Louisiana Republican's advance bill that would charge abortion as homicide

A fetus is not a person, It's a very slippery slope to grant personhood to a non-viable entity. Since that creates a whole new can of worms.
Take for instance a pregnant woman, and conjoined twins, when only one of them is guilty.

fetus is a stage of development just like toddler and infant,,

every bit of science we currently have says life begins at conception,, only blood thirsty science denying baby killers say different
When do we get to charge men for carelessly impregnating them?

Wth do we think our greats told us stop puttin gout until your married, See what happened because nobody listened.
a new born isnt viable,, they still need help to survive,,
Viability isn't defined as independent, it's whether or not survival with normal care and feeding is achieveable.
Medical intervention can basically keep anything technically alive on a respirator/heart lung machine, and all the other interventions from IV feeding to dialisis.
But that doesn't define a viable human unless some day they can be discharged into society.
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Viability isn't defined as independent, it's whether or not survival with normal care and feeding is achieveable.
Medical intervention can basically keep anything technically alive on a respirator/heart lung machine, and all the other interventions from IV feeding to dialisis.
But that doesn't define a viable human unless somebody they can be discharged into society.
opinions vary,, and since your goal is to keep allowing the murder of innocent children your opinion doesnt mean shit,,
thats another deflection from the real discussion,,

howabout we deal with abortion on demand first and then discuss that??
No deflectgion. If life begins at conception, then what happens to the invitro fertilized zygotes. Normally only one is chosen to survive, with the others on deck in case that one strikes out.
But bottom line is if the first succeeds, all the rest are never given the opportunity to go beyond a small clump of cells.
Of course you could force the woman to have half a dozen zygotes implanted, but that would be fatal to at least half of them.
No deflectgion. If life begins at conception, then what happens to the invitro fertilized zygotes. Normally only one is chosen to survive, with the others on deck in case that one strikes out.
But bottom line is if the first succeeds, all the rest are never given the opportunity to go beyond a small clump of cells.
Of course you could force the woman to have half a dozen zygotes implanted, but that would be fatal to at least half of them.
youre one sick mother fucker,,,
The problem is your article doesn't quote Warren as saying there should be no limits on abortion. That's just spin on what she actually said, which was:

“In a pregnancy, I don’t believe that it is the state that should intervene with its heavy hand and make the decision.”
The problem is your article doesn't quote Warren as saying there should be no limits on abortion. That's just spin on what she actually said, which was:

“In a pregnancy, I don’t believe that it is the state that should intervene with its heavy hand and make the decision.”
so you dont think the state should stop people from killing another person??

remember an abortion can only happen after the choice to get prego has been made,,

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