Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Do you always shit yer pants because der fuhrer is going down the tubes with this one?
Frankly, I don't care. It's not like I'm INVESTED in who wins. If Biden wins, the nation will quickly see they've gained NOTHING.

AS to your shit fantasy deflections and strawman arguments of never answering a question or backing up a claim, that just goes to the point that you talk a lot, but say nothing, like all tards. I suppose that's why all the flies around your head.
I don't know if you can use this rally to gauge Orange Jesus's support.

Trump's base is mostly old fat people with health conditions, the same people most at risk from dying from COVID. Not all Trump supporters are dumb. So staying away from from a coronavius breeding ground rather than dying a month after you've seen your messiah is probably a better choice.
That is not true. I remember in 1996 I was at the track on election night. Off Track Betting. When the election was declared pretty early there were may 15 people around on of the TV's. All of them about my age now. They all cheered when Clinton was declared the winner. There is a belief instilled by Progs that Repubs are going to get rid of social security/medicare. And it is the Progs who will change it.
You can blow out a candle
But you can't blow out a fire
Once the flames begin to catch
The wind will blow it higher

Sitting at home, with nothing to do but watch the decline and fall of the American Empire, the people are fed up with the incompetence and the corruption. They want this President and his administration of hate and death, gone. This is a direct response to the failure of the Republican Senate to do their job and get this lawless jerk out of the White House, when they had the chance.

Instead, his total incompetence and failure of leadership in the corona virus pandemic has seen the USA become the epicentre of the world pandemic, with more than 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, and 1/4 of the deaths.

Americans are looking at the face that their police killed 1500 people in their custody last year. The USA has the highest rate of incarcertion in the world - 1 in 5 of all people in prison, are imprisoned in the USA.

40 years of Republican fiscal and social policies have left nearly half of American workers
broke, sick and unemployed, while the rich have gotten a whole lot richer. Republicans blame the illegal immigrants, and urban poor for America's problems in order to distract working Americans from the failures of their policies. Partisan divisions are being stoked, and the people have had enough.

They voted for change twice, and got more of the same. They're taking to the streets and it looks like they're not going to stop, until the swamp is drained.
This response shows a brainwashing on your behalf, because this thing goes far deeper than you can ever imagine, but you keep on being a good little cratzi.. It's your choice.
Frankly, I don't care. It's not like I'm INVESTED in who wins. If Biden wins, the nation will quickly see they've gained NOTHING.

AS to your shit fantasy deflections and strawman arguments of never answering a question or backing up a claim, that just goes to the point that you talk a lot, but say nothing, like all tards. I suppose that's why all the flies around your head.
I have zero invested in voting for either old fuck that are just tools to support state capitalism for the wealthy...If you was worth the time I would show proof yet you suck balls mister(especially Trumps).
Tulsi is an idiot with no knowledge of foreign policy. Just like Donald Trump. Trump's foreign policy has been very, very good for Russia. Tulsi's foreign policy positions would also benefit Russia. An isolationist America gives Putin a free hand. Ergo, by promoting isolationism, Tulsi is inadvertently promoting policies favourable to Russia.

Of course you support Trump so you falsely believe that Trump's foreign policy isn't fulfilling Putin's wildest dreams wish list so you won't believe what I've posted anyway.
Don't give up, we are here listening. Just calm down a bit. Be as rational as you can be, because you can catch more flies with honey than salt.
Show me in the Constitution where it is a requirement.
A four year term IMPLIES that it was assumed politicians CAME from the private sector at some point, served the people, then returned to whatever their real job was that supported them. Show me one founder who made it his life's career to be a politician for 51 years like Joe Biden?

Show me where it doesn't help having worked in the sector you intend to govern to understand it and was able to do so profitably, before expecting to run the US Federal government so?

It IS a requirement that a president be NATURAL BORN. Trump obviously is. Why did Obama fight so much to hide his birth, especially after SAYING he was a foreign aide student? He SAID it.
You know you are close to the target and damaging their bullshit narrative when left wing assholes start freaking out.

The more violent and anti free speech they get, the more you know you are a threat to them.

The more violent and anti free speech they get, the more you know you are a threat to them."

and you are PROUD of being a threat to me?

You threaten my rights
and my life!

you talk about DISSOLVING the democratic party and DEPORTING liberals and democrats

you agree with statements like

"the only good democrat is a DEAD democrat"
"leave only SOME liberals left alive"
"we should should a few liberals to let the rest know it can happen to them"

causing sane and rational people to FEAR your blood lust.....

and you think that is funny?

you are human fuking garbage
Just like yer strawman of Oblama never having a real job. Being a senator is a real job...
Being a senator is NOT a real job. YOU'RE SO FULL OF SHIT. He doesn't punch a clock, he doesn't have to be productive and his pay is not commensurate with his skill and production. Nor does he even answer to anyone. You're such a CROCK.
The more violent and anti free speech they get, the more you know you are a threat to them."

and you are PROUD of being a threat to me?

You threaten my rights
and my life!

you talk about DISSOLVING the democratic party and DEPORTING liberals and democrats

you agree with statements like

"the only good democrat is a DEAD democrat"
"leave only SOME liberals left alive"
"we should should a few liberals to let the rest know it can happen to them"

causing sane and rational people to FEAR your blood lust.....

and you think that is funny?

you are human fuking garbage
You're that fucktard that was here from DP before, stalking me and got banned for being a shitposter.

Trying to blow comments all kinds of out of proportion.

Oh! I'm threatened by text Oh! Jackass. Time to go, sockboi.
should people who look at that picture and say "wow! the arena is FULL to OVERFLOW!" be allowed to vote?

isn't this just more evidence that they are deluded and deranged?
They could have serious vision problems. I see one idiot here while they`re seeing tens of thousands.
..If you was worth the time I would show proof
The Old Tard Backdoor. I've heard that 50 times here. When they ain't got shit to back up a thing they say, they fall back on "you're not worth the time."

So who are you going to show your "proof" to, ball-licker, a Biden supporter? Your Aunt Maude?
You must have heard about the huge disappointment that was Trump's Tulsa really, but we now have a concrete idea of how big of a failure it was in terms of turnout:

If crowd size determines success then Biden is fucked.

This seems like a REALLY STUPID line of attack on Trump considering Bidens lack of enthusiasm
Wow. From the cameras, I was guestimating 12,000 or so.
The President has learned that even his supporters take Covid more seriously than he does. I'm very glad. That was still big enough to be a super spreader event, but at least it wasn't 40,000 or 80,000 as the campaign predicted.
If a significant number of Trump supporters stayed away because they believed the pandemic is real – and not a ‘hoax’ – then what other Trump lies are they not buying into.
The Democrats don't have to commit "voter fraud". They have the votes. The only way Republicans can stay in power is to supress the vote in poor and minority districts, and gerrymander their Congressional seats. Now that Democrats are reversing the gerrymandering, Republicans are becoming more and more desperate in trying to find ways to keep Democrats from voting.

Republicans have locked up every black and brown man they can possibly jail to deprive them of the vote for life, and now Democrats are getting these people their votes back. If Democrats are allowed to vote, Republicans cannot win.
Good grief. The TDS and RDS is strong in this one. Locked up all them innocent black folks to keep them from voting eh ???????? Do you even listen to your own deranged self sometimes ???? Oh and race baiting is better left up to the deplorable dixiecrats Joe Biden and crew, who are running around masquerading as our better choices in life.

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