LOUIS FARRAKHAN: Willing to kill others for exercising free speech...


Nov 7, 2014
Point for Discussion - Louis Farrakhan from the Nation of Islam in the following video declares how he is in favor of killing over someone speaking critically about his faith in some cases...in the video he GLORIFIES the Iranian death decree on author Salman Rushdie for nothing but Mr. Rushdie's words against Muhammad and he EXALTS the murder of Malcolm X who did nothing but speak critically about the NOI (Nation of Islam) faith:

Question: Are people like him and his organization a THREAT to those who just want to exercise free speech?
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As we know, there are people who exercise their freedom of speech to intimidate others from exercising theirs.

It's legal, it's not unconstitutional, it just flies in the face of the spirit of the First Amendment.

And they know it.

We have the Second Amendment to protect those who would make war on the First Amendment.

Molon Labe, bring it Farrakhan. My 8 year old nephew can hit the bullseye at 280 yards, and my 7 year old niece can hit at 240. Is that's what the children of Patriot families can do, what do you think the Patriots themselves can do?

Molon Labe.
Fuck Sharia.
As we know, there are people who exercise their freedom of speech to intimidate others from exercising theirs.

It's legal, it's not unconstitutional, it just flies in the face of the spirit of the First Amendment.

And they know it.


Well with Farrakhan it is more than a threat. It is a declaration that he is willing to kill in some cases when someone speaks critically about his faith.

As Mr. Farrakhan said, "yesterday, today, and tomorrow" he is willing to kill in some cases when someone speaks against his faith & he "don't give a damn about no White man law when you attack what [he] love," so beyond a threat their (he and his organization) actions against Mr. Malcolm X show that they are an ENDANGERMENT to those who wish to exercise free speech.
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Then he would have no problem when his target turns the tables and attacks him.

attack him for WHAT? free speech? what could he possibly say that is not entirely TRUE???? and
even holy? If he says "da jooooos is monkeys and pigs"----he is quoting ALLAH. Salman Rushdie did not quote allah
attack him for WHAT? free speech? what could he possibly say that is not entirely TRUE???? and
even holy? If he says "da jooooos is monkeys and pigs"----he is quoting ALLAH. Salman Rushdie did not quote allah

Well the question of a "terroristic threat" comes to mind if "yesterday, today, and tomorrow" he is willing to kill in some cases over people speaking against his faith, and he & they "don't give a damn about no White man law when you attack what [they] love."
Just another nutcase.
Deport him to Zimbabwe, and let him live in his white-free paradise:

How To Kill A Country - The Atlantic
The drop-off in agricultural production is staggering. Maize farming, which yielded more than 1.5 million tons annually before 2000, is this year expected to generate just 500,000 tons. Wheat production, which stood at 309,000 tons in 2000, will hover at 27,000 tons this year. Tobacco production, too, which at 265,000 tons accounted for nearly a third of the total foreign-currency earnings in 2000, has tumbled, to about 66,000 tons in 2003.

Mugabe's belief that he can strengthen his flagging popularity by destroying a resented but economically vital minority group is one that dictators elsewhere have shared. Paranoid about their diminishing support, Stalin wiped out the wealthy kulak farming class, Idi Amin purged Uganda's Indian commercial class, and, of course, Hitler went after Jewish businesses even though Germany was already reeling from the Depression. Whatever spikes in popularity these moves generated, the economic damage was profound, and the dictators had to exert great effort to mask it
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attack him for WHAT? free speech? what could he possibly say that is not entirely TRUE???? and
even holy? If he says "da jooooos is monkeys and pigs"----he is quoting ALLAH. Salman Rushdie did not quote allah

Well the question of a "terroristic threat" comes to mind if "yesterday, today, and tomorrow" he is willing to kill in some cases over people speaking against his faith, and he & they "don't give a damn about no White man law when you attack what [they] love."

yes----it is a terroristic threat-------kinda like MAFIA THUGGERY -----and its nothing new and not isolated in time and place
Then he would have no problem when his target turns the tables and attacks him.

attack him for WHAT? free speech? what could he possibly say that is not entirely TRUE???? and
even holy? If he says "da jooooos is monkeys and pigs"----he is quoting ALLAH. Salman Rushdie did not quote allah
Louis Eugene Wolcott,aka Louis Farrakhan has been preaching that whites blood should run ankle deep in the streets since I first heard him speek in the mid 60s. If the balloon should ever go up with the Nation Of Islam, he'll be one of the first to claim his herd of 72. Let him run his fat mouth because that mouth is harmless.
Then he would have no problem when his target turns the tables and attacks him.

attack him for WHAT? free speech? what could he possibly say that is not entirely TRUE???? and
even holy? If he says "da jooooos is monkeys and pigs"----he is quoting ALLAH. Salman Rushdie did not quote allah

No of course not. It was a scenario in which he would physically attack someone trying to do bodily harm. He's free to run his mouth.
yes----it is a terroristic threat-------kinda like MAFIA THUGGERY -----and its nothing new and not isolated in time and place

I know of no mafia leader SILLY enough to publicly declare that "yesterday, today, and tomorrow" he is willing to kill over someone speaking against his organization and SILLY enough to publicly glorify, praise, and exalt the murder of someone who spoke against his organization.
yes----it is a terroristic threat-------kinda like MAFIA THUGGERY -----and its nothing new and not isolated in time and place

I know of no mafia leader SILLY enough to publicly declare that "yesterday, today, and tomorrow" he is willing to kill over someone speaking against his organization and SILLY enough to publicly glorify, praise, and exalt the murder of someone who spoke against his organization.

I did not say PUBLICALLY STATE-----it's a whole different story with mafia-------it is DONE and the
persons under threat---ie who PISS OFF THE MAFIA-----know they are under threat. Mafia functions on that which is their LONG TIME
REPUTATION and the fact that it is a valid reputation of intensive THUGGERY. Farrakhan is a small time thug-----he has to beat his chest and howl

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