Looters Beware - Victims Have 'Bite: Attempted Looter Shot Dead by Pawn Shop Owner in Minneapolis

Attempted Looter Shot Dead by Pawn Shop
Owner in Minneapolis — Looters Later Clean
Out the Merchandise at Same Pawn Shop

It sucks to be the victim, but I applaud the store owner for defending his property and merchandise.

Much like the Democrats' motto of 'Never let a good crisis go to waste', there are some thugs, criminals, and 'animals' who just look for / wait for an excuse to rob, loot, burn, destroy, and victimize others FOR NO REASON.

Please don't anyone give me some bullshit about how these 'animals' were / are justified in their violence, how targeting and victimizing others - innocent people - because the Mn Police allegedly killed an innocent man.

I wonder if this person had seen on tv others looting in some other incident and thought, 'Wow - that's a great, easy way to pick up some free shit'.

I wonder if the thought 'This isn't the way I thought this would go down' as he was getting shot by the store owner he was victimizing went through his mind.

Hopefully others will learn from this, but, as you seem to see in the photo, other criminals are ignoring him on the ground and continuing to loot.

Cub Foods- looted ablaze
Dollar Tree- looted
Target stores- looted ablaze
US Bank- looted
AutoZone- looted ablaze
Minnehaha Lake Wine & Spirits construction site- ablaze
Foot Locker- looted
Apple Store- looted
Cadillac Pawn- looter shot
Central Library- looted

The owner of Cadillac Pawn Shop on Lake Street in Minneapolis has shot & killed people looting & trying to destroy his business like they did to Target & Autozone tonight. Governor Walz needs to send National Guard there because business owners will defend their own.

Good for you, store owners! Defend your livelihood / property.


If every business owner had the rights to do that, and they did, do you think these lowlifes would have tried to loot any stores in the first place?

I didn't read the story yet, just getting bits of information here and there. However the shop owner being arrested and charged is what encourages these type of lawless riots. These are uncivilized people who don't belong in a civilized country. In a civilized country, if a police officer acted in a nefarious way, it's investigated, a determination of wrongdoing is made, and if potential guilt is there, goes to a Grand Jury, and perhaps then a trial. You don't make a point of a police officer being a criminal by conducting criminal acts yourself, especially against people that had nothing to do with your outrage.

But back to the store owner. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
I think this tragic incident had the majority unity of white, black, conservative and liberals to see justice through. I think there is also empathy seeing a man in custody die at the hands of police while not resisting. That said, I don’t think it is going to bode well for relations with riots and looting and people making excuses for it. How is that going to help communities? How and why should chains in operate in areas that could leave them vulnerable to a race riot? That’s not to say that operating in suburbs is without risk because that is usually fertile for a shooting spree or terrorist attack but that’s usually one person as opposed to many attacking.

Yup. All the looting, assaulting, destruction, burning, etc... is only going to hurt the real cause of justice in this case. Of course the people looting all those stores really didn't give a damn about 'justice' to begin with.,

Of course they didn't, most of them were there because they believed an opportunity opened up for them--taking what you want from stores and using the death of this suspect as an excuse.
They're all that way

If they're not implicated by their own actions it's through association with their peers

Typical pig shit, he thought the guy was lying so he just pressed his knee down harder

You clearly don't interact with American* police much

Vast majority of cases you hear about people being elft in jail cells to die are teh same thing. They just thought he was lying.

You're a leftist bigoted piece of shit then.

I interact with them all the time. I had a job housing the "clients" they bring in. I work in a field where we have to bring them "clients" we have to deal with before they arrive and I volunteer as a Fire Fighter so I know a lot of these people just through professional interactions.

You are one of the most ill-informed pieces of shit I have ever scene. I encourage abortions because of genetic garbage like you.


What the fuck does any of that mean? Cops deal with bad peopel in every developed nation

In none of the other ones do their cops act like ours. We don't send our cops to Europe to get trained, we send to them to fucking Israel where they learn tactics from guys enforcing apartheid.

You're an ignorant little pale shit, and should keep your mouth shut

What you just saw on the video could happen to you, i could do it to you with a badge you dumb fuck

Over not wearing a mask

Ainchu jus all bad and s*it? The people looting are pigs
America needs more Mammas like THIS one:

Baltimore mother filmed hitting her son after catching him in riot ...

Remember her? She was the woman who saw her son on TV participating in the Baltimore riots, left her house, went down to the riot area, and 'spanked that ass' / grabbed her son on national tv, and sent him HOME!


Way to go, ma'am!
Nothing like burning a city to the ground to show your impatience with the justice system. This will never happen in my neighborhood... I choose where I live carefully.

The riff raff stay out of our county, we are well armed 2nd amendment supporters.
A once great city now a third world shithole thanks to Democrats. I grew up there in the 50s and 60s, and left in 1981. You couldn't pay me enough to live there.
I don't think the murder is "alleged" anymore and the pos cops were fired and since it was video'd. I wonder if the fascists in MN will arrest the shooter?
If the owner was punished in light of defending his property that would make them Democrats or liberals not fascists. A fascist would commend the defender in his win.
Target and AutoZone must pay for murdering George Lloyd. Which was which? Was Target the guy that kneeled on the neck of him til he did, and the asian cop Autozone or vice versa?
A fascist would commend the defender in his win.
Please clarify / confirm: You are saying anyone who takes satisfaction in a home-owner / business-owner successfully defending his property from looters / thugs is a 'fascist'?

If I stated your view wrong, I apologize.
And unfortunately Minnesota is a communist run state so the store owner had to flee before defending his business or himself and he was arrested for murder. I hope to god the jury if it gets that far acquits him.
They would have had to kill me to take me in. If you get sent to prison for defed=ndiung yoiurself from so
I don't think the murder is "alleged" anymore and the pos cops were fired and since it was video'd. I wonder if the fascists in MN will arrest the shooter?
If the owner was punished in light of defending his property that would make them Democrats or liberals not fascists. A fascist would commend the defender in his win.
Same thing.
Next up will be weepy liberal simpletons pushing for restrictions on store owners defending their livelihood as some pre planned murder bullshit

5 minute later Edit-Most sorryfully it’s already happening
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If you use the murder of a civilian by a cop as an excuse to loot local businesses you should do us all a favor and kill yourself.
Latest link from our local news...
I am working a remodel about 20 blocks south in a nice neighborhood south of Minnehaha Creek. Peaceful and quiet.

Wouldn't know a damn thing was going on just north.

The Lake Street area sucks even during the day.
It will now become even more decrepit as business owners will avoid the area all together in the future.
A fascist would commend the defender in his win.
Please clarify / confirm: You are saying anyone who takes satisfaction in a home-owner / business-owner successfully defending his property from looters / thugs is a 'fascist'?

If I stated your view wrong, I apologize.
A fascist leader wouldn't condemn his civilians for defending themselves with deadly force against looters unless of course that fascist orchestrated the looting and was in the midst of a hostile takeover.
If every business owner had the rights to do that, and they did, do you think these lowlifes would have tried to loot any stores in the first place?
The trouble with all of the owners getting the courage to break out the rifles would be more aggressive more highly weaponized looters. It would deter most looting though.

Another thing you should consider is that most businesses aren't privately owned. Corporate policy states that you should never resist.

And now with covid19 killing a ton of privately owned businesses that imbalance is going to increase.

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