Lost tribe or converts?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?
Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?

Penelope spends her life obsessing about the Jews and looking for every bit of info she can bash them with. Wouldn't it be funny if Penelope took a DNA test and found out that she has some Jewish blood in her? I was told by someone from the Midwest that many German Jews settled there and to fit in with their German Catholic and Lutheran neighbors they converted to either one of those religions. Since she is so obsessed with the Jews, I am surprised that she left out the Chinese Jews who came to Israel. What is the big deal if people want to emigrate? Penelope doesn't seem to have a problem with the thousands and thousands of other people who have emigrated here in recent years nor those who have flooded into Europe. It is only the immigrants to Israel which seem to bother her.

The Lost Jewish Tribe of China Jewniverse
They are no more Jews than I am, but few Jews living there are probably real Jews. They just want to take room form the Pals, they did DNA testing and not Jewish.
Who was ? josephs wife, and Egyptian. They were Christians and using evangelical money are turning them into Jews. Deception never ends. That is why Bibi is telling everyone to come to Israel. Where are they going to live, the Pals need room.

Bnei Menashe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?

Penelope spends her life obsessing about the Jews and looking for every bit of info she can bash them with. Wouldn't it be funny if Penelope took a DNA test and found out that she has some Jewish blood in her? I was told by someone from the Midwest that many German Jews settled there and to fit in with their German Catholic and Lutheran neighbors they converted to either one of those religions. Since she is so obsessed with the Jews, I am surprised that she left out the Chinese Jews who came to Israel. What is the big deal if people want to emigrate? Penelope doesn't seem to have a problem with the thousands and thousands of other people who have emigrated here in recent years nor those who have flooded into Europe. It is only the immigrants to Israel which seem to bother her.

The Lost Jewish Tribe of China Jewniverse

Well Hoss, it is the height of criminality to have evicted (or slaughtered) the non-Jews people living in Palestine and then bring in people from India rather than the people they evicted.
They are no more Jews than I am, but few Jews living there are probably real Jews. They just want to take room form the Pals, they did DNA testing and not Jewish.
Who was ? josephs wife, and Egyptian. They were Christians and using evangelical money are turning them into Jews. Deception never ends. That is why Bibi is telling everyone to come to Israel. Where are they going to live, the Pals need room.

Bnei Menashe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The funniest thing here is how Penelope is so obsessed with the Jews that she spends all day long bashing them on forums. If a truth serum was administered to her it would be found out that she really doesn't care about the Arabs, but it is all about the Jews. If we all took a DNA test we would find out that we all came out of Africa, but maybe Penelope would have a fit over that. Years ago there were Israeli Jews posting on a message board. They said that they could tell from the accent where the different Arabs came from -- Egypt, Syria, etc., just like we here in the U.S. can tell different accents -- New York, the South, Minnesota, etc. This is probably the way the English officials in the area were able to tell where these Arabs came from when they came in droves when the Israelis had jobs for them. Since Penelope wants to see the Jews go back to Europe, I will say let the Arabs go back to their original countries or the countries where their ancestors came from. So many of them have Egyptian last names so since the Sinai is a huge place, they could move there.#4 Let's tell everyone here who came in the last fifty years to go back to the country they came from, Penelope. There would sure be a heck of a lot less Arabs living here then
Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?

Penelope spends her life obsessing about the Jews and looking for every bit of info she can bash them with. Wouldn't it be funny if Penelope took a DNA test and found out that she has some Jewish blood in her? I was told by someone from the Midwest that many German Jews settled there and to fit in with their German Catholic and Lutheran neighbors they converted to either one of those religions. Since she is so obsessed with the Jews, I am surprised that she left out the Chinese Jews who came to Israel. What is the big deal if people want to emigrate? Penelope doesn't seem to have a problem with the thousands and thousands of other people who have emigrated here in recent years nor those who have flooded into Europe. It is only the immigrants to Israel which seem to bother her.

The Lost Jewish Tribe of China Jewniverse

Well Hoss, it is the height of criminality to have evicted (or slaughtered) the non-Jews people living in Palestine and then bring in people from India rather than the people they evicted.
Why not tell us how many Hindus your own brethren slaughtered when Pakistan was created. Did the Muslims really have to have their own country? Is there something wrong with you that you feel you have to jump into every post. Get away from your computer once in a while. It might clear your mind. Maybe you can go collect some funds for the unfortunate people whose relatives have been slaughtered by your brethren in the rest of the Middle East. Now that is what I call a slaughter.
Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?

"no room for the pals"

You're comparing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians , many of whom are likely hostile towards Israel, being allowed to enter Israel vs. 1000 Indians?
They are no more Jews than I am, but few Jews living there are probably real Jews. They just want to take room form the Pals, they did DNA testing and not Jewish.
Who was ? josephs wife, and Egyptian. They were Christians and using evangelical money are turning them into Jews. Deception never ends. That is why Bibi is telling everyone to come to Israel. Where are they going to live, the Pals need room.

