Louisiana With a BOMBSHELL New Law: Making ALL Abortion Homocide and Allowing MURDER CHARGES for Miscarriage or Abortion

Official Bill that would make any Fetal Death past the moment of fertilization (conception) a Homocide: https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB813/id/2549012/Louisiana-2022-HB813-Introduced.pdf

A. In this Code the terms enumerated shall have the designated meanings:
8 * * *
9 (7) "Person" includes a human being from the moment of fertilization and
10 implantation and also includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not.
11 * * *
12 (11) "Unborn child" means any an individual of the human species being
13 from fertilization and implantation until birth.

Welcome to a 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS ladies and gentlemen. Buckle up, because they are not just going after some women - they are going after all women. Thoughts?

This is what happens when Democrats stop putting black people in prison but the private prison lobby has a big credit card. Now we can lock up all the women because gay sex is a sin!
Yeah, this is gonna be interesting as hell.

The Holy Warriors are going to push this all the way, and beyond.
It's a lot like the gun issue. One extreme will not leave well enough alone, so we get extreme pushback from the other extreme.

So, I will take on the extreme and have some fun.

  • Abortion should be legal until the child reaches 2 years old.
  • Belt-Fed Machine Guns should be legal for released violent felons to carry in any government building in America.


Fuck middle ground and leaving well enough alone. Let's get fucking crazy!!!!
First of all, it is a bill that just came out of committee. Not a law yet.
Second, did anybody else bother to read it? It the "Abolition of Abortion in 9 Louisiana Act of 2022". It says nothing about murder charges for a miscarriage, it only bans infanticide.
Lot's of states will be doing the same thing soon & the left will explode because they want more babies murdered
Take birth control. Use a condom.

And none of that is guaranteed. My first wife was taking The Pill as medication for a medical issue. She kept taking the birth control pills for 3 to 4 weeks of her pregnancy, because we did not know she was pregnant. She was on The Pill, how could she be?

We were using the sponge as birth control after the birth of our 2nd child. Our 3rd child was a big surprise. She was born 1 year and 13 days after her brother.
First of all, it is a bill that just came out of committee. Not a law yet.
Second, did anybody else bother to read it? It the "Abolition of Abortion in 9 Louisiana Act of 2022". It says nothing about murder charges for a miscarriage, it only bans infanticide.
Lot's of states will be doing the same thing soon & the left will explode because they want more babies murdered

Yeah, but the left lies incessantly.
Actually it's not murder, there right there choice.
Do women have a "right" to kill anyone they like? Or only their children? I mean, the left hates men, are women empowered to kill any many they like? Husband, boyfriend, guy who looks at their tits?

The "right" to kill is pretty much the only "right" you Nazis support.
And none of that is guaranteed. My first wife was taking The Pill as medication for a medical issue. She kept taking the birth control pills for 3 to 4 weeks of her pregnancy, because we did not know she was pregnant. She was on The Pill, how could she be?

We were using the sponge as birth control after the birth of our 2nd child. Our 3rd child was a big surprise. She was born 1 year and 13 days after her brother.
How come all methods of birth control don't fail every time they are used?
Guys, the bill is in the opening post. Read it or don't, I don't care, but don't call me a liar for saying what the Bill says.

Anything that kills the Fetus after fertilization can be charged as Homocide. Period - read the bill.

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