Loretta Lynch video: Need More 'Marching, Blood, Death On Streets'

Since Trump has taken over you have seen your rights taken away as Lynch suggests

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I did not imply anything I merely posted her words. I said it was insurrection, inciting violence. "we did it before", blood in the street, "we can do it again," past and present.YOU my friend are the one on the side of not telling the truth. There is no context issue here, it is what she said.

Okay, now I'm convinced you have some kind of learning disability.
If so, can I sit next to you on the short bus?
- May be Lynch doesn't know that encouraging a riot is a criminal offense punishable by up to 5 years in prison. -

Who is she anyway? the AG????? :rolleyes-41:
Remember, the rumor was that Lynch would remain as Hillary's AG if she snuffed the investigation on her treacherous emails and the links to her foundation. Had Clinton won the WH we'd be seeing the last flickering candle of Constitutional freedoms go dark by now. Remember, she said one of her first acts would be to destroy the NRA and outlaw handguns and she meant it. A disarmed people are an obedient people.

A disarmed people are victims.

Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats. The more victims Democrats can create, the more likely Democrat voters in the future. That's the evil plot behind their gun hatred. Democrats don't care if you have guns; Democrats have guns. Democrats hate when you can protect yourself with them. Because if you can take care of yourself, then who needs big government?
Obama's entire administration was political and corrupt.

The tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was absolutely JAW DROPPINGLY CORRUPT.

UNREAL...she should be disbarred for the AWFUL conflict of interest inherent in that meeting.

The media should have been having strokes over that meeting...but the media is just as corrupt as Obama and his globalist SJWs.

I wonder if there's another bedroom in Hussein's new counter-white house for her.....or maybe she and Valerie Jarret will have to flip for the bottom bunk.

Is mother-in-law still living with them too? I was wondering if she found her own place after they left the White House.
- May be Lynch doesn't know that encouraging a riot is a criminal offense punishable by up to 5 years in prison. -

Who is she anyway? the AG????? :rolleyes-41:

She will claim she was referring to the civil rights era...an era kept alive by black elites who were nowhere near those street fights and PBS who carries their water with the ugliest old videos they can show about white racism. It's an industry funded by extortion and controlled by those who benefit financially from it. Years ago, Jesse Jackson got a million dollars out of NASCAR on the charge there were no black drivers. There are still no black drivers and Jesse is long gone with the money.
Obama's entire administration was political and corrupt.

The tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was absolutely JAW DROPPINGLY CORRUPT.

UNREAL...she should be disbarred for the AWFUL conflict of interest inherent in that meeting.

The media should have been having strokes over that meeting...but the media is just as corrupt as Obama and his globalist SJWs.

Correct. After the meeting, she told the press she would decide the fate of Hillary based on Comey's recommendations. The problem with that is the FBI directors doesn't give recommendations to the AG. It's not been done before.

So the question is, how in the world did she know Comey was going to make a recommendation in the first place? Directors don't do that. There is only one way, and that was the meeting between she and Bill. More than likely, she told Bill she was on the hook for his wife. Bill told her the fix was in, and all she had to say is that Comey would ultimately make that decision for her, and she was off the hook.
Is mother-in-law still living with them too? I was wondering if she found her own place after they left the White House.

I was wondering about that too....now that the Obozos will be paying for her food and upkeep she's probably been booted back to Chicago.
Obama's entire administration was political and corrupt.

The tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was absolutely JAW DROPPINGLY CORRUPT.

UNREAL...she should be disbarred for the AWFUL conflict of interest inherent in that meeting.

The media should have been having strokes over that meeting...but the media is just as corrupt as Obama and his globalist SJWs.

Correct. After the meeting, she told the press she would decide the fate of Hillary based on Comey's recommendations. The problem with that is the FBI directors doesn't give recommendations to the AG. It's not been done before.

So the question is, how in the world did she know Comey was going to make a recommendation in the first place? Directors don't do that. There is only one way, and that was the meeting between she and Bill. More than likely, she told Bill she was on the hook for his wife. Bill told her the fix was in, and all she had to say is that Comey would ultimately make that decision for her, and she was off the hook.

Yes. This is what happened. It wasn't a meeting to discuss Bill's grandkids, as Lynch claimed, for fuck sakes.
- May be Lynch doesn't know that encouraging a riot is a criminal offense punishable by up to 5 years in prison. -

Who is she anyway? the AG????? :rolleyes-41:

She will claim she was referring to the civil rights era...an era kept alive by black elites who were nowhere near those street fights and PBS who carries their water with the ugliest old videos they can show about white racism. It's an industry funded by extortion and controlled by those who benefit financially from it. Years ago, Jesse Jackson got a million dollars out of NASCAR on the charge there were no black drivers. There are still no black drivers and Jesse is long gone with the money.

The country's first legal extortionist.
Is mother-in-law still living with them too? I was wondering if she found her own place after they left the White House.

I was wondering about that too....now that the Obozos will be paying for her food and upkeep she's probably been booted back to Chicago.

Well you never know about these things. After all, when she moved in, that was the only time MSM said anything about her. I wonder what they would have said if Bush or Reagan did the same thing? Bet you would have known every time the woman went shopping.
Hey, who is the one vote for losing rights? I would like to know what right they lost.
Does anyone know what lost rights the socialist cow is bellyaching about? Libs simply can't accept not getting their way. They are control freaks, I knew they would go insane if they lost but this is better than I thought possible. All I can say is bring it bitch.
I know there is an earlier OP about this but this is a different take and I hope this isn't merged because it stands on it's own merits. This woman, until weeks ago was the TOP LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER of the United States. We all know her sleazy conduct during the Clinton email showed she's little more than a partisan hack in a position of immense power. She has now shown her true colors during this period with this cold, menacing video calling for resistance to Trump's legitimate presidency. Does she use the terms "blood" and "people died"? You bet she does in a revealing and appalling show of who she really is and who she really worked for....and it wasn't for the American people.

Obama's entire administration was political and corrupt.

The tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was absolutely JAW DROPPINGLY CORRUPT.

UNREAL...she should be disbarred for the AWFUL conflict of interest inherent in that meeting.

The media should have been having strokes over that meeting...but the media is just as corrupt as Obama and his globalist SJWs.

The only people who bought the tarmac story about a "30 minute meet and greet to discuss grandchildren' between Lynch and Clinton are the water carriers and kool aid drinking Democrats. To the independent and swing voters, this was a crock of shit and pushed them to vote for Trump. Had the event not received media coverage, the meeting might have gone unnoticed.

That old bitch Pelosi actually had the nerve to say the meeting was serendiptious.

Pelosi is a dingbat used to dealing with supporters that only understand handouts. I mean, these people buy into "we have to pass it so we can find out what's in it"

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