Louisiana woman forced to deliver headless baby.

I'm not a doctor.

That's another topic.
Let me help you out

Anencephaly is a fatal condition. Infants with anencephaly are stillborn in about 75 percent of cases. Newborns who survive die within several hours, days, or weeks.[5] This disease is rare, occurring in 1 in 20,000 live births.[6] In order to better manage an acrania diagnosis, early detection is of extreme importance.[2]
Well let me help you out.

That baby is not going to live...not even an hour.

And that mother is not only forced to birth it but watch it die

You're a fucking troll and a ghoul
Far better she should watch the baby ripped out of her bit by bit. An arm here, a leg there. Pretty soon there's enough for the abortionist to sell to a chop shop.
Far better she should watch the baby ripped out of her bit by bit. An arm here, a leg there. Pretty soon there's enough for the abortionist to sell to a chop shop.
ā€˜Nancy Davis says that when she learned this month that the fetus she was carrying had a rare and fatal condition, she was devastated and felt that she needed to have an abortion in her home state of Louisiana.

Yet what ensued in the days after she made that wrenching decision shows how the U.S. Supreme Courtā€™s ruling overturning the constitutional right to abortion has sown confusion and turmoil among doctors, families and officials across the country over when women can be granted exemptions to new state abortion bans.

Ms. Davis says that her doctor initially told her to prepare for the possibility of a stillbirth, or for the baby to survive only a short time after birth. After she learned that the abortion clinic in Baton Rouge had shut down, she returned to her hospital only to find out, she said, that she could not get the procedure there because doctors worried it might violate Louisianaā€™s abortion bans.

Ms. Davis said the hospital diagnosed her fetus with acrania, a fatal condition in which the fetus does not form a skull. ā€œIā€™m carrying this baby just to bury it,ā€ Ms. Davis said.ā€™

Conservatism is madness ā€“ absolute insanity; the advent of a rightwing Dark Age.
ā€˜Nancy Davis says that when she learned this month that the fetus she was carrying had a rare and fatal condition, she was devastated and felt that she needed to have an abortion in her home state of Louisiana.

Yet what ensued in the days after she made that wrenching decision shows how the U.S. Supreme Courtā€™s ruling overturning the constitutional right to abortion has sown confusion and turmoil among doctors, families and officials across the country over when women can be granted exemptions to new state abortion bans.

Ms. Davis says that her doctor initially told her to prepare for the possibility of a stillbirth, or for the baby to survive only a short time after birth. After she learned that the abortion clinic in Baton Rouge had shut down, she returned to her hospital only to find out, she said, that she could not get the procedure there because doctors worried it might violate Louisianaā€™s abortion bans.

Ms. Davis said the hospital diagnosed her fetus with acrania, a fatal condition in which the fetus does not form a skull. ā€œIā€™m carrying this baby just to bury it,ā€ Ms. Davis said.ā€™

Conservatism is madness ā€“ absolute insanity; the advent of a rightwing Dark Age.
So.... no one went to court for her.
This is how evil democrats are. They will do anything to prove their point including shitting in their own dinner.

Dare I say. If she's a Democrat she deserves everything she gets. It will prove her point.
Stop it with the headless baby!

The baby has a head but part of the skull is missing, the condition is called acrania.

You say headless like the baby doesn't have a head and the body stops at the neck and that's not the case.

Don't mislead please. :mad-61:
That's what the article said.
Yeah that's it, find the rarest case and blow it up to ridiculous proportions to make a political statement.
All my extra cash is going to stock in a coat hanger factory.
did you invest in abortion mills as well?..perhaps you should buy some land behind and between some buildings also, ya know, corner the market now that your "medical procedure" funds have been interrupted by those nasty christians who don't care about your finances.
Yes you are. Itā€™s the entire point of this thread. Itā€™s why the OP posted it. You retarded fuck.

The extremes are your entire argument. Rape, incest, baby with no head, blah blah blah. Your side is all about murder for convenience. Itā€™s why you cry over a fifteen week limit, itā€™s why you complain about heart beat laws, itā€™s why you donā€™t want sonograms before an abortion. You never want to discuss the 99% of abortions that are done for no other reason than a kid may cramp your life style. Every state has laws that protect against these extreme examples. You just want murder without responsibility.

