Climate Alarmists are Meeeellllltttting.....melllllllttttttinnnnng

Wikipedia shows this chart where sea level rise was more than tripled over todays rate yet we survived it by just moving up the hill yet we have leftists crybabies whining that the planet wants to rise up slowly because that is NOT acceptable!!!

View attachment 946581

During deglaciation since the Last Glacial Maximum, between about 20,000 to 7,000 years ago (20–7 ka), the sea level rose by a total of about 100 m (328 ft), at times at extremely high rates, due to the rapid melting of the British-Irish Sea, Fennoscandian, Laurentide, Barents-Kara, Patagonian, Innuitian and parts of the Antarctic ice sheets. At the onset of deglaciation about 19,000 years ago, a brief, at most 500-year long, glacio-eustatic event may have contributed as much as 10 m (33 ft) to sea level with an average rate of about 20 mm (0.8 in)/yr. During the rest of the early Holocene, the rate of sea level rise varied from a low of about 6.0–9.9 mm (0.2–0.4 in)/yr to as high as 30–60 mm (1.2–2.4 in)/yr during brief periods of accelerated sea level rise.[3][4]


bolding mine

Gotta wonder how the Corals survived......., snicker.
Are we currently in a deglaciation? No. So why is the world's ice melting?
Go ahead and keep pissing people off.
If I piss off certain people its because I think they needed to hear what I said to them.
You've pretty much ruined your chances for any kind of support as it is.
I like a challenge. Besides, its not as if you're succeeding at anything.
Why not go all the way and destroy what's left.
What have I said that you believe will destroy my chances of gaining support? Advocated for the separation of church and state? That's hardly a radical position given it's core presence in our Constitution and the entire history of our laws.
Maybe religious principles might teach good stewardship of the earth and a little more pliability towards some of the more basic ideas of AGW.
I don't care what it might teach. It's religion and, in all its various incarnations, needs to be kept as far away from our government as possible.
But then, you really don't care about that, do you ?
If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here.
LOL, you completely missed the point

which is that humans chose areas to start cities in areas that are subject to periodic weather disasters whether it is rapid or slow going.

The old cities of the past is now 100 or more feet BELOW current sea levels a loss to people of those days who invested time and labor to build now they had to move up hill and start over.

New Orleans founded below sea level on a moving river delta....... a built-in problem that will never go away.

Houston builds on swampy land which is why Houston is regularly flooded in every major storm.

New York City builds on sandy loose yet wet soils now the city is sinking slowly.

Miami is founded right at the oceans edge thus easily flooded when the currents push the water west the area was underwater just a few centuries ago.

You simply lack the ability to see the picture.
None of those cities or any others existed 6,000 to 20,000 years ago, when sea level was rising due to deglaciation. By the HCO, the entire planet's human infrastructure housed a few thousand humans in huts made of mud and straw. No humans from that period chose to build cities subject to periodic weather disasters. And being flooded by rising seas is not a periodic weather disaster.

Since the HCO, the world has been slowly cooling. Here is what the world's oceans have been doing.


Sea level rise tapered off and STOPPED. For the previous 2,000 years, sea level had been stable, unchanging. Now it's rising at 27cm/century and accelerating. If seas had been rising at that rate for the last 2,000 years, sea level would be just off the top of this chart.
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Arctic ice free? Check
Snow a thing of the past? Check
Polar bears extinct? Check

Climate Change Science = (failed predictions + flawed models)^nth

The fact we made cars change from 12 mpg to 40 mpg just delayed global warming a little.
The Northwest Passage had been frozen over for 50,000 years, but they melted open in 1997.
Snow is not accumulating on mountains and glaciers as it used to.
Polar bears are reduced in number. The fact they are adapting to solid ground, does not mean the ice is not melting.
How critical do you think it is? Did Obama's beach house flood yet?

How about Miami? It's not underwater is it?

Has any property been lost to sea rise yet, cupcake?

Let's see all your examples of it happening, Captain Panic. :rolleyes-41:
Still waiting to hear what you believe is causing sea level rise "Duke".
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The fact we made cars change from 12 mpg to 40 mpg just delayed global warming a little.
The Northwest Passage had been frozen over for 50,000 years, but they melted open in 1997.
Snow is not accumulating on mountains and glaciers as it used to.
Polar bears are reduced in number. The fact they are adapting to solid ground, does not mean the ice is not melting.

Odd that Piri Reis and other ancient maps show an ice free arctic

Gore Rule invoked.

