Lotto winner bilks the welfare sytem


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
so wins over 340K and....stills collects welfare, child care aid etc......some folks eat with both hands.

HARRISBURG -- There are thousands of people in Pennsylvania who are on welfare because they truly need it, but not everyone. We learned during this investigation that it is possible to win big in the lottery and still collect Pennsylvanians’ tax dollars in the form of welfare checks. The Department of Public Welfare (DPW) could stop this from happening, but it's not. It was January 2012, and Lancaster County resident Jamie Frankford had just won $330,000 in the Pennsylvania Lottery. When Frankford hit big on Cash 5, it just continued her lucky streak. Since July 2009 she has won $344,000. Prior to January 2012 Frankford was collecting welfare, including daycare and medical insurance. Afterwards, she kept collecting.

Read More at: Lotto winners bilk the welfare system by continuing to collect after hitting huge jackpots - WHP CBS 21 Harrisburg - Top Stories
She should be made to pay all that back she took from the government, then slapped in jail for a few years to boot. And when she gets out? Hmmm. Lessee. A tall tree and rope sounds good. Maybe some drawing and quartering. Maybe both.

Sorry. tired and grumpy and I hate thieves.
That part is legal. Under state law, lottery winnings are not considered income, but rather a lump sum that only affects certain benefits for that month.
What a stupid way to run the system.
Sometimes people who win a large lump sum spend it so quickly they're actually in debt before they know it, especially if they never were able to manage money before. Her federal income taxes will skyrocket, however.
Winning the lottery isn't considered an income, which is why she is still legally entitled to benefits. You can't jail her as she has done nothing wrong - except for not reporting her winnings, which if she had, she could probably still collect welfare anyway.
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Winning the lottery isn't considered an income, which is why she is still legally entitled to benefits. You can't jail her as she has done nothing wrong - except for not reporting her winnings, which if she had, she could probably still collect welfare anyway.
Tell that to the IRS that winning the lottery isnt a income.

What is it with you libs? Do you drink a special drink that makes you stupid or are you just born that way?

Lottery winning are income in the eyes of the IRS and you have to file as so. Its after you pay the taxes the frist time that it cant be taxed again as earned income.
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