Louisiana With a BOMBSHELL New Law: Making ALL Abortion Homocide and Allowing MURDER CHARGES for Miscarriage or Abortion

Official Bill that would make any Fetal Death past the moment of fertilization (conception) a Homocide: https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB813/id/2549012/Louisiana-2022-HB813-Introduced.pdf

A. In this Code the terms enumerated shall have the designated meanings:
8 * * *
9 (7) "Person" includes a human being from the moment of fertilization and
10 implantation and also includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not.
11 * * *
12 (11) "Unborn child" means any an individual of the human species being
13 from fertilization and implantation until birth.

Welcome to a 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS ladies and gentlemen. Buckle up, because they are not just going after some women - they are going after all women. Thoughts?

This is insane.
I just want to see women start getting put to death for murdering their babies.....just like we would want if anyone else murdered a baby...why should these whores be treated differently?

And anyone who works at these abortion clinics should be shot on sight -- and it should be justified...because it was done to protect a child.....why aren't more people demanding this??

Why are people so reluctant to treat this like murder
I just want to see women start getting put to death for murdering their babies.....just like we would want if anyone else murdered a baby...why should these whores be treated differently?

And anyone who works at these abortion clinics should be shot on sight -- and it should be justified...because it was done to protect a child.....why aren't more people demanding this??

Why are people so reluctant to treat this like murder
because it's not murder
It's murder bro....abortion is murder......forced miscarriages are also murder......

And if anyone doesn't demand these sluts be put to death, they are not following God's law...

Besides, if you aren't rich enough to have an abortion in a more upscale and discreet way, you deserve to go to prison....
We are not a theocracy.

If you want to live in a theocracy I suggest you move to Iran
Guys, the bill is in the opening post. Read it or don't, I don't care, but don't call me a liar for saying what the Bill says.

Anything that kills the Fetus after fertilization can be charged as Homocide. Period - read the bill.

I read it, please copy and paste the section in the bill that says a natural death will be treated as a homicide. You chose the word 'kills', by my definition that does not cover natural causes, 'kill' is an intent to end a life, so if that's what you mean by 'kills' then you are correct. But you are implying a natural death would be treated as a homicide, which is obviously not true.
I read it, please copy and paste the section in the bill that says a natural death will be treated as a homicide. You chose the word 'kills', by my definition that does not cover natural causes, 'kill' is an intent to end a life, so if that's what you mean by 'kills' then you are correct. But you are implying a natural death would be treated as a homicide, which is obviously not true.
You can murder someone without intent all the time....

Negligent homicide is also a thing......

These whores are negligent; which makes them criminally culpable in a miscarriage....

Good clean Christian women don't have miscarriages
You can murder someone without intent all the time....

Negligent homicide is also a thing......

These whores are negligent; which makes them criminally culpable in a miscarriage....

Good clean Christian women don't have miscarriages

Where in the bill is the verbiage? None of you idiots have posted it yet, wonder why..

And all the op can do is laugh at my comment, she doesn't have the capability to discuss, only throw mud like a child.
Show us the verbiage op, where is it?
This line from the bill automatically lets me know this bill is performative trash done for the appeasement of Evangelicals...

"Acknowledging the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image
of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death"

As for this bill being used to criminalize miscarriages....I am sure that is left up to legal interpretation and how a small town DA may choose to interpret it......

Which is what happened to this woman......and the charges were only dropped when there was a public outcry.....

"A Texas district attorney said he will not prosecute a 26-year-old woman arrested in the state for an alleged “self-induced abortion.” Lizette Herrera. Herrera was arrested last week, and her bond was set at $500,000. “In reviewing applicable Texas law, it is clear that Ms. Herrera cannot and should not be prosecuted for the allegation against her,” Ramirez said."

Basically, even tho there was no law on the books making this a criminal offense...it didn't stop law enforcement from arresting this woman, a district attorney from backing that arrest and seeking an indictment - and a judge from ordering a $500,000 bond..so if people are credulous about what a Republican says, they have a good damn reason...
This line from the bill automatically lets me know this bill is performative trash done for the appeasement of Evangelicals...

"Acknowledging the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image
of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death"

As for this bill being used to criminalize miscarriages....I am sure that is left up to legal interpretation and how a small town DA may choose to interpret it......

Which is what happened to this woman......and the charges were only dropped when there was a public outcry.....

"A Texas district attorney said he will not prosecute a 26-year-old woman arrested in the state for an alleged “self-induced abortion.” Lizette Herrera. Herrera was arrested last week, and her bond was set at $500,000. “In reviewing applicable Texas law, it is clear that Ms. Herrera cannot and should not be prosecuted for the allegation against her,” Ramirez said."

Basically, even tho there was no law on the books making this a criminal offense...it didn't stop law enforcement from arresting this woman, a district attorney from backing that arrest and seeking an indictment - and a judge from ordering a $500,000 bond..so if people are credulous about what a Republican says, they have a good damn reason...

That's just pure bullshit, there's nothing in the bill that says what the left is trying to imply, you can't even point to it. Not surprised at all. The op can't even defend her own opening post, pretty pathetic.
It's murder bro
Killing this is not murder and you will never convince non-fanatics that it is.


Official Bill that would make any Fetal Death past the moment of fertilization (conception) a Homocide: https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB813/id/2549012/Louisiana-2022-HB813-Introduced.pdf

A. In this Code the terms enumerated shall have the designated meanings:
8 * * *
9 (7) "Person" includes a human being from the moment of fertilization and
10 implantation and also includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not.
11 * * *
12 (11) "Unborn child" means any an individual of the human species being
13 from fertilization and implantation until birth.

Welcome to a 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS ladies and gentlemen. Buckle up, because they are not just going after some women - they are going after all women. Thoughts?

My thoughts are that you're a liar.

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