Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

“He threatened violence against protesters, endangered his supporters by flouting health recommendations and endured a 110-day, coronavirus-induced dry spell, but when President Trump finally stepped back onto his rally stage Saturday night in Tulsa, he saw a sea of blue seats.

The thousands of empty arena chairs, after his campaign had hyped overflow crowds and ticket requests totaling more than 1 million, symbolized the beleaguered state of

Trump’s presidency and of his quest to win a second term.

To a nation broken by a pandemic and a recession — and with a racial justice movement roiling communities across the country — Trump offered neither reconciliation nor rapprochement.

Instead, he put up a fight.”

It was Trump’s rhetoric of fear, hate, and division that rendered his ‘rally’ a failure.
If you say WAR IS BAD, you are personally attack and destroyed politically by the Dim fascists. Think about that.

You can’t say WAR IS BAD.

Only dumb assholes vote for a party that can’t admit war is bad.
" I would rather burn the country down, kill millions then act responsibly. "

you must be thinking about trump

since that IS his motto

do you wear that motto on your t-shirt?


I won't be doing either of those things....

I won't burn the country down and I won't kill millions.....


I'm sure you have your weapons ready for when YOU start killing millions of NON-trump supporters....

do you put the names of your intended victims on each bullet?

do you intend to put a notch on your gun for every decent person you murder?

is your preferred method of murdering people to
a. shoot them in the head
b. lynch them

are there any notches on your gun yet?
Poor little misguided undereducated. Why are you so set on violence and misguided loyalty?
Oh that's right the d behind the name.
Democrats have done everything they could to up the death count from the virus. They called Trump xenophobic when he tried to shut down air travel, walked the streets asking people to come join, put virus positive people in old folks homes, were forced to close schools.
They did everything they could to destroy the economy. They refused to allow people to buy seeds. They refused to let them reopen with mitigation measures in place. But they stood anointing those who looted and rioted with no measures in place.

Then you proudly proclaim that you hate others. That you will only vote for Biden because of the D.
Nice diversionary strawman argument to try to change the subject because once again, you ain't got nothing to support your BS.
You always miss the point I don't need to support that I could care about what you old farts sit around bored and claim is super..Asking a question doesn't constitute a burn of any kind.
You must have heard about the huge disappointment that was Trump's Tulsa really, but we now have a concrete idea of how big of a failure it was in terms of turnout:

Wow. From the cameras, I was guestimating 12,000 or so.
The President has learned that even his supporters take Covid more seriously than he does. I'm very glad. That was still big enough to be a super spreader event, but at least it wasn't 40,000 or 80,000 as the campaign predicted.
By booking tickets that they had no interest in claiming. Thus, others couldn't reserve those tickets.

Dirty, communist tactics which she celebrates. "Hey kid, you're doing great for your country (the Communist government of China). You don't know how to change a lightbulb and you're eating tidepods for youtube views, but you're as sharp as a pencil. Thank you for your service!"

Quite frankly, the fact that she attributes this to dumb young people makes me wonder if this wasn't much better coordinated. AOC has always been "peculiar" in her words and methods.
Don't forget voter fraud is a myth says the left they wouldn't stoop so low
You must have heard about the huge disappointment that was Trump's Tulsa really, but we now have a concrete idea of how big of a failure it was in terms of turnout:

All the far right on this board was crowing that a hundred thousand people will be there. LOL.

trump knew how many tickets were requested. He knew that there wouldn't even be enough people to fill the venue yet he went around saying 100 thousand people will be there. LOL.

He lied again.
It was sold out, don't tell us you didn't hear about the childish game the left played

lol.... you go with that. 'sold out' means cash was involved. who's gonna shell out money & not show up. i can't find anything that says the entrances were blocked by big bad protesters. only an intersection for a short while.

perhaps you can link some?
This is a fair point. This could become akin to the Communist Party sending in the Red Army to "watch" you as you go to the polls. Or, in fact, crowding polling stations and not allowing you to vote.

This could become much worse, and should be met with serious federal charges. A free and fair election is the most precious of National Security issues.

Take a look at what happened in the Alabama primary.

The biggest failures of the new equipment, occurred in minority neighbourhoods. The longest line ups are in poor neighbourhoods, with people waiting up to 6 hours to vote. Some people lined up early, before the polls opened, and didn't get to vote.

In 2018 in Kansas - the only* polling place for the poor minority voters was located outside the city limits, in an area with no public transit.

This is active voter suppression.
It was probably empty because the propaganda has had an effect...between the Scamdemic, NLM and ANTIFA most people don't want to deal with the bullshit.

However...check out Jo Biden's....I mean FFS! LOL!
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The head count was 6,611 rally goers.
In the "secured" section.
But..the outside rally got canceled.
"Several blocks away from the BOK Center was a festival-like atmosphere, with food vendors serving hot dogs and cold drinks and sidewalks lined with people selling various Trump regalia."

You know what?! Before recently, it was unheard of to harass somebody going to a political rally, especially to try and intimidate them. That's unacceptable shit in America.

I can see a couple quick jeers passing by, but to go and try and disrupt like that? Americans don't pull shit like that!

Is anybody trying to prevent people from attending Biden's rallies? No! What kind of asshole does things like that?
Did anybody ever try to physically impede someone from going to a Hillary rally? Of course not!

Either stand on the issues or fuck off. These jackasses will not intimidate Americans and it could backfire on them very badly.
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Don't forget voter fraud is a myth says the left they wouldn't stoop so low

The Democrats don't have to commit "voter fraud". They have the votes. The only way Republicans can stay in power is to supress the vote in poor and minority districts, and gerrymander their Congressional seats. Now that Democrats are reversing the gerrymandering, Republicans are becoming more and more desperate in trying to find ways to keep Democrats from voting.

Republicans have locked up every black and brown man they can possibly jail to deprive them of the vote for life, and now Democrats are getting these people their votes back. If Democrats are allowed to vote, Republicans cannot win.

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