Bnei Menashe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Then they can move to the land given to them in 1922 cant they, and end the madness of Islamic greed and land grabs
Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?

Penelope spends her life obsessing about the Jews and looking for every bit of info she can bash them with. Wouldn't it be funny if Penelope took a DNA test and found out that she has some Jewish blood in her? I was told by someone from the Midwest that many German Jews settled there and to fit in with their German Catholic and Lutheran neighbors they converted to either one of those religions. Since she is so obsessed with the Jews, I am surprised that she left out the Chinese Jews who came to Israel. What is the big deal if people want to emigrate? Penelope doesn't seem to have a problem with the thousands and thousands of other people who have emigrated here in recent years nor those who have flooded into Europe. It is only the immigrants to Israel which seem to bother her.

The Lost Jewish Tribe of China Jewniverse

Well Hoss, it is the height of criminality to have evicted (or slaughtered) the non-Jews people living in Palestine and then bring in people from India rather than the people they evicted.

Not if the evicted happen to be enemies of the state who engaged in war and genocide. Would you prefer to see them shot as saboteurs and enemy soldiers ?
Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?

"no room for the pals"

You're comparing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians , many of whom are likely hostile towards Israel, being allowed to enter Israel vs. 1000 Indians?

I'm talking the Pals there and their offspring.
They are no more Jews than I am, but few Jews living there are probably real Jews. They just want to take room form the Pals, they did DNA testing and not Jewish.
Who was ? josephs wife, and Egyptian. They were Christians and using evangelical money are turning them into Jews. Deception never ends. That is why Bibi is telling everyone to come to Israel. Where are they going to live, the Pals need room.

Bnei Menashe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The funniest thing here is how Penelope is so obsessed with the Jews that she spends all day long bashing them on forums. If a truth serum was administered to her it would be found out that she really doesn't care about the Arabs, but it is all about the Jews. If we all took a DNA test we would find out that we all came out of Africa, but maybe Penelope would have a fit over that. Years ago there were Israeli Jews posting on a message board. They said that they could tell from the accent where the different Arabs came from -- Egypt, Syria, etc., just like we here in the U.S. can tell different accents -- New York, the South, Minnesota, etc. This is probably the way the English officials in the area were able to tell where these Arabs came from when they came in droves when the Israelis had jobs for them. Since Penelope wants to see the Jews go back to Europe, I will say let the Arabs go back to their original countries or the countries where their ancestors came from. So many of them have Egyptian last names so since the Sinai is a huge place, they could move there.#4 Let's tell everyone here who came in the last fifty years to go back to the country they came from, Penelope. There would sure be a heck of a lot less Arabs living here then

Once again, the Pals never left so they are in their own country. They don't want to move. Just because scavengers moved on their land why should they move? Oh to make room for the Christian children , not Jewish, to become Jewish , I see. I guess the Presbyterian Church in India is very upset over this.
montelatici, et al,

I find it utterly amazing, the way external pro-Palestinians are both fascinated with Israeli immigration and border security law --- and inject themselves into the way Israel administers such matters.

Well Hoss, it is the height of criminality to have evicted (or slaughtered) the non-Jews people living in Palestine and then bring in people from India rather than the people they evicted.

What difference does it make to you as to who, or why the Israelis allow immigration of one group over another group? And how is it criminal? It is domestic law and discretionary applications by the government.


It is important to remember that the Arab Palestinians do not have a reputation for peaceful activities in terms once a decision is made in their favor.
  • The Arab Palestinians, when given Jordanian Citizenship, attempted to overthrow the Jordanian Government in 1970. The Fedayeen "ambushed the King’s motorcade twice and perpetrated a series of spectacular hijackings;"
  • Since the Israeli disengagement from Gaza in 2005, Arab Palestinian (mostly indiscriminate fire from the Islamic Resistance Movement) have launch over 11,000 rockets and mortars across the border and into Israel.
Based on their past history of criminal behaviors, there is no reasonable expectation, that if Israel relaxed the security containment of the West Bank and Gaza, made additional withdrawals and security concessions, that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (Jihadist and Fedayeen) would not take advantage of the opening and conduct even more violent attacks.

Most Respectfully,
Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?

"no room for the pals"

You're comparing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians , many of whom are likely hostile towards Israel, being allowed to enter Israel vs. 1000 Indians?

I'm talking the Pals there and their offspring.

Which no doubt have never seen inside Israel in their lives so cant really say this is where my parents once lived. I bet even their parents and grandparents have never seen inside Israel either and are just following the orders from their clerics and imams
They are no more Jews than I am, but few Jews living there are probably real Jews. They just want to take room form the Pals, they did DNA testing and not Jewish.
Who was ? josephs wife, and Egyptian. They were Christians and using evangelical money are turning them into Jews. Deception never ends. That is why Bibi is telling everyone to come to Israel. Where are they going to live, the Pals need room.