You people are fucking ghouls.

Actually what it demonstrates is how indiscriminate this law is and how it can affect just about anyone, even those who may even have a pro life stance and it's wasting zero time doing so. Great job Louisiana republicans! Seeya at the polls.

What is extreme is making citizens of your state have to buy a plane ticket to travel out of your state and go to some other part of the country in order to get needed medical treatment that is time sensitive.

Mike, you are perfectly welcome to adopt and take care of all unwanted babies. Adopt 20 if you like, if you can pay for it. Every pro lifer should adopt a ton of kids to take care of. Every day someone in this country gets pregnant even with birth control, sometimes even when they're infertile. It happens. Not everyone who has sex has the finances to take care of a baby. What you never want to discuss is what happens when these kids have to go on welfare later, or end up in foster homes because their mother or father can't take care of them, or they simply become unwanted by the parents who never wanted them in the first place. If you actually sat down and had an honest thought on this issue you wouldn't continually resort to your immature and lame theories on why ppl want abortions.

"headless baby."​

Don't know if that can ever be topped as a symbol of the current left in the US.
True, "Partially Headless" just wouldn't trigger our pack of Self-Righteous Blowhards here like simply saying "Headless" has.
They shouldn't be persuasive. However, they are persuasive.

That is just reality.
Only to those that already support the issue..

The mere fact that abortion is today supported as a form of contraception shows that the emotional anecdotes are anything but the norm in the abortive process...So, no, those argument don't work, except on the true believers.
Louisiana laws forced a woman to deliver a headless fetus because the pregnancy was more than 16 weeks old. Chances of survivable were zero, but Louisiana law didn't seem to care. This is the result of so called Christian control of the right wing.
What kind of National Enquirer three-headed-dog-boy happy hor$e$hit is this?

Any truth to it?

If true... for every freak-a-zoid delivered, how many thousands of perfectly healthy innocent babies are going to be saved by such bans?

In life, you play the percentages... the greatest good for the greatest number... and it stands to reason that more good than bad will come of this.

Christian morality has its drawbacks but it it the common heritage of The West and the teacher of right-and-wrong down through the generations.

It is natural for the United States to manifest a decidedly Christian flavor to its collective morality and social norms given its largely Western roots.

This does not mean that Americans should abandon Separate of Church and State - but merely recognize the collective norms and morality extant.

As a matter of personal opinion, I believe that it is extremely impolitic and stupid-beyond-belief, for LibProgDems to bash Christianity like this.

In any event, and refocusing on-topic...

I half-suspect that some of these recent Ban-All-Abortion States will soften their stance over time to allow a fairly restricted but sensible compromise.

However, in this context, allowing of abortions is a matter for the People of the sovereign State of Louisiana to decide, not the Federal government.

Or so it seems at first glance, to this observer.

This rush to full-blown bans is as much the fault of the arrogant irreligious Left as it is the religious Right.

Fifty years of hammering by the Left in its Culture Wars and the horrors of Late-Term and Partial-Birth Abortions and the reported selling and buying of aborted fetal tissue and Leftist complacency have all contributed to not just revulsion for the medical procedure and killing but a revulsion for the kind of person supporting it.

As much as I am contemptuous of the worst of the Right who start foaming at the mouth over this stuff I understand the moral basis for their outrage.

Don't like the law? Elect legislators and high officials who will change it, if you can convince enough people to agree with you, and vote your way.
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Actually what it demonstrates is how indiscriminate this law is and how it can affect just about anyone, even those who may even have a pro life stance and it's wasting zero time doing so. Great job Louisiana republicans! Seeya at the polls.

What is extreme is making citizens of your state have to buy a plane ticket to travel out of your state and go to some other part of the country in order to get needed medical treatment that is time sensitive.

