Love It: Ku Klux Klan's 1st Grand Wizard Commemorated In Billboard Erected At Foot Of Selma Bridge


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
It brings joy to see a great respected courageous man being commemorated in a beautiful billboard at the base of the Selma Bridge where a 'retrograde species of humanity' by the thousands will converge tomorrow. Former democrat senator and Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd would have been delighted seeing this.


KKK founder remembered in billboard at the foot of Selma bridge Daily Mail Online
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Wow. Thats just wrong haha. If I tell black folks to move on from the past...white rednecks have to do the same.
Nothing and I do mean NOTHING is more cowardly than the kkk.

That fact is proven here every day by certain chicken shit posters. ^^^^


On that...we agree. They're just as disgusting as ISIS or the Black Panthers.
The Klan was founded to protect white woman from freed negro slaves aka property of the white man,kick out yankee carpetbaggers and make sure the white man in the south returned control of his nation to him. :)
Those Klan members...such scamps.

I think we should have open season on them.

Shoot them in their tracks and let them lay there and rot.

The world would be much better off without this scum.

If we murdered everyone that professed a stupid ideology we would have very few people left.

They are a meaningless group looking to blame others for their own ills. It is isn't the black man or Joooos fault that you are poor white trash.
Those Klan members...such scamps.

I think we should have open season on them.

Shoot them in their tracks and let them lay there and rot.

The world would be much better off without this scum.

I have no use for them, and yes the world would be better off, but I won't advocate violence. The billboard does expose the disgusting hate they portray.
Nothing and I do mean NOTHING is more cowardly than the kkk.

That fact is proven here every day by certain chicken shit posters. ^^^^

:boohoo::boohoo::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: Perfect response to the cry baby.

I don't hide behind bed sheets or the internet.

You do.
Would you like to meet? Get some coffee? I am game...

Just not black coffee.
Stupid shit like that doesn't bother me. I prefer black coffee with sugar in it.
Those Klan members...such scamps.

I think we should have open season on them.

Shoot them in their tracks and let them lay there and rot.

The world would be much better off without this scum.

I dont advocate murder.

But...the klan is disgusting. Any race based group is.
Why? Why do you hate ANY racial group taking pride in their race and protecting it?
It brings joy to see a great respected courageous man being commemorated in a beautiful billboard at the base of the Selma Bridge where a 'retrograde species of humanity' by the thousands will converge tomorrow. Former democrat senator and Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd would have been delighted seeing this.


KKK founder remembered in billboard at the foot of Selma bridge Daily Mail Online

No doubt you do love it, McRacist. Hey, is that yet another bogus quote I see on the billboard?

FYI, since I obviously know more about this shit than you fans of the KKK, Forrest wasn't a "founder". The early Klanners asked him to be the figurehead, in 1867. He had been a noteworthy Civil War general, and the actual guys who did found the KKK at the end of 1865 were Confederate veteran soldiers. At the time they did it largely as a lark, which is why they used all the "K" alliteration. Forrest however grew disillusioned with the rampant paramilitary excesses of its wacko members and officially dissolved the Klan in 1869, barely two years into his own tenure, although the freelance yahoos continued to wage terror for another decade until Grant wiped them out. After distancing himself from the wackos he even denied ever being a part of it.

Interesting that Selma should observe his memory -- Forrest was from Tennessee, not Alabama, and his only connection with Selma was as CEO of a Selma railroad after the War, which under his direction went bankrupt.

You know, bankrupt? Like your threads?
Nothing and I do mean NOTHING is more cowardly than the kkk.

That fact is proven here every day by certain chicken shit posters. ^^^^

:boohoo::boohoo::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: Perfect response to the cry baby.

I don't hide behind bed sheets or the internet.

You do.
Would you like to meet? Get some coffee? I am game...

Serious answer ... I was just having a conversation with others in which we agreed that there are some on this board who we would not want or even allow in our homes.

You are one of those. A complete waste of skin, a coward using resources that could be used far better by the very people you are so afraid of.

I don't associate with slimy trashy crackers who can't take responsibility for their own lives and must blame others for their own failures.

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