Love in Jackboots


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Love in Jackboots
To defeat today’s coerced togetherness, tolerance isn’t nice, it’s necessary.

Love in Jackboots - The American Mind
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Auguste Meyrat
Following the Second World War, critic and novelist E. M. Forster wrote a short essay called “Tolerance,” encouraging modern society to embrace the “dull” virtue of tolerance in order to cope with the reality of living in a crowded world of real, fundamental difference, Forster modestly defined tolerance as “merely putting up with people, being able to stand things,” admitting that while mere forbearance might not inspire or excite anyone as a heroic civic virtue, the experience of two major wars demonstrated that civilization might benefit by curbing any global ambitions.
At best, people publicly compete to pretend they love strangers living ways of life incompatible with their own, the better to appear virtuous or at least to avoid punishment. At worst, policies that command love between strangers and across incompatible lifeways degenerate quickly into violence and persecution. Pride parades and calendars of ritual appreciation are undergirded by campaigns to eliminate political dissent, ranging from physical assault and property destruction to cancelling and doxxing.
The new project shows the extent of the ruin that awaits down this path. As its proponents claim, even those who denounce hate and personally reject it are guilty of it. People who choose to “live and let live” and harbor no ill-will toward any race are core to the problem. According to Ibram X. Kendi, the apostle of anti-racism, individual attitudes and actions do nothing to ameliorate the racist structure of society. Only by promoting an “outcome-centered” equity agenda, he contends, can we get beyond “irrelevant” personal intentions. The “privilege” of the tolerant can never be checked (or tolerated), only confessed, punished, and purged. Under such absolutism, civic life itself, like those who dare to live it, becomes the enemy. To justify love’s bizarre transformation into a tool of compliance and coercion, our new absolutists depict their actions as necessities of public health.

Learning from the past appears not be of any value to the insane Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left.

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” —
H.L. Menchen​
In other words, hate, hate your neighbors that are different and expel those that refuse to commit themselves to self subjugation.
Love in Jackboots
To defeat today’s coerced togetherness, tolerance isn’t nice, it’s necessary.

Love in Jackboots - The American Mind
11 Feb 2021 ~~ By Auguste Meyrat
Following the Second World War, critic and novelist E. M. Forster wrote a short essay called “Tolerance,” encouraging modern society to embrace the “dull” virtue of tolerance in order to cope with the reality of living in a crowded world of real, fundamental difference, Forster modestly defined tolerance as “merely putting up with people, being able to stand things,” admitting that while mere forbearance might not inspire or excite anyone as a heroic civic virtue, the experience of two major wars demonstrated that civilization might benefit by curbing any global ambitions.
At best, people publicly compete to pretend they love strangers living ways of life incompatible with their own, the better to appear virtuous or at least to avoid punishment. At worst, policies that command love between strangers and across incompatible lifeways degenerate quickly into violence and persecution. Pride parades and calendars of ritual appreciation are undergirded by campaigns to eliminate political dissent, ranging from physical assault and property destruction to cancelling and doxxing.
The new project shows the extent of the ruin that awaits down this path. As its proponents claim, even those who denounce hate and personally reject it are guilty of it. People who choose to “live and let live” and harbor no ill-will toward any race are core to the problem. According to Ibram X. Kendi, the apostle of anti-racism, individual attitudes and actions do nothing to ameliorate the racist structure of society. Only by promoting an “outcome-centered” equity agenda, he contends, can we get beyond “irrelevant” personal intentions. The “privilege” of the tolerant can never be checked (or tolerated), only confessed, punished, and purged. Under such absolutism, civic life itself, like those who dare to live it, becomes the enemy. To justify love’s bizarre transformation into a tool of compliance and coercion, our new absolutists depict their actions as necessities of public health.

Learning from the past appears not be of any value to the insane Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left.

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” —
H.L. Menchen​

The Radical Global Left is not so much about tolerance for the sake of civilizational improvement and the advancement of the human race as it is about using the most basic definition of tolerance to consolidate power. For the Radical Global Left consolidation of power requires both complete domination of every individual human being on the planet, and radically changing human nature into an abomination which no longer resembles humanity in any form.
In other words, hate, hate your neighbors that are different and expel those that refuse to commit themselves to self subjugation.

Isn't that what the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats have been demonstrating for the last thirteen years?
Then there's the 251 plus "Peaceful but Fiery Riots" conducted by Antifa/BLM funded by PM/DSA Democrats that still continue and ignored by the complicit quisling media.
As its proponents claim, even those who denounce hate and personally reject it are guilty of it. People who choose to “live and let live” and harbor no ill-will toward any race are core to the problem. According to Ibram X. Kendi, the apostle of anti-racism, individual attitudes and actions do nothing to ameliorate the racist structure of society. Only by promoting an “outcome-centered” equity agenda, he contends, can we get beyond “irrelevant” personal intentions. The “privilege” of the tolerant can never be checked (or tolerated), only confessed, punished, and purged. Under such absolutism, civic life itself, like those who dare to live it, becomes the enemy.

Note the bold: Yes, usually

The second bold: That's what happens when one is indoctrinated- created equal is the truth- everything else is an evolution of knowledge sometimes it gets away from its bearer.
As its proponents claim, even those who denounce hate and personally reject it are guilty of it. People who choose to “live and let live” and harbor no ill-will toward any race are core to the problem. According to Ibram X. Kendi, the apostle of anti-racism, individual attitudes and actions do nothing to ameliorate the racist structure of society. Only by promoting an “outcome-centered” equity agenda, he contends, can we get beyond “irrelevant” personal intentions. The “privilege” of the tolerant can never be checked (or tolerated), only confessed, punished, and purged. Under such absolutism, civic life itself, like those who dare to live it, becomes the enemy.

Note the bold: Yes, usually

The second bold: That's what happens when one is indoctrinated- created equal is the truth- everything else is an evolution of knowledge sometimes it gets away from its bearer.

Equity is not Equality

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