Bnei Menashe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The funniest thing here is how Penelope is so obsessed with the Jews that she spends all day long bashing them on forums. If a truth serum was administered to her it would be found out that she really doesn't care about the Arabs, but it is all about the Jews. If we all took a DNA test we would find out that we all came out of Africa, but maybe Penelope would have a fit over that. Years ago there were Israeli Jews posting on a message board. They said that they could tell from the accent where the different Arabs came from -- Egypt, Syria, etc., just like we here in the U.S. can tell different accents -- New York, the South, Minnesota, etc. This is probably the way the English officials in the area were able to tell where these Arabs came from when they came in droves when the Israelis had jobs for them. Since Penelope wants to see the Jews go back to Europe, I will say let the Arabs go back to their original countries or the countries where their ancestors came from. So many of them have Egyptian last names so since the Sinai is a huge place, they could move there.#4 Let's tell everyone here who came in the last fifty years to go back to the country they came from, Penelope. There would sure be a heck of a lot less Arabs living here then

Once again, the Pals never left so they are in their own country. They don't want to move. Just because scavengers moved on their land why should they move? Oh to make room for the Christian children , not Jewish, to become Jewish , I see. I guess the Presbyterian Church in India is very upset over this.

They arrived from other nations on the promise of work and easy money, they were the dregs of arab muslim society. This is why their own people detest and hate them and don't want them back.
They arrived from other nations on the promise of work and easy money, they were the dregs of arab muslim society. This is why their own people detest and hate them and don't want them back.
Who, the European jews
The Arabs went there for the same reason you see the Arabs dragging themselves into Europe, whether legally or illegally -- for jobs that their own Arab countries can't supply.. Are you that blind that you don't see what is happening in your own country? Do you think these Arabs came for the cold, rainy English weather?
Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?
Although your source is useless the actually story of that community is fascinating.
They are no more Jews than I am, but few Jews living there are probably real Jews. They just want to take room form the Pals, they did DNA testing and not Jewish.
Who was ? josephs wife, and Egyptian. They were Christians and using evangelical money are turning them into Jews. Deception never ends. That is why Bibi is telling everyone to come to Israel. Where are they going to live, the Pals need room.

Bnei Menashe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The funniest thing here is how Penelope is so obsessed with the Jews that she spends all day long bashing them on forums. If a truth serum was administered to her it would be found out that she really doesn't care about the Arabs, but it is all about the Jews. If we all took a DNA test we would find out that we all came out of Africa, but maybe Penelope would have a fit over that. Years ago there were Israeli Jews posting on a message board. They said that they could tell from the accent where the different Arabs came from -- Egypt, Syria, etc., just like we here in the U.S. can tell different accents -- New York, the South, Minnesota, etc. This is probably the way the English officials in the area were able to tell where these Arabs came from when they came in droves when the Israelis had jobs for them. Since Penelope wants to see the Jews go back to Europe, I will say let the Arabs go back to their original countries or the countries where their ancestors came from. So many of them have Egyptian last names so since the Sinai is a huge place, they could move there.#4 Let's tell everyone here who came in the last fifty years to go back to the country they came from, Penelope. There would sure be a heck of a lot less Arabs living here then

Once again, the Pals never left so they are in their own country. They don't want to move. Just because scavengers moved on their land why should they move? Oh to make room for the Christian children , not Jewish, to become Jewish , I see. I guess the Presbyterian Church in India is very upset over this.

They arrived from other nations on the promise of work and easy money, they were the dregs of arab muslim society. This is why their own people detest and hate them and don't want them back.

Less than 10% of the migrants to Palestine were non-Jews. 90% were European Jews. Stop lying, the facts from source documentation confirm you are a clownish propagandist.

From 1920 to 1946 of 414,456 migrants 376,415 were Jews.. Lying clown.


Berman Jewish Policy Archive

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
Former Netanyahu aide behind 'lost tribes' moving to Israel from India

A former Netanyahu aide is the key figure behind an unprecedented government decision to allow an indigenous people from north-eastern India to immigrate to Israel and convert upon arrival.According to an investigation by Haaretz, nearly 1,000 members



Children from India, no proof they are jewish in any way, but giving them the right of return. I guess who better to convert to Judaism than children. No room for the Pals , but lets take in children and turn them into Jews. I read several articles stating there is no proof of them being Jews. Oh the deception never ends. Very adorable kids, I do hope they turn into good adults.

Quest: Did their parents come as well or are they orphans?

Again, WHY are you talking about things you have no idea about?!

The community of Bnei Menashe is racognized as the lost tribe by the Rabbis of Israel. Not Netanyahu.

Converts? Are you dense? you know the procedure of converting children to Judaism? you know it's nearly impossible to convert a gentile child,? The Rabbis don't allow it, and it's against Judaism to convert someone who cannot cry aloud "I want".

God, you prove over and over the complete lack of knowledge you have on the subject.

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