Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Did you even read your link? According to your link, all Guard activity was downtown, non-violent and no protesters hindered anyone from entering the rally. Official Fire Department count is 6.200 people showed up for the rally.
Unlike you, I aggregate multiple sources for info then sort it all out.
According to my link, pepper balls were fired into the crowd. Now does that sound non-violent to you?
If you had the smarts you can pick out where the AP article contradicts itself within itself, so you know they're lying.
It's all written right there.
"The protesters blocked traffic in at least one intersection." "There was also an undercurrent of tension near the entrance to the secured area, where Trump supporters and opponents squared off. Several downtown businesses boarded up their windows as well to avoid any potential damage."
"When demonstrators approached a National Guard bus that got separated from its caravan, Tulsa police officers fired pepper balls to push back the crowd,"
The bolded is when they prevented people from entering and then the NG clomped in and cleared everybody out.

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His act is tired and weak. And people know it. I watched a lot of it on Fox and I have to say, it's the worst one he's held so far. At times, his heart didn't even appear to be into it. Even some of his new lines just fell flat. These are the only things people will remember. 120K+ dead, almost 20% unemployment, stoking racial division, and an administration mired in scandal from Day 1. But you supporters go on keeping hope alive. Right now, trying to rig an electoral victory by winning certain states is his only possibility. And even that ain't looking too good right now.
Sorry Trump it was not worth going to. Think of all the taxpayers money wasted on stupid Trump rallies over the last four years..
May be, it's clear that it had an effect. There hasn't been one rally of his that hasn't been full and with an overflow, we've all seen them. The MSM and his opponents were clearly impacting the rally, even forcing a date change (which could also have had an impact). It's what they will continue to do as their candidate is "in shelter" and the big money global donors and domestic China First rats work hard to prevent a re-election.

If I am Trump I hold a rally every week or two. Improve the system and work out the kinks now, keep his opponents on their toes and their communist, youth sympathizers busy trying to disrupt his support. Without question the fear of the virus, conveniently timed out of Communist China, has impacted peoples willingness to come out. Trump should meet it all head on with a constant barrage of rallies. At the very least, it will cost his opponents cash and effort trying to disrupt.

Even a half full stadium will look like a massive wave compared to a party keeping their leader away from the public. The additional fund raising will help also. He can't just give the West to the commies.
Great points. I agree.
How am I a Nazi? Do you even know what a Nazi is? Do you know how they act? What they do? They act like your protesters at a Trump Rally and BLM and Antifa who all support the DNC. And show me the picture of Trump talking to empty seats, don't just TELL me about it, asshole.
NAZI, racist, and fascist are just words these monkeys are taught to say. They don't know definitions.
Maybe he should know that Hitler hated faggots as much as Jews.

This means that half the protesters would be in line to greet an oven.
Trump doesn't have to improve the system. You - and AOC - have to understand it better.
What, the new system being created by the cratzi's ??? The old one worked good enough. No one needs to learn a new one, but the one that is undermining our old one now, uh it is that that one needs all eyes upon it if it is corrupting our old system that everyone understood.
And people wonder why I call them undereducated. I would rather burn the country down, kill millions then act responsibly.

" I would rather burn the country down, kill millions then act responsibly. "

you must be thinking about trump

since that IS his motto

do you wear that motto on your t-shirt?


I won't be doing either of those things....

I won't burn the country down and I won't kill millions.....


I'm sure you have your weapons ready for when YOU start killing millions of NON-trump supporters....

do you put the names of your intended victims on each bullet?

do you intend to put a notch on your gun for every decent person you murder?

is your preferred method of murdering people to
a. shoot them in the head
b. lynch them

are there any notches on your gun yet?
Sorry Trump it was not worth going to. Think of all the taxpayers money wasted on stupid Trump rallies over the last four years..
I believe he makes money really.

You certainly don't have your thinking cap on today Moonbeam. People pay to get in these things.
Dims are the most against free speech of any group I have ever seen.

No dissent. If you step out of line you are destroyed. They are fascists.

Tulsi says no more foreign regime change wars and Hillary calls her a RUSSIAN SPY! :auiqs.jpg:

How many left wing assholes on this site voted for HIllary? Many. Many voted for the bitch who claimed a war veteran is a Russian Spy, just because the war veteran said war is bad,
Did you even read your link? According to your link, all Guard activity was downtown, non-violent and no protesters hindered anyone from entering the rally. Official Fire Department count is 6.200 people showed up for the rally.

Sorry Trump it was not worth going to. Think of all the taxpayers money wasted on stupid Trump rallies over the last four years..
Well, he certainly was worth going to see and hear in 2016! But then, you wouldn't know that since you never saw him. But things were bad then. All kinds of idiots protesting trying to start fights. Harassment and such. You know, the usual leftist fascists. I wouldn't go now because I want to go to hear a campaign speech, not have bricks and bottle and liquid thrown at me by foul, cussing people screaming at me as if I was a baby killer because I'd like a CHOICE in my next election.

I suspect a lot of people will feel that way, stay home and let the Left pound their chest that they have driven Trump supporters away. They're proud of that sort of thing. Then they can get on media and brag that Trump support isn't what it once was, that he's gonna fail.

Then on Nov. 3, I'll pull the lever for him and reelect him and say FUCK YOU.

PS: When I think of wasted taxpayer money, I don't think of rallys offering me choice, I think of dead-ended Mueller and Impeachment investigations with a paucity of evidence.
Well, he certainly was worth going to see and hear in 2016! But then, you wouldn't know that since you never saw him. But things were bad then. All kinds of idiots protesting trying to start fights. Harassment and such. You know, the usual leftist fascists. I wouldn't go now because I want to go to hear a campaign speech, not have bricks and bottle and liquid thrown at me by foul, cussing people screaming at me as if I was a baby killer because I'd like a CHOICE in my next election.

I suspect a lot of people will feel that way, stay home and let the Left pound their chest that they have driven Trump supporters away. They're proud of that sort of thing. Then they can get on media and brag that Trump support isn't what it once was, that he's gonna fail.

Then on Nov. 3, I pull the lever for him and reelect him and say FUCK YOU.
Do you need to borrow my cell phone so you can call someone that cares?

quibling over fractions?

YOU and TRUMP CLAIMED that MILLIONS were buying tickets and preparing to BE THERE!

and THAT did not happen.

look at the fuking pictures;

You can't fit a million inside there, douche.

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