Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

this is awesome. after the documented coordinated troll bot attacks 4 years ago, trumptards are now whining about the trump campaign being trolled.
Well it needs to end, and it needs to end now. Russian interference they said ??? Ha the Russians can't hold a light to how bad we can screw up our own processes without their help or anyone else's these days.

The Russians were used, and they never had influence in our election's process, other than maybe some Russian American's deciding that they like conservatism, and therefore they voted in that way. Hey we don't mind the world liking one side of the coin or the other, just as long as the coin isn't fake (one sided on both sides), and the world isn't the one tossing the coin in the air for us to call as it hits the ground.
Biden is a politician, not a cult leader. He`ll never have thousands of fat dirty rednecks wanting to have his baby. See the difference Mikey? Biden isn`t campaigning because he doesn`t have to. He`s sitting back laughing his ass off at the Clorox swilling goobers.

" Biden is a politician, not a cult leader. He`ll never have thousands of fat dirty rednecks wanting to have his baby. See the difference Mikey? "


rally was not sabotaged. the campaign however was trolled into crowing about fantastic demand for orange hate fests and fed garbage data. bon appétit, maggots.
Sabotaged then. Good that can be fixed, and it should be fixed. Enough of the corruption already.
You must have heard about the huge disappointment that was Trump's Tulsa really, but we now have a concrete idea of how big of a failure it was in terms of turnout:

You should send them a gift because they lie just as well as you do. I watched the rally and did not see an empty seat. There is no way it was one-third full!
rally was not sabotaged. the campaign however was trolled into crowing about fantastic demand for orange hate fests and fed garbage data. bon appétit, maggots.

May be, it's clear that it had an effect. There hasn't been one rally of his that hasn't been full and with an overflow, we've all seen them. The MSM and his opponents were clearly impacting the rally, even forcing a date change (which could also have had an impact). It's what they will continue to do as their candidate is "in shelter" and the big money global donors and domestic China First rats work hard to prevent a re-election.

If I am Trump I hold a rally every week or two. Improve the system and work out the kinks now, keep his opponents on their toes and their communist, youth sympathizers busy trying to disrupt his support. Without question the fear of the virus, conveniently timed out of Communist China, has impacted peoples willingness to come out. Trump should meet it all head on with a constant barrage of rallies. At the very least, it will cost his opponents cash and effort trying to disrupt.

Even a half full stadium will look like a massive wave compared to a party keeping their leader away from the public. The additional fund raising will help also. He can't just give the West to the commies.
By booking tickets that they had no interest in claiming. Thus, others couldn't reserve those tickets.

Dirty, communist tactics which she celebrates. "Hey kid, you're doing great for your country (the Communist government of China). You don't know how to change a lightbulb and you're eating tidepods for youtube views, but you're as sharp as a pencil. Thank you for your service!"

Dirty communist tactis???? My how we are triggered today.

Compared to inviting the Russians to hack the DNC, and then using the stolen emails to
If some "teens" did buy up large blocs of tickets with no intention of attending, then they should be congratulated on admitting it.

Now the Trump campaign can study ways to prevent such sabotage in the future.

Nobody bought up "large blocks of tickets". The tickets were free, only individuals were allowed to register. There were no "blocks" of tickets reserved. This was the teenagers of America pranking and humiliating the President of the United States.

Bored kids, stuck at home in the epidemic with nothing but time on their hands, are now busily hacking the President's social media campaign. This is only the beginning.

Welcome to the revolution. This is the American people revolting against the Donald Trump presidency. You fools thought that the civil war would be fought with guns and bullets in the streets. That's not what's happening. The American people are taking back their nation from the police state the Republican Party has crafted over the past 40 years.

Twice, the American people have voted to end the status quo. Trump was elected to "drain the swamp", but Trump is the worst swamp creature ever. The American people, who really do believe in the Constitution and who refuse to put party over country, are revolting against this corrupt and lawless Administration which is sickening and killing Americans by the thousand.

