Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

She'll be put of a job in about a year anyway....and good riddance to bad racist rubbish

Sassy-lassie give me some hope-----she loses her job with the change of Presidents? I did not know-----TELL ME TELL ME??? that lady scares me

She serves at the pleasure of the president and can be removed by the president

not good enough------what if the next pres. LIKES HER ???!!!!!

If it's a republican she doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell
You don't have to worry about that. Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the USA for 8 years.

Too bad you have me on ignore and won't see this, LOL.
No, she won't.
Sassy-lassie give me some hope-----she loses her job with the change of Presidents? I did not know-----TELL ME TELL ME??? that lady scares me

She serves at the pleasure of the president and can be removed by the president

not good enough------what if the next pres. LIKES HER ???!!!!!

If it's a republican she doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell

that clinches it------I AM VOTING FOR TRUMP (even if he is not nominated)
Please do, that will make the Dems very happy.
She is a Democrat. A happy one.
Its nice the AG want to protect part of the population. A very small part.

Guess the rest of us don't count.

I, for one, will be very glad when 2016 rolls around and Barry and his pack of idiots are gone. This idiot will be among those we wave goodbye to.
Wow. This is creeping towards full Muslim dictatorship.
Shariah 101.
How about don't be an asshole trying to incite violence? Fighting words are not protected speech.
What fighting words are those? Shariah 101, Muslims have more rights and higher standing because "they are Muslim". They're trying to pull that shit here. You need to stop threatening otherwise I will report you.
Obama's lacky Attorney General needs to go after Trump....if she's up to that considerable chore.

He just said we need to "take out" the families of terrorists. That sounds like just the pernicious speech Obama's lacky has said she would prosecute.

Of all of Obama's offenses, corrupting the Justice Department may be his worst. It is supposed to be a Shield against tyranny...it has been turned into a Sword for it.
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.

Let me be clear:

Mohammad was a Mass-murdering psychopath, who screwed children... There's absolutely no means of demonstrating more egregious sub-human traits than that; He was ROCK BOTTOM where the subject maintains other traits common to humanity.

Islam, is a political cult cloaking itself behind the facade of Religion and is on every conceivable level... the purest embodiment of unadulterated EVIL.

There is nothing "good" about Islam and there is no such thing as a "GOOD" Muslim... as a 'good' Muslim is a Muslim that adheres to the tenets of Islam... and that is OKA: A Mass-Murdering Psychotic.

Those claiming to "BE" Good Muslims and who do NOT have a history of Mass-murder, merely serve as cover, concealment and support, for those that do.


FUCK obama... and FUCK his thoroughly politicized thus illegitimate "Attorney General"... and the Anti-American Leftist Cult they rode in on.
Let's not forget that the Leftist Legislators today have publicly declared their intentions to attend a Muslim Mosque to 'Pray with Muslims, so as to show solidarity with Islam'.

That should tell everyone who matters, everything they need to know... to know that the US Federal Government is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Cult that attacked us on 9-11-01.

It should be noted that I said on 9-11-01, as the dust of the fallen WTC was still covering Manhattan, that it was only a matter of time before the Ideological Left in the US overtly joined Islam... and you may mark this day as the day THAT inevitability came to pass.
Sassy-lassie give me some hope-----she loses her job with the change of Presidents? I did not know-----TELL ME TELL ME??? that lady scares me

She serves at the pleasure of the president and can be removed by the president

not good enough------what if the next pres. LIKES HER ???!!!!!

If it's a republican she doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell
You don't have to worry about that. Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the USA for 8 years.

Too bad you have me on ignore and won't see this, LOL.
No, she won't.
did baby jesus tell you that or your dead god on two sticks?
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.
Here's the problem, those muslims vowing to destroy this country....is over there...those rednecks vowing to destroy muslims, are over here....both dangerous and gotta say, the redneck is more dangerous cause you motherfuckers are sick in the head.
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.
In the UK we've had Muslims marching the streets saying 'bomb bomb UK' (retards), '9/11 on its way', 'kill the pope', and so on. It's the white van man on the sidelines who invariably gates arrested for saying 'f*** off'. After the massacre in Paris, there was a big loveathon, outside of Paris, some peaceful demonstrators objecting to radical Islam were beaten to the ground by the police while the hugabillies cheered and Muslims spat on them. I don't think your quite there yet, at least I hope not.
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.
To any adult children of Muslims on the board:
I think your parents are idiots for raising you in that bogus "religion" called Islam. It doesn't belong in th 21sr Century.

Now go run to Loretta Lynch and report me. They can identify me from the message board. I defy that black bitch to try and arrest me for hate speech toward the children of Muslim parents.
That is up to the incoming POTUS, once she takes over. The AG serves, or doesn't, at her pleasure.
. Carly Fiorina will pink slip every fuckin' Obama appointee and undo every executive order he makes.
Last edited:
She'll be put of a job in about a year anyway....and good riddance to bad racist rubbish

Sassy-lassie give me some hope-----she loses her job with the change of Presidents? I did not know-----TELL ME TELL ME??? that lady scares me
That is up to the incoming POTUS, once she takes over. The AG serves, or doesn't, at her pleasure.
Donald Trump is a man.
I'm going to hear Donald Trump tomorrow at 2pm at the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds. I can't wait to hear him insult Obama for being a total nerd, dickhead and general loser.
Obama's lacky Attorney General needs to go after Trump....if she's up to that considerable chore.

He just said we need to "take out" the families of terrorists. That sounds like just the pernicious speech Obama's lacky has said she would prosecute.

Of all of Obama's offenses, corrupting the Justice Department may be his worst. It is supposed to be a Shield against tyranny...it has been turned into a Sword for it.
. The House needs to impeach that black motherfucker NOW! Fuck the charge of racism.
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.

Let me be clear:

Mohammad was a Mass-murdering psychopath, who screwed children... There's absolutely no means of demonstrating more egregious sub-human traits than that; He was ROCK BOTTOM where the subject maintains other traits common to humanity.

Islam, is a political cult cloaking itself behind the facade of Religion and is on every conceivable level... the purest embodiment of unadulterated EVIL.

There is nothing "good" about Islam and there is no such thing as a "GOOD" Muslim... as a 'good' Muslim is a Muslim that adheres to the tenets of Islam... and that is OKA: A Mass-Murdering Psychotic.

Those claiming to "BE" Good Muslims and who do NOT have a history of Mass-murder, merely serve as cover, concealment and support, for those that do.


FUCK obama... and FUCK his thoroughly politicized thus illegitimate "Attorney General"... and the Anti-American Leftist Cult they rode in on.
I am in total agreement. Report Keys to the AG, Muslim children.
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.

Let me be clear:

Mohammad was a Mass-murdering psychopath, who screwed children... There's absolutely no means of demonstrating more egregious sub-human traits than that; He was ROCK BOTTOM where the subject maintains other traits common to humanity.

Islam, is a political cult cloaking itself behind the facade of Religion and is on every conceivable level... the purest embodiment of unadulterated EVIL.

There is nothing "good" about Islam and there is no such thing as a "GOOD" Muslim... as a 'good' Muslim is a Muslim that adheres to the tenets of Islam... and that is OKA: A Mass-Murdering Psychotic.

Those claiming to "BE" Good Muslims and who do NOT have a history of Mass-murder, merely serve as cover, concealment and support, for those that do.


FUCK obama... and FUCK his thoroughly politicized thus illegitimate "Attorney General"... and the Anti-American Leftist Cult they rode in on.
I am in total agreement. Report Keys to the AG, Muslim children.


I've got a few things I'd like to tell her about her momma... and her peasantpimp.

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