looters running wild in san francisco

anywhere left to shop their?
Has anyone dare asked Nancy about this in her own fucking district????

Maybe they should get the homeless to shit all over outside these posh stores to fix this

anywhere left to shop their?
Has anyone dare asked Nancy about this in her own fucking district????

Maybe they should get the homeless to shit all over outside these posh stores to fix this
Some guy found out where she lives and took a shit in her driveway and was promptly arrested.

anywhere left to shop their?
Has anyone dare asked Nancy about this in her own fucking district????

Maybe they should get the homeless to shit all over outside these posh stores to fix this
Some guy found out where she lives and took a shit in her driveway and was promptly arrested.
He took one for the country. He need bail money?
this is what the left wants the entire united states to be like. Nancy P living in her mansion with high walls, while the area around her filled with serfs fighting to stay alive, looting…rioting etc

anywhere left to shop their?
The original story is from an online publication named BGr.com which appears to be targeting under 40 readers who care only about having fun and enjoying the soft life

The writer, Andy Meek, spends a lot of the article complaining about how “right wing media” such as Sean Hannity is covering the wave of crime rather than any real concern over the crime problem itself

Typical clueless lib media

anywhere left to shop their?
The original story is from an online publication named BGr.com which appears to be targeting under 40 readers who care only about having fun and enjoying the soft life

The writer, Andy Meek, spends a lot of the article complaining about how “right wing media” such as Sean Hannity is covering the wave of crime rather than any real concern over the crime problem itself

Typical clueless lib media
If the left wing ws so concerned about crime they stop commiting it and stop backing groupd like BLM that permote this kind of crime.
I love watching the leftist cities all burn and crumble

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