Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Did Obama bilk millions from taxpayers while at his private golf course? No. Trump can afford to look generous but it doesn't all go to vets...
If he owns the property, not much. The SS would be with him anyway. So what costs millions and millions of dollars. The fuel to get there?
I hate whataboutisms.............BUT.................How many times did Obama fly all the way to the 50th state and live like a queen.................The Obamas were the biggest moochers of all time.
Did Obama bilk millions from taxpayers while at his private golf course? No. Trump can afford to look generous but it doesn't all go to vets...
Obama's never held a real job, punched a timecard, owned a company, started a company much less ever turned a profit in his entire life in order to even own his own golf course, much less prove he could run one profitably. Every dime the man has he sponged from you and I.
If he owns the property, not much. The SS would be with him anyway. So what costs millions and millions of dollars. The fuel to get there?
I hate whataboutisms.............BUT.................How many times did Obama fly all the way to the 50th state and live like a queen.................The Obamas were the biggest moochers of all time.
Why do you like what you hate?
The Democrats don't have to commit "voter fraud". They have the votes. The only way Republicans can stay in power is to supress the vote in poor and minority districts, and gerrymander their Congressional seats. Now that Democrats are reversing the gerrymandering, Republicans are becoming more and more desperate in trying to find ways to keep Democrats from voting.

Republicans have locked up every black and brown man they can possibly jail to deprive them of the vote for life, and now Democrats are getting these people their votes back. If Democrats are allowed to vote, Republicans cannot win.

Let's see the left played this childish game with his rally and you have the gumption to say voter fraud is a myth?

By the way gerrymandering was started by the Democrats
Obama's never held a real job, punched a timecard, owned a company, started a company much less ever turned a profit in his entire life in order to even own his own golf course, much less prove he could run one profitably. Every dime the man has he sponged from you and I.
So what, it is not a requirement to be president.
You always miss the point I don't need to support that I could care about what you old farts sit around bored and claim is super..Asking a question doesn't constitute a burn of any kind.
Why do you always miss the point of your own point? Are you ACTING or really dense as concrete? I'm still waiting for you to show where Trump has bilked millions from the taxpayer, yet you didn't mind the HUNDREDS of millions wasted by Nancy and her gang of pen-carrying hoods?
Why do you always miss the point of your own point? Are you ACTING or really dense as concrete? I'm still waiting for you to show where Trump has bilked millions from the taxpayer, yet you didn't mind the HUNDREDS of millions wasted by Nancy and her gang of pen-carrying hoods?
Do you always shit yer pants because der fuhrer is going down the tubes with this one?
Liberals making fun of 6000 people attending a rally that liberals tried to stop, but could not.

What whiny maggots they are.
Liberals are mocking Trump because he puts so much emphasis on crowd size. He had the biggest inauguration ever, I hear.

I think the fact that so few showed up is a good thing. It shows Republicans are taking COVID seriously. I only wish our President would do the same. He should have opened the rally by asking everyone to put on a mask. They left them off to please him.
The same pictures, gifs, and memes over and over. Like Trump at his rally last night, nothing new...just playing the greatest hits over and over.
Here's a hint for you...nobody's buying. :)
So I assume that you have a picture of a Biden rally where the senile old fart drew more than a handful of equally stupid supporters....

Please feel free to post it....
She openly gloats about her and her parties fear and she doesn't even realize it. What a great way to motivate Trump supporters. Similar to CNN knocking Trumps rally as a failure, meanwhile their horse is stuck in the stable whining about others expressing their liberty.

Notice, like so many, she can't say anything positive about Biden or talk about his great policies, it's "hey we cost Trump a hundred thousand supporters. Woohoo, we bad ass for democracy!"

AOC gloats that Trump’s Tulsa turnout was sabotaged by ‘teens on TikTok’

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to take pleasure Saturday night in reports that the turnout for President Trump’s Tulsa, Okla., rally was lower than expected.

In a Twitter post, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the Trump campaign had been scammed by teenage anti-Trump activists who allegedly reserved scores of tickets for the Tulsa event online – then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend.

“Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok,” the New York Democrat wrote in response to a Twitter message by Trump 2020 Campaign chief Brad Parscale, who argued that “Radical protestors” in Tulsa had prevented some of the president’s supporters from entering the BOK Center, where the rally was held.

"Brad Parscale, who argued that “Radical protestors” in Tulsa had prevented some of the president’s supporters from entering the BOK Center, where the rally was held."

I see


radical protestors prevented SOME of the supporters from entering.....


UNARMED radical protestors (before being unconstitutionally arrested for merely exercising their constitutional right to protest) prevented MILLIONS of trump supporters from entering the arena



what I saw was;

The Battle of Tulsa!

that started Civil War II

INVISIBLE UNARMED Radical Leftists prevented INVISIBLE HEAVILY ARMED Radical Right Wingers from entering the arena

did anyone storm the airport?

control the airports and you control the skies!

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