Louisiana Republican's advance bill that would charge abortion as homicide

However if the woman is the owner of her body
That's kinda what the gals say.
It's their body. Not the state's. Not religionists. The gal owns her body.
They are the masters of that universe....and must have the say as to what goes in and what comes out.
At least, I think the gals say and want that.
I'd bet on it.

as for the OP homicide is exactly what it is when you intentionally kill another person,

Which brings us right back to that 'felony murder' issue.

To wit: "Felony murder is a criminal homicide that occurs during the commission or attempted commission of a felony. Most states and the federal government include felony murder in their penal codes (18 U.S.C., 2011)."

Accordingly, if Granma helps little Emily prepare for an abortion, well ain't Granma on the hook for 'felony murder'?
Or at minimum, an accessory to murder
To wit:

  • "Similarly, an accessory to murder before the fact is someone who helps a murderer before the party commits the murder."
  • "Accessory after the fact is when someone helps someone else after they commit murder. An example here could be driving a getaway car after the homicide."
Sounds to me that Louisiana may be opening a real can of worms in trying to keep all their laws internally consistent. Lotsa grandmas, aunties, sisters, etc.......could end up in the slammer for helping some relative before or after an abortion.
a fetus is a child you sick fuck,,,
bloodlust has that effect of sick mother fuckers like you,

I'm not exactly sure that the good poster 'progressive hunter' is an adequate....competent? .....spokesman for or against abortion. His avatar seems a tad......a tad.......well, you know, not in-control enough to discuss adult stuff effectively.
Or so it seems.


can only happen after the choice to get prego has been made,,
Well, there is a problem with that assumption, good poster Progressive.
You see, there is probably a real good likelihood that a lot of these desired abortions are desired because there was NOT a choice to become pregnant.

I would suspect, tho don't know for sure, that a goodly number of pregnant ladies are pregnant because, of a mistake in time, a mishap in birth control devices, rape, or unnwanted ejaculation by the sperm-guy?
Whatever the cause, I'd bet that a lot of 'em didn't choose to be pregnant.

I hope you can find that explanation reasonable. And likely.
That's kinda what the gals say.
It's their body. Not the state's. Not religionists. The gal owns her body.
They are the masters of that universe....and must have the say as to what goes in and what comes out.
At least, I think the gals say and want that.
I'd bet on it.


Which brings us right back to that 'felony murder' issue.

To wit: "Felony murder is a criminal homicide that occurs during the commission or attempted commission of a felony. Most states and the federal government include felony murder in their penal codes (18 U.S.C., 2011)."

Accordingly, if Granma helps little Emily prepare for an abortion, well ain't Granma on the hook for 'felony murder'?
Or at minimum, an accessory to murder
To wit:

  • "Similarly, an accessory to murder before the fact is someone who helps a murderer before the party commits the murder."
  • "Accessory after the fact is when someone helps someone else after they commit murder. An example here could be driving a getaway car after the homicide."
Sounds to me that Louisiana may be opening a real can of worms in trying to keep all their laws internally consistent. Lotsa grandmas, aunties, sisters, etc.......could end up in the slammer for helping some relative before or after an abortion.


I'm not exactly sure that the good poster 'progressive hunter' is an adequate....competent? .....spokesman for or against abortion. His avatar seems a tad......a tad.......well, you know, not in-control enough to discuss adult stuff effectively.
Or so it seems.


Well, there is a problem with that assumption, good poster Progressive.
You see, there is probably a real good likelihood that a lot of these desired abortions are desired because there was NOT a choice to become pregnant.

I would suspect, tho don't know for sure, that a goodly number of pregnant ladies are pregnant because, of a mistake in time, a mishap in birth control devices, rape, or unnwanted ejaculation by the sperm-guy?
Whatever the cause, I'd bet that a lot of 'em didn't choose to be pregnant.

I hope you can find that explanation reasonable. And likely.

I dont have an avatar,,
That's kinda what the gals say.
It's their body. Not the state's. Not religionists. The gal owns her body.
They are the masters of that universe....and must have the say as to what goes in and what comes out.
At least, I think the gals say and want that.
I'd bet on it.


Which brings us right back to that 'felony murder' issue.

To wit: "Felony murder is a criminal homicide that occurs during the commission or attempted commission of a felony. Most states and the federal government include felony murder in their penal codes (18 U.S.C., 2011)."

Accordingly, if Granma helps little Emily prepare for an abortion, well ain't Granma on the hook for 'felony murder'?
Or at minimum, an accessory to murder
To wit:

  • "Similarly, an accessory to murder before the fact is someone who helps a murderer before the party commits the murder."
  • "Accessory after the fact is when someone helps someone else after they commit murder. An example here could be driving a getaway car after the homicide."
Sounds to me that Louisiana may be opening a real can of worms in trying to keep all their laws internally consistent. Lotsa grandmas, aunties, sisters, etc.......could end up in the slammer for helping some relative before or after an abortion.


I'm not exactly sure that the good poster 'progressive hunter' is an adequate....competent? .....spokesman for or against abortion. His avatar seems a tad......a tad.......well, you know, not in-control enough to discuss adult stuff effectively.
Or so it seems.


Well, there is a problem with that assumption, good poster Progressive.
You see, there is probably a real good likelihood that a lot of these desired abortions are desired because there was NOT a choice to become pregnant.

I would suspect, tho don't know for sure, that a goodly number of pregnant ladies are pregnant because, of a mistake in time, a mishap in birth control devices, rape, or unnwanted ejaculation by the sperm-guy?
Whatever the cause, I'd bet that a lot of 'em didn't choose to be pregnant.

I hope you can find that explanation reasonable. And likely.

how does granny help her get ready for an abortion??
does she fist fuck her with a leather glove to loosen her pussy up for the doctor??
"...does she fist fuck her with a leather glove to loosen her pussy up for the doctor??"
Based on past postings from the above poster, he clearly is a MAGA-hat.

Curiously, we see more than a handful of posters on this venue who have this MAGA-vibe and yet also wallow in crass vulgarisms.
I don't know why.

Is it the type of people who are attracted to MAGA-world? Misogynistic? Incels? Wallflowers? Friendless? Non-social?

Or, does MAGA-think itself develop and encourage such crudities in some? Meaning, folks were good and aware folks beforehand, but enter the MAGA/QAnon vibe, and they turn weird. Obscene, vulgar, crude?

I honestly don't know. But find it curious.
Sorta like from an anthropological perspective. Is it the people ? Or is it the philosophies they embrace?

I dunno.

GOOD!! A human life is a human life deal with it!!
These democratic nut jobs have un done the very fabric of our nations laws and balance these scum have severed our laws as well as our legal rights so severely we won’t ever get it back and we really won’t have them come May 22 the day nobody is paying attention to and thinks it’s joke that our nation is behing given to the UN for them to control our laws and rights…….. YOU THINK IT’S FUNNY NOW BUT YOU WON’T SHORTLY.
Have you never, fucking heard of 'punctuation'?

I swear - either you are a child and/or dumb as a post.
Actually if the Alito draft becomes the opinion of the court, then you have all sorts of other cases, and not just "Casey" that falls with "Roe"
You have gay marriage, interracial marriage, contraception, and a host of other rights from the 14th amendment that aren't specifically enumerated.
I think the court will vacate the surgical rulings for a while.....the things that already born and grown people do are far less consequential to the individual life than the decision to give birth or to abort. This was one issue that did not age well as a court ruling.

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