Louisiana woman forced to deliver headless baby.

LibProgDems have had it all their own way for so long now that an entire generation has grown up without knowledge of the alternatives. Ironic. Funny.

I always just stare at the stupid every time Democrats wail about abortion since they are totalitarian leftists and choice isn't in their vocabulary
The repeal of Roe v Wade, and the evil heartless laws that have gone into effect since then are pure. religious nut, right wing garbage.
Amazing how you don’t consider killing helpless, innocent human beings to be evil and heartless, but by amazing I mean bog standard for you vile pro-aborts.
LibProgDems have had it all their own way for so long now that an entire generation has grown up without knowledge of the alternatives. Ironic. Funny.
You make such wonderful victims
Only to those that already support the issue..

The mere fact that abortion is today supported as a form of contraception shows that the emotional anecdotes are anything but the norm in the abortive process...So, no, those argument don't work, except on the true believers.
No. They are persuasive. That is a psychological fact. Go read a study or two. You want to convince someone you use a tragic story or some other such allegory. Facts rarely do so. Indeed, the MORE people you talk about the LESS people care about it.

One simple study looked at the average donation that someone would send after hearing about a destitute child. When telling the story about the child AND their sibling, the average donation went DOWN.
An aggregate of studies over many different angles of this effect are present here:

Again, it is a HARD FACT that allegorical stories, particularly those involving the hardship of just one individual are very convincing. FACT, not some arbitrary assertion that it is just supporters that latch onto these instances.
The greater good for the greater number... deliver one non-sustainable... but also deliver ten thousand sustain-ables...close enough.
This is the stance of someone that truly want anti-abortion laws overturned and the right to an abortion re-established.

The reality is that these stories will beat at the anti-abortion stance until it falls. If you want those laws to stand these types of holes MUST be removed.
This is the stance of someone that truly want anti-abortion laws overturned and the right to an abortion re-established.

The reality is that these stories will beat at the anti-abortion stance until it falls. If you want those laws to stand these types of holes MUST be removed.
So you are thinking that it's an All-Or-Nothing situation? If true, that does not bode well for appropriate accommodation when it is truly needed.

I hope you end-up being wrong about that.
So you are thinking that it's an All-Or-Nothing situation? If true, that does not bode well for appropriate accommodation when it is truly needed.

I hope you end-up being wrong about that.
No, I do not think it is all or nothing.

I think that unless the right takes an active and forceful stance on fixing these laws fairly soon it will be a nothing solution - no bans on abortion. The fastest way to get to the liberal dream of abortion on demand at any time is to keep laws that do not take these special instances into account as it will drive public opinion. I could very well be wrong about that, guns rights have been able to face down quite a lot of bad press instances, but with abortion opinion where it is, the strong response from the left over it and a new story like this coming up constantly it will give the politicians the cover and momentum they need to codify it into law. And just like these laws, it will be something that is not nuanced but something like abortion is a right protected until the umbilical cord is cut.
This is the stance of someone that truly want anti-abortion laws overturned and the right to an abortion re-established.

The reality is that these stories will beat at the anti-abortion stance until it falls. If you want those laws to stand these types of holes MUST be removed.
But they can’t be because that’s what this “movement “ is about

Forced birth
No. They are persuasive. That is a psychological fact. Go read a study or two. You want to convince someone you use a tragic story or some other such allegory. Facts rarely do so. Indeed, the MORE people you talk about the LESS people care about it.

One simple study looked at the average donation that someone would send after hearing about a destitute child. When telling the story about the child AND their sibling, the average donation went DOWN.
An aggregate of studies over many different angles of this effect are present here:

Again, it is a HARD FACT that allegorical stories, particularly those involving the hardship of just one individual are very convincing. FACT, not some arbitrary assertion that it is just supporters that latch onto these instances.
Not with me they don't...Fact.
No. They are persuasive. That is a psychological fact. Go read a study or two. You want to convince someone you use a tragic story or some other such allegory. Facts rarely do so. Indeed, the MORE people you talk about the LESS people care about it.

One simple study looked at the average donation that someone would send after hearing about a destitute child. When telling the story about the child AND their sibling, the average donation went DOWN.
An aggregate of studies over many different angles of this effect are present here:

Again, it is a HARD FACT that allegorical stories, particularly those involving the hardship of just one individual are very convincing. FACT, not some arbitrary assertion that it is just supporters that latch onto these instances.
With one destitute child, it seems like the donor has a real chance of solving that one child's problem. With multiple children, it's a much larger systemic problem, and it seems one person's donation will have little or no effect.
With one destitute child, it seems like the donor has a real chance of solving that one child's problem. With multiple children, it's a much larger systemic problem, and it seems one person's donation will have little or no effect.
Read the papers.

This is not the case.

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