Mike, you are perfectly welcome to adopt and take care of all unwanted babies. Adopt 20 if you like, if you can pay for it. Every pro lifer should adopt a ton of kids to take care of. Every day someone in this country gets pregnant even with birth control, sometimes even when they're infertile. It happens. Not everyone who has sex has the finances to take care of a baby. What you never want to discuss is what happens when these kids have to go on welfare later, or end up in foster homes because their mother or father can't take care of them, or they simply become unwanted by the parents who never wanted them in the first place. If you actually sat down and had an honest thought on this issue you wouldn't continually resort to your immature and lame theories on why ppl want abortions.
Any other mistakes youā€™ve made and would like for me to fix for you? Maybe a welfare check or pay off that student loan for your degree in gender studies? Of course you want that too.

Youā€™re a worthless fucking person. You have no value to society or the species. Youā€™re a parasite. So how about this, after the child is born I will adopt and raise it, but youā€™re the one going in the grave. Youā€™ve already proven you are a waste maybe I can save the child from that same fate. If you insist on killing someone I think it should be the one who caused the problem, you.
What kind of National Enquirer three-headed-dog-boy happy hor$e$hit is this?

Any truth to it?

If true... for every freak-a-zoid delivered, how many thousands of perfectly healthy innocent babies are going to be saved by such bans?

In life, you play the percentages... the greatest good for the greatest number... and it stands to reason that more good than bad will come of this.

Christian morality has its drawbacks but it it the common heritage of The West and the teacher of right-and-wrong down through the generations.

It is natural for the United States to manifest a decidedly Christian flavor to its collective morality and social norms given its largely Western roots.

This does not mean that Americans should abandon Separate of Church and State - but merely recognize the collective norms and morality extant.

As a matter of personal opinion, I believe that it is extremely impolitic and stupid-beyond-belief, for LibProgDems to bash Christianity like this.

In any event, and refocusing on-topic...

I half-suspect that some of these recent Ban-All-Abortion States will soften their stance over time to allow a fairly restricted but sensible compromise.

However, in this context, allowing of abortions is a matter for the People of the sovereign State of Louisiana to decide, not the Federal government.

Or so it seems at first glance, to this observer.

This rush to full-blown bans is as much the fault of the arrogant irreligious Left as it is the religious Right.

Fifty years of hammering by the Left in its Culture Wars and the horrors of Late-Term and Partial-Birth Abortions and the reported selling and buying of aborted fetal tissue and Leftist complacency have all contributed to not just revulsion for the medical procedure and killing but a revulsion for the kind of person supporting it.

As much as I am contemptuous of the worst of the Right who start foaming at the mouth over this stuff I understand the moral basis for their outrage.

Don't like the law? Elect legislators and high officials who will change it, if you can convince enough people to agree with you, and vote your way.
Since Christianity professes above all else to be moral, it seems odd that they could possibly think the unneeded grief caused by this tragic situation is morally required. What if some states decide they want to reinstitute slavery, or decided sex with children was not a problem? Would you have the same opinion of the states being able to decide that?
Louisiana laws forced a woman to deliver a headless fetus because the pregnancy was more than 16 weeks old. Chances of survivable were zero, but Louisiana law didn't seem to care. This is the result of so called Christian control of the right wing.

Now you know how we feel on every issue besides abortion. Like the guy who punched the man from behind and put him in a coma and then was back on the street the next day. Sucks, doesn't it, letting government make those decisions over your life?
Since Christianity professes above all else to be moral, it seems odd that they could possibly think the unneeded grief caused by this tragic situation is morally required.
The greater good for the greater number... deliver one non-sustainable... but also deliver ten thousand sustain-ables...close enough.
What if some states decide they want to reinstitute slavery,
The 13th Amendment controls...
or decided sex with children was not a problem?
Isn't that a logical progression of LibProgDem "woke-ism"? Vast legions of voters believe that to be true.

See https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-child-sexual-abuse for Federal law already on the books prohibiting same.

Would you have the same opinion of the states being able to decide that?
See above.
Now you know how we feel on every issue besides abortion. Like the guy who punched the man from behind and put him in a coma and then was back on the street the next day. Sucks, doesn't it, letting government make those decisions over your life?
LibProgDems have had it all their own way for so long now that an entire generation has grown up without knowledge of the alternatives. Ironic. Funny.
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