This IS the revolution. It's just not happening the way the radicial right has been dreaming it would happen.
They both suck. Neither deserves our support at all. We've been thoroughly fucked again. Happy day!
Apparently leftist trolls were reserving places for the outside rally by the scores.
Also The National Guard had to clomp in like the goon squad and clear out violent protesters outside at the beginning and end of the rally. People that wanted to get in were denied access to a metal detector by protesters for a time.
Did you even read your link? According to your link, all Guard activity was downtown, non-violent and no protesters hindered anyone from entering the rally. Official Fire Department count is 6.200 people showed up for the rally.
Did you even read your link? According to your link, all Guard activity was downtown, non-violent and no protesters hindered anyone from entering the rally. Official Fire Department count is 6.200 people showed up for the rally.
I thought conservatives believed AOC was dumber than a sack of hammers.

They are, of course, correct. So why do they believer what AOC is saying is accurate?

Anyone can reserve tickets. If 100,000 tickets are reserved, 80,000 by teens and 20,000 by Trump supporters, if 20,000 Trump supporters come and 80,000 teens don't, all 20,000 Trump supporters get in.

This isn't hard people.

The fact is that the stadium was barely half full and the overflow crowd of 40,000 they were expecting amounted to 25.
Dirty communist tactis???? My how we are triggered today.

Compared to inviting the Russians to hack the DNC, and then using the stolen emails to

Nobody bought up "large blocks of tickets". The tickets were free, only individuals were allowed to register. There were no "blocks" of tickets reserved. This was the teenagers of America pranking and humiliating the President of the United States.

Bored kids, stuck at home in the epidemic with nothing but time on their hands, are now busily hacking the President's social media campaign. This is only the beginning.

Welcome to the revolution. This is the American people revolting against the Donald Trump presidency. You fools thought that the civil war would be fought with guns and bullets in the streets. That's not what's happening. The American people are taking back their nation from the police state the Republican Party has crafted over the past 40 years.

Twice, the American people have voted to end the status quo. Trump was elected to "drain the swamp", but Trump is the worst swamp creature ever. The American people, who really do believe in the Constitution and who refuse to put party over country, are revolting against this corrupt and lawless Administration which is sickening and killing Americans by the thousand.

This IS the revolution. It's just not happening the way the radicial right has been dreaming it would happen.

Naw, this wasn't just a few snotty nosed kids, this was coordinated much broader. Even if he just has to tell his supporters, "just go and show up. We will have big screens outside, food trucks available". Whatever. Let the alt-left liberty oppressors fail in their efforts.

Trump has to make it a more positive message. He has to keep it a movement and this means encouraging pro-Americans to come out in droves. Florida, Texas and other places would be an ideal place to follow and ensure liberty. If he calls them out in such a fashion, they will come out in droves again. He has to remain the "object of change and anti-establishment".

He also should start every campaign with the same, "where is Biden"? Do it everytime, ever rally, 2-3 times a month with increasing regularity as we get closer to the election.

Trump also simply has to improve the reserve system. The fact that AOC blamed it on such an effort leaves me to suspect it was something more. As I said, she has always been "peculiar" in my eyes. From her rapid rise and center stage to her policies and methods. She seems well funded...by whom exactly?
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So why did liberal faggots try to stop the rally because of the Rona virus if only 6000 attended? What was the point?
Naw, this wasn't just a few snotty nosed kids, this was coordinated much broader.

Trump simply has to improve the system. The fact that AOC blamed it on such an effort leaves me to suspect it was something more.

As I said, she has always been "peculiar" in my eyes. From her rapid rise and center stage to her policies and methods.

Trump doesn't have to improve the system. You - and AOC - have to understand it better.
YOU CAN SEE fat Donnie speaking to the empty blue seats in the background!!!!!
Trump Nazis are the worst liars!
How am I a Nazi? Do you even know what a Nazi is? Do you know how they act? What they do? They act like your protesters at a Trump Rally and BLM and Antifa who all support the DNC. And show me the picture of Trump talking to empty seats, don't just TELL me about it, asshole.
I see that you present ZERO evidence to support your claim, no even a link, shame on you....


Millions Watch Trump Campaign Kickoff Rally in Tulsa

Bronson Stocking
Posted: Jun 20, 2020


View attachment 353004

President Trump kicked off his re-election campaign on Saturday with a packed arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The president let loose on Joe Biden, the left-wing mob, and some of the more recent lies spouted by the liberal media.

"When the chips are down, Biden will always cave to the radical left. He'll always bow to the angry mob, and he will never protect you or your family," the president said. "Joe Biden will always let you down."

They'll say anything now.just blurt it out automatically.

I wonder how many plasma tv screens in America did not see sunlight in the room this morning.

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