Louis Brandies Was Correct: You Cannot Prosecute Someone Because you Don’t Like Them

It's the Republican way!

I see that you're still poking yourself in your eye, you deep thinker you...
Mueller has nothing but 11th hour threats of long prison sentences. The ends...do not justify the means. This special council investigation has been the most ridiculous thing since Starr and President Clinton( I always disagreed with that ) and is the result of someone I once respected not doing their job. Jeff Sessions. Why did he do what he did? He should have known the partisan atmosphere in Washington D.C. and that the liberal media and Democrats are always up to shenanigans. They did former President GHW Bush wrong on tax cuts to set him up for 1992.
Remembering 41: The life and career of George H.W. Bush

I cannot totally absolve Trump for appointing Sessions in the first place; while I cannot, at the same time, absolve Sessions for not telling Trump prior to his appointment that he was going to recuse himself.
If I let 'Conspiracy Theory' really get the best of me; it may not be too farfetched that Sessions is a 'deep state' PLANT!!!
Agree. His shift of loyalty was on a dime.

Not only that, no sane self-respecting individual would let a person mercilessly browbeat them for months in the public eye, unless there was an agenda.
Release of Cohen and Manafort transcripts show no illegality on behalf of Trump campaign 2016, or President Trump with regards to Russia “collusion.” These two are a lawyer and businessman who attempted to use their connections to Trump, AFTER the election, to make $$$$...when neither of them had a position in the administration. They were most likely trying to rip-off Russian businessmen. Mueller is being over aggressive with regards to these two men. They are leaning hard...and nothing’s there. Professor Alan Dershowitz has just said they are grasping at straws to connect a “collusion” case. This is a disgrace to United States legal system and jurisprudence. Smear Trump campaign is all this is...but no illegality. Joke.
Whispering Wires | Prohibition
The “ends” do not justify the “means”
Olmstead v. United States (1927) - Bill of Rights Institute
^from the "lock her up" crowd. LOL
Release of Cohen and Manafort transcripts show no illegality on behalf of Trump campaign 2016, or President Trump with regards to Russia “collusion.” These two are a lawyer and businessman who attempted to use their connections to Trump, AFTER the election, to make $$$$...when neither of them had a position in the administration. They were most likely trying to rip-off Russian businessmen. Mueller is being over aggressive with regards to these two men. They are leaning hard...and nothing’s there. Professor Alan Dershowitz has just said they are grasping at straws to connect a “collusion” case. This is a disgrace to United States legal system and jurisprudence. Smear Trump campaign is all this is...but no illegality. Joke.
Whispering Wires | Prohibition
The “ends” do not justify the “means”
Olmstead v. United States (1927) - Bill of Rights Institute
^from the "lock her up" crowd. LOL
She legitimately broke the law. Deep state Justice Department protected her.
It's the Republican way!

I see that you're still poking yourself in your eye, you deep thinker you...
Mueller has nothing but 11th hour threats of long prison sentences. The ends...do not justify the means. This special council investigation has been the most ridiculous thing since Starr and President Clinton( I always disagreed with that ) and is the result of someone I once respected not doing their job. Jeff Sessions. Why did he do what he did? He should have known the partisan atmosphere in Washington D.C. and that the liberal media and Democrats are always up to shenanigans. They did former President GHW Bush wrong on tax cuts to set him up for 1992.
Remembering 41: The life and career of George H.W. Bush

I cannot totally absolve Trump for appointing Sessions in the first place; while I cannot, at the same time, absolve Sessions for not telling Trump prior to his appointment that he was going to recuse himself.
If I let 'Conspiracy Theory' really get the best of me; it may not be too farfetched that Sessions is a 'deep state' PLANT!!!
Agree. His shift of loyalty was on a dime.

Not only that, no sane self-respecting individual would let a person mercilessly browbeat them for months in the public eye, unless there was an agenda.
Yes. Brandies in the case Olmstead vs. United States 1928 stated that the majority was wrong (Katz v. the United States 1967 overturned Olmstead ruling) that although you might not like the person they have rights. You cannot let the state collect evidence anyway they wish to do so. The “ends do not justify the means.” You cannot mistreat people in custody and try to pressure people to lie in order to achieve a desired result.
One of the many things that the Democrats and third world banana republic regimes have in common is that they arrest their opposition on bogus charges.
It's the dirtiest form of politics that there is.

You accusing your enemies of your own crimes.
It's the Republican way!

I see that you're still poking yourself in your eye, you deep thinker you...
Mueller has nothing but 11th hour threats of long prison sentences. The ends...do not justify the means. This special council investigation has been the most ridiculous thing since Starr and President Clinton( I always disagreed with that ) and is the result of someone I once respected not doing their job. Jeff Sessions. Why did he do what he did? He should have known the partisan atmosphere in Washington D.C. and that the liberal media and Democrats are always up to shenanigans. They did former President GHW Bush wrong on tax cuts to set him up for 1992.
Remembering 41: The life and career of George H.W. Bush

I cannot totally absolve Trump for appointing Sessions in the first place; while I cannot, at the same time, absolve Sessions for not telling Trump prior to his appointment that he was going to recuse himself.
If I let 'Conspiracy Theory' really get the best of me; it may not be too farfetched that Sessions is a 'deep state' PLANT!!!

Maybe Hillary sent Sessions a picture of the smoking holes in Vince Foster's body as a reminder to leave her alone.
Louis Brandies Was Correct: You Cannot Prosecute Someone Because you Don’t Like Them
we seem to have reasons out today that make all that "speculation" a little closer to reality than i'm sure the clintons like.
Yes. The liberals in Washington DC and in Congress want to have Mueller investigation prove the desired outcome. But what came out today proves he is desperate.
The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
Really? Please...let’s see the connections? Evidence? All you have is CNN and MSNBC opinions in your head. “Where’s your legal standing based on evidence?”
The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
They are in prison? Thought they were in jail being pressured by Mueller to tell them what they want to hear?
The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
Really? Please...let’s see the connections? Evidence? All you have is CNN and MSNBC opinions in your head. “Where’s your legal standing based on evidence?”

His campaign officials are in jail. Are you denying that?
Other campaign officials have pled guilty. Are you denying that?
Some Trombies won't respond to evidence and rational thinking. They may require more drastic measures.
The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
Really? Please...let’s see the connections? Evidence? All you have is CNN and MSNBC opinions in your head. “Where’s your legal standing based on evidence?”

His campaign officials are in jail. Are you denying that?
Other campaign officials have pled guilty. Are you denying that?
Really. “Campaign officials?” Names please? How many times did they meet with Trump inner circle? CNN and MSNBC will make these people seem important.
The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
They are in prison? Thought they were in jail being pressured by Mueller to tell them what they want to hear?
George Papadopoulos released from prison two days early
14 day’s...really...that’s prison...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The link disagrees with you. But, you’re pretty used to being wrong.
The multiple officials of the Trump campaign who have plead guilty, been found guilty, and are now in prison are there because the committed felonies.
Really? Please...let’s see the connections? Evidence? All you have is CNN and MSNBC opinions in your head. “Where’s your legal standing based on evidence?”

His campaign officials are in jail. Are you denying that?
Other campaign officials have pled guilty. Are you denying that?
Really. “Campaign officials?” Names please? How many times did they meet with Trump inner circle? CNN and MSNBC will make these people seem important.

Paul Manafort…Campaign Manager.

Rick Gates…Assistant to Paul Manafort, Campaign Manager

Michael Flynn….Trump Campaign National Security Advisor
Some Trombies won't respond to evidence and rational thinking. They may require more drastic measures.

Do tell....

That is why Mueller is building a mountain of evidence

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