Louisiana With a BOMBSHELL New Law: Making ALL Abortion Homocide and Allowing MURDER CHARGES for Miscarriage or Abortion

No, that's not it. You people are stupid.
a year ago if I said that you dic suckers would be actually attacking the right of a child to obtain a free public education -- you would lie like a bitch and say that's not true...

But the minute that a dumb ass Republican does just that -- yo dic sucking ass will be the main ones cheerleading it.......

I look forward to you morons who claimed the 14th amendment is settled law now defending it being repealed....

Official Bill that would make any Fetal Death past the moment of fertilization (conception) a Homocide: https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB813/id/2549012/Louisiana-2022-HB813-Introduced.pdf

A. In this Code the terms enumerated shall have the designated meanings:
8 * * *
9 (7) "Person" includes a human being from the moment of fertilization and
10 implantation and also includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not.
11 * * *
12 (11) "Unborn child" means any an individual of the human species being
13 from fertilization and implantation until birth.

Welcome to a 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS ladies and gentlemen. Buckle up, because they are not just going after some women - they are going after all women. Thoughts?

it does not make miscarriage a crime. stop lying.
You are the one posting bullshit. This bill CLEARLY sets a standard of legal personhood to be the moment of fertilization.

From the bill:

Section 2. Acknowledging the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death.

(1) Fully recognize the human personhood of an unborn child at all stages of development prior to birth from the moment of fertilization.
(2) Ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization by protecting them by the same laws protecting other human beings.

Clearly such standard extends to criminal liability for termination called....MURDER.

Just as clearly this bill will be thrown out as unconstitutional as soon as the state decides to charge someone based on the standard it lays out.

Yes. do you see the 'natural death' part, miscarriage is a natural death, it would not be prosecuted as murder, your side is trying to imply it would be, which is a lie.
You can murder someone without intent all the time....

Negligent homicide is also a thing......

These whores are negligent; which makes them criminally culpable in a miscarriage....

Good clean Christian women don't have miscarriages

That is the fucking dumbest statement I have read on these boards in a long time!!! And damn that is saying something.
That is the fucking dumbest statement I have read on these boards in a long time!!! And damn that is saying something.

What’s even dumber is you not realizing he’s trolling, he’s actually on your side. Which just goes to show that dishonesty and stupidity are two things we can expect from you ghouls on this issue. Pathetic.
An unfertilized ovum is not a new human life.
What's next, claiming that men who masturbate are killing millions of children each time?
You fools try the same scientifically debunked talking points ad nauseam.
Try smarter next time.
once the sperm and egg unite, a person is created. you can deny that reality til hell freezes over but it will still be true.
An unfertilized ovum is not a new human life.
What's next, claiming that men who masturbate are killing millions of children each time?
You fools try the same scientifically debunked talking points ad nauseam.
Try smarter next time.
no one has ever said that an unfertilized egg is a person.
once the sperm and egg unite, a person is created. you can deny that reality til hell freezes over but it will still be true.
These LWNJ drones have been programmed to respond with the "it's not a person" semantic bullshit.
once the sperm and egg unite, a person is created. you can deny that reality til hell freezes over but it will still be true.
Behold the brainless persons.

28% think the state should dictate health issues for pregnant women, not the woman and her doctor. This belief is commonly held in the Republican South, where harsh restriction laws have already been passed.
Everything about this is wrong.

"In Samuel Alito’s draft of the opinion that is likely to overturn Roe v. Wade, the conservative justice makes a familiar argument about the ruling that he seeks to overturn: that Roe was a poorly reasoned decision that isn’t based on anything in the U.S. Constitution," Slate.

Justice Alito argued, "The Constitution makes no mention of abortion, the Court held that it confers a broad right to obtain one." That argument is spurious, and, quite honestly, it is a foolish statement to make.

Our Constitution stresses basic American freedoms, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms, freedom to assemble, and so on.

The freedom to make decisions regarding one's own health is a given. Much like the freedom to breathe air, the Framers never considered the freedom of health.

However, in the case of pregnancies, Republicans think the state should make health decisions for women. It is why three judges appointed by Trump favor the expiration of Roe.

The Catholic Church opposes abortion. Evangelicals, a dominant religion in the southern states, opposes abortion.

The idea that a human being is created at the point of conception is a religious belief. Republicans think they can impose religious beliefs upon others.

States like Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma that passed highly restrictive laws regarding abortion are defying reality and marginalizing their own religious beliefs. According to these states it is okay to kill a human being in the womb if it is within the parameters set by the state, be it six weeks, fifteen weeks, or whatever.

If the Republicans via their court appointed judges deny women the ability to make their own health decisions, what cherished freedoms will be next?

The freedom of free elections, for example. If Republican state officials do not like the result of an election, will the state change the result? We then head down the road of tyranny, and, thanks to Russian sponsored President Trump (2016 election), Vladimir Putin would be enormously pleased.

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