If someone invokes Gore, they forfeit the discussion for their side.

Those who can talk about the science, do.

Those who can't, they shriek about whoever their cult told them to demonize.

HikerGuy83, thanks for playing, and we have some lovely parting gifts for you, including our USMB Home Game.

Going to embarrass yourself....again.
What do you believe are the causes of sea level rise?
The same overpopulation that threatened to capsize Guam is now causing the land to sink. The oceans are the same level they’ve always been, land is just too heavy.
Let's not forget how NYC was supposed to be partially flooded by now.

All cities have had more flooding than before, ocean storms drive water further inland than ever before.


New York City: State of emergency declared over flash flooding​

30 September 2023
By Rachel Russell,BBC News

A state of emergency has been declared in New York City as strong storms bring flash flooding.
Many of the city's subway systems, streets and highways have flooded, while at least one terminal at LaGuardia Airport closed on Friday before later reopening.
New York City: State of emergency declared over flash flooding
Then perhaps you can explain why none of the dire prognostications have come to pass?

First of all, we cut the emissions we used to produce, by more than half.
Cars that used to get 12 mpg now get 40 mpg.
Second is that CO2 is not the source of heat that causes global warming, but is what determines whether nor not the solar heat can leave or not.
So we are still accumulating solar heat from the CO2 emissions from the 70s.
We don't know how long it will take to reach equilibrium.
The heat may take a century to accumulate.
But it will still be caused by the CO2 emissions we already released.
How critical do you think it is? Did Obama's beach house flood yet?

How about Miami? It's not underwater is it?

Has any property been lost to sea rise yet, cupcake?

Let's see all your examples of it happening, Captain Panic. :rolleyes-41:

Yes, lots of property has been lost to the rising ocean levels.
All storms wash further inland than before.
Places like the Maldives are becoming uninhabitable.
The fact we made cars change from 12 mpg to 40 mpg just delayed global warming a little.
The Northwest Passage had been frozen over for 50,000 years, but they melted open in 1997.
Snow is not accumulating on mountains and glaciers as it used to.
Polar bears are reduced in number. The fact they are adapting to solid ground, does not mean the ice is not melting.

Ocean levels have increased by over 10 inches since 1800.


That's why the Statue of Liberty is underwater, er, or something

You're being played.

All the AGWCult leaders have oceanfront mansions.

All the banks yapping about "climate change" are still lending oceanfront condo developers hundreds of millions on any large project

You are being played for a sucker, a fool, a patsy; take a look!
Yes, lots of property has been lost to the rising ocean levels.
All storms wash further inland than before.
Places like the Maldives are becoming uninhabitable.

Stop! For the love of everything just fucking stop!
Nice try but power plants shifting to NG and the rapid demise of our industrial base was the cause of the sulfur reductions.

No, the main end of acid rain was the desulfurization of gasoline.
When they added catalytic converters to cars, the sulfur cause the rotten egg smell, and the exhaust systems would quickly rot away from the sulfuric acid.
So all sulfur was removed from gasoline.

Hydrodesulfurization (HDS), also called hydrotreatment or hydrotreating, is a catalytic chemical process widely used to remove sulfur (S) from natural gas and from refined petroleum products, such as gasoline or petrol, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel fuel, and fuel oils.[1][2][3] The purpose of removing the sulfur, and creating products such as ultra-low-sulfur diesel, is to reduce the sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions that result from using those fuels in automotive vehicles, aircraft, railroad locomotives, ships, gas or oil burning power plants, residential and industrial furnaces, and other forms of fuel combustion.

Hydrodesulfurization, Naphtha Hydrotreatment, NHT, Hydrodenitrogenation

Hydrodesulfurization unit in a refinery

Another important reason for removing sulfur from the naphtha streams within a petroleum refinery is that sulfur, even in extremely low concentrations, poisons the noble metal catalysts (platinum and rhenium) in the catalytic reforming units that are subsequently used to upgrade the octane rating of the naphtha streams.

The industrial hydrodesulfurization processes include facilities for the capture and removal of the resulting hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas. In petroleum refineries, the hydrogen sulfide gas is then subsequently converted into byproduct, sulfur (S) or sulfuric acid (H2SO4). In fact, the vast majority of the 64,000,000 metric tons of sulfur produced worldwide in 2005 was byproduct sulfur from refineries and other hydrocarbon processing plants.

Hydrodesulfurization - Wikipedia

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