Loretta Lynch video: Need More 'Marching, Blood, Death On Streets'

Since Trump has taken over you have seen your rights taken away as Lynch suggests

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    Votes: 13 92.9%
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Here are the options for RWer and MAC.

Post what was said before or after the video that invalidates her words on the video.

Post the video with her actual words, if these are not her actual words. Proving it was tampered with.

Accept what she said.
But she just didn't say that. When someone is quoted, shouldn't they have actually said what is quoted? Have we become that divorced from reality at this point?.
What is quoted is EXACTLY what she said in the video. Do you think that the video was tampered with?
You're serious?

On that video, you heard her say "we need more marching, blood, death on the streets"?

Could you point out where she said that?

Is that sentence in quotes? Or is that just a teaser that summarizes what she actually did say. The actual quote in the article is what she said as I have said. It is then up to the reader to summarize what she said, easily what you say is a direct quote, which it is not, is a summery of what she said.

The implication is quite clear and it comes from Lynch not me.

"They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.” (implication, march, bleed and die)

BTW when were your right trampled on?
But she just didn't say that. When someone is quoted, shouldn't they have actually said what is quoted? Have we become that divorced from reality at this point?.
What is quoted is EXACTLY what she said in the video. Do you think that the video was tampered with?
You're serious?

On that video, you heard her say "we need more marching, blood, death on the streets"?

Could you point out where she said that?

Is that sentence in quotes? Or is that just a teaser that summarizes what she actually did say. The actual quote in the article is what she said as I have said. It is then up to the reader to summarize what she said, easily what you say is a direct quote, which it is not, is a summery of what she said.

The implication is quite clear and it comes from Lynch not me.

BTW when were your right trampled on?
So it is, in fact, an interpretation of what she said and not a quote.

Why did you say "What is quoted is EXACTLY what she said in the video", then? You even capitalized EXACTLY.

Was that a lie? How could it be anything else?

And who said my rights were trampled on?

I just don't understand this game. Facts, honesty, reality, all out the window for political advantage.
well OKTexas why don't you explain your interpretation? What was her intent?

Since I don't claim to be a mind reader, all I can go by is what she said. Asking like minded people to join together is no more an incitement to violence than Tea Party recruiting. Saying it means anymore than what she said is acting like the regressives and their unsubstantiated Russia conspiracy. I simply refuse to stoop to their level, feel free to do so if you're so inclined.

She is no different than Obama when Obama implied time and again that the police force and the court systems were racist. Then he steps back and wonders why police officers are being assassinated by BLM, as if he had nothing to do with it.

What these people really want is anarchy that will lead to utter tyranny.

Actually it was different, the statement Lynch made was more general in nature and to read what WND read into it is reckless.
The left are the ones taking rights from Americans, yet the criminal Lynch claims Trump is taking rights away. Same old bullshit different day.
Well said and agreed. OTOH, riots, blood and death make "Must See TV".

Those riots were much more warranted than these Antifa pussies rioting to just riot or because "Love Trumps Hate"

It was real culture shock behind those riots.

Wait, could Trump being elected be perceived in the minds of the snowflakes to be as much of a culture shock as desegregation was in those days?

Anything's possible, I suppose.
If we are going to heal this nation we can't be dishonest about what others say
She doesn't seem like she was politically motivated at all during her term. She is just about THE LAW! :banana:
“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people,” Lynch says. “I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.”

“Subversion, Inc.” outs the radical thugs who’ve always been part of the Obama apparatus.

Lynch, who is scheduled to receive the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal of Law from the University of Virginia, goes on to say: “It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”

Read more at Loretta Lynch: Need more marching, blood, death on streets

Holder and she are quite the prickly pair.
Loretta Lynch is a political hack.

We are recalling seeing how deeply the establishment was entrenched in DC.

They cannot stand TRUMP messing up their system of fleecing America,
I know there is an earlier OP about this but this is a different take and I hope this isn't merged because it stands on it's own merits. This woman, until weeks ago was the TOP LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER of the United States. We all know her sleazy conduct during the Clinton email investigations showed she was little more than a partisan hack in a position of immense power. She has now shown her true colors during this period with this cold, menacing video calling for resistance to Trump's legitimate presidency. Does she use the terms "blood" and "people died"? You bet she does in a revealing and appalling show of who she really is and who she really worked for....and it wasn't for the American people.

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I know there is an earlier OP about this but this is a different take and I hope this isn't merged because it stands on it's own merits. This woman, until weeks ago was the TOP LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER of the United States. We all know her sleazy conduct during the Clinton email showed she's little more than a partisan hack in a position of immense power. She has now shown her true colors during this period with this cold, menacing video calling for resistance to Trump's legitimate presidency. Does she use the terms "blood" and "people died"? You bet she does in a revealing and appalling show of who she really is and who she really worked for....and it wasn't for the American people.

Obama's entire administration was political and corrupt.

The tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was absolutely JAW DROPPINGLY CORRUPT.

UNREAL...she should be disbarred for the AWFUL conflict of interest inherent in that meeting.

The media should have been having strokes over that meeting...but the media is just as corrupt as Obama and his globalist SJWs.
Obama's entire administration was political and corrupt.

The tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was absolutely JAW DROPPINGLY CORRUPT.

UNREAL...she should be disbarred for the AWFUL conflict of interest inherent in that meeting.

The media should have been having strokes over that meeting...but the media is just as corrupt as Obama and his globalist SJWs.

I wonder if there's another bedroom in Hussein's new counter-white house for her.....or maybe she and Valerie Jarret will have to flip for the bottom bunk.
Obama's entire administration was political and corrupt.

The tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was absolutely JAW DROPPINGLY CORRUPT.

UNREAL...she should be disbarred for the AWFUL conflict of interest inherent in that meeting.

The media should have been having strokes over that meeting...but the media is just as corrupt as Obama and his globalist SJWs.

I wonder if there's another bedroom in Hussein's new counter-white house for her.....or maybe she and Valerie Jarret will have to flip for the bottom bunk.

I know, WTF is that all about? Jarret moving in with the Obama's?

Maybe Obama has his own Ménage kicking with Michelle and Valerie.

What would the MSM say if TRUMP invoked EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE for a gun running scheme GONE WRONG that ended up arming Mexican Drug gangs?

THe internet would break.

FUCK THE MSM...they are nothing but propoganda for the libs to push their power agenda of fundamentally changing America.
I know, WTF is that all about? Jarret moving in with the Obama's?

Maybe Obama has his own Ménage kicking with Michelle and Valerie.

What would the MSM say if TRUMP invoked EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE for a gun running scheme GONE WRONG that ended up arming Mexican Drug gangs?

THe internet would break.

FUCK THE MSM...they are nothing but propoganda for the libs to push their power agenda of fundamentally changing America.

After what Clapper admitted to this morning (zero collusion found between Trump campaign and Russia), the whole smokescreen is clearing and we're seeing who's behind it. This bizarre video from Hussein's AG is proof-positive he's tried to ambush Trump by any means necessary including criminal conduct.
I know, WTF is that all about? Jarret moving in with the Obama's?

Maybe Obama has his own Ménage kicking with Michelle and Valerie.

What would the MSM say if TRUMP invoked EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE for a gun running scheme GONE WRONG that ended up arming Mexican Drug gangs?

THe internet would break.

FUCK THE MSM...they are nothing but propoganda for the libs to push their power agenda of fundamentally changing America.

After what Clapper admitted to this morning (zero collusion found between Trump campaign and Russia), the whole smokescreen is clearing and we're seeing who's behind it. This bizarre video from Hussein's AG is proof-positive he's tried to ambush Trump by any means necessary including criminal conduct.

We are so lucky that Trump won.

That rock was moved, and it's just INCREDIBLE what slithered out from under it.

The Washington insiders REALLY don't like their gravy train messed with.
But she just didn't say that. When someone is quoted, shouldn't they have actually said what is quoted? Have we become that divorced from reality at this point?.
What is quoted is EXACTLY what she said in the video. Do you think that the video was tampered with?
You're serious?

On that video, you heard her say "we need more marching, blood, death on the streets"?

Could you point out where she said that?

Is that sentence in quotes? Or is that just a teaser that summarizes what she actually did say. The actual quote in the article is what she said as I have said. It is then up to the reader to summarize what she said, easily what you say is a direct quote, which it is not, is a summery of what she said.

The implication is quite clear and it comes from Lynch not me.

BTW when were your right trampled on?
So it is, in fact, an interpretation of what she said and not a quote.

Why did you say "What is quoted is EXACTLY what she said in the video", then? You even capitalized EXACTLY.

Was that a lie? How could it be anything else?

And who said my rights were trampled on?

I just don't understand this game. Facts, honesty, reality, all out the window for political advantage.

Here is the quote that is in the article to which I posted the relevant part. The article quotes her exact words, the headline is not in quotes nor is it said to be her exact words.

“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people,” Lynch says. “I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers."

Lynch, who is scheduled to receive the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal of Law from the University of Virginia, goes on to say: “It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”

Read more at Loretta Lynch: Need more marching, blood, death on streets
The left are the ones taking rights from Americans, yet the criminal Lynch claims Trump is taking rights away. Same old bullshit different day.
Well said and agreed. OTOH, riots, blood and death make "Must See TV".

Those riots were much more warranted than these Antifa pussies rioting to just riot or because "Love Trumps Hate"

It was real culture shock behind those riots.

Wait, could Trump being elected be perceived in the minds of the snowflakes to be as much of a culture shock as desegregation was in those days?

Anything's possible, I suppose.

Nonetheless, in comparison, the so-called "Antifa pussies rioting" are limp in comparison to the 1960s. More entertaining than worrisome.
We are so lucky that Trump won.

That rock was moved, and it's just INCREDIBLE what slithered out from under it.

The Washington insiders REALLY don't like their gravy train messed with.

Remember, the rumor was that Lynch would remain as Hillary's AG if she snuffed the investigation on her treacherous emails and the links to her foundation. Had Clinton won the WH we'd be seeing the last flickering candle of Constitutional freedoms go dark by now. Remember, she said one of her first acts would be to destroy the NRA and outlaw handguns and she meant it. A disarmed people are an obedient people.

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