Loud obnoxious Bill O'Really?, got nothing to say about his effin over women!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Bill O’Reilly Stays Silent On His Sexual Harassment Scandal
But will his Fox News show’s advertisers?

The 8 p.m. broadcast was O’Reilly’s first since The New York Times reported Saturday that five women, including Mackris, received $13 million in settlements from lawsuits accusing O’Reilly of sexual harassment or other inappropriate behavior. The Times revealed three additional cases against O’Reilly that had not been previously reported.

Don't you just love these redneck hypocrites who's first in line to fuck over everybody and their issues, but let the shit hit home....and crickets...Rush was hating heavy on negro's and their drug addiction, until the jolly fat mf's got a taste of addiction himself and suddenly he's a sorry white mf's who wants forgiveness....O'Really gave Bill Clinton hell...and here this pale bitch is paying out the ass for making women lives a living hell....ONE THING IS SOOOO certain with conservative right wings whore's, every damn thing you do against others, always always come back and bite you bitches in the ass...when ya gonna learn? Karma loves you racist bastards!!


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