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leaders need to pushing both sides for negotiations be fore Russia drops one of these ..
more than 3000 times as powerful as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima!

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Thing about nuclear weapons is they aren't really the way that people traditionally or historically understand them any more. They've evolved.

A couple of times I've thought about bringing that up in a thread whenever I've seen nukes mentioned.

I don't think there would be a nuclear winter, per se.

But my knowledge about the advancements is really only half-assed anyway, so I never did.

People will definitely die, though, regardless. Yep. No doubt about it.
Clear back in the 70s, Carter was working on a neutron bomb that would make people glow and take them out with radiation -- but it wouldn't damage infrastructure. It failed to generate much interest.
Clear back in the 70s, Carter was working on a neutron bomb that would make people glow and take them out with radiation -- but it wouldn't damage infrastructure. It failed to generate much interest.
Nah. Jimmy don't know anything about how to build a neutron bomb. I'd let him frame a house, though.

The folks whom Eisenhower and Kennedy warned us about, though? That's a different story. lol. Actually, more so Eisenhower because Kennedy pissed off the central bankers. Even though, I guess, technically they're part of that. All wars are, after all, banker wars. (which reminds me of a good video)
Nah. Jimmy don't know anything about how to build a neutron bomb. I'd let him frame a house, though.
Carter was a lousy president. But he was the closest thing we've seen to being honest--which is probably why he was a lousy POTUS. That being said, Carter was a nuclear physicist and a naval submariner in the 60s. He is credited with preventing a meltdown on a nuclear sub.
Carter was a lousy president. But he was the closest thing we've seen to being honest--which is probably why he was a lousy POTUS. That being said, Carter was a nuclear physicist and a naval submariner in the 60s. He is credited with preventing a meltdown on a nuclear sub.

Well heck if I even knew that.

I always just thought of him as a peanut farmer.

And I'm not even kidding. Gosh honest thruth.

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